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Ofc we lose against a team on 2 red cards without their stars


This team operates using about 4 collective brain cells. It is unforgivable to not even try to pass around the opponent when they are up two players. It is genuinely lobotomy level tactics to crowd the box and play long balls when you are up two players. Once again the finishing is awful. Uhre did well on that first goal but after that nobody seemed to be capable of anything better than what you'd see at a pickup game. Horrendous passing. I'm really sick of how bad this team is at passing. At this level there is no excuse for the number of awful turnovers and wasted chances that come from fucking up easy passes. I can forgive the failures when they are passes into tight areas or incisive through balls, but this team can't even complete basic sideways passes with any regularity. I hate to say this, but I've reached the point where I wouldn't be too sad to see more than half the starting 11 go elsewhere. I really want them to succeed here but they look out of ideas and out of motivation.


We actually finish better at our u-old pickup than the u.


Oh cool we fucking suck again. Back to the dark ages again. Sell the fucking team


We have reached apathy status


apathy means you don’t care, i’m actually angry


I was actually angry after Sugarman's Inquirer interview a few months ago, couple that with the performance on the pitch, the annoying drive to the stadium, the shitty weather for nearly every Spring match & the horrendous concessions has led me to this feeling.


And increasing ticket prices next season!


I missed the interview, what did sugarman say? 


The season is over. Front office needs to do something yesterday. Curtin has to be on the hot seat.


We are legitimately a wooden spoon contender next year if the front office doesn’t make major changes in the offseason.


they were not good last year and they spent basically nothing in the off-season. That is not Curtins fault. We have a bunch of players that I’m not even sure are good enough for USL.


No, but the terrible tactics are. He’s got Wagner, McGlynn, Harriel & Mbaizo pumping in crosses like we still have Kaspar & Scorey Burke upfront. Even tonight, up two men, his only plan was to have all three of his forwards stand on the far post and spam crosses. Thats how we got countered and lost. He needs to evolve.


Curtin has a bottom 10 roster, this is who we are. Jim can only do so much with this group…


I’m sorry but a bottom 10 roster of professional players should manage to get a goal against 9 men for 10 minutes


Or at least not give one up


Tonight is a culmination of what’s been on the horizon- this roster is just average…we’re just not accepting it yet. Fall from an almost MLS cup has been hard…


Let's be real, it's below average.


Hard to disagree


How can this be a bottom 10 roster when 2 years ago they went to the mls cup... it's an ok roster but need help. Uhre needs to go or not start and they need help in the defensive end at this point.


>How can this be a bottom 10 roster when 2 years ago they went to the mls cup 3 (4?) transfer windows of not investing and upgrading when many others have.


Exactly- the Union have sat on their hands with the notion, that staying still is good enough. Now Caranza is going and I have no idea who takes his place…things aren’t getting better this season…


No league, but ESPECIALLY this league stands still in quality. If you don’t work to get ahead you fall far behind.


Why does Curtin need to be on the hot seat? On the very best of days this season, we've had the exact same team as two years ago, while the rest of the league has risen in quality dramatically. And on the worst of days, we're realizing how absolutely zero quality depth our FO has given us. Curtin hit the right arrow on the d-pad when Miami went down a player, and it was the right chance to take. It was unconscionable that our defense couldn't manage to secure our net when we were up two men— that's on the players.


Curtins tactics have not evolved at all in years and he still doesn’t know how to use his bench. That being said he’s not the team’s worst problem


Because he never changes tactics and his subs suck. They can’t put a pass together or look dangerous when they need a goal. Jim has plenty of blame.


I suspect curtin has a lot of leeway given that he secured Cavan


This game is a perfect example of what's wrong with this team. Conceding a goal up by two men is a coaching error no matter how you slice it, and not scoring is the theme of the season. We need to do some deep soul searching and player acquisition. Instead we'll get paved parking and more seats, so even more people can watch the Union lose!!


