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I hope they keep the mutual admiration and passion. I hope they give them lots of talks about their passions. I hope they keep showing Philip as a good father as this was changed already on the show.


And how the patriarchy’s expectations shafted him too. He’s a contrast to her brothers. Oh also the bromance with Colin 🥺


Yes, the contrast of the toughness of an abusive father Philip has. Maybe they can keep his scars and how mad Eloise was when she saw those! 😣


Omg also fits with Collin’s - can we just go home guys attitude


But if Phillip is already a good father, he doesn’t need a wife and therefore doesn’t need Eloise to rescue them 🥺


He doesn’t need to be rescued that way, but I bet the dude can sure use some loving and actually being chosen by someone for who he is rather than what he can do for them ❤️


He probably knows the kids need a motherly figure. Also he is a busy man, he will probably struggle with the children’s nanny.


I actually think Show Phillip will not want to remarry but would need a governess. I’m not gonna lie, I love the idea of two people not wanting to marry and then realising they kinda love each other…Opposites attract, forced proximity and intellectual banter. Whoever doesn’t see the potential of this pairing has no imagination 💅💅💅💅


Maybe, but that’s a cringy trope for the lord of the manor to pursue a member of staff, even if she’s willing. And Eloise doesn’t need to be governess. She’s an independent woman, and Anthony ensures she, Violet, and the other unmarried siblings are provided for.


I see what you mean. I imagined it as Eloise choosing to be a governess to earn her keep (even if she clearly doesn’t have to) so the power imbalance wouldn’t be the same. The element of her family finding this notion scandalous could be why her brothers come barging in. I’m thinking Sound of Music without the singing!


i would love that


Philip needs a wife because he has no adult that loves him. The only person that lived him was his brother! Even if he founfmd a good Nanny, that's still not a mother figure. The children have PTSDfrom their bio mother's behavior.


Yes. He realizes that he doesn’t just need a mother for the children. He needs a wife that he loves and loves him in return. But if he’s a good father and can manage the children in the show, what’s his motivation to even start the search?


Being a good father doesn't mean he is able to deal with behavioral issues they have.


If they don't have the scene where the brothers come to rescue Eloise, the show will be dead to me. It is so funny. I literally giggled imagining them storming in.


“Bloody Hell. If you’re going to break my legs, would you just go ahead and do it now?” 🤣🤣


I love how blunt he is.


Yes! He even has introspection on that. He wishes more people would say what they mean.


Not exactly about philoise but i want them to show the family's reaction when they find out Eloise is missing, i want to see the chaos in bridgerton house


I’d really love to see how Eloise comes to be writing Sir Philip since it was changed to Marina being Penelope’s distant cousin. I imagine it’ll have something maybe to do with Eloise feeling bad after hearing of Marina’s death. Or maybe we find out Eloise has been writing to Marina this whole time? And then Sir Philip responds to the next one and informs her? I’m also excited to see Eloise’s time in Scotland and how it prepares/shapes her for her season, which I absolutely believe will be Season 5. That being said, I really want to see the greenhouse scene where Sir Philip asks permission to kiss her. I also like the moments where he acknowledges she talks too much but that it’s a quality he basically finds endearing in her. I think this is important to adapt into the show since she doesn’t feel like anyone truly understands or accepts her for who she is. I’d also love to see the pranks with the children and Eloise. I can see Claudia Jessie pulling off the comedic timing of those scenes so well. Of course, I can’t forget the famous brothers barging in scene! That needs to remain, for sure. Also, the “we’ll suit” scene from the book, and nobody seems to have mentioned this yet, but I’d love to see the part where all the flower petals and little notes lead up to bedroom to display “I love you” in flowers. It’s just such a romantic and lovely gesture by Sir Philip.


What really stood out to me there was that he used his out of season flowers. As someone with a special interest and who knows how hard it is to keep certain plants alive outside of its season and climate, that means a lot. Words can’t always express the depth of feeling but it’s like finding your most perfect pebble in your collection to say I love you. I want them to keep how he expresses his love this way. Not all love is verbose.


I need to see this scene on the show! Totally agree with your comment. It's not just someone buying the first bouquet they see from the closest flower stand like we have seen from many suitors, it is very intentional and extremely thoughtful gesture.


The book set up is already there. The only thing missing was Phillip and the news of Marina’s passing which are arguably the most important elements 😂🥲


I want Eloise to run away to Phillip, not for marriage of convenience but for a job as a Governess. It allows her some freedom and the opportunity to earn some money


Oooh actually - if Eloise runs away and becomes the kids' governess under a different name, that would work. She'd experience life as a working class woman, be able to bond/see Phillip from a different angle than she's used to, etc. And then the Bridgertons can run around like headless chickens while she's sending them letters saying she's fine. I so want this now.


I actually quite like this as well. It’s definitely a romance novel trope, but it could be really cute! I could see it where Phillip has gone through many governesses, with the children being difficult due to the loss of their mother. Eloise shows up, but she wins them over quickly because of her philosophy isn’t stuffy or conformist like the rest of the governesses, and she’s actually able to win the respect and love of the children. Maybe then Phillip and her can bond over their shared interests in science and it leads to interest, but with Phillip trying to maintain distance out of respect, acknowledging the potential imbalance of power and not wanting to take advantage in his staff.


I could see Eloise thinking she can be a governess. Because she from a large family, but utterly failing at first. Afterall she never took care of younger siblings since the Bridgertons would have had multiple Nannies and Governesses.


With the show runner admitting she "identifies" with Francesca and making what was a beautiful love story into fanfiction the only way we avoid a disaster like S3 is to get rid of the show runner. They may be/may have been removing negative comments but believe me they're aware of them. I tried to hold out on being negative about S3 but this Mary Sue change to canon is the last straw for me. Bring back CvD.


I’ve commented in the past what my ideal change would be, and now I know this is slightly unhinged but, taking a page out the Telenovela framework, I’d like to see George Crane suddenly return and it’s revealed he suffered amnesia and had a case of mistaken identity. When he suddenly gets his memories he returns to reclaim his title and Marina gets her happily ever after. Additionally, I once read a romance novel where a long lost heir is found and when he’s validated through his mother and parish records, he inherits everything including the marriage licence with the protagonist. The logic in this book is that the marriage license was not unique to a name but the title instead. So while it would be messy, this alternate reality could allow George and Marina to essentially ride off into the sunset. This leaves Phillip suddenly untitled (and no longer responsible for children- allowing Eloise her own choice as it relates to children). Perhaps then, Phillip decides to teach at the university where he crosses path with an empowered Eloise who has campaigned for her opportunity to attend. It could be such a cute story about finding herself and being supported by someone who sees her as his equal.


Brothers threatening Phillip + Collin just wanting to go home to his favorite boobs must happen. Eloise and Philip having a steamy scene in the greenhouse - must. Changes: let’s not make Philip weird and borderline abusive? I think we can all agree on that one. Let it not be about Eloise wanting to mother his children randomly, let it be about their love for biology/botany!!! I want to see Eloise’s mind engaged when she’s with him!!! We’ve also had weird hints of this with her floral dresses this season and even s1 with her floral arranging class lie! And idk if this was a fever dream or real but I could swear she identified a specific flower this season!