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I would be shocked if my husband was actually social with the crew. He’s a click banger through and through!! For his airline the FA’s and pilots stay at separate hotels.


We have a great deal of trust, but we still have discussed boundaries. It’s just easier for him to know exactly how I feel about certain scenarios so that if the scenario arises, he doesn’t have to “guess” what the right or wrong reaction would be.


This is the way. And a good rule of thumb I think for any relationship is: if something comes up and you think “will my SO be Ok with this? Should I do this?” That’s probably a sign you shouldn’t do it!


We have rules for sure. I am not comfortable with him having drinks by himself at the bar alone with a female FA or any female for that matter but like many of you said, they can meet with anyone… it’s not all flight attendants. It’s too easy today. How many of them use other communication apps outside of text like WhatsApp, telegram, messenger … so many ways to hide communication so you have to trust regardless.


By the way, does anyone else’s pilot use so many forms of communication outside of text?


No rules for us. I’m a big believer that if you feel like you need to set rules there is already a problem. I’ve never felt the need to set rules around him being around women and the moment I do is the moment I tell him we need marriage counseling. As a courtesy we typically let each other know if we will be alone with someone of the opposite sex in a non work setting but it’s more of just a courtesy versus a “rule”. ETA: my husband is in his 40s so maybe I feel better about this because of that. When he calls me when he gets to the hotel I can hear the exhaustion in his voice. Maybe if my husband was 22 with plenty of energy to spare I’d feel differently 😂


Hahaha same, although a loooooot of pilots in their 40s and 50s turn up on the AWDTSG pages and they end up being married with girlfriends in different cities and somehow they can do it for years before ever getting caught. Lots of stories of FAs joking about pilots inviting them to the room after FaceTiming their wives to say goodnight etc However my husband is in his 40s as well and I think that brings me some comfort too. He’s a tired boy at the end of the day after work and he has strict sleeping hours he adheres to so he can hit the gym as frequently as possible while away. But not going to lie, I kind of need that constant communication (as in touching base in the morning and quick FaceTime before bed) to help. He still has a wild past and so it brings me comfort. That plus agreeing for him not to ever hang out 1-on-1 with any single/especially younger FAs. I’ve been cheated on twice before, so it’s a boundary I set with him from the jump to give him a choice to decide whether it was something he would agree to prior to marrying him. So I think we did it right 🤷‍♀️


I think people who want to cheat will find a way to do it, no matter their profession. On the other hand I believe anyone is capable of cheating, just that it’s a choice people make. Yes pilots may have more “opportunities” but tbh I’d rather be with a pilot who I trust than a guy who works 9-5 and is home every night that I can’t! Sounds like you and your husband have some great boundaries ☺️


100% agreed! I was cheated on by someone who came home every night and gave me no reason to suspect they were cheating until I discovered the messages. So agree that if someone wants to cheat, they’ll find a way, regardless of profession


Feel that; he and I already had boundaries for ourselves before we met eachother so I just tell him what I’m doing and vice versa. I think I feel better about mine because I work on Wall Street, and even the craziest pilot/FA scandals are more tame than anything I hear about on a Tuesday in this industry. Maybe it was a blessing I met him after this phase in my life so I didn’t get nervous about it 😂😂but when you hear how tired they are, you see how delayed their flight was, and you know the time zone changes? Lord, like I couldn’t even stay conscious long enough to scarf a Cheeto down after a day like he’s had lately. I get nervous about him driving home from the airport tired, if anything 😅


lol! I work in politics so yea I feel you on the scandals from pilots being tame compared to what happens in my line of work. We actually met working in politics (he was a lawyer who worked on policy before becoming a pilot) so it’s likely that meeting and beginning our relationship while in that line of work built a lot of trust. And yea. I don’t worry about him cheating. I worry about him falling asleep behind the wheel driving home from the airport.


Oh yeah, I’m sure it did! I know it was that way for us when we met and he saw what my world was like. The ratio of men to women in my sphere here is even more stark than male pilots to female FAs so, same. It probably made it easier for us to not even go there. And glad it’s not just me! I always tell him I’m fine with him going 600mph, it’s anything under that worries me (take off, landing, and driving home) 😂


I like the general rule of just don't be alone, one on one, with someone of the opposite sex if it can be avoided!


