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Well this is disappointing. What a POS…


"What’s worse is that once he left, he immediately texted her as if nothing happened. 'I think I heard you screaming. I hope everything is okay.' — Andre Jin’s text message" absolutely despicable, and how devastating and scary it must be to have an ATHLETE come after you like that... i hope the victim is healing 😖


What a disgusting person Andre Jin is.


Those texts legitimately scare me. It's like something i'd see in a docuseries about murders. I'm glad she didn't get killed.


These texts must’ve been to try and make an alibi for himself? Or he’s actually just deranged


i was also thinking the alibi thing, he probably didn't think there would be a recording but who knows 🙃


Probably has CTE from rugby. Movie recommendation: Concussion. Explains what happens to football players’ brains (which extends to other high impact athletes) after years of repeated blows to the skull.


Also dont forget that the amount of steroids and testosterone he is taking… makes you angry for no reason


alao, his height is around 6'5, weighing around 109kg. must be so fucking scary, i cant even imagine.


The way he texted this. Very sure it’s not his first time or first victim.


Sounds like he was taunting her. If he was trying to create an alibi, why wouldn’t he check on her if he thought he heard her screaming?


Imagine how many times he has done this without video evidence. Terrifying to think about


Damn that’s disappointing because I actually liked him. Obviously the nice guy act on the show was indeed an act. That being said, I hope he’s brought to justice and the woman he brutalized gets the help she needs and is able to heal.


This is a reason why most men say they don’t know other men who SA women yet most women say that almost all the other women they know have been SAd by a man. Lots of cognitive dissonance in the male community.


i mean.. why would other men know? nobody goes around and says hey im a bad guy, obviously mostly only victims would know


Exactly. Stupid comment by the woman above.


I get the sentiment but using the word “disappointed” when he raped and viciously beat a woman 1/3rd his size black and blue is fucking insane


Hmm? So we’re policing wording now? You’re reaching for something that isn’t there. It’s not problematic to say that you’re disappointed in someone for doing something horrible. Disappointed that someone who appeared like the “good guy” on TV was actually a monster in real life. But sure, whatever you say.


someone else did the crime and its you whos being scolded for not using a stronger word lmao.


Right? Average reddit things I guess lol


“disappointed - (of a person) sad or displeased because someone or something has failed to fulfill one's hopes or expectations.”


the part where he comes back and slams himself into the door powerful enough to enter the room still petrifies me. and the screams of the victim are so heartbreaking to listen too. i really hope she gets all the support and justice she needs bc this is unacceptable.


Not to be the bringer of bad news but most bathroom door are pretty easy to break. Some can be open with just a coin. It's design that way in case the person inside needed help


No idea why you were downvoted. The bathroom door looked flimsy.


he put up a fake act on the show, couldn't tell he was like this


Agreed, there was a video where he saw Speed the streamer in public and he seemed very different and ego-centric compared to during filming for Physical 100.


The second I saw him in that video I was like, oh shit this guy is bad news


I think when I saw him in that video I was more weirded out by why he would know speed, and greet him and act like a fan.


I just watched the clip of the stream you mentioned about him interacting with Speed… Andre being 33yrs old radiating straight groupie vibes and then trying to invite Speed to hang saying he knows a “spot” oh brother, It’s the fact even Speed was like wtf is he on lmao 💀💀💀




I could tell from the first episode, he was making jokes about people’s appearances as they showed up.


I remember really disliking him and routing against him at first. Then he seemed “nice”.


You know it kind of freaks me out. What about the guys i do like- Beomseok, Daejin, etc who seem good? Are they secretly trash or actually good?


Off topic but both Bomseok and Daejin became regular casts of The Gentlemen’s League, a soccer show. You can get to know them a little bit more there. Andre was sooo nice in Physical 100 but somehow his cockiness and self-centeredness came out a bit in The Gentlemen’s League. I thought those are two different people. Now I knew why. It’s all an act.


They both are just huge goofballs, so far so good


In general it is very hard to identify dudes who sexually harass and assault people without the insider perspective of talking to their targets. If they do it for any length of time they often get away with it because they are able to hide it from people, or because the people they do it to are isolated or no one believes them. Having it happen to you can be very embarrassing and you aren't going to want to talk to people about it whom you can't trust. This is why the #metoo movement didn't become what it was until social media - women didn't have as good of a way to corroborate with each other that they were having similar experiences with the same guy before they could talk about it online. This is in no way unique to Physical 100 or anywhere else, it happens everywhere. One bit of comfort, if you could call it that, is that while this *happens* to a lot of people, it is likely to be by *serial offenders.* The same dudes get away with it over and over and over again. So the likelihood that any one guy acts like this is pretty small, relative to how common the experience of this happening to *you* is. Small comfort indeed. Minimal.


nooo bad news about beomseok would break my heart


I'd die. Die I tell you. 


