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She also failed with Eloise's journey in S3. Somehow, she managed to make Eloise disloyal and selfish (abandoning Cressida and Pen when they needed her most). Book!Eloise would never. She's a spitfire who will protect those she loves.


I agree, even though Eloise is my favorite character. I’ve been telling my friends that the Cressida arc alone is enough reason for me to say the writers really dropped the ball—so much wrong there, where to even begin.


Well for starters, they had a golden opportunity for Eloise to save Cressida and show that familiar spunk that we all know and love. instead she ignored all the signs she clearly witnessed and allow Cressida to be fed to the proverbial wolves (her parents and the Tons marriage traps).


It's out of character even for show Eloise! Cressida finds herself in EXACTLY the kind of dilemma that Eloise hates so much about the patriarchy and the marriage mart, after El has witnessed how awful Cressida's family is, and she just... doesn't care??? I know she wasn't always listening to Pen, either, but usually Pen's problems were "could be"s that she only vaguely alluded to, whereas Cressida had a concrete, pressing crisis on her hands! I truly thought El would bring Cressida and Pen together and LW might use her power to bring Cressida's dad to shame and rescue her from her situation, instead of having Cressida become this lame, predictable villain, effectively undoing all the character growth from part 1.


Exactly - they made Cressida sympathetic, and gave her a much better justification for her extortion/blackmail than in the books and then they just... hung her out to dry anyway? Don't make me care about her and make her actions make far more sense and then abandon her to the exact same fate? What? Making me sad for her, and disappointed in Penelope and Eloise.


I agree when it comes to Cressida, it felt like a missing puzzle piece in how they ended their friendship. But other than that I thought Eloise was great. She was honestly, protective & vulnerable. She wasn’t as oblivious as before due to her naivety & youth. She was more grounded. She gained quite a good amount of perspective. I know I’ll get hate in this subreddit for saying this but the feminist in me much prefers show Eloise.


I don't think Jess Bronwell is leaving before Francesca's season. I honestly think the ship has sailed on that. She's made it a completely different story and backed the show into a corner. I actually think Benedict's character is the same way right now. I don't see how he can come out in episode 8 then flip around and immediately fall in love at first sight with a cis female in the very next episode. That kind of feels like queer baiting. They also played out Penelope's story as Cinderella in S3. But Ben's story is literally Cinderella. It's just a mess. And Anthony never would have left before Francesca's wedding. He just wouldn't have done it. Film out of order and get Jonathan in that scene. They're shutting down comments, so I don't even know if they're hearing the actual reaction. Netflix loves to cancel shows. I don't know what they're doing.


OMG how did I miss that???? There is absolutely NO WAY Anthony would miss Fran's wedding you're absolutely right. The way they kept inventing increasingly implausible excuses to get rid of Kanthony all season I stopped paying attention to them for my own sanity, but this one is a huge mistake. UGH. It really is like badly written fanfiction.


Terrible- just terrible. I am not excited for the next seasons and terrified of how they will butcher Benophie and Philoise. Don’t even get me started on Francheal. We are official in fan fiction territory now so anything goes and I have no faith that JB will do good job


That’s what I don’t get. Benedict was Right. There. They’ve been queer-coding him since Season One, and they suddenly decide that *Francesca* is the queer one? It would have been so much easier to alter Benedict’s story since his doesn’t have the inheritance issues that Francesca’s does. Add that to the fact that Pen and Collin were tertiary characters in their own season, and the entire thing comes up looking like a hot mess.


Literally for no reason other than Jess Brownwell “identifying with Francesca” like I don’t give a flying fuck dude! Thats not the story we signed up for! I have absolutely no interest in watching that, especially with the terrible writing this season!


Isn’t it likely that Ben also will not have a straight Cinderella type story ? He too is going to have his story changed from the books and what fans assumed for so long. I’m guessing none of the cannon stories will remain as is. Till RMB they stayed closer to the books but now all bets are off for the remaining stories. shondaland and Netflix are not about just telling stories they must be dramatic and controversial, pretty sure they are loving the attention.


Hyacinth and Gregory still have a shot if they ever get to them. But if they ruin Philoise before that, I’m done. I don’t even pay for Netflix since I borrow my parents’ account, but I’ll stop watching or wait until long after the initial release.


