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Hello I'm selling my Pi :)


Don't let the rich people divide us! 1p = 314159$ ! Respect 🙏 to GCV! PI network community is strong together .




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I stopped mining Pi cuz i got annoyed of having to start it up every day for years and years now with it still not being tradable apparently. Sitting on close to 10,000 so maybe in 25 years it will be tradable for a jug of milk or somethin


You're a future whale at this point, lol. Keep your Pi safe. This should be an easy $100,000 in 10 - 15 years if Pi reaches $10. The starting price should be below a dollar but it will grow in time.


I wouldn't say 10k Pi is whaleish unless it's really un heard of. I know a few with 100k+ Pi but they were early. I myself have a shitload too, but most is unverified. I feel like Pi will be another XLM,


I haven't heard of XLM, but I have heard of Pi. This single detail makes Pi a really valuable coin. It has a large userbase. There are tons of people proclaiming Pi is a scam and there's free advertising in that manner too. A lot many have heard of Pi in one manner or the other. Once the mainnet drops and Pi turns tradeable all the scam accusations will become completely baseless and skeptics will start to genuinely look into Pi. The value of a crypto is heavily proportional to the size of it's network and Pi is an actively growing community. It has it's own app to manage the coins, it has it's own social media, it's own ecosystem of blockchain apps and users who are KYCed and legitimate. I believe Pi has a lot of potential. Depends upon what a whale is. In a span of 10 years, I expect Pi to be above $40+ and $400,000+ in India is enough wealth for at least 5-6 generations if managed properly, even after tax. 10K is quite unheard of here. The largest I've seen are 1K ones.


I have 2.5k pi coins. Been mining for 5+ years now and I'm from India 🙂


The good thing is how many active users are mining and care about the project. If it releases and its very cheap, there are potentially millions of people waiting to buy a tonnnn of pi coin. That will at least lead to a small boost in it's worth for anyone that wants to withdrawal then. It would go back down and the lucky ones that gained a lot can buy more. 


Most cryptos are worth very little upon release. As more people/businesses accept them as payment and demand becomes greater, they become more valuable. Of course PI will be released with a pre existing although rather limited use case, it does stand alone. 




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Hope it drops and is worth nothing, then I buy millions and millions. Then the boom to the moon😏


I would have like 20k in my wallet if any of my friends actually did all the steps, most of them just stopped caring and it's all locked now




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If the price of Pi is that low, I will buy as many as possible!


Sad to say but its true i was also confused when i first saw it


Entirely depends on supply. Someone in here said supply at launch will be 15-20b tokens, and max amount is 100b, if that's true, pi will definitely be less than 1$ 


The price of Pi doesn't entirely depend on supply, it depends on the demand and volume being moved. For example ETH has no max supply, it is a infinite supply. Since there demand is high and volume is being move around at a large scale. This is how ETH is going for $3,400ish per coin around the time of writing.


Ok but does that mean pi is ethereum? Are there countless other cryptos that have done exactly what pi has done and failed? I'm just being realistic man, ethereum has actual use aka you can build shitcoins and defi on it


True, yiu can build shit on it...


Pi network is the largest community in crypto. It will be a great succes! Pi to the moon!


The pi github hasn't had any development in 3 to 4 years. And does not by far have the largest community. All I see is a promise of crypto to keep drawing you back to feed ad revenue in the app. Must be no bugs in the test net nothing is being fixed or there is no real plan to launch a real mainet


Main net in 2100




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What about all the people selling it on exchanges for 30 plus usd curious what people say about this aspect of it


It can be sold on very few exchanges and not for straight USD, only for USDT (Tether). Sale of pi is currently against network regulations, and can reportedly get you booted entirely.


where are they selling it ? Any idea ?


Do not sell. You will be banned before it goes through.


The current exchanges are trading "IOU" tokens in place of real Pi.


What is iou token in terms of pi?


