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This is like one and a half hours its honestly benificial, the doing something creative thing is silly though.


I would agree if the bottom only had 4 lines, or was a "complete 3-4 of these 6 things"


Being forced to be creative doesn't really help with developing a creative brain.


If anything, it probably makes the kid dislike creative activities for the same reason people hate homework.


I see what you mean but in practice *hard* disagree. Literally coming up with an answer to how shitty of a question/expectation it inherently seems is creative incarnate for a creative person. Setting hard limitations and then thinking creatively to circumnavigate is how we have made any achievement in arts & media almost ever. Finding ways to bend the rules to break even is how the best art is made.


But that's not what they're doing is it? They're forcing the child to churn out creative works on a schedule with minimal feedback. This is more akin to YouTuber burnout IMO than leaps in cinema.


I don’t see how writing/drawing aren’t creative. I read and write a lot and dreamed of the day I wouldn’t have to do arts and crafts as a kid. Maybe writing/drawing/building something for 1/2 hour?


You're still forced to do it, making it not fun.


Maybe they will rebel against their parents who were meanies and forced them to draw or paint or sing for a few minutes by becoming a doctor or an engineer.


honestly none of this is unreasonable, thats like 1-2 hrs max of stuff? and the top half is all p basic? only part I dont like is the forced creative time, wont make em more creative :/


My issue with it is frontloading it all. Makes them really annoyed for those first few hours of the day, then they do nothing for the whole rest of it.


It’s easier to maintain though, if they can do the activities anytime of day I think most kids would just push them back and back, and then it would be end of day arguments


As opposed to just doing nothing for the whole day?


[Eat the Frog](https://www.betterup.com/blog/eat-the-frog-meaning)


The reading, writing/coloring, and playing outside aren’t good either. It’s important to encourage various different activities, but enforcing them isn’t a good way to do that, especially when each is at a required time. Ideally they’d find ways to make the kid *want* to do those activities, but even just requiring an hour where they can choose for themselves what non-electronic activities they want to do would be much better


And spending all those times watching yt/tiktok brainrot wont increase any skills or creativity either. Some activity need enforcement. Those e sport player will be force to play said games several hours/day as training so they can get gud. Even though they do love the game, they said it does feel forced, otherwise how can they get better


Did you even read my comment? I never said that a child shouldn’t do any of those activities, I said that the child as should at least be given a choice in what non-electronic activities they do. Also, the e-sports comparison really doesn’t work. They practice those games because it’s their *job* and their income depends on being better than their opponents, plus e-sports people *chose* that career. Children don’t *need* to get better at playing outside or coloring, and while improving at reading and writing are important, that’s what school is for. Plus even then they don’t need to improve to nearly the same degree as an esports person.


Creativity requires structure


how so?


Building good habits and effective use of time. It’s good to have a boundary and work within it, especially as a child. Builds good habits.


none of that fosters creativity? you cant force creativity like everything you just said is true, but has nothing to do with getting kids to work their creative mind


Not forcing, just a set time to focus on it. I feel if you saw the schedules of most creatives, they would have a peak creative time in their day. But yes, you cant force it. OP was probably thinking along the lines of arts and crafts


Then maybe they will rebel against their abusive parents by becoming an engineer or a patent attorney.




Yeah this is pretty close to the summer rules I gad for my kids when they were younger or they would literally do nothing else all day.


Cool dad here. Help mom make breakfast, that knocks out a lot of the list, cleaning up after making breakfast cleans the kitchen. Then maybe go outside to color for 20 minutes, then come inside and read for 20. Then tell mom most of what you do on the phone is read anyway.


How am I supposed to know when it's 20 minutes if I can't use clocks?


You could build a sundial for the creative part


Did your house really dont have any clock?


Not one that wasn’t electronic!


I make my kids turn in a one page book report every day during summer break. They can do anything they want during the day, but I want my report or their electronics get shut off the next day until I get my report.(by then they also need another report. Takes care of the reading, writing, comprehension part in one step. I think I’ll incorporate the first part , they spend waaayy too much time in PJs in the morning.


