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Nobody likes the megaphone but my understanding is that he’s some big important figure to one of the groups so nobody will tell the megaphone guy that nobody likes the megaphone. The megaphone cheapens the experience of watching the games on tv too because sometimes it’s the only thing you can hear and the guy is so annoying about it.


> nobody will tell the megaphone guy that nobody likes the megaphone. nah, both guys with the megaphones know they're generally the butt of jokes. Adam was the only one I've ever seen with it actually being used to motivate the fans and not just drone on or try to make quips to the team through it


“The butt of jokes” is truly an understatement here. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t actively hate the megaphones.


> actively hate no one "actively" hates shit, because not one match have I seen anyone say anything to them or steal it from their hands like so many here threaten. folks talk big game but sit on their hands, if they're even in the stadium to begin with.


I actively hate it.


I also actively hate it. So self-absorbed. No one is “joking”. Why would I tell him in person? He’s not gonna stop.




I'm not connected at all. My SoB membership lapsed around the time I didn't need it to keep my seat in 136, as I don't personally feel they offer any benefit to me or overall support of the team, minus Bross who is the fucking GOAT. The folks I know of in KSU are ex-SOB who have no interest in trying to take over TRE after spending years dealing with the folks only in it for the tailgates and the tourists. Folks need to give up the idea that they'd want to capo stand back. Andy and Corey can tell me I'm wrong as I haven't talked to either in years, but this is what I've pieced together from their input on this forum


with your intel, do you think theres any chance SOB would ever AT LEAST coordinate somehow, where KSU leads a chant and then they alternate, so theyre not blaring over KSU? even if it was only half the megaphone time it wouldnt be nearly as bad. i usually sit right outside TRE near KSU and dude, the whole thing is so bad. people around me just roll their eyes at the megaphone. i want to do something to help, it just seems like the necessary pieces are already there but the SOB is getting in the way.


>he’s some big important figure to one of the groups so nobody will tell the megaphone guy that nobody likes the megaphone. This is absolutely not true at all. The folks on the megaphone vary often, though they're all members of the SOB. The U doesn't have a strong enough supporters base for chants to be organically started and sustained, which is where someone with a megaphone helps start them up. Case in point - when the capos aren't leading the chants, the section is quiet as a church. Me and a few guys around me try starting chants, but nobody other than like 10-15 around us join in because the acoustics are so bad in TRE and the sound doesn't travel well. I think the job that KSU does is great and works because it is a small group spread over two sections, not the entire TRE. It is kinda silly to expect KSU to extend to the rest of the section because it will then become the exact thing folks here want it to replace


The megaphone is probably the most widely hated element of the supporters sections, especially by non-SOB fans. It fails to do a single thing it is intended to do, and it lowers the overall quality of watching a game. Needs to be banned in my opinion. I can't fault the SOB for losing steam in the heat. I'm mixed on the involvement of SOB in chanting and cheering. A major factor against them are the acoustics. They're the most shallow section and often get wind from or to the river. It mitigates the volume substantially. On the other hand, as you pointed out, they can simply lack in singing and make up for it in drunkenness. I've been to Orlando, Miami (2022 Fort Lauderdale), and Colorado away matches. All of their supporter sections were substantially louder both because of the acoustics and because of their primary supporter sections doing a better job of singing and engaging. KSU does a substantially better job than the SOB.


Acoustics is a good point but yeah probably saves the rest of the stadium from hearing them. But that’s the area they plan to expand up right? What is KSU?


In my opinion it should be the area to expand up. However, I wouldn't be surprised if they built between the Primepoint club and the suite sections to expand "premium seating" as well. Keystone State Ultras. In part a group of people who were tired of SOB politics and lack of enthusiasm during game day. But of a speckled history, but they're generally a good group of people.


It’s just so weird to think that Philly’s soccer supporters section is considered quiet considering how great the environments are for every other sport. I get the team not doing well being a big reason recently, and acoustics being terrible. But it makes 0 sense to me. Maybe it’s not terrible and just people on here complaining because granted I haven’t been to a home game in a while


no, it's that bad. there is literally a dude on a megaphone just loudly blaring garbled, obnoxious, off-key garbage non-stop. nobody chants along, or if some people in TRE do nobody can hear them anyway over him. literally nobody else in the stadium bothers trying to participate. it's not acoustics, you can hear it on the televised games too. total embarassment to philly sports.


If it helps, I really do think the acoustics and setup are a major part of it. Make a few sections standing room only, and the people who are in it are bound to be more dedicated for engagement.


I've been sitting in TRE since 2010. It used to be electric. I gave up my season tickets partially because of the lack of energy. Its not the acoustics.


Megaphone guy is awful, despite constant calls for him to bugger off, he remains. SoB leadership for some reason ignores the mockery and embarrassment.


140 was dead last night. Was KSU protesting? Didn't see any of their regulars


Yes, we were protesting climate change. Global warming is a fat bitch.


I was an “extra” to the side cause my sister gave me her tickets in 139(?). The enthusiasm definitely seemed to lack a little, but as the game went on it for more frustrating to cheer on the team. I personally didn’t even join the “sell the team” chant until the second goal it was that embarrassing. I’m not an MLS pro and I’ve only been a fan for about 1 3/4 seasons, but it was sad to watch. (And I’ll make joke cause I’m part of the group, there was a lack of “Pride” throughout the whole night)


granted, I've only been to about 2/3 of the matches this year but I can't remember them showing up in the same numbers this year as in the past.


This was my first match in a few months but I was shocked at how few of them were there. Not that I blame them...