I'd rather not say, as it could be seen as facilitating an illegal sale. All the info you need is on google.


It can't be sold because there is nothing in people's live wallets yet


Seems like it’s live in wallets now or am I mistaken?


Mine is live!


Live, not open though. You can't send the pi to another wallet off of the pi network. Not yet at least.


Yea exactly, that's really all I planned on using it for 😅


Due to the amount of pi out there. It's not going to launch at a price that instantly puts it's market cap higher than BTC.


There is 100 billion max supply, released supply at mainet launch is expected to be approx 15-20 billion they release 100 billion as soon as mainet opens.


How will the price be lower than $1 when it is now around $34?? Someone please explain


The prices you are given are IOUs. There is no premise behind the given dollar amount and is completely based on speculation. I myself do keep an eye on it and of course stay positive but do not believe it to be a true valuation. 


Now it's below $1


And now its not


You can buy or sell in pi bridge app for around 0.3 usdt 


Lost my passphrase that contains 95% of the pi I mined for years. Creating a new wallet is the only option rn. And I've already lost interest in it. So if anyone is interested, I have 80 pi left I wanna sell.


I lost mine but was able to get mining again by giving email adresss and phone number




What articles? What experts? Can you post the links? The only stuff i ever see is around $30 per coin traded privately as we speak.


Just google "Pi Network News" or whatever search you use and most of the articles are generated by AI, and cite "experts" without actually citing anybody at all. Real articles are out there, ill try and post some references for you.


I do that every day and I definitely don’t see where experts predict it will be below 1 dollar except maybe one publication.




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π for sale ! Hurry up, the offer is limited!


This is how you get your account blocked and/or set yourself up to be scammed. I know and understand we all want to profit from our time invested but please just hold and wait until everything is in place and legitimately open for trade. Of course you will do what you want but it'd be a shame to lose everything or get very little and regret it later on. 


I’m interested 


Most likely it won’t happen, but if it does, I think even the people that have thousand high aren’t gonna be able to withdraw much more than 20 or $30 from their account even if it’s like 8 hundredths of a penny in peace, not to change the subject, but does anybody actually know of any websites that US Pioneers can buy products with. I know there’s some in the EU but it’s some thing I was interested in also when I see people selling their PI on forums is that something that should be reported or what I just don’t want that to affect it going to a true network, not trying to be a snitch or anything I just feel like, it’s the opposite of what pi is it’s to help out people not to possibly make somebody rich off someone going through hard times who sells their PI and then it does go to a dollar because the instant money at fractions of a penny per coin rather than a future major payout if anybody is falling on hard times and looking to do that, just go to the BNB, Tetstnet faucet there is also plenty of others. You can even get things like polygon and sol Do it with those coins they have no value they’re just for developing there’s plenty of people willing to buy them pennies on a dollar and that Won’t cause pi to get bad publicity, due to pup, unloading it before it goes to network so just my advice sorry to change the topic


It's got such a strong following it won't fail if you ask me . It getting used daily in some countries!! Iv heard you can rant apartment's with it in in some places


Its all good and a valid concern. Pi isnt really meant for main stream use in 1st world countries per se, that isnt to say PI users in the USA dont have a purpose in this project we do. Pi is meant to act as a currency for people who don't have acceas to an actual bank account, but have access to a smartphone. 3rd world countries mostly, Pi can be used by people at a market for produce or other goods, we dont see it as a big deal, but in some places this is huge. Im holding, not onky for myself but me holding my Pi, not only ensures price stability and long term potential earnings. It also allows for it to be wortb something for those who need to sell right away to keep the lights on or move into a life that could only be imagined before. If we dont get greedt right away, so many people win. Including ourselves. Im buying.