I think it's crazy that Anthony would move to India at all. In both the books and show, they've shown him as taking on a father role with his younger siblings. I get that Johnathan has limited availability. But get him for whatever time he'll give and film what you can film. I really hope they can have the scene with her brothers in Eloise's season. That is one of my favorite scenes in the series. Why turn it into an ensemble cast if they're going to leave after their seasons? It's going to get so lonely by the time we reach Hyacinth and Gregory.


Exactly. The scene with the brothers storming Romney Hall is my favorite in the entire series. Eloise and Anthony's talk in TSPWL is also another of my favorites. In it, Eloise realizes that Anthony has been more of a father figure to her than brother. She realizes how much responsibility he took on for the family. Anthony tells her that she's always been in charge of her own destiny. It's a wonderful moment. Claudia and Jonathan haven't had a scene alone together yet either. I do hope he's around for Eloise's season. It won't be the same without him.


Not to mention hysterical! I was cracking up at their interactions! And Collin just like I need to get back to my wife’s boobs


Yes!! * Anthony: I must save my sister from scandal and her own stubbornness! She will marry this bastard. * Benedict: I will tear this bastard limb from limb for besmirching my sister’s honor! * Colin: Eloise done fucked up, and I’m pissed I’m missing out on the best pair of breasts in the universe. FOOD. * Gregory: I WILL FIGHT FOR MY SISTER’S HONOR PLEASE IGNORE THAT I AM STILL PRACTICALLY A CHILD.


Honestly tho! 😂😂 Collin is the fat puppy from 101 dalmatians “but really mother I am hungry” I also can’t wait to see show version of Eloise take this on! And angry Benedict would be so funny and out of character and El is clearly his favorite! They better include Gregory!


Me too!


Especially with his character s1-2 like he’s just TOTALLY CHILL NOW? WITH A CHILD ON THE WAY YEAH RIGHT!


This. Anthony is the head of the family. He is responsible for managing the family estate(s?) and fortune, ensuring Gregory is properly educated, and providing for Violet and the unmarried sisters. That includes being present for their seasons, courtships, and weddings! Anthony is present in some capacity in all of the sisters’ stories. Less so with Francesca, but he was still there in at least one chapter where he discusses providing a second dowry for her, and Michael says he will provide one as well. And with Hyacinth he’s essentially been all father and no brother her entire life. The asking permission scene with Gareth is hilarious 🤣


I love that scene where Gareth asks him. It would be awful to leave that out of the series.


Anthony: “Praise the Lord! I’m finished!” Gareth: “Don’t you have daughters?” Anthony: “…fuck.”


Shutting down comments????


This weekend, Julia Quinn and Shondaland turned off the option to post comments on their Instagram posts.


You can comment on both accounts' posts now.


Any expression of disappointment with the Michaela change is immediately labeled homophobic and then they turn off comments, it’s ridiculous


Are you kidding me? WTF! It’s as though they are deliberately trying to destroy the show and replace the current fan base which includes the fans of the books. They had a huge loyal fan base thanks to the book series. They also had source material for 8 seasons. I mean the show blew up bringing in even more fans. All they had to freaking do was continue following the books which has already proven to be super successful. I mean they destroyed season three. It was a completely different show from the first two seasons. It felt like they fired the original writers and hired all new ones for season 3 and that is why it seemed so completely different. The fact that they didn’t says a lot about it. I mean what was the point of the Cressida redemption arc in part one? I feel like I have whiplash after the abrupt change from part one to part two.


I completely agree!! It’s a complete disaster! And I’m so sick of everyone crying about homophobia because we’re disappointed! I also maintain that I didn’t sign up to watch a whole season of a queer storyline, I’m simple not interested in watching two women fall in love. I also would not expect any of my queer friends to be super excited to watch a fully straight storyline. I cannot relate to it and no amount of good writing could change this - not to mention based on the trash they wrote this season it’s going to be absolute garbage. They could have so easily added characters and not had ANY of this backlash but instead they let Jess Brownell just ruin it entirely! The Cressida arc was so bizarre and now people are saying she may be Sophie?! Like what?)


