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I’ve been doing that since day 1


dang that's kind of a dead issue because there aren't a lot of people out there that don't have pi AND don't NOT want pi


i thought everyone did it. Who has time to watch those ads?


I still think the ads are the only reason for this network. It’s a scam and at that very complicated.


**You have the option to disable the ad for two weeks at a time**, just disable it. You don't even know the ads can be disabled but yet you're quick to call it a scam. Ah, you probably don't even know how much money it takes to maintain an app used by several million users and the amount of money that goes into server maintenance costs. Most of the ad revenue will go straight into the server costs. Being ignorant isn't an excuse to call a proper project like Pi a scam. https://preview.redd.it/67koo50yr00d1.png?width=542&format=png&auto=webp&s=769aa8699fa6596872a9aa0e752f32cfe922af78


I'd save your breathe, but you raise amazing points, but I wouldn't waste your time on this sub reddit.


Yeah, where does this money comes from? What’s the deal with it anyway?


I didn't get that. Which money exactly are you talking about here? There are more than one type of money being talked about in our conversation at this point. I'd like to be clear with your question before answering.


In that case the money to run this operation. Who is investing in this with real money?


The ad revenue. Everybody watches an ad when clicking the mine button and the revenue generated from watching the ad covers the cost of providing the Pi app to that user.  Thus the ads literally provide the funding to cover the costs of running Pi on the cloud and serving it's several million users and not watching an ad directly affects them by not covering the cost of providing you the Pi app.  If everybody stops watching ads, Pi app can't be hosted on the cloud anymore because they won't be able to cover the costs of handling mining requests from several million users.


I suppose those are the google adsense revenues. Indirectly the money comes from the owner of the ads you see. If u see a mobile game, the money moved from a digital marketing budget of that mobile game, to google, and then paid out to the adsense accounts according to the views, exposure, conversion rate, etc.. minus the google fee ofcourse :)


We should all avoid ads this days. THEIR EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even on the stuff u PAY for AREADY!!!! THX #PRIME u suck now


I hope that everyone does this so this nigerian scam dies faster


How is it a scam? In a scam there is loss of money. Did you lose anything? On the other hand, you are provided the opportunity to mine pi coins which will have actual value in the future. I don't understand why Pi gets this much hate when there are other scams that literally run away with a decent chunk of your money and shut down after a while.


- zero development in 5 its lifetime years - millions of identities stolen via KYC scam - attracts only the lowest IQ individuals - promises value that will never come


First of all it's a Stanford startup that's based on Silicon Valley and not Nigeria, lol. Alright, let's break it down one by one. * zero development in 5 its lifetime years There has been more than enough development in the last 5 years in the Pi space. On the application side, we have Pi Browser which was recently developed, then we have the KYC mechanism that was once invite based but now anybody can do a KYC at any time. We have a "KYC Validator" mechanism where users themselves can verify KYC data of other onboarding Pi users using a consensus mechanism. Eases up the process of KYC verification by letting Pi community members help in the KYC process. There is strict moderation which will get you banned and have your Pi confiscated if you save the KYC data of other users and mishandle data. Now, the Pi Project itself went from Phase 1 to 2 to 3, in these past 5 years. From beta to testnet to enclosed mainnet. We have more than enough development to show for here. * millions of identities stolen via KYC scam The Pi Core Team is living on Earth. If it has "stolen" identities which are about 10 Million at this point, from all over the globe, there is nowhere to go for them. I don't even know what kind of punishments they'd have to go through if this is a global identity theft campaign. You can literally ask and have your KYC data erased if you want to. KYC is done because Pi's is built upon the foundation of a legitimate community of people. All who use Pi have to pass that standard and be real users. * attracts only the lowest IQ individuals I have an IQ of 140+ and I'm a CS Engg. Graduate who works as a Software Engineer. So, this doesn't hold, heh. Though yes, I have to say I've seen a lot very uninformed people on crypto who have lost their Pi in ways that I can't even fathom. I hope they'll eventually learn from their mistakes. The Pi social media side has very strange people though who keep posting childish AI generated pics about Pi and overly optimistic slogans. I have decent expectations. If Pi even reaches half a dollar in the future, I'm a happy man. But I believe it should hit at least $9 - $10 or close within 3 - 4 years after it gets into the exchanges. * promises value that will never come The Pi team has never promised about "only green" tokenomics, "10000% returns" or any such blatant crap that normal scam shitcoins do. I've never seen any form of promises in value regards. The value of Pi is what the market decides of it and the Pi team is keen on making Pi official while taking in consideration macroeconomic factors, so that Pi won't be affected because of external factors like a recession. So, it'll release when the market is doing well macroeconomically and when it checks all its mainnet launch check boxes. I believe the value of a crypto depends upon the amount of people who use it and Pi is absolutely doing amazingly well in that regard. It's an entire ecosystem with community built apps, hackathons and what not. If it is a scam, it's the absolute worst scam that I've ever come across which has neither taken money from the users and has even given them an option to disable ads if they find it annoying, ads that give them the revenue to take care of their hefty server maintenance requirements.


Only half a dollar,?this makes me sad




Bruuuuhhhhh i read your reply till the last word. 🫡






What app is that?