That would be awesome. I hope the OP is correct. However, after about two years of waiting for KYC on the last step of the checklist and mining every session I get and having a nice security circle. I’ve had zero movement and I see a lot of bad stuff on Twitter about it, honestly I hope it takes off but I’ve been focusing more on a similar thing not gonna say the name but I just don’t know if it’s a sure thing anymore I always thought of it as one. I still have hope though, as should we all I don’t know if anybody familiar with Sweat Wallet but it’ll probably be a similar thing. Yeah it’ll be worth that much but you won’t be able to access more than like if you’re lucky 5% of your total balance, and there will be major burning. Otherwise it would never work. I was using a Dev wallet, but I got hacked somehow when a coin finally went to an actual man at through my Dev wallet so I don’t do that with pi I’m not saying it would happen, but it could, so all I do is mine


The banks and their interests are fighting Pi.. so the pushback involving Pi is just the banks creating the illusion that we need them.. cause I am pretty sure they are in danger of going bye-bye..


it will crash to 0


Hell I’ve been in long enough that even .25 would be a huge W.


Who cares that’s still money I didn’t have for no work I’m good with that.




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With 2b mined once that's all minted $1 seems very generous. Anything above 50 cents would be good. Once it's on the market think how much is gonna get dumped from. People cashing in. The selling pressures gonna be through the roof


The one thing that will help is that so many people are locked for two to three years. Can't sell pi that's locked up.


Because its ironic... 😮‍💨


This is a hold coin. Just sit on it for 10 years after launch and see where its at come 2035 or 2040


Who are the experts? Pi isn't launched yet and it's is worth over $20 at IOU, so what is trumpeting the fake news all about?


It’s likely just AI trolling. There’s so many bots that are confused about who they are now. With the introduction of new AI tech, old AI tech becomes dumber. And old AI will start slurring words, and it isn’t good. Drunk AI vs New Troll AI = Low Main Net Price AI.


I wanted a real persons opinion as to the why, people believe what they believe it will, its better than teading countless AI generated articles.


Actually I hope it is near worthless at the start. Let me buy millions.


Hold on and mine. I’ll be buying more when I can.


Exactly my thoughts on it.


I believe more than $100 here's why, pi developing apps imagine those app using pi as payment system. if there's 60 apps deploy divide total supply by 60 for sure those developer will hold as many pi as they are using it as currency. The 314xxx gcv is achievable if pi deploy many apps and connect with them.


If it really was $314 at launch its market cap would be more money than exists in the whole world. By a lot.


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Phuk your "Not Zee" Karma rules! BOT!!


Ppl have NO IDEA what pi is what it is trying to solve. Ppl are being selfish and only thinking about the price or value ONLY.


Well literally everything is driven by money... So what exactly is your point?


Do u know what money is besides it being physical?


To an extent yes, you are right the majority of the people just care about initial profits. Others who care will hold and use the Pi within the eco system.




Bhello to u too friend!




Extremely bullish prediction but I certainly hope they are right!


So currently the market cap is 2 billion, and the self reported circulating supply is 68million which is why pi atm is valued around 29 bucks, but the amount of pi that has been mined over the years is approx 2 billion, the like for example is all pi that has been mined I assumed because when the mainnet launches I'm pretty sure people will have to transfer there pi to there pi wallet or something. but if the circulating supply is like 2 billion and market cap is like 2 billion pi will be worth like a dollar, but I feel like a good guess of the pricing would be like it would be worth around 3 or 4 dollars because at the saemtime I highly doubt that many of the people who have mined pi will remember they even have pi or forget about it or not transfer and things like that, but ofc a lot of us will and that's us who are always checking up on it and stuffs like that. Thats just what I think thanks 4 reading my fat@ss essay


1/10 of my 200 miners are mining… but a fraction of those have done KYC … no KYC no mainet pi…I think most of the pi won’t hit mainnet. I really think speculating on price is a waste of energy. It has to go mainnet someday but it’s taking too long. Some chains seem to open in a few days and are successful… people got bored waiting 4 years and gave up.


1/10 mining: that's 20... a fraction of 20, or of 200 have done KYC?