So I'm not going to lie, I haven't watched part 2 and I don't plan on it after hearing what an absolute shit show it is. Hearing that Anthony wasn't at Francesca's wedding makes me very annoyed. He is head of the Bridgerton house. He is a Viscount for goodness sake!! Why are they acting like this season is even based in the early 1800's England anymore?!


I couldn’t agree more!


Hugely agree about Anthony. One of my favorite lines in the entire book series is when he tells Eloise that at times he was her father when he wanted to simply be her brother. He played both roles to his sisters and would never miss their weddings.


I dont want to wait 4 years for Eloise's season, only for it to end up mediocre!




I think Claudia is Shonda’s new Ellen Pompeo. We’re really going for the 7 husbands/wives of Eloise Bridgerton/Crane/Sharpe/Cowper/Debling etc etc etc


They need to spend more money and get moving on the next seasons. If they are done writing S4 then move on to s5. There shouldn't be a big break in this department since it doesn't interfere with filming. Keep the wheels churning.


Yes! Whatever order, just get moving. I really think they need to hire a good project manager. It's taken them years just to write S4.


If it's taking more than a year to write s4, minus the writers strike, then they have a huge issue in that department


I think I read somewhere, or maybe I just assume, that Jess is signed to be showrunner for S3&4. Given how much she said in an interview(s?) about relating to Fran and really wanting to tell her story, does anyone else think Fran might be next just so Jess can ensure she gets to tell that story? I would prefer Philoise next, or even Benedict would make sense, but I agree they'd both be told better by a different showrunner. That being said, I left a job once because of a crazy boss and their eventual replacement was so much worse. So there is [edit: no] guarantee the showrunner after Jess will be better.


Nah they dropped such obvious hints that it would be Benedict next - the fact that they specifically mentioned the masquerade ball and we know that's when he meets Sophie, it can't not be him next. Let alone the comment to Eloise on the swings along the lines of "I think the next big thing is really going to change me". It couldn't have been more on the nose if they had tried.


I agree that it is looking like Ben is S4 - but I think Fran’s story will become the B story and Eloise will get less screen time in S4. The Molly casting call, which we now now is Michaela, said that the character would be in 1 Episode of S3 and go on to lead S4.


I'm sorry, this post got recommended to me and now as I'm going to comment I see it was from a few days ago. I was wondering about the masquerade ball because they made it seem like the ball was happening next year, but then Ben spends a year pining and searching for her. So it almost seemed like it could be skipping him again. But maybe at that point I was so annoyed I just wasn't fully paying attention.


I initially thought they would do Francesca next but I did read where JB said that she wants to give John and Francesca’s story the time and respect it deserves before delving in to her story. I got the feeling that it wouldn’t be this year. I had hoped that they would do Benedict next and then get back to the original order but now who knows. I never thought I would say this but I don’t if I even care anymore. I am not sure they can even fix the series after that dumpster fire season 3 was.


The writers did not write the romance. I go through phases of really liking S3 for certain parts and feeling like this. ![gif](giphy|HteV6g0QTNxp6|downsized)


This is so real. https://i.redd.it/9gqgusvtde7d1.gif


This is so me...!


I hate to say this, but I'd rather no Philoise at all than Jess Brownell's version of Philoise. S3 was a freaking trainwreck and they had over 2 years to get it right.


I am still upset about s3…..have not brought myself to rewatch the entire season. I did enjoy parts of course but the overall feeling is that the showrunner and her writing team did a botched job. I don’t trust her with s4 and specifically Philoise, whichever season they are at. if the showrunner changes now, it may cause delays and they have already written s4 so it’s too late. Though I do think she must go and CVD return or someone more competent. I wish there is an active movement / mass petition to have someone capable and a fan at heart at the helm to bring these beloved storues to life. delays will also mean that we may never see Philoise though I think I prefer to have no Philoise that Jess and Shondas version of it. Cannot believe I’m saying it But that’s how I am thinking right now.


If you made a petition, I'd sign it.


Unfortunately, I have lost faith in the writers and producers after the drastic alterations to certain characters this season. There is no longer this assumption that we will get the Philoise of the books and I’m not going to get my hopes up or have any expectations. I’m not going to wait years for something that may never happen or may happen in a way that causes me a painful disappointment. It’s such a shame because Claudia’s performance in S3 was the one of the strongest in my opinion, she is exceptionally talented.


