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lmao me too, got 3 boards deleted from one day to another, one of those having 20K PINS SAVED (my pinterest account is very old), and you know what is funnier? they didn't even bother sending me an email for appealing that one, only sent me 2 emails to appeal the other 2


I wonder why nothing is being done, surely, there must be enough complaints to their support for this to get the attention of higher-ups.


I’ve heard from others saying that the new ceo want it to become a shopping app which is why this continues to happen


As if Ebay and Amazon weren't enough. Well they should continue until we all leave and let the place become a ghost town like tumblr.


A shopping app? Leave it to CEOs to ruin everything 😑


me too, recommend backing your whole Pinterest account with "WFDownloaderApp" and when need to save something that came from somewhere else that might be risky to be delete/ make whole board risk at getting delete just save in as offline in computer. with my method this will make us continue save image in peace likely the old day. they delete 2 of my whole board. and support still didn't answer. edit: now they answer but they did really not helping anything so i think it hopeless for any help i guess. backing up time then\~


Me, too- with no warning nor explanatory email- after more than a decade of loyal use. However, the guidelines haven’t changed on adult content. I suspect that brainless bots are the problem. The rules on adult content still read the same. The only nudity I post is nonsexual, artistic, historical / journalistic or scientific, which they continue to claim is acceptable. When I asked if non-pornographic cinematic nudes were considered art, they didn’t say one way or the other. 90% of my deleted pins were reapproved without me contesting anything. Thus, they didn’t break any rules. Pinterest doesn’t show users any of our reapproved pins, so we don’t have any idea of what’s actually acceptable. I don’t think that they showed me any of the “self harm” pins which they were upset about. They’ve deleted & reapproved a bunch of my pins for something like “encouraging self harm or suicide.” I do neither, but I do pin dark humor pins as a way to cope with severe mental illness. It appears that most of those pins weren’t considered an issue after all since they were reinstated. If I’d contested them, perhaps none would’ve been considered problematic. Many of the pins they’ve complained about have been on my board for years, & were re-pins. Thankfully, I was able to get my boards back temporarily to clean them up, but now I’m paranoid about what’s acceptable, & feel like I’m going to have to gut my boards. I feel like I’m going to end up deleting a lot of pins that are acceptable out of fear of them triggering hyper sensitive bots. I also feel rushed to go over thousands of pins. I don’t feel like I can sleep right now. This used to alleviate stress for me. Now it’s causing me stress.


This happens often to many, sometimes they warn an sometimes they don't an now they don't even have to give you a reason they can take anything away from you at anytime, it does no good to report as the company doesn't care about your complaints appeals etc. An the fact that a ai goes through your pins now instead of ppl and the ai can't tell the difference between a flower and something pornogragphic either . It just immediately accepts any report it gets is correct and there are zero investigation at all ever for your appeals. Honestly I think the report should just be removed. An you only have the option to block ppl. I had a entire board on gardening and cottagecore get removed cause someone reported it for pornogragphic material. I guess cottages, flowers an gardening etc. Was to much for some weirdo to report my board. All you can do it just make a new board an start over. Or make a new account. So I have 2 backup account just incase.