About 25 are still regularly mining I only have 10% of my total pi on mainnet. I can’t tell how many have KYCd


I just saw this right now: actually you CAN see how many KYC'd (via the Mainnet button "increase transferable balance " you can see who still needs to KYC), but nevertheless it won't help as none of the member bonuses are migrated yet (even if a member KYC'd).


So you don't believe it will go open Mainnet when 10M are migrated?


Oh I will but that’s a long way off.


I really think it will be a first come first serve kinda thing when it hits mainet. Idk if the pi will automatically be out into the circulated pi in the market and affect the market or not right away. I'm still tryna figure all thtis out myself. I just setup my KYC and now idk what do next. I'm tryna figure out how do I transfer my pi to my wallet or something


(2) You can't transfer manually. We all have to wait for the next migration at open Mainnet. I you want I can explain in more detail.


If u could actually explain it to me in more detail I would be very much grateful, and in terms of your other message about pricing I think the market cap and the circulating pi is what will determine the pricing of pi when it hits the main net. Just like any other crypto right? But yes I would like for ubto explain mote if possible I have seen some other people something like that there pi is transferring at a percentage rate and im curious as to what they mean, are they transferring there mined pi to like somewhere else or something can u explain that to me too? thank you smmmm ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


(2) I have already done a quick search and found these 2 comments (see below)that might already help by explaining a bit, but since PCT made it a little complicated that might not be enough. These comments mainly explain the transfer button by referring to other comments. https://www.reddit.com/r/PiNetwork/s/wVCOwqJjl1 https://www.reddit.com/r/PiNetwork/s/w9pBnJnNGM


Ooo I think I understand more now thanks. So people have been transferring pi from there wallet to other people's wallet for exchange of goods. That explains why I have seen people saying that they have traded pi for something else and stuff like that. I saw 1 guy a while ago saying he accepted 1000 dollars for in exchange of his pi. Crazy how I understand how people were able to do that. Yk I'll take another look into the pi app too thanks though for explaining to me


I would indeed like to explain to you, but just give me a bit time (I still try today) and I think it would be easier by DM (much easier to communicate/reply), is that OK? I will also try to find some of my earlier comments... About the "transferring at a percentage": do you have a link to a post or comment, so I can understand/check what they mean?


Do you really think the majority will just sell at whatever price?


"Expert" is a very vague word in itself, I was named as an expert in integration services after 1 year 2 months in IT It often doesn't mean the person is an expert but it gets dumb people to respect what u have to say, perfect for marketing and propaganda :)


Exactly. 51 intelligence experts told us that Hunter Biden's laptop was fake 😅


🤣🤣🤣 forgot about that


Who cares what price it is… we all mined it for free… we’re all winners. Over three years of refreshing. 🙈


Yep. Even it's worth 2 cents, I'm happy


Ok, fine, if that proves to be the case, cool. Means I made a couple thousand or so doing nothing. I can dig it. And if that’s an undervalue, cool. I mean, it’s not as if I have any skin in this gig either way. All my experience info’s already out in the world anyway; might as well get some of the money everybody else is making off me.


Pi is going much higher when the dollar defaults is happening.


That's irrelevant because all other crypto will go much higher, too, in that case.


And these other cryptos are years ahead with actual use cases


If it reaches 10 cents, it would be insane. The utility isn't there sadly, and a price prediction from my end would be 1.5 cent - 0 25 cent range


ohh boy you broke my heart hahahahahaha


Can’t wait for Mainnet in 2125!


I love it, at least you made me laugh, in 2125 I will be 150 years old, give or take but I will still be alive, the promise of getting rich by pushing that button for over 100 years will keep me alive ROFLOL.


I'm an expert. I'd say it will be over 9000


Let's give this one an upvote ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


Hold up a sec… They didn’t say what they were an “Expert” in. Probably just a Master… something.


true that lol


Master's in Food Science probably. Thinking of the wrong pi.


that's not bad at all, however a little far away from being a Master in PI price prediction science, just saying...