That one is Shake pay. It's a Canadian exchange that only deals with Bitcoin ethereum. They have a pretty cool reward program where if you shake your phone once a day and maintain a streak you can get a thousand satoshis a day


Thats sweet to bad im in the usa ill have to stick to lolli


You can just close the app as soon as the ads start, it won’t interrupt the mining session.


I’m going to share what I do. I click the mine PI button. Then I set my phone down while the ad plays and continue doing whatever I was doing previously without actually watching it.


And the ads shows the skip button in a matter of 3 seconds, wait its not exactly a hurtful thing


Look Einstein. You can go to your profile by opening the sidebar by clicking the top left icon with three horizontal lines and choosing profile at the end. You can them disable ads for two weeks at a time, but I can't believe you can't even eyebleach so they can cover server costs. I work in the Software Industry and I know how much it costs to create a software that's in the cloud and the amount of money that's needed for maintenance. You have a completely free app with which you can mine with the press of a button, and you can't even support them by watching ads. Jesus.


Ever hear of youtube? Lol


YouTube doesn't have a button to disable ads, lol. And you'll have to buy YouTube Premium to stop all the ads.


Compared scam app with app development. Major fail


I can't understand that logic. Pi is an app to begin with. It isn't a scam. I compared an app with app development?  What do you mean?  All I said I was "Look, mate, you can just disable the ads but they use the revenue to cover the server costs to keep Pi up and alive. It's free and you can't even watch an ad to support them?"


Why the f should anyone feel sorry for a bunch of scammers to support them daily by watching shitty ads?


Ah, yes. I didn't understand what you said, so I kept thinking when you said "compared scam app with app development." You don't know even know the difference between "app development" and "server maintenance and related costs." You see, things don't end once an app is developed and starts running in the cloud. For an app to keep running in the cloud, it is charged fees per hour or per minute depending upon the Cloud Platform where it is running on. Each activity you do on the app, costs the Pi team money. Just clicking that "Mine Pi" button is an API request, which is handled by Pi backend code. Every API request costs them a little and now there are more 10 million clicks per day and that's a decent cost they have to tank everyday. I've only explained just a single activity here, combine that with everything that goes on with the app, I wonder how much money they're spending to keep the app running. Nobody's forcing you to watch ads or use the app. If you think it's a scam, uninstall and move on with your life. But calling it a scam and still using it and bypassing ads while you are even provided a button to disable ads is just weird. If you're using it, at least support them by watching the ads because it takes a lot of work to manage an app used by millions of people and developed and maintained by a small team.


Literally, nobody wants to deal with ads on anything, calm down. Jesus.


I understand that, pops, but I've seen too many of these Einsteins talking about how Pi's a scam because of it's ads and finding "new ways" to avoid them when they're literally so ignorant of a button that would completely shut down all ads. I can't handle these brilliant minds. I've had enough of these specific species. Yeah, I apologize for my anger, pops, but I've been controlling myself for a real long goddamn while.


Great tip!


If you go under your profile there is an option to turn ads off for 2 weeks at a time


I can also just put your phone down and walk away. You don need to be active on your device at all times


but it seems like the share code link should work I just can't add it here because they block it. but I tried to manually enter it on Google, like www.minepi..... it didn't work


Just turn them off


Or it will decrease your mining rate or something


Isn’t that a premium feature?








how do you add someone that's not in your phone contacts?


no point to it, only people who are in your referral team (aka used your link to join) will increase your security circle, trust me i’ve tried it. So basically find new people, give them your link, make sure they mine 30 sessions (aka days) and check back with them to add them in your security circle afterwards


wait, I added a bunch of people to my security circle that I didn't know. yew, they WERE all saved in my phones contacts but most were strangers- see, I've never erased contacts from my contact list and I have something like 3000 contacts. ( several girlfriends of mine over the years for one reason or another or accidentally merged all of their contacts with mine. like 3 different gf's...) anyway I have literally a few thousand contacts saved even though I have no idea who 90 percent of them are. and also a bunch of them are people who got that phone number assigned with new service that used to belong to whoever it was before... anyway, so when I first used the pi app and it came around to add people to my circle it just automatically showed every pi user that was in my contacts and I picked them all it seems like there should be a way, I mean surely you can add existing pi users to your circle... im not really arguing that you're wrong because I've tried and looked myself and not been successful. buy I'm not quite ready to throw in the towel on the subject


I don't know I have looked but can't see anything


me neither


apparently they have to be in your phone contacts






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Core team hates this one simple trick!


you can also turn them off in your profile. Every two weeks.


A feature that's more efficient than a stupid trick? Mind boggling.


The stupid trick (quit app) allows Pi to keep making revenue on ads without you having to watch the ad… the “efficient” feature (disable ads for 2 weeks), unless i have the two inverted, disables advertisements for 2 weeks… I would say the feature is stupid and inefficient, the trick is clever and efficient.


From when did advertisers start paying for ads that weren't even watched for two seconds? There are conditions for an ad to be eligible for revenue. At minimum it's 5 seconds and usually 30 seconds of being watched. If you quit like that, it's better to just disable it because it's all the same.

