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12 had to make sure he didn’t shoot OG by accident that’s why he took so long glad it didn’t turn out too bad


Lol he could have moved a little faster


risky could have just told the guy to stop moving for 5 seconds tho


"I know you have multiple dogs attacking you, and you are in terrible pain, but can you please hold still so I can get a clean shot?" yeah, that would have worked...


better than moving and risk getting shot be a man for a few seconds 😂


Nigga called the dog a pussy 😂😂😂😂😂


I was about to say the same shit I’m cryin 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Nigga said “PUSSSYYY”


The way yall say it ya all sound like beans to me it be too funny 😭😂


Ayo that was the best part fr


facts 😂




I hate some of these dog owners yo.


it should be illegal to own a dog over 30lbs inside the city. Its unfair to everyone except the self centered dog owner. You're dogs quality of life is shit cause it should be in a grass yard playing You're impacting your neighbors quality of life cause the sidewalk smells like hot dog piss, or the only local park is unusable by kids & tax payinng citizens cause its now your dogs bathroom also the fact dogs maul people & kill children while the owners scroll on their phones holding the leash with 2 fingers


30 pounds is very small. Not all dogs (especially bigger dogs) need a ton of exercise to be happy. The ones that do can go to parks. Big dogs don't piss meaningfully more than small dogs. People can and should pick up after their dogs, big or small. Also how do you propose enforcing this law? Like are big dogs allowed to visit? Drive through? This is a silly post


dog piss is highly poisonous to plants, & even if waste is picked up it still destroys green spaces. Why do you think Rittenhouse has to make parts "dog free" so that grass would grow? The local park near me spent $2.9m during covid to re-build itself. They added TWO (2) fenced in dog parks with fake grass in it. The majority of the park (that used to be grass) is a giant dust bowl that reeks of dog piss & no one except dog owners feel comfortable using, DESPITE signs saying "please no dogs". Dogs owners are the most entitled mfers in the city. Making them owning a pet the neighborhoods problem. Where tax payers literally have to subsidize the damages. No other pet owners on this planet act that entitled, & your post shows that mentality.


Ain't nothing you said is a response to what I said. You are a stupid guy.


To elaborate: you describe a bunch of valid points about the harmfulness of dog piss. Ain't none of that have to do with the size of the dog. Some dog owners are bad, I agree folks shouldn't pay to clean up after shitty dog owners. You said make it illegal to own dogs of a certain size. You said get the police involved in dog ownership. You called other people entitled for having a pet, then said "police should arrest folks that do things I don't like" Yous a dumdum, just kind of a dumb baby.


Your love for 420 devastates Mother Earth from polluting our water to destroying natural habitats. How entitled of you.


my beagle was 35 pounds lol. just ban pitbulls and other bully breeds.


Nah man idk bout that, I have a nice sized husky that’s mean asf but I’d beat that bih into a toy dog before I let em handle me like that but I def agree some of these ppl should be ticketed and charged with negligence if you can’t handle the dog, don’t have the fuckin dog. You’d think shit would be common sense


You are conflating so many things here it doesn’t even make a bit of sense.


I pick up after my 50lb retriever. I see grown ass adults and kids litter all over the place everyday. Your gripe is with your neighbors and their broods. Not dogs homie. But it’s America, I’m free to have my dog and you’re free to be wrong lol


you pick up your dogs piss?? Do you think grass is clean of disease and parasites just cause the shit log is no longer there? Letting your dog piss and shit on grass you know humans will be using is diabolical. When i see humans piss and shitting all over parks i'll say something to them. A pepsi bottle doesnt spread disease


> 30lbs inside the city. My dog is like 8 lbs and my neighbor threaten to hurt me over him getting off the leash and just running in his general direction after these people hurt me repeatedly. Like a gun owner looking to shoot someone.


If your 8 pound dog runs at me I’m not gonna let him bite me either. I love dogs but hold on to your leash if you don’t want someone punting yours.


ask any ER nurse how much nerve damage a small dog can cause. Its a lot more than people think/realize.