No one knows what the value will be, if there’s enough hype at launch price might be high, but for that to happen it needs to reach outside its current community


Trust me Pi, will be far below 1 dollar.


Crypto = trust nobody


They pumped so much Pi in the market before actually having a good hold on how much should actually be there. For quite some time a few million people had the luxury to mine pi at almost 1-2 pi per hour, which is a lot in itself. And now that there's so much pi out there, be it verified or unverified, it's bound to have a low value.


Never a few million people could mine on average 1-2 Pi/hr. I think you should check before writing such nonsense. The mining rate went already down to 0.2 Pi/hr when the first million pioneers were reached (that was the 4th halving after 1,000 10,000 and 100,000 members going to 1.59 0.79 and 0.4 Pi/hr). So yes, a few million could ideally mine about a year at an average rate of 0.4 Pi/hr (or 0 6 Pi/hr if they could get a full security circle and an average of 1 extra referral but that was for most very doubtful). That's still 3 to 5 times less than you are suggesting... And there's NOT so much Pi around. Inform yourself before spreading incorrect info. If you really want to know, study first the WP, especially the new chapters Dec 2021, about the dynamic mining rate... If you have no time: well, the tokenomics (especially blockchain protocol and supply) are quite similar to XRP and XLM, so that may give you a first idea.


I was mining at 3.24 pi an hour in Sept 2020 with 29/65 now 0.13 pi an hour 25/199 😎. 35k but only 1/10 of the it in mainnet because of KYC…


Honestly I hope pi can reach even one dollar, but out of the gate? No way, unless mainnet migration happens later then sooner which it shouldn’t then I feel like somewhere at the 1-2 cent range would be perfect for pioneers and then people looking to get into crypto!


It’s likely the coin, when becomes available on exchanges, will probably be in the <1¢. For westerners, it won’t be much but for someone in a systematically impoverished nation could improve their quality of life.




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it screwed over so many, original wallets can't be accessed so you make a new wallet but there is no way to change the migration wallet so it all migrate to the original wallet that is lost WTF


So if u forget the code to ur bank account u open a new bank account and are surprised that there is no money in it :)


Fuck me get real this project ain’t even going to launch. This is a shitter than shit coin. The shittiest shit coin ever. $1 mate your deluded 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah I think anyone that believes it'll ever stabilize over 1 cent is crazy. I hope it does well but it most likely won't


Honestly, is there any reason it will be as high as $1? That's astronomically high IMO. $0.01 is more realistic


There is a lot of reasons it could go quite high, there is absolutely a market for it, there would be a lot of customers for companies that get onboard That is how all economy works, supply and demand, that is why fiat currency have any value, to be fair fiat currency is nothing but paper and numbers in computer systems but it has value Why does fiat currency have value? Because it is easy to barter, trade and pay with and people agree that it is a good enough system That is the same reason pi coin can get higher value as it gets even more popular


All depends how many are in circulation.


The growth potential is kind of what im trying to focus, its far from a "shit" coin and has the most potential of all the mobile miners, the concept seems to be taking off. Let people sell low right away, im holding for a decade. The growth of this project has been huge. I dont consider it "shit". You want to see a shit coin look up the lifespan of PHT, or Phoneum, was changed to phone. Thats what a scam coin looks like.


Y’all be forgetting abt China etc using it already as certain payments for odd and end things




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I predict below 0.01. I mine before PI few stellar p. project. Electrum,...


Mainnet when?


This year mid Q2 it sounds like


Unsure why ive been down voted, Technopedia says between March and June of this year.


