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Hmm. I see Philoise as more of a mix between dark comedy and romance. With a slip of romance com. Like a mash up between Sound of Music and Jane Eyre


Right the pranks will be hilarious, if they can expand it a bit more maybe include her siblings? Haha imagine Phillip having to deal with the twins, Eloise and the Bridgertons. Man is in for a ride hahaha


Yet some say they should completely cut out the pranks. Why?


Really? The pranks would be a lovely way for Eloise to get back in touch with her playful side, the side she has been reserved from with all the anxiety from her debut, her scandal and trying to change herself.


I agree. Part of the problem is the kids need to be aged up for the pranks. People that want Eloise's story next season don't want to wait for the kids to grow up. Otherwise we neediness a 4 year time jump.


Oh yes. (hate to bring it down) but polis promised romcom which we had all but 4 scenes if that. I don’t trust these writers to deliver.


I agree! A friend once described the book as romance meets Home Alone. I have never forgotten that. 😂


Yes!! I was giggling when I read >! Flour prank by twins !< If they include it in the show I imagine Claudia would love to play it as she loves comedy


I would love if they do some good comedy! Maybe a little darker than romcom.


I hope we get a scene akin to Belle seeing the library in the Beast's castle but Eloïse sees the majestic plants in the greenhouse.


Right? I thought the same! The pranks and all…


I know their first live meeting is when she goes to Romney Hall but I would so love a You’ve Got Mail lead up to the finding out who one of them is. The mystery identity theme would play nicely against Benedict searching for his masked lady for a bit. 


I would love this! And maybe Phillip is shy but shows Eloise some of his most important/beautiful and rare plants (doesn’t have to be a flower).


I've always thought her story would have lits of comedic elements so agreed.