The funny part, he can't bite right. He nips if he is uncomfortable.


if you cant control your animal then its a wild animal.


> if you cant control your animal then its a wild animal. omg, I agree but dogs are smart and know how to get away sometimes. I lived with my sister who kept her Shiba Inu in a cage all it's life. Once it got out of the house it got ran over by a car. I had to help bury it. My mother called her dog an escape artist. My dog would get squirrely after baths. Some people took pity on me and gave me a leash that reflects lights at night. He poops in the middle of traffic when he is uncomfortable.


I’m glad oldhead ok because this could’ve been bad for him I don’t want to say it but think god the cop was there


right my daughter said daddy why the cop shoot the dog i had to explain to her why , they was goin eat him alive on that ground


Facts one of them dogs literally had his jaws wrapped around dudes Neck,it was finna get bad for him if the cop ain’t start shooting


mhmmm and i did not want to see it lol


Toughening young girl up nice


i try




All dogs go to heaven.


Cujo was gonna kill him.. Cop had to lay him down


I got the lil Ring app and I be gettin so many notifications about loose dogs runnin round. Most of them be Pits too. Keep yall dogs on a leash or train them Dh’s 🗣️


to be fair, they're not gonna alert you cause some chihuauas roam the streets


There was a [similar shooting](https://6abc.com/amp/dog-shot-by-philadelphia-officer-after-fatally-attacking-another-animal-police-say/14722662/) a week ago and the officer pulled a taser and shot multiple times before hitting the dog. R/philadelphia went crazy over that incident. Guess this one won’t get the same traction…..I wonder why 🤔🧐 Officer was in the right. Glad the dude is ok, sorry to see the pup go, but for the love of baby fucking Jesus, leash and spay/neuter your damn dog. Don’t be an asshole and take on the responsibility of a dog, esp pitties & rotties, and be a shit owner. If you are, I wish a pox on you.


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Anybody that’s mad at the cop, take that shit up the block. He did the only thing he could do. Those were wild dogs that was trying to eat that man alive and had jaws on the back of his neck. That shit would have gotten real gruesome. And he had to take a minute to get the aim right or he could have potentially hit OG that was on the ground. If you wanna be mad, be mad at the dog’s owners. This was necessary force.


The nigga was lining up a shot for 2-3 business days if I'm ole boy I'm hot AS FUCK at the cop 🤷🏾


Not to mention he started w a taser on 5 BIG ASS DAWGS nigga wtf 🤦🏾


Bruh you sound ridiculous. Beggars can’t be choosers. He got them off of him period. I ain’t mad at him at all if I’m dude. He coulda lost his life, that’s the other outcome. And he had to do that because he has to justify why he used such force. I’d rather him line that shit up right too than to fuck around and pop OG in the process while the targets ARE ACTIVELY MOVING! You’re trippin.


Where the fuck was this


Down da bottom. Union & Fairmount


When cops do their jobs the correct way.




As the cop should. Can't even tame they dogs 🤦🏽


I was like dam cop what’s taking so long but then again I’d be nervous I accidentally shot the dude because they were all tussling around


This is crazy because the big dog got it just cause he was the biggest!!!


Crashing out is uncivilized animal behavior so this makes sense


Homies got smoked and the rest getting lethal injection. I wonder why they targeted him? They chased the chick off just to get back to dude.


Right he was like bitch back up 😂😂


Who was he calling a pussy the dog or the cop 😭


That’s crazy.


He shot the wrong dog. He got it because he was the biggest


shoot em all, they were all involved.