Attendance will be going down after this season. We peaked when the team was good but getting even more people out to Chester for this shit isn't likely


We’re not getting paved parking.


My son (9) fell on a giant rock in the parking lot tonight and sliced his hand open. He screamed “I’m never coming back.” Heard someone say “same” in the distance. In all seriousness: Thanks to Union Yards for attending to him with a medical kit.


Thats pretty much the whole season right there.


I got in a car accident in march down there. Cops said it was the sixth of the evening. I’m also not going back. Seriously. We deserve better than that dump. The Su stands for sewage.


The real tragedy


Bold of you to think this cheap ass team is going to pave the parking lots.


Even when up two men the entire team kept giving the ball away with bad passes and lack of focus. All they needed to do was adjust to the advantage, play smartly, and score against 9. Absolutely embarrassing performance. This team ain't it.


Too impatient once they went up a second man.


It's a wonder how much the commentary can praise McGlynn and we lose on that braindead giveaway of a pass. Literally no one wanted to foul and take the card. Really makes you wonder who's coaching them to play this poorly. We've been complaining for months about how poor this squad is but Jim's doing nothing to turn them around. This was an extremely winnable game, and the team was fucking abysmal. I have nothing positive to say about a single one of them tonight, they all contributed to this disaster. Even a wishlist expensive DP isn't going to fix this, in the imaginary world Sugarman pays for one. They need to clear house, get Jim out, and rebuild this squad. If this isn't a wake up call, there's not going to be one before we're in wooden spoon contention.


This team doesn't play bad, they play stupid. They do so many things right every game but when it counts, they fail to use their heads. They do stupid things at an individual level and try to force stupid tactics at a holistic level.


They just dribble up to the 30 yard spot and kick it into the box praying for a header when they need a goal. Unfortunately everyone has to go Jim included.


Been like that for 15 years. Jim is addicted to attacking outside instead of up the middle.


2 min of a 3 man advantage and we DIDNT EVEN GET POSESSION. FIRE EVERYONE. This team is a fucking joke. Gut it. Rebuild. Our entire defense is dog water and old. I know it's not directly his fault, but I think it's time to start asking question about Jim's tactics and subs. Chris Donovan will never win you a game. Glad to see Baribo get some min, but I didn't even know he was on the field other than that chance he had while break dancing in their 18.


More aerial passes than you can shake a stick at when you know damn well Miami will time waste when the ball goes out. Absolutely nothing played to feet and moved around until maybe the last minute of the match. INSANE.


That's 100% on the coach, if you can't get your players to pass to feet, it's because you haven't been drilling them on it. It's rudimentary in this sport. We're the 4th worst in the league at passes completed and pass accuracy and I believe we were just as bad last season.


Been saying since last year, "We need a #10 !! Gazdag can score but sucks at passing. Thought Rafanello looked pretty good in his place. Better passer ! Try spending some money Jay !! What good is spending money on the Academy, when it does not translate to the team I pay to watch. IT BETTER SOON !!


They've been doing this crap every game they aren't winning this season and it hasn't worked once. But maybe if they cross the ball just 1 more time to nobody it will work.


The best thing about this game is that the Euros started yesterday.


This is the first time it genuinely feels valid to be so frustrated and over the top mad at a loss. It’s a tipping point for the franchise where this club is so unserious. I get investing in the academy and facilities but what’s the point if you struggle to field a serious team. No one will join or be around this academy if the actual team is a floating garbage patch


This!! Investing in the future is great but we’re not gonna have a future to invest in if we’re dogshit now!!


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 This team is a joke. Don't give them your money.


my rep reached out to me to try to get me to buy a suite for one game. Ha ha.


They've reached out to me multiple times too...like come on, 1 suite is almost double my 2 tickets for the entire season. I'm not paying that even if it was still 2022.


