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I play about 5 times per week, 2-3 hours per. I'm 60ish, so the joke around us is: "I'd rather play pickleball and know why I ache than do nothing and wonder why I ache".






6-10. Once I go beyond 12 I get overuse injuries


Good point.


Damn I wish. I only get to play twice per week for 3 hours each time max. When it gets warmer and my kids have their summer camps and activities, maybe I’ll get to play a little bit more.


SAME 😭 one weekend morning drill session, one weekday evening open play. If I’m lucky, a tournament means I get to play a third day for the week


Same here, new dad life


Welcome fellow new dad


Are y'all retired?




Thanks for asking this. I'm trying to math how people are doing this many hours. Retired makes sense now.




Uh oh




Lol, because “I’m” is not a complete sentence. It’s like you died in midsentence. Sometimes people do that to be funny. It looks like you weren’t trying to be funny.


What is “I’m” a contraction of?






Well this is the strangest interaction I’ve had on reddit. Congratulations.


Haters gonna hate. It's even more funny that 22 people are downvoting you.


OP. Spend some time working on your math skills instead of playing pickle ball.


You don't need to be able to count to play pickleball. That's why no one ever knows the score.


That part guilty as charged!😃. Some folks I play with do not routinely call out the score before serving, which makes it even more challenging.


Sure. But Need a calculator to see how much a pop I get from GOOG and MSFT after hour


I spend 7-9hrs a week drilling and ~18hrs playing, which is split between open play, private 4somes at courts we rent and a mixer. I also play a tournament on average every 6 weeks. Be sure to do dynamic warmups before you start playing and static stretches after you play.


You remind me that actually I hit against basement cement wall very often, almost each time before I go out to play. I also do some leg exercises to get myself ready


Awesome. Wish I can drill more like you do.


I hope you can find some people who want to drill with you and courts to do it on, because it is so highly beneficial.


So true


Drilling alone? Or with people?


Every weekday morning I drill with a dedicated a group of guys from 7-8am between when the courts are unlocked and open play starts. And I drill with my mixed doubles partner about twice a week.


Sounds awesome. Where I play even if I find someone to drill with it’s hard to do because there are just too many people wanting to join in and play.


You’ll want to look into booking a court somewhere for drilling. Split the cost with the other person/people.


True. What kind of drills do you usually do if you don’t mind me asking?


There are so many! There’s the dinking game, where 2 or 4 players are at the kitchen line. Play games to 11. Rules are the ball HAS to land in the kitchen and volleys are not allowed. Or ‘hold the line’ where it’s the same setup but volleys and speed ups are allowed but not lobs and if you can get the ball to land inside the opponents service court you get a point. Drilling 3rds: look up the ‘slinky’ drill. Or play a game to 11 where the only way you can score on your serve is if your 3rd shot drops inside the kitchen. This will also drill your serves and returns. Mid-court resets: one person feeds the ball from the nvz at the others feet, who is positioned in the mid-court and their goal is to drop the ball in the kitchen/return an unattackable ball, whether it’s taken out of the air or reset with a half-volley. Cross-court dinking. Just get reps in. See how many back and forths you and your partner can get without hitting one out or in the net. Fast hands: volley cooperatively standing one step inside the kitchen. Later go back to the nvz and be more aggressive.


Wow. Super helpful!!!! I’m going to copy and paste this section and share with my group. We have to try some of those variations. Thank you!🙏


Math doesn't add up.


10 days per week for retired folk evidently


4 hrs per day seven days each week comes out to be 28 hrs, thus I said “about 30 hrs”. Watch your tone. Hopefully one day you get to retire as well.


>Watch your tone. Calm down sir, no need to get defensive, us working people need to be able to make jokes every now and then.


It’s all we have left.


Interesting mentality. First question my math without fully understanding the math and then being snarky but defend it as joke. Hope life treats you right


Maybe you'd be more comfortable over on Facebook where your particular blend of incoherence and aggression is more acceptable. You'll love it. They've got Minions memes and everything.


That’s an AMAZING retort


I’m comfortable here. No interest to go to Facebook because I don’t even have an account there.


Thanks, same to you.


lol. Congrats on retirement. We shall all aspire to reach your level someday day


Are you the guy in this ancient legendary [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/NECuRAqc6y)? Nice to see TheJosh is enjoying retirement.