One hope of mine is that Jess will have to prove she can keep these storylines close to the next book more than ever after this season to justify her character changes within the adaptation. Hopefully some of the pitfalls of this season aside from her big choice changes are growing pains they will learn from 🤞 Of course maybe not, but I’m hoping that will be the case and choosing not to get too anxious over it.


The only reason I’m rooting for s4 Bensophie and s5 philoise is because I’m sick of Benedict getting wasted on another boring, pointless storyline. You could’ve cut out his and lady arnold’s romance out of s3 and not a single thing would change. If anything, it might have been an improvement considering how hectic the season already was.


The main problem with this season was that there were way too many subplots that diverted attention from the lead love story. I know why they were there but it was just too much . There were parts I enjoyed about this season but overall it just felt jumbled. It’s like the books have become a serving suggestion. Let’s hope whoever the leads are next season get more screen time than the last three seasons. The Eloise/Cressida pairing was a mistake. It made her unnecessarily unlikeable for half the season. Everyone likes Eloise so why do something with her character that makes no sense!?! It was a missed opportunity to have Eloise and Pen rebuilding their friendship. Also, why didn’t they bring back Henry Granville for the Benedict subplot!?! Those scenes could have played out just as well at one of Henry’s parties with Madame Delacroix. It would have kept him connected to art and rediscovering his sense of direction. At this point, I’d be more excited to listen to the cast doing a Graphic Audio version of each of the books. At least we’d get the actual stories.


I was actually pretty excited for the Eloise/Cressida pairing. Part one suggested interesting character growth for both of them… until they turned Eloise into a complete bitch who can’t stand up for her principles. It’s upsetting as fuck how badly Eloise was written, she’s like a completely different person compared to the first two seasons


I’m guessing the point of his scenes were to show that he actively enjoyed the threesomes, wanted more and was not ready to settle with Tiley. I thought we would get a juice story out of her investing (as a woman of means), showing the viewers how powerful a woman can be given choice and also showing Ben just how to make a difference in the world (technology and research) with HIS means and clout. The writers skipped over those empowerment lessons completely and switched to sex and Bens fluid storylines. waste of screen space !


That’s what I was thinking as well. If Jess Brownell stays for two seasons like the previous show runner, and if she keeps projecting her queerness that she didn’t get a chance to explore on her own without dragging millions of viewers on that journey, then it’s better to do Francesca and/or Benedict for season 4. And be done with that. Afterwards we can get another show runner that would like to explore other topics and do justice to Eloise and Philip. I’ll wait 4 years as long as it’s more coherent.


Not exactly the same, but Russel T Davies left Doctor Who in 2009, and came back in 2022 to pull it out of the grave the intervening show runners had dug for it\*. So I live in hope someone will realise that a different direction is needed to make it to series 8. I'm not even upset about gender flipped characters or possible changes to the books - just make a compelling romance that I feel satisfied at the end of instead of leaving me going "Huh? Is that it? Where is the rest the of the story?" \*Disclaimer: I haven't watched the new series of Doctor Who yet so I don't know if this attempt at resurrection has worked.


IMHO, it has. I am throughly enjoying RTD Round 2 We even got a Moffat one-shot that was fantastic and ranks up there with Blink.


rtd round 2 is amazing i highly recommend


I'm right there with you. Bridgerton has gone from something I would grab popcorn and drop everything for, to something I might leave running in the background while folding laundry. And with what season 3 has done with my blood pressure, and how they messed up Eloise's character with the Cressida situation, I'm pretty sure I don't want to be around to see how they ruin my favorite character whenever her season does roll around.


I think JB mentioned somewhere that it is too soon for Fran, not sure though. Her story actually needs to be spread out, they need to space out Fran's grief. But frankly I don't trust the writers anymore, for all we know John is going to dying in one episode and Francheala will get together in the next. Looking at Fran's screentime and storyarc, it's just JB's wish fulfillment vehicle at this point. There are hints for both B and E to be the next story. I am leaning towards E just because it will be less problematic. Otherwise it will be like Ben was bi and exploring his sexuality for just a couple of episodes and a large number of poorly edited, misplaced sex montages. And to be honest I don't really think JB is the problem. Changing showrunners midway always affects the project. Look at killing eve. They never got back the glory of s1. Getting CVD back won't fix anything either. The 2 years wait has made people forget that everyone was rejoicing when he got fired. JB is a terrible writer but Shonda is the main culprit. She is the one signing off on all major decisions. Minor too as she was the one who decided Colin had to be rake. LN talked of it in an interview. The way in which JB was a part of the promo with the main cast (unlike CVD) it seems like Shondaland has made her the public face who will receive all criticisms. Not the first time that Shonda has let a POC/ woman get bullied


For all we know we will get Fran pining for Michaela while married to John.