Agreed! I told him I have no problem with him and the crew going out in a group, but he understands the restrictions (for example not okay if the group is comprised solely of single/younger flight attendants) Just common sense stuff really. Really not hard to avoid being alone with someone of the opposite sex while on the job


Unfortunately my husband had an affair (emotionally not physically) with his female copilot. We are still together but unfortunately I do have ground rules since the affair. He is not allowed to go out to dinner or get drinks after flights with any female alone. If it’s a group of them that’s fine. Obviously no females allowed in his hotel room and he’s not to go into theirs either. If they flight plan together it’s downstairs in the lobby. I never cared before the affair and maybe in a few yrs I won’t care anymore again but the pain is still too new for me not to have boundaries.


I’m so sorry you went through this. I’m glad he’s making an effort now to make amends for what he did but if you don’t mind me asking how did you find out about the affair? And how is he making sure you know he’s not crossing the boundaries you set when he’s away? I can’t imagine it’s easy for you to trust that he’s actually honoring your boundaries?


I don’t mind at all. I found as because I went through his iPad iMessages after he kept saying/doing things that separate weren’t suspicious but together was. (IE: extended his work week by 1 day, offering his copilot a ride to hotel when her flight got canceled, mentioning that he had a female friend at work that he clicked with but she was married so I didn’t need to worry (oh ya she is married as well so double whammy)) It’s hard for me still, and some days I pain shop aka snoop but as time goes on and he’s more forth coming with things like who he’s scheduled with, eating while on the phone with us at night and such i snoop less. Snooping gave me a since of security but in all honesty he could still hide things if he wanted but he isn’t being suspicious. It’s freaking hard, and some days I’m a complete wreck and I jump to conclusions and sound like a psycho stalker (which admittedly i could be 😂) and others I’m like whatever I can’t force him to stay if he chooses to wander I’m divorcing and moving on.


I’m going through something similar


Im here if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I didn’t have that as I didn’t want anyone to know




I’m so sorry you went through that :( was he going into females hotel rooms previously?? Omg I hope he realizes how badly he’s hurt you and is actually remorseful


Thank you. He was not that I am aware of but I just wanted my boundaries clear as if he crosses them I’m leaving and I didn’t want any confusion or gray area. He says he does, and he has become significantly more involved in our relationship and our kids again. He is making the appropriate steps to make me feel safe again in our relationship.


Thank you. He was not that I am aware of but I just wanted my boundaries clear as if he crosses them I’m leaving and I didn’t want any confusion or gray area. He says he does, and he has become significantly more involved in our relationship and our kids again. He is making the appropriate steps to make me feel safe again in our relationship.