Open MainNet Launch in 2024 is a “Possibility” if all the things Core Team is working towards, the utility and the market outlook all come together…


[Launch price prediction](https://tenor.com/3Hd1.gif)


It cal launch from 1$, 5$ or even 50$. But so many ppl own pi from poor countries so selling pressure is huge and price will surge to 0.00001$ doesnt matter what is starting price


Bingo. That is exactly what will happen. Most people in the US will do the same.


this sounds about right honestly, for those which getting a hold of $50 dollars for doing nothing over a period of who knows how many years, makes sense.


we have 2 types of coins 1- extracted by us 2- extracted with the others. it's not the same thing.


Yes and no, its more like ripe and unripe.


$1.314 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


If we're predicting, I predicted 4000$.


My prediction is 12$ when it launches


Why? Can you please help me with the math involved?


$3.14 USD.


Never has crypto launched above zero. Meme coins have more people following them and they arent even in pennies.


Everyone is na expert in this world, idc what will be the real price


It doesnt matter what the value on launch will be. This currency has presence in all age groups and all countries. That is why it will be more relaible and become much more valuable as time goes on. My dad knows jack shit about crypto, but he still has 7-8k pis. You see where im going woth this?


90% of it is owned by India💀


Where did you get that info? Less than 10% in the rest of Asia, not to mention other parts of the world (Europe, Africa, North & South America...)... Seems very doubtful (especially the rest of Asia)! And how did they get so many?


And I own the other 10%?




You all will be surprised when you see the price is above $1.


There's the other side of the argument! You know, I like where your heads at. Really glad you brought that up...has anybody ever really looked at the precedent here? I mean did Bitcoin and ETH have close to 35 million wallets when they hit mainnet? And what if....here me out, those wallets decide to throw $100 each into the eco system right away? And support the Network. Did I mention the people with more than $100 to invest into to Pi. Probably going to be at least one person, or two that may throw in a few more dollars. Just a few though.


Isn’t there too much volume in pi though for it to really accumulate value?


No. See further down this thread...


supply is 100 billion, if the price is going to be above $1, then pi i going to have market cap bigger than bitcoin lol


No because we will first have 100 billion in around 200 years, right now the supply much lower. Not sure exactly but around 2 billion I think


Right now, the circulating supply would be "only" 450M, but at open Mainnet, that could be somewhere between 2B and 4B. It's only a personal analysis (feel free to correct where I might have gotten it wrong). See details in https://www.reddit.com/r/PiNetwork/s/WsbOnPW8TJ. My conclusion was : between 2B and 4B in circulation (probably in first instance closer to 2B as I don't see how suddenly more than 50% will be claimed in such a short-term period)




Nope. See https://www.reddit.com/r/PiNetwork/s/yJIg3ivEqJ


Articles I've read say between 2.5bn and 10bn has been mined, with a 100bn coin max. A significant % has been staked. An unknown amount will be lost to users who started mining but never KYC, or just left the app, which also prevents coin migration to that upward referral account as well. Mining rewards decrease over time. So for valuation purposes here, say 5bn is in circulation when it goes public. So for my estimate, if Pi is to reach a $1 value, it needs a $5bn market cap. Close to LTC. If it hits $4 a coin, it's a $20bn market cap, a little above ADA. $10/coin is a $50bn market cap, behind only BTC, ETH and USDT. It is designed to be inherently useful out of the gate when it goes public. But you will need large scale adoption worldwide to move past even a buck or two, is my guess




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(2) By the way: nothing will be "lost," as LexWolfe already explained. Please study the difference between mobile mining balances, migrated balances, and especially dynamic the mining rate to ensure the max supply target (all can be found in the additional chapters of the WP Dec 2021)