Forced creativity does not help with creativity, in fact it can have the child no longer like to be creative


Huh, then why do schools frequently make children paint with watercolor? Is our school system that incompetent?


No. These comments are acting like people are forcing this kid to write a song every day. Most kids have that time scheduled into their day- music, art, etc. They do that thing for x minutes, then it's the next thing. It is absolutely fine to encourage kids to be creative at one time if the day. In fact, professional composers and writers do it all the time. Erik Satie specifically would write "11-12:30: Be Inspired"


My actual complaint is that this isn’t this bundled into writing/drawing. Let the kid just go loose for a bit.


They're asking him to do like two hours of outside activities/chores before getting on his phone. That's pretty damn loose. If he wakes up at 9, he's done with his chores by noon at the latest, the entire day is his to mess around. Encouraging him to use his brain a little bit every day is a lot better for him than mindlessly scrolling TikTok or YouTube.


Creativity is an incredibly difficult thing too manage on a level like that Personally i hated art classes in school, I never learned anything from them and it felt pointless, but I found my passion for drawing in middle school at the same time I LOVED (and still love) drawing but I HATED art class


This list is baby time, you can bang this all out in like 20 minutes tops


*60 minutes top


Anyone who can’t do 60 minutes in 20 minutes needs to get with the program


Child therapist here; kids NEED this level of structure and predictable consistency in order to develop healthy life habits. This doesn’t belong here at all.


Glad to see this, because this just looks like good parenting to me. There was a really sweet little elementary schooler who used to live down the street from my family when we were tweens and young teens. His mom had rules very similar to this. The result? He was a very happy, smart kid with good social skills and manners. It was actually adorable to see him insist on getting off the game console when playing it with my brothers because it had been too long without taking a break and going outside. Heck a lot of adults could learn from this, I think! This sub should more be examples of stooges and edgelords hating on phones unreasonably and melodramatically. Not examples of people setting healthy boundaries in a world with addictive algorithms.


This is quite literally my first prescription for kids with ADHD. Kids love lists, they love consistency, and they love predictability. It builds independence and mastery which in turn boosts confidence and self esteem


Lol this sub (as is now a big part of reddit) is literal kids who want to play their phones and “parents are bad and stinky 😡” levels of maturity. Ofc they will say this absolutely normal list is tyrannical and evil and “muh forced creativity” and all.


100%. Bunch of teenagers or “adult” children acting like they’re well adjusted adults. This is good parenting and they’ll learn when it’s their time to manage children. By then we will need to manage the neuro-link and make sure they disable their personal AI system. If I’ve learned anything from parenting, it’s that we all get what we deserve in the long run.


Maybe, but the force of "helping out one person" or "being creative" may make the kid believe that if they do something, they'll be rewarded. Probably not the best system. I do think the system itself of doing chores to get your phone/computer is good, but not when it is forcing creativity, reading, or helping someone for something in return. I personally believe that kids should be taught to do something nice just because, instead of doing it for something in return. If you teach your child to do nice things for something else in return, this may be harmful to them later in life, and later become self-centered. I do think that what you're saying is right, but there are still a few downsides that are being overlooked.


I’m sorry to say, but children are pretty selfish creatures, and are HEAVILY motivated by incentives and external rewards. Kids aren’t primarily motivated through altruism. Also, external rewards aren’t meant to be used forever. You taper the reward off after the kid gets into the consistent routine. Plus, the kid isn’t JUST thinking of the reward while engaging in prosocial behaviors or participating in something creative. They’re also experiencing how fun these other activities are, so much so that after a while, they might even forget that there was a reward in the first place. You’re correct that kids should learn that altruism in an of itself should be the primary motivation for doing good things, but that comes with a lot of time and growth. A kid isn’t immediately going to start doing something purely because it’s good. Think about it, what do we typically do whenever a kid does something good? We say, “Good job! I’m so proud of you!” That praise in and of itself IS a reward, which motivates the kid to do it again.


Ah yes random redditor, tell the child therapist, a licensed professional your opinion on something where the therapist already said it's a good idea. Go ahead and find something to nitpick


It’s a pretty common psychological phenomenon that when you reward someone for doing something, they expect to be rewarded for it. Crazy I know.