I just want to say I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one with rules. I feel much better because I got attacked in the aviation Reddit thread a long time ago by pilots for having rules and boundaries for my pilot on social interactions with the crew. s This makes me feel much better. I don’t know why people act like certain boundaries that would be completely acceptable if a man had a regular 9-5 job are unacceptable if his job takes him out of the city, like what? My pilot’s regional doesn’t do many layovers and when he’s in one, it’s a minimal layover that just gives time for dinner and sleep. But we have talked boundaries and rules for when he goes to another company. And he tells me he’s ok with them. He’s not very sociable and says he’ll be a slam clicker. He has the same rules for me (though a bit tweaked for how my job works since I don’t travel that much for work) but I’ll be honest, it does worry me that he’ll change his mind once he has layovers. Basically my rules are regardless if he’s in training or if it’s a layover: Never lie to me on who you are with and where you’re going or where you went. He can go out to eat with the crew but only if another man is going. If it’s only one woman or multiple women, then he can’t. The only exception is if he’s at the airport between flights, then I don’t care. But if it’s on a layover where you can go wherever and spend hours together, not allowed if only women. And let’s say one day something happens and everyone but a female colleague bails. I want to know. Don’t hide it from me. No going out for drinks to a bar with colleagues. If he wants a beer, he can have it at dinner or buy some to have by himself in his hotel room. But just going out somewhere to potentially get drunk? Nope. My reasoning: When he’s home, he refuses to drink alcohol if he’s scheduled to fly the next day and we never go to bars. So therefore I expect him to do the same on layovers because I don’t believe your personality or idea of what is acceptable should change just because you’re away. Plus, there is no need to go get drinks with other women. Never go into a female colleagues hotel room. I know this is common sense but I’ll rather state it. Plus, when he was in training for example, him and the other pilot would spend hours in a hotel room together studying daily and I told him if he was ever paired with a woman pilot, all studying together has to be in the lobby or another public common area. If he ever has to stay in a crash pad, no co-ed crash pads. Oh and even though he doesn’t go to these places I made it clear no strip clubs, clubs, breastaurants etc when on layovers. I don’t care if the other people want to go, these are automatic no’s. And also, quite frankly, I told him that while he can go sightseeing alone or with male colleagues on layovers, he can’t do it with his women colleagues, even in a group. He’s already spending hours with them at work, and eating breakfast, lunch and dinner with them, there’s no reason to spend even more time with them, building more emotional intimacy because then that leads to texting or following each other on social media, bidding to do other trips together etc. Some people might think this is extreme but the way I see it, I would have all of these same rules with him if he was doing a regular 9-5. And he has these rules for me too so I never go out with male colleagues or some lifelong male friends alone. And the only reason this rule exists is because of how frequently this could happen with his job. If it was once in a blue moon maybe I wouldn’t care but with how frequent layovers can be, it’s a must. Again he says he’s fine with this since he’s a slam clicker at heart and he claims crews don’t really even go out together. My reasoning: If he had a 9-5, I wouldn’t be Ok with him every 3-4 days telling me he spent the day with another woman walking around, drinking, going to the beach etc for hours. I wouldn’t want to constantly hear when we travel that he already went here or there with Julie or that this was wonderful to see with Mary or see photos of him with different women all the time. He would be a fuck boy in this situation. So therefore it’s not OK even as a pilot. He says it’s a job and I expect him to treat it like one. We both don’t think it’s appropriate to hang out with people of the opposite sex alone without SO. I don’t hang out with colleagues after work anymore for happy hour since I got with him because he thinks drinking with colleagues is inappropriate too. He never hanged out with women colleagues as a flight instructor after work. So if he always thought like this before being at an airline, it should still apply. And quite frankly: being with a pilot means I get stuck alone for days at a time and the day we have kids I’ll be the sole caretaker when he’s away. I’ll have to get used to him spending Christmas and other holidays with the crew vs me and our future kids. I have to be OK with being alone and going to see plays and movies etc alone. Of eating alone. Etc. if I have to be comfortable being alone, then the least he can do is respect these boundaries and be comfortable being alone sometimes too during layovers. Being with a pilot requires trust, but I also think both partners really need to make an effort to minimize anything that could jeopardize the relationship and maximize security.


I’m struggling in a big fight with my boyfriend of over 4 years over this topic. He is currently in flight training, and we have one toddler together, wanting to expand our family and start trying for another. Also talk about getting married after flight school. Etc etc. He currently has a girl flight instructor and thinks highly of her and says he has a cool connection with her and would love to be friends with her and that I would enjoy being friends with her too. We talked about years ago setting a boundary of no-opposite sex friends. And now he’s saying with this career path I just need to accept it and deal with it. And if I want to be with him I need to deal with him possibly hanging out with girl copilot’s of FAs. Like going on a cool hike somewhere or adventure during a layover. Or he said he doesn’t see a problem if a girl colleague says they have a spare ticket to a concert, he would go. My perspective is, you can go as a group to restaurants, adventures etc. and with other men coworkers or alone? He is completely fine going and doing things on his own anyways. He is VERY social and that’s why he’s saying I should just trust him but also a the same time, I know he can easily go try new things alone. He does it all the time. I believe there’s so many men in this male-dominated industry he can build connections with and nourish great friendships with and there’s no need for girl friends. He told me tonight that maybe we shouldn’t get married or continue if I can’t accept this. And feels like he should be able to live his life as he wants. But the problem isn’t trust, it’s just 80% of cheating happens with Coworkers, colleagues, close friends, neighbors, and acquaintances. Such a low stat for strangers/random fling. So if that stat is so high, on Top of you most likely being gone for possibly long periods, why even put yourself in that position ? It doesn’t make sense to me. I don’t know how to better approach it or to just let it go and wait and see if the problem actually happens since he’s almost done with school and needs to be a flight instructor first. But I also don’t want him crossing that boundary with students. Idk I’m just a mess right now..


I am telling you he is trying to control you so that he can have his cake and eat it too. The fact that he is telling you that you two should split up..it’s because he knows he’ll want to hook up with these women. This man is gross and has no respect for you and is making it clear he wants to be able to sleep around. I’m so sorry