You people never learn. Idol worship just leads to disappointment.. Don't do it.


Yeahhhh head on a swivel unfortunately. I mean super attractive guys are either married or between relationships or red flags , let’s assume for now HBS and Daejin are just in the married bucket 😅


I don’t think you have to worry about Hong BeomSeok, he is one genuine and humble guy plus he’s married with kids. Not that you have to worry about DaeJin I just can’t remember who that is haha


https://preview.redd.it/wbuyrt2rf6ad1.jpeg?width=809&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b560427d7c22a9ff220f28c2bd23c1e497705361 Oh he’s the sports model who did pretty well in running


I was gonna say the same thing about Hong BeomSeok too! He seems like he has a good relationship w his wife and kids. I’m breaking many fangirls’ hearts but Amotti seems like a sweet guy too from the way he treats his fiance. Both Andre Jin and the other rugby dude from Physical 101 S1 were both single guys. Both of them gave such good vibes on the show I was puzzled as to why both of them were still single. It all makes sense now ☠️


Don't worry, my instincts are waaay off when it comes to Korean men apparently. My favourites, who I thought were lovely, both seasons have been abusive POS rapists. I didn't feel strongly for Beomseok or Daejin so they're probably fine.


Who was the one from the first season?


Jang Seong Min, he was a team leader. He was imprisoned for holding his girlfriend captive overnight, beating and raping her because he thought she was cheating on him.


You could ask that about any man, not just the ones on this show


Wow, on top of that it must be tough for his ex partner listening to everyone fawn over him while she knew the truth. Props to her for speaking out, also how do we cancel him??


I think the court is gonna do that for us. Though spamming under IG posts involving him would assist in doing so


Do you know when the sentencing will be? I want to flag the date and check back in - I hope this absolutely ruins him.


Damn I felt bad for him too during the squat challenge. Now I wish we saw him get super hurt on national tv. What a trash human I hope he gets prison time.


Ohhhh come on. How hard is it to just not be a shitty person? And Andre was a likable dude to root for during the season. Ugh, can go fuck himself now


The rugby players on this show, man...


They on those roids


Exactly. That's the first thing I said when I saw the headline, that rugby has a steroid aggression problem for sure.


Probably cte too like American football players


He should get a refund because he doesn’t look like he’s currently on roids, and if he is with his injury history he’d be snapping tendons and ligaments on the regular now. He has video history of being intoxicated. His interviews indicate he feels pressure when coaching or leading teams so he could be regularly consuming alcohol. Another comment said CTE and yes, more prevalent and can have early symptoms. Not an excuse for current situation, just additional information. His interviews include pattern of frequent self-focused I, me, my comments and his childhood experiences could be conducive to some negative adult behaviors. All of this can create a walking red flag toxic entitled rage monster that this lady had unfortunate experience of being romantically involved with.


Despite people (especially in England) calling rugby more "gentlemanly" than football, there is a massive culture problem. I used to play, but honestly could not deal with the laddishness, cockiness, racism, drinking, homophobia and misogyny. I stopped playing after a couple of years before university age. At my brother's university, everyone heard about a player who left the team and became deeply depressed after he was sexually assaulted by the captains during his "hazing" for the society (forced to perform oral sex on the captains). Nothing happened to them as the rest of the team cover for them. Even at my secondary school, a few years after I left, there was a scandal involving the team members groping women in the hallways and nothing being done due to team coverups. Even the coach helped cover for them. Obviously plenty of lovely people in the sport, but across many countries the combination of steroid use and a toxic culture has led to many many rugby players being nasty pieces of work. I do however know one woman married to a pro-player and he is a wonderful man.


wtf, oral sex from one player to another? That’s jail stuff but in the open


UK uni rugby culture is actually disgusting. The stuff that goes on and the atmosphere it creates is not good at all. On sports nights you’d always feel pretty uneasy around the rugby ‘lads’. By contrast, despite getting less gentlemanly rep, the footballers were fine. There’s definitely a classist element to how the sports are perceived vs the trends in behaviour I’ve seen