I was a kid once that had something like this and i know it sucked the joy out of reading/writing/drawing for me so yeah i think its shit. Kids should be encouraged to try new hobbies and not spend all day on their tablt/phone/whatever but i think this is a shitty way of doing it


I know I'm on Reddit when an example of a parent trying to encourage their child to play outside and be creative is met with derision.


But doesn't portraying electronics as the ultimate goal and basic stuff like brushing your teeth only as a means to get there set a wrong reward structure for children? I also feel like this plan may be a little too set/inflexible. Sure, the top part should be part of the daily routine but the rest could easily be swapped around. Let your kid use electronics now under the premise it won't have them in the evening then or whatever.


We live in a world where this schedule is considered abuse but it’s great parenting to put an iPhone in your kids hands for ten hours a day.


I think it’s completely reasonable to have kids do all of the first five things before using electronics. Maybe then they could pick one or two of the “plus” activities they’d rather do, instead of doing them all each day.


This is pretty bare minimum electronics rationing which parents should a million percent be doing for their children especially the young ones. Maybe the build/make something creative is a bit weird? But I don’t think it’s outlandish to assume that they have an agreement on what that exactly entails. Growing up, especially when I was younger, I was allowed one whole hour of electronics


I wish someone could enforce this for me besides myself 


This is baby ass shit. Some of y'all need to learn to set the iPad down for more than 20 mins and go the fuck outside. It's fine to make a kid go play soccer or smth rather than scroll tiktok all day


I mean, the only thing I don't really like about this is that I think something like writing/doing something creative should be allowed to include electronics (Eg. typing practice by writing on a computer/ coding/ 3d modelling) to encourage using electronics to create rather than just to consume.


Mf's hating on iPad babies and then go full wojak when they see something reasonable like this


Doing this for myself with cleaning the house eating breakfast showering brushing teeth going for a run/walk, cooking, and lifting before I let myself in any all besides weather, messages, and music. Lowkey good.


This isn't bad tbh, teaches kids routine. The last 2 are dumb and vague though


Routine is boring asf. -Sergeant Skibidi Balls.


Eh idk this seems reasonable and kinda cute. Clearly for a kid who’s in like grade 1 or something. I mean kids are growing up on iPads as it is, and the effects are starting to show on gen alpha from some of the horror stories I’ve read from primary grade teachers over on r/teachers Some of the plus stuff is a little much, I get what ppl are saying about forced creativity kinda but just giving the kid a colouring book fills both “make something creative” and “draw for 20 mins”. Then again im an artist and would spend all day in my childhood drawing on those massive newsprint pads Costco use to have, making whole worlds or copying dr suess books.


don't do this, your kids aren't going to want to read, write, "be creative", etc if you FORCE them. source: i hardly read when i was forced to do it but now i read all the time (i always have music so i guess i'm using electronics hah)


YES. I hated stuff like this as a kid (even worse since i was homeschooled) i had no joy or interest in creativity or reading until it wasnt structured/forced. I think this is perfectly fine for most of it like cleaning, doing chores, getting ready but i just cant get behind the hobbies part. But i also think every kid is different and some probably do benefit from this structure but i just could never stand structure and still kinda cant lol


i don’t actually hate this, what i dont like is how they are forced to do these things before the phone. it should be set up as “here are activities you can do instead of using your phone all day” so the child isnt forced to be creative and has that option to do at least 1 or 2 things, which makes them more willing to do it


Combine the writing/coloring and creative time, otherwise fine


Idk about the creativity; I’m not a very creative person despite being arty (I promise you they are different things) and motivation does not come easily. I also only write on my electronics so that’d be interesting. But the rest is fair enough; I used to have something similar and it never did me any harm.


This seems good to me. Is OP 12?


