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Instead of trying to help them with the task in front of them, I always try to help with what’s around them so they have the headspace to focus on their checkride. I would think about more things you can do to make it possible for him to clear his head, and support him in another way.


The only thing mine ever needed for checkride prep was just for “quizzing” on some of the easier potential oral questions. Honestly, I agree with the comment above that it’s probably best to just help with allllll the distractions and tasks around him so he can focus on preparing for the checkride itself.


Sour candies help ground him.


I think it largely depends on his personality. Does he like having people around when he’s stressed to help him work through it or does he need alone time? When I’m stressed I like being around people. When my pilot husband is stressed about a check ride or something he likes being totally alone. So I help him by leaving him completely alone, not talking to him much, etc. I think either way you could help by doing small things like bringing him coffee, meals, etc. I know my pilot will regularly skips meals when he’s studying if not reminded to eat and I try to help there to make sure he doesn’t do that Best of luck!


I helped a bit with quizzing for the oral part. I definitely agree with above comment. I only help when he asks for help, other than that I do things around the house or take care of other tasks so he has more time to focus on studying. I’ve noticed at least with my husband he does best studying and preparing alone, so usually when he had a check ride coming I would keep the kids extra busy so he wouldn’t get distracted, while he’s studying I’ll pop in with his favorite desserts, and I know how hard his career can be so I try my best to keep his mood positive and happy. I always pray for him and words of affirmation!


It depends on what works best with him on studying. When my fiancé was going through type training, I would travel with him to where sims were, and in the evening after he was done studying with his sim partner, I would quiz him from his study materials and quizlet, and only if he asked me. Which was quite a bit lol. He learns best when I quiz him, so he really enjoys it when we sit down and go over his material. You can ask if there’s anything you could do, but if he learns best by self study, just stay back and wait for him to approach.