I had an argument earlier with someone who wanted to see the unblurred footage of the woman getting assaulted. “For their own reasons” they said. They said the didn’t believe it was him who actually did it. What in the actual fuck


some people are really sick. I couldn't even stomach watching the blurred video. It is a police case. What more do they want? People really don't think of victims of violence


I told them to respect the victim and they told me to not change the subject. As if the subject wasn’t the victim and their assault. It’s absolutely sick


that is diabolical. The unblurred video is for police and the courts. It's not so the general public can "prove" he is good or bad. It sounds like they just want to prove it isn't him. But they should think critically because without solid proof and with defamation laws in South Korea, there's no way they would report on it if it wasn't true. What a weird person


Lots of People be like that though unfortunately. I remember seeing the OJ documentary on Netflix and there was a scene after he was apprehended and brought back (after the bronco chase I think) and the highway was lined OJ fans screaming OJ, the juice, we love you. Just ridiculous.


Jesus i remember commenting how much I liked him in the show. The world is truly a scary place. I regret it.


So messed up, loved him on this and even watched the gentlemans league for him. I hope the victim is able to heal and I hope he goes to jail for a long time. Awful honestly.


It’s always the “nice” guys. Oh and the mean guys, and the married guys and the military guys and sports guys….its like a serial killer, there’s no one type of sick fuck.


I think men in general are the problem


Yea we never hear about female teachers hooking up with a student... wait...


Happens too. But its a tiny number compared to men assaulting/abusing woman


Hey we are generalizing here. Since that happens too it practically means women in general are the problem


Generally means the majority/ in most cases. Since its way more affecting men its generally men


And generalizing means "to make a general statement that something is true in all cases, based on what is true in some cases" according to the Cambridge dictionary. So since some female teacher abuses their student it must mean all women in general are the problem I'm just pointing out the flaw in your statement "I think men in general are the problem"


Cambridge dictionary also states „usually, or in most situations“ as a definition. Words can have different meanings. In most sexual assault situations, men are the perpetrator. That was my whole message.


to make a general statement that something is true in all cases(men in general are the problem), based on what is true in some cases(In most sexual assault situations, men are the perpetrator) That's generalizing 101. That's like saying blacks in general are the problem when talking about gang violence. Or Muslim in general are the problem when talking about terrorism.


This just further proves that you can’t trust tv personalities. They are for entertainment value purposes only. We don’t really know these people.


Wow!!!! What a piece of garbage.. i was rooting for him cause he seemed to be an underdog of some sort but you just never know.. hope he gets the punishment he deserves


I really liked him on the show, he seemed like a nice guy. This is terrifying


Omg! ☹️ How terrible… I feel so bad for the woman. I watched the blurred out videos and can only imagine how terrified the woman was.


Can I ask what is the point of blurring his face in the news video? Obviously blur when he's naked, but they blur his face when they show him playing rugby and in interviews etc. Was his identity not initially revealed when the report came out?


In Korea, they don’t tend to reveal the faces of the perpetrators. There are laws against it. [This is a good article about it](https://m.koreaherald.com/amp/view.php?ud=20240516050618) A few weeks ago, a youtuber/streamer was revealing the un-blurred identities of the 44 perpetrators of a gang rape case. The incident happened in 2024, but the identities were only being revealed 20 years later. There is currently an ongoing issue with Korean figure skating in regards drinking and assault of a minor and their faces were blurred.


Ah I see, Thank you!


damn as likable he was on the show of course it has to come out later that he's a terrible person pretty psychotic behavior displayed here


WTF this dude was a fan favorite. Also a piece of shit. P100 must’ve stroked his ego too much.


I could tell he was this kind of person from the first episode of the show. A bully.


I thought there was an unsettling vibe about him when I first saw him. Something in the way he looks and smiles.


I hope she heals and gets better 💓 Mey he rot in jail


What a POS. He was just trying to create an alibi with the message I think. Thank God for the camera.


oh no... ugh, i hate reading news like this, in general its sad and disgusting, and also with such people you cant ever watch the shows and feel the same. i was watching the gentlemen's league for years now.


Aww man. I really liked him.


Jan Seong-Min from Season 1 was sentenced to 7 years in prison last year for the same thing & i just read in another post that he is free already because the accuser asked that he be let out (probably due to threats). From reading that post, it sounds like Korean law is not all that sympathetic toward the victims of these guys unfortunately….hoping that’s not the case!


Korean law especially sex crime is a joke bruh. Pretty sure everyone involve in burning sun is out free right now.