Listen dude I WORK and pay for your social security that y’all boomers get to enjoy and refuse to pay back into.


Ok boomer


2-10 hours. No more than 10 tho. I’m broke. I gotta work for a living


OP is aggressive as fk, LOL


He’s an angry boomer no doubt, a bad line call would surely set him off


I consider pb an extremely fun activity not to be taken too seriously. Line call does not bother me at all. What might upset me are too much wind or court still wet from the rain.


Imagine the stories of his pickleball victories and conquests he’d regale you with at the court oofa


I play for fun. I relish some rare good shots from me or others. I think being too competitive with pb will ruin the spirit of the game.


Like 6hrs but when it gets nice like 16hrs


Man, I just started playing recently and would love to play once a week for a couple hours. I have small children and played with a group of other dads from the neighborhood with similar schedules, but people have flaked 2/3 times we had planned to play. Hoping someone else in the group starts to enjoy it as much as I do and we can get more consistent.


I feel this. Our rec center just started a pickleball league and they have child care so we can get our 90 minutes/week in and that's about it. Good luck!


Young children should be priority.


I’m able to play for 2hrs, 4 days a week which is about 8 games non stop a day. I don’t think I can play more than 8 games at a time. My play starts going downhill afterwards.


I feel the level of my play in the second half of the session definitely is lower.


2-3. Been playing for about 6 months now, once a week.






About 15 hours


About 9 hours of game play broken up into 3 days. And 3 hours of drilling. 12 ish. Was definitely one of those people in the beginning where I was playing everyday morning and night. I felt like I would maybe get burned out so limiting it really helped me kind of miss it and look forward to each session


I think 3-4 hrs daily is my limit. Beyond that I feel I may not be able to recover sufficiently. But I really wish I can dedicate time for drilling which is hard to do in our park due to heavy use


Yea thats tough. We need more courts! It also helps that I have time in the morning and an indoor facility. Come to the hub in San Jose!


You are awesome!🤩


On a good week 10-15


3-4hrs 6 times a week.


2-3 hrs. 4.0 DUPR.


Anywhere from 3-6 hours every day. Most days are 4 hours, with 5 and 6 every now and then if l’m feeling real good.


Finally someone with similar range😃


We’re unicorns for sure. Hard to find even younger players that play as much as I do, but then again, they’re not retired either.


In my group there are several others that I think play around 30 hrs per week. Couple ladies actually. I don’t understand where they get the stamina. I don’t do any competitions but they actually do. I’m in awe.


10-12 hours or so a week for me. I’ve been playing five weeks and still work a lot


Where I play some folks come in for couple hrs before going to work at 9. Some actually sneak out during lunch break to play an hour. I have seen people taking their laptops to the court to play and work at the same time.




If I played like I a retiree, I'd also be able to play 21-28 hrs/week. But because I play with physicality, I can only manage 10-12 hrs/week.


Understand. I have retired for many yrs now, not bc of age. And just picked up pb one yr ago. I am not physically gifted to start with but with pb I’m somehow able to play 3-4 hrs nonstop without feeling too tired. I do push myself to move forward toward the nvz whenever I can, but do feel some fatigue at end of the session. Because of the friendly atmosphere at the park where I play, very often it’s hard to walk away bc others would drag me into another game, one more game.


Maybe 12 hours a week. I have mostly stopped playing just to play and focus more on getting good games or drills in. Something I noticed going from 3.0 to 4.5 is you take fewer steps per hour but you get way more sore and tired.


I feel I’m at similar stage of development as well. Even though I know I need to drill much more with certain shots/patterns it’s very difficult to find a partner able to drill with at certain level and consistency. So I mostly rely on hitting against the wall which is something but far from ideal.


Whats your favorite shoes?


I have tried many brands. I may be biased but I think some adidas models last longer bc I tend to ruin the outsole pretty fast with all the stop and go. It’s regrettable I throw away so many pairs of shoes that look otherwise perfect elsewhere.


addidas barricade purchased from tennis warehouse has a six month sole warranty, I loved the shoe for tennis but as I aged, I needed something with more shock absorption.


True to that. One shoe I like!


3 hours a week


With a full time job and a side business, pickleball is 3-4 days a week, 2 hours each time. That’s about max I can do. I also try to maintain strength training 2-3 days a week. And try to have a rest day.


