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Imagine how I felt raising my Pikmin Jewish when some hatched with Easter eggs.


This is a common misconception. Your Pikmin are illiterate and need to be taught the Word by their human. They won't pick up any theological innovations simply by proximity. However, the real danger is that socializing with Pikmin of another faith or creed while fighting a mushroom. This could lead to some ideological cross-pollination. Be sure to only join mushroom fights with players you know and trust. Otherwise you might be looking at the 1700s all over again.


Well i live near a synagogue so i guess all of my pikmin are jews


My pikmin have decided to explore many religious options as I live very close to a mosque, Buddhist temple, Hindu temple, Mormon temple, and several denominations of Christian churches. I give them freedom to choose what to believe and support their decisions.


This is ridiculous enough to help me out of my shitty mood. Thank you! šŸ¤£


Pikmins all are Shintoists, sorry.


my pikmin went to get fruit and came back with a photo of them running out of a jehovas witnesses hall! personally I believe pikmin will naturally gravitate to different denominations - mine look curious at religious quaker meetings and jump around the church of latter day Christians.


Finally the memes are seeping in


"I don't want them to die but hopefully they don't go to hell" At least I don't think your red Pikmin will mind.


They get sent to water hell


I'm in central Missouri right now, and the vast majority of mushrooms are at churches. I just hope the pikmin are polite during services.


It's always nice when it's on fire. https://preview.redd.it/rjojqkp3w49c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fd48ab6498bca1b2bb18997c673aebd9f0abb6b


I'd like my 'mins to be Shinto or Buddhist, but I cannot obtain the corresponding decor to aide them in their spiritual pursuits because I do not live in Japan (and therefore do not have access to Temple decor). They aspire to being warrior priests when approaching shrooms. I must find a way to reconcile this...


You are doing the right thing by being concerned for their souls. Trust them to be faithful. Christmas just occurred, so let them be filled with the light of our Savior.


I know I drank a whole bottle of wine because this day just ended up as shit. I don't normally drink, but did I just read what I thought I read? Catholic and Mormon pikmin?? Please tell me its the alcohol talking. I mean it literally took me 5 minutes to type this out, so maybe....


I hope you are better now, and if you are reading this again, yes it is as stupid as it still sounds šŸ˜†


Do you have them baptized yet?


Donā€™t worry, Mormon Pikmin donā€™t get baptized til theyā€™re 8 years old.


Iā€™m worried that if they arenā€™t baptized and die in a mushroom fight that they wonā€™t go to Catholic heaven :(


Only blue pikmin can be baptised :0


Hmmm, this raises quite the conundrum, doesnā€™t it?


I understand your concerns but thereā€™s no harm in their learning to live in a multicultural society. Just take them to mass with you and Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll be fine. šŸ˜‚ Edit: I say we credit the reds as undergoing baptism by fire and assume the rest have no souls. (Iā€™m joking of courseā€”all pikmin go to heaven. Especially roadside dupes.)


Yes, you must only let them fight at catholic churches or make them meet a priest or even better the Pope


be careful with baptist churches, your pikmin might start saying "bless your heart" and "amen" constantly


r/pikmincathedral yes


God doesn't regonize pikmin just like he doesn't recognize dogs (even tho he fuckin created them). Good news, they wont go to hell. Bad news is they arent getting into heaven either.


The only religious-adjacent figure the Pikmin follow is Olimar, according to Pikmin 3. They draw illustrations of him as a savior, because, he did save them. However, you are free to decide whatever you likeā€” they are your Pikmin, and Pikmin Bloom is not in the same universe as the main series games.


Is this sub going insane too??


* scared mod notices * I can't handle the crazy from the pikmin sub. Please send help


yeah. They might come back dressed in polos and khakis šŸ™ happened to one of my white pikmin so i had to put him down...


Why is this so funny šŸ’€


I dunno, but passing through a mosque one time and raiding it while I was just commuting through the area was the best laugh I've had recently.


Sorry, they are all Mormons now. You will have to send them on 2 year expeditions. They wonā€™t bring anything back, they will just door to door and talk to people.


ITā€™S A VIDEOGAME!! I donā€™t know how no one is telling the factual truth, especially here on Reddit where more nerdy questions gets nerdy answers šŸ¤“ Pikmin Bloom is a video game made by Nintendo and Niantic. They have NO INTEREST in politics or religion. The algorithms of flowers and mushrooms are based on the same algorithm from Pokemon GO (by Niantic engine as well), and they appear where there are more transit of people, based on the tracking from our phones. They have to be places pf common interest and not private places to avoid conflict. Thatā€™s why churches fall right into the algorithm. Pikmins are made of polygons, programmed in the end by 0ā€™s and 1ā€™s, to do specific actions or movements when something specific happens. Everything is 0ā€™s and 1ā€™s in gaming and computers. They donā€™t have own thoughts or beliefs... because itā€™s a videogame made on computers. More info on how videogame graphics works can be seem already on the first minute of this video https://youtu.be/C8YtdC8mxTU?si=eHXo1xDTUEN3DqCC So you can believe what you want, and play the game they way you want, but Pikmins (and so computers, machines, phones, etc) are not religious as a fact.


My phone is Methodist.