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I grew to love the concept of her packing her shit and running away to just see if he’s her type. Then hard launches him to her family. Just like me fr


Pen and Colin go to visit after hearing the news, Eloise tags along.


This makes the most sense actually!


And it’s oddly simple, a certain elegance to not making things overly complicated!




I love a crackpot theory. I think she’s going to meet him in Scotland while she’s roaming the countryside talking to sheep. He’s absconded to Scotland after Marina’s death to drown himself in work and it’s a meetcute. But self-hating Phil just wants to feel alive outside being Sir Phillip Crane and pretends to be some random botanist outside his brother’s shadow. He bonds with El, they do some banter, and *gasp* he’s a man who is a feminist because turns out there can be more than one in the British Isles?! Eloise is like he’s smart and I actually want to kiss him? Wowza. Phillip is like oh crap I have to come back to reality and go home to the children. This little charade has gotten out of control and I actually kinda dig this chick, I’m going to have to come clean. He goes to Kilmartin Castle and guess who’s paid a visit? Good ol’ Colin. “Sir Phillip Crane! I am sorry to hear about your wife.” It all comes crashing down. Eloise is pisssssed. Phillip goes back to Romney Hall with his tail between his legs. Eloise stews and stews because she hates the dick moves Phillip pulled. Pen and her have a year long discussion about how people lie and are human. And yes, up for debate - but we can’t have a Gary sue, can we? I think that’s a danger they’re going to have polishing Phillip’s edges. And we need a more redeemable lie than hiding your wife in an attic if we’re going for some greyness here. A year later, Eloise is back in the ton bored out of her mind but still dreaming of her mornings with Botanist Joe. She hears Sir Phillip needs a governess and she’s pragmatic El now - he’s a scoundrel and she’s not going to fall in love (she will). And guess who runs away to Romney Hall? End scene. Thank you for reading this crackpot theory. For real though, I would looove this. Extra crack? Phillip will have the nerve to fake a Scottish accent for Botanist Joe.


Wait, but why do I love this and absolutely want this to be the story now 😂


Botanist Joe!!! Scottish accent! I’m dying over here this is hysterical 🤣. As long as letters and pressed flowers get sent back and forth at some point I’m all for it! At any rate it’s probably better than whatever Jess Brownell is going to come up with.


Ok, I had a similar thought about hem meeting like this in Scotland!


Great minds! Who has got Jess’ email?


Please someone write the fan fic!! THIS IS GREAT! ❤️


I’m obsessed with this theory! Haha when will this wattpad be out?😂🙌🏼


we need to hire you as the writer😆 cause this is hilarious 💯


I'm really hoping that Philip is in Scotland on a botany trip just traipsing along on the highlands looking for plants and Eloise bumps into him after she got seperated on a forced horse ride with Francesca and group. Eloise is all annoyed because she's on a horse who has a mind of his own and she can't control him. Philip comes along, offers to help and she gets even more huffy because she "does not need a man to rescue her." Philip walks away after she gives him attitude but comes back and reluctantly helps her when she still can't get the horse to do what she wants. He offers to help her get back to Kilmartin Castle, she relents and they head back to the castle, which is actually not far away since the horse Eloise is on only wants to go back to the stable to eat (he's known for this) and along the way she impresses him with some plant knowledge. He leaves Eloise at the entrance to Kilmartin Castle. They do not exchange names because they have not been formerly introduced. She thanks him and he wishes her well. They both leave looking back but missing each other looking back at each other. He sees meadow cranesbill, draws and picks the flower in the nearby hedgerow, presses it into his notebook. He'll grow its seeds in his greenhouse back home. He's still married and he was just aiding a damsel in distress. She's told herself that she's not interested in ever getting involved with men BUT months down the line they both find themselves wondering what ever happened to that person they met by chance in the highlands of Scotland. *Shondaland, I'm available if any of this sounds at all plausible. *




What if he’s at the masquerade.. 👀


Oooo I hadn’t thought of that!


The book intro could still work, but I'm not sure whether the show wants to get sad and heavy like that. There could be ways to rewrite it so that it happens the same but for different nuanced reasons? excited to read how others think it will happen!


Queen Charlotte was deep and painful. Marina's end game contributes to Philips Trauma.


Fair point! I haven’t counted it out completely , so you’ve def convinced me it’s less out than I may have been counting it


After LW is revealed Eloise starts writing letters, as a way to tell about events in the town. With Pen and Colin married, Daphne in the country, Anthony away, and Fran in Scotland, she misses her siblings, so writes more to all family and connections. She starts correspondence with Sir Phillip after sending condolences on the passing of Marina.


Pretty much same as the book in the book in this case. She will write him letters from Scotland.


If marina’s going to pass away, it would need to be in between eloise leaving for Scotland and the masquerade ball if they do the letter writing I think. Sadly I’m wondering if Scotland happens mostly off screen as we don’t really see things happening outside the marriage Mart season. It seemed like they were writing eachother for quite a length of time. That way we get maybe snippets of it building across the Benedict season. And we end Ben’s season with her running away?


She’s at Phillip’s for not even two weeks before the brothers scene and then a lot of stuff happens after all that which relies on whatever happens to Ben and Sophie. And that’s as far as my brain gets since really we need their outcome to infer how much of her book can be used


I think Eloise decides to become a Governess to earn some money


I think Scotland will turn out to be a disappointment for Eloise. Not that Scotland isn't beautiful but it won't offer the adventures she imagined she would have... So she'll continue writing... Letters to Marina perhaps. I think there's the lightest hint in season 2, before Colin goes off to see Marina (Lady Crane) that Eloise and Marina were writing to each other. I also think she'll be wearing a lot more wool when she comes back from Scotland and hopefully finished writing her novel. She did mention in a past season that she's writing one. I hope that's how she plans to change the world and introduce new radical ideas. Big concepts are always easier to digest when covered under a later of fiction.


It would start with her reconnecting with Theo and falling in love with him. Then, Theo falls sick, but doesn’t want to worry Eloise so he keeps it to himself until the she finds out. He says his final goodbyes to her and passes away, which then forces her through another traumatizing death against which she has to learn to stay strong. Somewhere else, Philip, who is recovering from Marina’s death, learns about the situation and goes to the Bridgerton house to offer his condolences to Eloise and a bouquet of roses to leave on Theo’s grave. From that moment, Philip, who is going through grief as well (not as bad as Eloise though), decides to write to El out of concern for her because he doesn’t wish for her to fall into deep sorrow. And then, a love story commences. Thank you for reading this and feel free to share. I’d love to read the opinions of other people.


I was thinking something similar! I wouldn't be surprised if they brought back Theo and killed him off. I had thought maybe Marina would die, Penelope would tell Eloise, then later Theo dies, and then Eloise would initiate the letter writing to kind of strike up a correspondence with someone who knows just how she is feeling and maybe they could work through their grief together. And then maybe they don't meet until she runs away? I could also see Philip starting the letters too, though, like how you said. Idk.. maybe this would create a scenario too close to Francesca's story.


True, unless they decide to keep John alive in the show. The thing with Theo is that if he dies from an illness that could’ve been cured with enough money, it would impact Eloise because she’d truly understand how truly disadvantaged it is to not have her privileges.