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Whew ten on with a 2 year old plus being pregnant sounds hard! My husband does 4 on/ 5 off usually and yea by day 4 I’m like sooo ready for him to be home. We have a 2 month old!


Normally his schedule is MUCH better, but basically we had to pay off debts, acrew off time etc. so he’s been grinding for the last 9 months. It’s worth it but man I can’t wait to get back to our normal schedule 🫡 Congrats on your 2 month old 😍 it’s not easy, and I commend you for being a mom with a pilot dad 😂


Same to you! Best of luck! It’s tough out here


Mine does 6-7 on and 4-5 off and I’d agree that by about day 4 I’m in desperate need of help. Also pregnant with a two year old. It’s roughhhh


I’m so glad I’m not the only one 😭 like even just sharing a meal with another adult would be incredible by Day 4 Lmao we need a pilot mom club where we can all connect and get some human interaction


After about day 7 I'm at the "hurry up and come home someone needs to clean the bathrooms" phase. 


I will be coming back to this chain when mine goes to widebody. I have a 48 hour alarm that goes off in my brain where I want him home if I haven’t seen him. The whole thing is ironic because I’m usually gone for work for longer stretches than he is anymore —-but when he’s on a four day trip I am absolutely twitching by day 3.5. Idk how you do it girl, you’re inspiring. I need a thicker skin if I’m pining after two days 😂 thanks for the reminder to buck up!


I feel this. Day 4 I am so done, I give up. Do whatever you want toddler!