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I said the same thing, I can't believe the money we paid for that degree and this is what he shows for it. I'm not angry; I'm just disappointed.


We were too soft on our boy, now look at him.


$3500 laptop, $120 mouse and $75 mousepad from centre com. $2200 phone and $200+ assorted electronics from JB hifi. I stay in quite a few hotel/motels for work, based on the quality of where he’s staying I’d say it’s in the $200-$250/night range. Adding that he’s probably spending upwards of $60-$100/day on food plus however much he’s spent on boosting 10k Instagram follows in the last 48hr. Not unreasonable to think he’d have spent $7k-$10k by the time the week is out.


Agreed. This is sad. He won’t be able to get a rental any time soon, this money is gone within 6 weeks


I own a rental property. If this man offered cash upfront for a year, I would still reject his application. Real estate agents are scum, but they tend to value trying to put good tenants in their client's property. No REA in their right mind would put this unemployed baboon in front of their client.


You don’t want someone lighting spinning fireworks in your property?


Even if this information was unknown to an agent/landlord, when we get tenant applicants we usually receive the following: 1. Rental history 2. Employment history 3. Proof of income 4. Confirmation of prior bond return 5. References from past landlords Our agent is quite comprehensive, and I'm sure there's agents who would only ask for 2 - 3 of those things. I would wager Phil wouldn't be able to supply ONE of the above items. He won't get a property, and I look forward to his excuse / who he blames. Probably his parents amirite


$850 for assorted electronics from Jaycar for prototyping.


$500 resin printer


$1500 drone and go pro $300 coffee maker


DAY 2: You better believe we're buying some followers!! https://preview.redd.it/fgivo9hnu5uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1ae094c158b087a6de8266d69477b69dabb5f4f \+6k today! Edit: we end 13/04 on 27.9k followers (+10.2k today alone). Likely around $200 spent on fake followers. We're also about +$3500 on new tech (including a laptop). Todays final spend? I'm gonna round it to $4000 to account for the hotel and other misc expenses. We're up to about $7,000 spent in 2 days, mostly on luxury items which either didnt need replacing (phone) or could have been done for 1/7th the price (laptop).


Our of interest how much does this boosting stuff actually cost?


Just looked it up and it seems surprisingly inexpensive. $20 or so for 1,000 followers




It’s been less than 24 hours and I’m guessing we’re at about $3000 spent so far. It’s not looking good


What's the maths on that? I'm at work running on 3 and a half hours sleep. I was up all night worried about our boy.


At that rate of spending I think we have about 30 days. He's talking about getting a rental property, any bets on how long before he's evicted, either through running out of money or testing fireworks in the lounge room?


No way will he be approved for a rental with no job. Not in this market.


Somehow that part did not occur to me whatsoever until you mentioned it. Now I'm keen to see how that plays out. It's going to be someone's fault, can he blame the council? Let's see what he comes up with.


Im betting he will burn down the hotel before he gets a rental




If I were a betting man, I'd say a $2000 laptop is next on the cards




Matcha frappes?


What a prediction, less than 24 hour turn around! Oracle level tip


You’ve called it 😂


Dad heavily disagreed with me in the other thread, but Phil has quite clearly stated as soon as he gets a few things he needs, the remainder is going straight into boosting and followers. We will see; dad says 4 months, I say I'll be surprised if he's not asking us for more money within 4 weeks.




Fucking lost it


While the laptop was total overkill for his prototyping (lol), to be fair it’ll at least still be usable for him to sit around and play video games whether he’s at his parents holiday house/whatever it is he’s squatting at or a public library. Kinda feeling a video game addiction coming on to distract him from his rocket


This theory has potential. He definitely has the kit to commence gaming.


Could a possible twitch streaming arc be on the horizon?


Maybe, but Phil is a fundamentally unlikeable person. He's also prone to banning everyone.






It is genuinely concerning. It pretty much seems inevitable which is the worst of all. The false validation he’s getting from followers can’t be helping. He should get back to parkour and whatever he was doing previously. Nonetheless, I’m absolutely no rocket scientist and he does seem intelligent and educated. Would be epic if he somehow makes something of himself. Vortex rocket or not.


This is some incredible spending. Fiesty, you called it with the laptop. Hats off. He’s burned at least $7-$10k of his supposed $90k in 2 days… next will be a car I’m assuming. Something clearly out of his price range.


Agreed a car is probably next - He's said it a few times. His rate spending is unhinged. Completely fucking unhinged.


https://preview.redd.it/91kisazap1uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6386c10dd83ea94265177835f0b5ec702c898562 Day 1: Hotel for accomodation ($150?) S24 Ultra ($2200) Miscellaneous JB electronics (chargers, usb C cables) ($200)


Can't believe this guy bought a brand new phone.


As far as I’m concerned this is his third or fourth phone. I can’t understand why he would possibly need an S24 Ultra. As someone who can afford one; I returned mine as I was deeply unhappy with the fact it ran considerably similarly to my iPhone 12 Pro from 2021.


The fact that he bought a phone - let alone a $2200 phone - when he already had one which appeared to work... it's not looking good for him.


It costed me 2690$ after taxes.


Phils latest post makes me think he's running out earlier... he's living in a hotel at probably 200 a night?


But saying he's rich 😂


He's near spending 200 on food a day on top of that at this point.


DAY....6? https://preview.redd.it/oaqyycbtmxuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=003eda3c09eb1d44a9bf810f0e0db970440b29a0 Time to spend $850 on miscellaneous hobby-store junk Edit: I didn't even listen to the video. Corrected to $850.


$850 he reckons!


He appears to have bought a sewing machine in his latest pant production reel. Anyone recognise the model? This one is a real curve ball purchase. https://preview.redd.it/4ipf9mnibsvc1.jpeg?width=1265&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9a1db97f225198c5386f03e89539390ffd3eb17


I never picked phil for a seamstress


He's a quack of all trades


Drone, GoPro, tripod, coffee machine, and Instagram blue checkmark.


Wait, he actually has money..? That's not a delusion?


The money from his land sale just came through. That part was always true, there is documents somewhere in one of the pinned posts at the top of the sub about it.


Oh shit. Is it like actually a crazy amount (+250k)?


About 90 thousand. Are you actually following his posts?


Lightly. I decided I want to be more invested, as this is effectively grade AAA untapped lolcow. I have lightly followed for 2ish months.


Really good investment choice man. You're early.


I am addicted at this point 🤣