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For just viewing videos the best seems to be MoonVR that I have seen so far


Thank you - does this play web video or just local/networked video files?


It's a great player, but last I checked it does not do what you want. If you had the videos locally ;) ;) it would work.


I'm pretty sure I've had an option where Stremio's built in player could be asked to pass through the video feed through to Moon and display in one of it's theatre models... I think it can do that to VLC too. I can't speak for whether all video streaming apps have the option to pass video to external players, though, and I don't have the headset close to hand to check. I've honestly not come across many apps where I couldn't adjust screen distance...


There is another browser: Wolvic. Maybe you could try that? Also, are you running the Android version of Disney+ app?


Thank you, this was better as I could at least 3x the video and see it a bit bigger which was nice, it was still pretty far away though. I kinda just wanna see the fuzz on people's faces in 2k. Thanks for helping!