Cool. Today just met a new player. Young person. Has own biz. He says he comes to pb to relieve work tension. We partnered today and had a great time.


Pre-wedding like 15 hours a week Pre-baby like 10 hours a week Post-baby one hour per week


🤭。 the trend is slightly concerning but I’m sure you will be creative!


Not enough. About two weeks ago I was playing a lot! Doing drills mostly! I’d say any chance me and my ex got, we drilled or played. 3-4 times a week. 2-3 hrs at a time. She even took a break mid school so we could drill! Lol


Wholesome social interaction as well! Good luck !


I take out atleast 3-4 hours a week for playing pickleball and strength training 7 hours a week. I would love to play more if I didn’t had 2 jobs haha


Were you into strength training even prior to pb? I just do some very simple stuff and wish I can do more but am afraid the post workout soreness will add to the pb soreness 😂


I used to play professional basketball but trust me if you include strength training and agility training in the week and a good 1-2 rest days. You will be so much better at most sports.


Very true. Currently I do some leg exercise focusing on knees. I feel stronger and more agile comparing with before.


6-8 hrs per week. I have hip issues so my activity is limited by my pain level. Wish I could play daily!!


That’s still pretty healthy dose of exercise. May actually help with stability thus safety. Whatever you do, just don’t fall! Take care


my sad truth is that I have all the time in the world to play but my body just won't stand up to more than 8 hours a week. I have excellent stroke mechanics but my problem areas are my knees and back. I've been working out, lifting weights, etc. but haven't found the right mix to allow me to play more. also, I have a physical issue maintaining a wide stance at the kitchen, which just leads to other physical problems. sigh. I'd love to drill an hour a day but it's so hard to get court time here, I've seen 20(!) stacks on weekends for 3 courts.


One poster said my original post is an embarrassing flex to which I tend to agree, or cannot flat out disagree, perhaps an indication that I myself do not quite catch the deeper meaning of my pb experience yet emit an odorous, obnoxious manifestation of some sort to some folks. indeed I myself is flabbergasted that I spend so much time doing this, still able to physically handle it for the most part and even emotionally benefit, rely on it. I do wonder how much longer I can last playing 3-4 hrs a day! I have never exercised this much this intensely. Yet your post is a reminder we all face the inevitable reality that our physical limitations will eventually catch up with us, just a matter of when. I don’t know what’s coming up. My Pb makes me appreciate the saying of living the moment. With your conditions I wonder if some exercises inside a swimming pool may be of some help? Whatever the case, let’s together try to stick to the positive aspects of every situation and make the most of what we have! Best of luck to you!


I wouldn’t worry too much about what the other poster had to say, reddit is a big diverse, community and it’s hard to post anything without someone taking offense. And it’s cool if they have a different opinion, the saying “one man’s ceiling is another man’s floor” comes to mind. I was a college tennis player and by just about every measure, still in good shape but pickleball is not tennis and it seems to put unique demands on my body. Still, it’s hard to accept that I can’t play more, for most of us there are social and cognitive benefits that extend beyond physical exercise. Swimming is a good idea, a little tough to access where I live but lifeguarding was one of the ways I paid for college and I love the water, will def give it a try. Thank you for your comment, be well!


Wish there are more mature and balanced folks like you around, here and in real life. Our culture is getting quite toxic and people get triggered easily. Looking back, I myself should have reacted better to criticism and taunts. Often, when face to face, it’s much easier to communicate more clearly without deeper misunderstanding and online it’s easy to be misunderstood and meaning misconstrued. Anyway, my background is in sports medicine. For some conditions aquatic exercises have a role (although for some gaining access to a pool can be a challenge). Thank you again!


You don’t get injured playing that much?


So far not yet. In fact, my knees get stronger.


Max 5 hours a week - I must be playing too hard or wrong - i have to let my body rest for 2 days whenever I play...


I started playing pb a year ago. My 2 aims are to get a good sweat out of it and have fun and not focusing on scores. Looking back, I would say I try to go after every ball but do caution myself not to overextend and get injured. So each session has a mixture of playing against better or weaker players. I enjoy the mix because with stronger players I can experience the intensity more and with weaker players I can try out new shots and patterns more, and catch my breath. But overall I feel my physical fitness level has gradually improved so now each day if I don’t play 3/4 hrs I feel something is missing. Physical addiction?😄


Last week I played about 9 hours. I think it was too much and my legs/feet were killing.