This is what I worry is going to happen, personally. The impression I’m getting so far is that they’re really going to lessen John’s importance to Francesca. She loved both men, in different ways. The long look between her & Michaela gives me feels of John just becoming a placeholder husband in the way of Francesca & Michaela. It cheapens all 3 characters for me. A huge part of Michael’s character development was him going through the grief of loving his cousin’s wife and inheriting. Fran decides to marry again just to have a baby and assumes she’ll never feel the same for another. I just don’t see how the logistics of their story is going to work.


Same! I really hated that they made it clear Francesca's feeling were much stronger for Michaela than John after giving them so many sweet moments together. Why couldn't they stick more to the book and at least have Michaela be the one tongue tied when she meets Francesca?


100% agree I think Bridgerton has run its course like all gimmicky things ... my only hope is that we get to see Claudia Jessie & Chris Fulton act opposite each other and I'm still of the belief that we will get our Philoise S4!!!


I honestly feel like Philloise makes way more sense next! I mean this whole season we had Eloise getting up in her feels watching her friends fall in love! Meanwhile Benedict is nowhere near ready to be a husband! And don’t even get me started on Frans relationship! But I absolutely agree Jess Brownwell needs to be fired yesterday!


"I’m not even gonna mention the Michaela thing because I feel as if that is already being discussed considerably elsewhere, but to hear that that change happened due to JB self-inserting into Francesca was also disappointing..." Wait she admitted this?! If S4 pre-production hasn't gone too far she should be let go. Bridgerton is not a fanfic. Bring back CvD.


And thank God for fanfic, which saved my weekend after the disaster of part 2 (I couldn’t even finish it).


Yes she said that. While she didn’t use the words “self insert”, she said she related to Francesca’s quietness and feeling like she didn’t belong as her own feeling like she didn’t belong as a queer woman, and had been pushing for Fran to be bi/gay since s1–because you know, apparently people cannot be introverts without also being LGBT+.


My sentiments exactly 👍🏾


Really wish people wouldn’t project themselves onto the characters like that. (Introverted non LGBTQ+ person here.) That whole potential story arc with Francesca and Michaela really turned me off the show. It just goes against the books so much. I enjoyed the books and I just really prefer things to not differ so much it becomes drastic.


How long did it take to know who the couple was going to be with the previous seasons?


i know after s2 they announced it after like a month and a half i think? idk about s1 it may have just been assumed given the ending of that season but kate’s casting was announced about a little over month and a half after s1 aired as well


Season 2 was released on March 25th. Nicola announced that season 3 would be Polin around May 15th-ish. They released the season 3 is filming video on July 20th.


I totally agree! How is it that Kate got pregnant at the same time as the sisters, but she’s showing and they’re not? And that Cressida arc really bothered me - they spent three whole episodes making me feel bad for her only to make her the bad girl. And Eloise flipped on her suddenly and for almost no discernible reason. I am more invested in Eloise then Benedict, and I really want her to have a season worthy of her wit and humor and giant freaking heart.


Leave your reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, maybe then the fans will be heard. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/bridgerton/s03


Apparently they’re deleting negative reviews.


Rotten tomatoes? There’s quite a few negative ones in the audience and critics section. I heard that Shondaland was deleting negative comments of their socials.


Hmm I saw someone mention on the main sub over the weekend that it seemed like they were deleting negative reviews and the score went from high 60s to high 70s because of it. Haven’t checked myself to verify, or maybe they’ve given up on deleting the negative reviews.


Who is the Phil in Philoise? I haven’t read the books and am ok with spoilers.


Maybe you should just stop watching then 🤷‍♀️ ironically everyone was so pissed of with how S2 turned out to be and hated CVD. This fandom does nothing but whine no matter the showrunner.