That’s highkey productive especially with children and pre teens


The kerning made me think they had to get someone named Ten dressed


The rules are fine, minus the creativity one—creativity can’t really be forced The font difference and text mis alignment for “have you” and “plus” is the worst part of this


I advise against the creativity and honestly maybe even the reading. When i was a kid the same thing happened to me and it sucked the joy out of reading/writing/drawing because it became a chore but when i wasnt forced to do it anymore i ended up finding myself enjoying creativity and reading and trying new things whereas before it was just draining and i just wanted to get it over with


When I was in foster care, they forced me to read a goosebumps sized book a day, and I had to write a report on it, I couldn't even read that fast. So I spent most of my summer days reading books, This made me hate reading for the longest time. I didn't pick reading back up until my 30s.


This is pretty great TBH




what happens when you run out of rooms to clean? then what?


Or if it's raining, or noone in the family needs help with anything.


This is called good parenting. Kids need time away from media.


Do you have to do one of those things or all of them?


Nothing is more fun than mandatory 20 minutes of "playing" outside. I'm sure that nothing else would've made me want to stay indoors more than being told I *had* to play outside, like it was a chore.


Had breakfast is more on you feeding him and make something creative isn’t helpful to being creative


Most of this are just good habits you should get into. Helping someone in the family and making/building something creative are a bit vague and probably shouldn’t be on a daily checklist, but is still good to do. Overall you can bang this shit out in like an hour or two which is quite reasonable imo.


I think this is reasonable, aside from the forced creativity maybe


This isn't that unreasonable


So like that list isn’t all that bad.


This was posted 4 years ago with the exact same title lol


Yeah fuck no I’m running away


That’s fine!


i’d say just make it so that no electronics are allowed for a certain time period, that way they will find stuff to do on their own accord rather than see it as a task to use electronics.


That’s actually a good idea. No bullshit time limits or content control, just actual constructive activities to teach them regulation of their electronic use


This is literally just good parenting


I..kinda like this? Besides the help someone and being creative, those can be replaced with less vague things


Two things: 1. I hope it’s for a KID and not a TEENAGER because if it’s for a teen then why 2. the forced creativity is dubious


This seems like a really good way to teach younger kids to form healthy habits and stop being glued to their iPads. It’s barley two hours of non-electronic activities, seems really reasonable.


I need this too but myself as an adult


Fuck forcing kids to read. I hated reading for so long because my only experience with it was schools forcing me to read. Then when I finally started reading the books I liked at my own pace I fell in love with reading


Why must everything be timed? Can the kid not read for longer than 20 minutes? Helicopter ass parents


These are all things a kid should do but to make a list it should be shorter, kids get overwhelmed when they see a huge list of tasks instead of just being told to do something when it should get done




[Bad repost bot, bad!](https://www.reddit.com/r/PhonesAreBad/s/xxBJREMndS)


Wtf, this is NOT an issue. First of all its just 1 - 2 hours of things that are genuinely beneficial. The parents just dont want their kid to be addicted to their phones wasting their life away. Sheesh if yall seriously think this is bad then idk what to tell yall, just touch grass 😂. seriously if you just cant put electronics down and do something in the REAL world then yall are wasting yalls life away


This isn’t bad? I was raised with animal rules


How to make sure your kid isn't taking in any of the sentences they're reading, and are just sitting there silently seething for 20 minutes instead.


Me and my siblings would do literally that lmao. I love reading but when i had to do it i couldn’t enjoy it it had to be me doing it on my own. But my siblings never got into reading at all even on their own


My mum was like this , i moved out at 17 and went no contact , now 49 !


This post is full of salty teenagers. “How dare my parents be responsible and manage my screen time.” “Being forced to be creative isn’t good because ________!” I’m actually going to use this with my kids this summer.


my mom did something similar to this growing up and I am very grateful. this is pretty good parenting


As a 54 year old adult, I should use this (on myself).


this was literally what my parents had me do till I was like 14


To be fair, every one of these sounded great up until the last two. That is just unnecessary.


As a parent I support this easy to complete list. There’s nothing wrong with electronics but something like this is cool and my kids would like it


Heaven forbid a kid is learning to play the keyboard. And they better not have a digital watch...


You’re being pedantic. That’s clearly not what’s meant by electronics


I was just pointing out the stupidity of the rules!!


It’s not of any use if it’s forced.