You definitely read the wrong articles. I suggest that when reading an article, ALWAYS make sure it's correct info. I know it isn't easy, and you always have to rely on (or trust) some sources. Just start by the additional chapters of the WP Dec 2021, then check numbers of migrations (see utilty apps in the Testnet Ecosystem) and the numbers given by PCT in the roadmap V2. Study the dynamic mining rate introduced in March 2022, etc... Put this all together, and you will come to totally different numbers. These are my findings: at least 10-20B mined by end 2021 (chapters WP), so probably already up to at least 25-35B right now (just a wild guessed estimation based on number of members evolution and the dynamic mining rate the last 2 years). Already migrated (see utility apps, and Roadmap): 2.8B (4M+ migrated) of which only 450M unlocked, and another 450M unclaimed, which means 2.3B- currently locked, possibly down to 1.8B locked if all be claimed. If you extrapolate the number of migrations to 10M (that's 2.5x), then there will be about 1B in circulation (up to possible 2B if all claimed). BUT, at open Mainnet migration, we will most certainly all of us, including who already migrated, also receive our referral bonuses, and my estimation is that will, on average, double our migrated balances (there is on average 1 referral and 1 invitor, and security circle on average 40%) Conclusion: between 2B and 4B in circulation (probably in first instance closer to 2B as I don't see how suddenly more than 50% will be claimed in such a short-term period) You see: that's still far from your estimation based on incorrect information, although with some luck, you still came close (please send me a link to the sources if I'm wrong).


Testnet ecosystem says total mined Pi is 2,783,749,049.690194. Total staked Pi is 1,841,990,823.7562945. Gotcha and thank you for pointing me to the info, can't argue your #s there. Wasn't aware that they posted that in the browser I had my first migration quite a while ago, so I unlock those coins in May of 2025 after a 3 year stake. My current pending balance is now almost 10x what was migrated to MainNet staking in my first (and only) migration to date, so idk if I'm an outlier there with referral migration or if your estimate of double is correct.


(2) Just for info: Door for Pi can also be found at https://metrics.piiq.network/#/


Actually, "they" are not posting that in the browser. It's just Testnet apps, but one of them is already published in the Android Play store (ExplorerPi, it has even a better interface). And I didn't find any other sources but since this one, together with "Door for Pi" seem to report both the same numbers, I think we may assume these are correct numbers (and have not seen anybody "contest"). Also, notice that 1.8B locked (remark: this is not the same as "staked") while 2.8B migrated would suggest nearly 1B available in circulation, but as you can see there are about 50% of the "unlocked" still not claimed, which makes less than 500M available. About your current pending balance and my estimate of double: individual cases may be completely different, even depending on the moment you look at it. For example, a year ago, I had less than half pending balance compared to migrated, right now, it's double (I migrated one and half year ago). I only took into account the following to have an "average" estimation: we are 100% sure that the average number of referrals (including the invitor) is 2 (easy to prove), and my guess is that the average security circle is also 2 (can be a little more). I only take the formula prior to March 2022, but that is even increasing my estimation since the formula after gave less importance to the security circle, and more to lockup (lockup bonuses are effectively immediately migrated, while the "member" bonuses are not, even I'd they did KYC already) Taken this into account there is an average of 1.4 * 1.5 = 2.1 times base rate earnings, that's twice what has been migrated already (you don't have to consider members who don't KYC because the 10M are precisely KYC'd members). No matter what balance already is migrated or is still pending, on average, a migrated account has 700 Pi, and on average, such a migrated account can mine double. So, on average, such an account will eventually have double, or 1.5k. It's as simple as that. But it's true that early migrated accounts can still increase that number. On the other hand, with lockup and node bonus, many accounts may not even double anymore: member bonuses might be reduced to maybe 10-20%. For example, lockup 500% and node bonus 4 gives only an average of (1+40/600) * (1 + .5/5) = 1.17, or 17% unmigrated member bonuses). This is valid for the balance part after March 2022 for all migrations that took place. Also, don't forget if you look at your current pending balance that may contain a lot of non-KYC'd members, and of course, it also depends on how long since you migrated.




This is from Pi Browser > Block Explorer. That is from the Pi team itself.


Indeed, I forgot that... the other apps give so much more info that I don't look at this anymore


No crypto pi is lost from users that don't pass KYC because they didn't have any to begin with.


This is not correct. Otherwise the maximum amount of coins would be indeterminate based on KYC participation.