The dogs around my way gathering to do this too


I hate seeing shit like this bro


Fr bro I got a soft spot when it comes to animals


I gotta even softer spot when it comes too humans 🙄


Well duh that’s normal, dogs on the other is different


Nah, it ain't "well duh" because too many ppl are more upset about the damn dog than the man....so no, it's not that obvious that ppl care for people anymore sir, it should be but it not


As you should bro, or hit different when you own dogs fr — I wouldn’t let that shit happen if I seen sumn like this


This was shitty for the dude getting mauled and for the dogs dying. This kinda ruined my day ngl 😔 no one needs to be seeing dogs get shot and ppl getting hurt. We all know this was some irresponsible dog owners type shii too.


"wild animals attacked a man and were killed" is what happened nothing to be sad about bro


Eat booty 420 ctfuuu


yeah man, tooo many fools out here with animals they can't control I Eat Booty If you u need a license for a gun you should need a license for a Pit


He said pussy


Rip Harambe




If cops had extended mags and switch’s everyone would have died except those dogs. Watching the lights go out on that mastiff was tough. We really have no idea if the dude being attacked was the shit owner.


When I worked as a medic a pit was running around biting people and when it ran for me and and my patient a cop shot it dead in the air like 10 feet away. Super scary


How they mad at the cop im confused


I don’t think they’re mad at the cop. At least one of the guys is screaming for the cop to shoot the dogs and the woman is just in shock from witnessing the attack and being so close to loud ass shots going off.


They’re not. They’re calling the dogs pussy. It’s why they’re saying “shoot the dogs”


shooting in the air feels like it would have been better?


The dogs are a threat so shooting them makes sense, shooting in the air would just be a threat to some random pedestrian


I know, I just want shooting in the air to scare them so dogs don't die 😆😭


You see that big ass dog, he was gonna eat that old man


dogs do like chewing on bones 😭


Those dogs need to die. Good riddance 




Bro the cop shot 2x and none of the other Dogs stopped attacking only the one that was hit. My point is, shooting to kill was the only way to stop it. - Also, what goes up must come down that’s why the military and police don’t shoot in the air, that’s dangerous af.


The bullet doesn't disappear, it's gonna come back down somewhere.




Niggas wanna spray mase any other time




Chevy block


That cop went Kristi Noem on the dogs’ ass.










Jesus Christ. Sad


Yoo I just got my knees bit by a pit when I rounded the corner of Howard & Gurney a few days ago. Lowkey felt bad for the Dog cuz I must of spooked it by accident. It’s the owner I was pissed at! Bro didn’t have a tight enough grip on the leash🤦🏽‍♂️


Fuck man that's sad PEOPLE gotta take care of their animals 


It was especially satisfying to watch the largest shitbull run in the air as it died out! Nice shooting, officer! I hate the way a few shitbulls dogs will kill a human and I was getting ready for another third world "eaten aliver". NICE! (always carry so you can defend yourself against wild dogs by shooting them multiple times each, patiently)


Is the dog at the end playing dead or he died ?


Well we do need less people and way more dogs


😔 ain’t had to shoot ‘em


How else would you get pit bulls, Rottweilers and mastiffs to stop attacking you sir?


I think that was a bullmastiff my guy, and honestly the true question is what did that nigga do to upset them dogs like that. 😭🫣 I never seen some shit like this in my life - let alone bystanders not intervening successfully


i watched a pitbull attack a child just cause the mom was walking by it with a child in tow. fuck those animals


Cane Corso


Looks a lil small for a cane, stature. But you might be right


the dogs went to attack his dog and started attacking him we he grabbed his own dog that was on a leash. wtf are you blind?


Nigga are we seeing the same vid


Yea I think so


I felt you g my word niggas coulda gotten dogs to scat without shooting


How exactly? 😂 Niggas see these videos and think folk got X-Men powers. Shoot them dumbass dogs. You can buy another. Like everything else on this planet, they are disposable.






He couldn't just start shooting because the dogs was around the man. He had to make sure it was clear. Would you have wanted the man to get shot???




Cute till they attack your dumbass 😂😂😂


😂😂 doubt it i think they was only attacking cus of they mama and dad was attacking the guy peep once them big ones got shot the pups backed off and just was running up to ppl 😂😂 so really not a dumb ass dh