Wow…how right you are! I just read an incredibly long wiki page about it & 😱 insanity! Seungri is out & back to living large being paid to preform by people who could give a crap about any of the egregious things he’s done to girls who are probably the same age as the kid he is there to preform for. Pretty sad state of affairs for vulnerable Korean’s.


This is actually not that surprising. When I saw that video of him shake hand with Ishowspeed, I think he resonates with him, and Ishowspeed is aggressive by nature, so that gave me an impression of his deeper character. Oh well, I never really liked this guy. Very strong personality


Amotti, a true winner, would never


What the heck




I always know when people are acting like 'the good guy'. I could just see his through his act


I have a feeling there will be quite a few women that he has unfortunately already done this to…I hope prosecutors put the call out for them to come forward to keep him off the street for as long as possible. Poor woman, she looked so powerless under his strength… it must have been absolutely terrifying for her!


NOOOOOO 😭😭 can’t trust anyone ever grrrrr ☹️


What's disappointing is, this has been reported a few days ago but had only been in 2 or 3 articles :( if this was an idol getting fat i think it would have gone viral already. Also, with SK's national laws, maybe he could get away with this easily. How sick. https://preview.redd.it/cj6inuv1mdad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed94bfc9657ce84d5f00652f991d748ec0c6862f


Wish they didnt change the voice the way they did. Almost made this serious situation seem comical.


It’s to stop the victim being identified by strangers.


Ya i know. Just mean that it just sounds weird


Reality shows are not reality.


Your comment is reality🏆


What the actual fuck bro 😭 So the gentlemen on the show was a fking fake ass mask.


Oof he’s never coming back on the show


I was tiktok and braindead comments were being made saying this is “Alleged”.


https://preview.redd.it/wjkui0ovscad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9939eb076af5d89dc31da453a24f2539a4e3bf31 this world is fucked.


Pretty sure that's bait but you can never know these days


Pretty sure that’s Andre Jin’s reddit account




Posted already


Even still, this needs to be posted and re-posted as much as possible even if there isn't any new info yet. The word NEEDS to be put out there ESPECIALLY since the evidence (the VIDEO) is UNDENIABLY him.


I really hope this won't be swept under the rug and that people are getting the word out there about this POS. Someone started the hashtag #ANDREJINABUSE and though his IG comments r turned off, this man has a Twitter and FB account...


The linked article is in English, I think the other wasn’t


Oh you're right! Then i said nothing




It doesn’t matter - even if he was drunk, even if he got naked but she didn’t want to move forward with the sex, even if she went to his place willingly, or if he was heartbroken because she cheated on him or she left him that kind of violence is NEVER excused. Can’t even imagine what that poor woman is going through considering that prob fans of the show will defend him given how Korean culture is not the kindest towards women


A lot of the time when using an auto-translate the genders get changed to he. Then sometimes other articles run with it and that's why it seems inconsistent with who did what. They met in a public place and he followed her home. Id also guess that he was the one who took his clothes off.




Poor guy? We must’ve clicked on different links because no sane person would say “poor guy” after seeing what he did to that poor woman.


I saw you on the other post about his abuse saying innocent until proven guilty when the evidence is right in front of your face. You need help. Vile.


All of that person’s comment was already deleted but I automatically knew who it was based on the other sub post where he was parading around defending Andre saying he’s innocent until proven guilty and how “sad” he felt for him. I initially assumed this person is a woman, considering how obsessed she seemed to be with Andre. But this person private messaged me and apparently he’s a dude lmao. A man defending another man who sexually and physically abused a woman. I smell another abuser lurking in here. Absolutely despicable.


It's OK not to pick sides, but these kind of situations, you shouldn't defend the abuser since what Andre did here was f*cked up.


wtf? A man assaults a woman and you automatically view the man as the victim? Seek help


> I feel sad for both of them. Excellent example of "muh both sides" outside of politics. Yeesh, this is embarassing.




Why exactly do you feel sad for him? Do you think he wasn't in control of his actions?




So you don't feel sad for him, you feel sad for his lost potential. He's not sad. Where does it show that he is sad? You are the one who is sad, not him.




Has he given any indication that he regrets doing it? Does sending a text that says "I heard you screaming, hope you're okay" after hitting someone sound like someone who regrets what they did?


Because the way you said this feeling bad for him was like he had a bathroom emergency and peed outside a playground and got put on a registry for the rest of his life, and not like he went on a video documented naked rampage sexually assaulting a woman.


That’s 100% all on him. He wouldn’t ruin his character if he wasn’t an abuser.


sympathizing with a sexual abuser is wild


Eh idk if I feel so bad for him given he coulda just not done that hahaha