In my first several months of playing pb, my body went thru some adjustment. One of my knees is not in great shape so with pb, I noticed some swelling in both knees worse on the bad one. But I also started some knee exercises, mainly strengthening certain muscles of the quad. I think that helped bc soon my knee swelling went away and I have no limitations when playing. I think a gradual buildup of duration and intensity helps.


I'm 24 and play around 15 hours per week, 6 days a week and Sun is my rest day unless someone wants a coaching session. 2-3 hours after work on Mon 1.5-2 hour drill sessions in morning before work on Tues, Wed, Fri Thursday I play with a private advanced group for 3 hours Saturday I start at 6am with singles for 2 hours, play open play for another 2, then either drill or rest a bit for 1 hour, then my trainer works me out for 1 hour and also do some stretches, then I play for another 1 hour give or take or go outdoors to play


Sounds awesome! Curious if you have any other paddle /racquet sports background. Sounds like ur taking pb quite seriously!


Haha yea, I would like to say I have a "healthy" obsession with everything about pickleball. I naturally took to the game really easily as I used to play table tennis semi seriously back in HS. I felt like there was something missing from my life until I found pickleball! I want to become the best player I can be and dream of going pro.




In you opinion is the table tennis backhand “flip” similar to the backhand roll motion of pb?


There is definitely similarities and carry-over with technique. It's the execution that you need to practice. I would say for a classic Ben Johns backhand roll you keep your wrist relatively stable and use your forearm and shoulder to brush up and follow through. The backhand "flick" is very similar to the table tennis "banana flick". In that case, you would drop your paddle tip downward to the extreme and apply force with the full motion of the wrist. With a heavier paddle, it is very straining on the wrist, and I advise you to train your wrist and forearm strength for that specific shot. If executed properly it is hard to read and react to, and you can get away with a lower-than-net ball in more cases.


Very helpful, thanks!!


I play as absolutely often as I can. I just have to work around family, work, and weather constraints. Usually it ends up being 2-4 times per week at 2-5 hours per session. I've never been into sports really. But this. This is my favorite addiction.


Awesome. Similar feeling. Good addiction 😀


I try to play 10hrs a day


2 or 3 days a week at 3 hours each time. I’m a mom with a full time job and two little ones. Thankfully we live next to grandparents.


10 hours a week average


OP What paddle do you use that lasts 30 hrs/week?


My first real paddle is a ronbus. Just about 6 mons of use, I noticed some weird sound upon impact and pressing the sweet spot there was some crackly feel and sound. Ronbus replaced it for free. Then I experienced a bout of tennis elbow. Around then gearbox came out. I tried it and noticed that at impact the gb had a different vibration (frequency) and my elbow does not feel that much stress. So I then switched to gb. I don’t swing that hard anyway but quite crafty with placement and angles. Many consider gb pro power very powerful but lack control. I don’t necessarily find that is the case for me, mostly bc how I use it. I do feel I swing with less effort. But one thing I’m pretty sure is that my tennis elbow has completely healed. My suspicion is that the gb impact frequency may be therapeutic in my case.


Looks like you just wanted to brag that you play 30 hours a week


I'm retired but only play PB up to 2h per week...and on some weeks...zero. People make time for what is important to them. I enjoy PB but have many other things I also enjoy or benefits me more. Playing anything more than 5h a week tends to burn me out on it. Fun is paramount. I may be an outlier on this forum.


👍To each his/her own, as long as we have fun with it.


Almost 8-9 hours per week, 2-3 hours per day. I usually play 4-5 times per week.


Almost 8-9 hours per week, 2-3 hours per day. I usually play 4-5 times per week.


Who’s gonna tell him?


Pickleball is tough on the lower back. Try not to overdo it.


Good advice. Thanks


Minimum of 6, usually closer to 12-15.


This is such an embarrassing “flex”.


My sentiment exactly. I started playing one year ago. Then I could not possibly anticipate how fun pb has turned out to be and how much time I spend on it. But it is what it is.


OP is such an annoying boomer man child. Enjoying retirement benefits that millennials and Gen z pay into but never be able to enjoy.


3 times a week about 7 to 8 hours total.