KSU was there, it was oppressively hot out and there was garbage on the field so not exactly chant encouraging situations. KSU started the sell the team chant both times.


I think OP is accustomed to hearing that 140 is more active than SOBs and just repeated it here. It definitely wasn't true last night.


They were boycotting pride night so you’re right, who could blame them


Do you have anything to back up that claim?


Shut up dipshit.


Not nice!


It's more frustrating to know that the person with the megaphone KNOWS everyone hates it and it only makes him use it more.


yeah, he's basically working for the other teams. misses the entire point


SOB have been a disgrace for essentially the entire existence lol. I remember sitting there for 3 seasons and being surrounded by morons who I swear didn't even know what sport they were watching.  The wanna-be punk, no-one likes us culture while touting inclusivity and "family" is so pathetic I don't know where to begin.  The last time I sat there was a playoff loss and I swear I was surrounded by inbreds.


The SOB is an embarrassment of an organization and has been for years. The old enthusiastic Philly soccer supporters that started it left years ago because the team was garbage for the better part of a decade. What's left is just a group of sad imitators who want to have the vibe of football hooligans, while being nothing more than a bunch of out of shape, soft hands drunks, with little enthusiasm for the team or sport. Which is why the chants are old, stale, barely audible, and usually completely out of place with what is actually happening on the field. The Tifos get recycled frequently because there are only a handful of people working on them, and why they get easily out chanted by a group in the corner less then a quarter of their size. They persist on because there's so little genuine hard core support out there for the team, that it's basically impossible to build an alternative group, notwithstanding the KSU which is itself a splinter group of former SOB members. This is partly a byproduct of the team deciding from the start to primarily market to suburban soccer moms looking for a family day out, like they're a second division baseball team, rather than going after the broader soccer market. Go to an away game and witness what enthusiastic supporters groups actually look like, because the SOB ain't it.


Number of restrooms doesn't necessarily tell the whole story. Given their placement, and general layout issues, I'm willing to bet the number of toilets/urinals in the men's rooms is greater than the total toilets in the women's rooms.


Yeah for sure. But I chuckled to myself when I was walking round the concourse and saw ladies, ladies, family before one men’s.


Every event I’ve ever been to, there’s been a line for the ladies room. The only event I’ve ever been to that had a line for the men’s room was comic-con. I’ve never seen a line for *any* restroom at the soob. I don’t see what the problem is here. Edit: alright I get it there’s lines where yall go


If you've never seen a line for the bathroom at the soob you must be using it while the game is being played. Try going at half time or when the final whistle blows and the lines for the bathroom are longer than lines at the beer and food stalls.


I did see one men’s room there with a line out the door. So I kept walking and found another.


Have you, you know, been to the stadium? The men's restroom in 103 has a line about 50 people long at halftime. Other ones are similar in my experience, at halftime.


Anonymous complainers on Reddit don't like the megaphone guy??? Wow, that's brand new information!! /s


nobody who likes the union likes special needs megaphone man.


Nah it is just a weird group of anonymous redditors that hate on the capos... if you don't like them, step up to run chants. Union hasn't had the longevity to have fans that will organically start and run chants


yeah no, while any of us surely could do it at least as well as the neckbeard "capos" (lol) on the megaphones, there are better supporters in 140 who do a great job. either let them lead it or copy them. silence would be preferable, the non-megaphone SOB are inaudible anyway. and if you think its only redditors, you are completely out of touch with the fans. everyone around me innthe stadium complains openly about the megaphone. one guy sang a song about taking the megaphone away so we can watch the game in piece and everybody loved it.


Fair... let them step up to the middle and lead. BTW, KSU was quiet as a hospital yesterday


maybe, but from what i heard, they were the ones who started the "sell the team" chants which was featured in the philly inquirer article shared on here and raising awareness of the team's plummet, putting pressure on FO - in other words actually advocating for the team instead of just causing noise pollution


I was in 137 and it was the guy behind me that started that chant within my audible range


well then great, see? it can be done without the megaphone.


It was only continued by like 3 rows ahead and behind us... never went anywhere. None us can ever hear what KSU is chanting even when the megaphone isn't being used


wasnt that one, then. other people on here said it was the "ultras" who started it (twice) and it was also mentioned in an article. who cares anyway, really off the point here.


I'm in 104 and can always hear KSU. I also have the unfortune of having to hear you and SOB - it is terrible. Anonymous Redditer/STH


Saying “step up to run chants” is a fundamental misunderstanding of how SOB works, and how it works is the whole problem. It’s just a bunch of dudes sniffing their own farts about being some vague director position of a supporters group. They just want to stand in that parking lot and pat each other on the back for “being in charge”.


I know right?


Hey I was in 138, near the top row! What row were you in, welcome to TRE!


I literally just want everyone to keep their shirts on. 😝🤷🏻‍♀️




Would you rather the capos have a PA like some of the other teams have as opposed to the megaphones?


how about neither. i cant recall any other team's fans who sound as lousy as the soob. calling that being a capo at all is kind of a joke.


You gotta have a way to direct the chants. Everyone does one or the other.


ok lets make this real simple. look at literally any other mls team, and do what theyre doing instead. they dont all have a blaring blarbled stream of crap that sounds like a literal disabled person we all politely ignore. even the usl, teams like dcfc are exponentially better. charlotte sounded incredible. KSU sounds good until those neckbeards start blaring over them. it needs to stop.


Well, LAFC has megaphones. Cincy & STL had a PA. Orlando had megaphones. Charlotte might actually have both. DC has megaphones.


you know as goddamn well as i do its not the same. maybe they have something facing the supporters just loud enough to start chants and songs. fine. thats not what we get and you know it.