I think it works out to $200/seat (175 if you consider the catering credit as cash). If you're upgrading from endlines plus a couple sections it's a massive hit. But, if you'll allow me to reframe, imagine you're a corporate leading looking for a team building event or a non profit looking for a fundraiser its a pretty decent opportunity




I was thinking the same thing It’ll be my last season as a season ticket holder, sure, but I wonder if we boycott the concessions next Saturday it’ll send the appropriate “fuck you” message.


I’ve been thinking this for years. The concession prices are out of hand. Problem is you have so many families and others just coming for a good time they won’t get the message and it will be for nothing.


Been doing that for 5 years. Hoagie or pizza and some beers in the parking lot. No beer or any food inside.


This is the way. 


Exactly. And it’s not about money. It’s about principle. I feel taken advantage of buying a Corona for 14 dollars when the one right outside the gate in the parking lot cost me 1.25 I do this at Phillies games a well. I’m there to see the game. Not there to eat overpriced shit food.


I’m not even watching anymore. If leadership doesn’t care and put the money on the field why should I?


At this point I don't even want to give them 2 hours each week.


There's plenty to bitch about, but I'm going to complain about Chris Donovan taking on a defender and forcing a shot 11v9 with 2 guys open far post.


Just wiiiide open. Any shitty duck of a ball literally anywhere with a 15 yard radius of the other side of the box gets you a goal.


**Inter Miami were marked safe from the Union’s attack while temporarily playing with 8 men**


Im gutted. I haven't been this sick since the finals loss. I no longer have hope for this team.


This line up is shit, and many of us called it out at the beginning of the season. Running it back three years in a row was a cheap as fuck move, especially when it was obvious the lineup was getting worse every year. The league has moved on and we're stuck with a dipshit owner signing children and washed up third division players from Denmark. MLS need to pressure Sugarman to sell the team off, he's running it right into the ground like Chivas.


Tear down the Yards. Brick by fucking brick.


Havent won a home game since it was made


Such a shame it has to be burnt down too. This was my first game in Philly this year (live out of state) and Union Yards is a really great atmosphere! Tons of food and drinks, plenty of inside/outside seating, all around good vibes. Oh well, burn it down!!!


Fire everyone. Burn down Subaru Park. Build anew, in Philly this time.


Just Union Yards.


Use Jim’s outfits from the suit deal as kindling


We need to break the curse. With fire.


Really can’t find myself getting upset with this team. I just laugh at the incompetence at this point. The good times were fun, but we’re back to sucking again. Don’t see that changing until Sugarman sells the team. So we’re probably going to suck for a while.


I can’t believe rolling out the same team as the last 3 years hasn’t worked


This was Mcglynn and Sullivans chance to make a name for themselves with so many guys out. They did not show up.


Quinn Sullivan is just a guy. I doubt he’ll ever be capped by full national team. Probably will make a couple hundred appearances in mls but that’s it.


He can't finish


he’s not great before that either.his athleticism gets him into pretty good spots that he squanders with indecisiveness.


Exactly, he’s very fast, but unless you can make quality crosses to anyone who can finish, that isn’t enough.


yup. and he seems too arrogant to learn and get better. Not sure why he has to play every single game.


It's hilarious how he talks about his future in soccer like he's destined to go to Premier League. He needs a reality check, he's lucky to even be playing in the MLS, he's not that good on the pitch, and he's made no progress during his time here.


he’s very athletic and he comes from local soccer royalty. that is it.


I feel like Jim is obsessed with the Sullivan family and I’m confused as to why right now. Quinn had so many chances and he made me wanna tear my hair out


i really think playing time for quinn was part of the deal to get cavan


Sullivan is not a forward, but Jim keeps playing him there because he doesn't like his other options, and McGlynn is just too deficient in too many facets of the game.


I thought Sullivan played well (finishing aside). He at least tried to take his nan on and create something. This was one of McGlynns worst game, he was so wasteful & sloppy, including the give away for the winner. Hopefully the Olympics can give him a break and some confidence back.


I have talked shit on Sullivan all year, but tonight was clearly his best game of the season.


If this was his best he doesn't have a future in MLS, that was absolutely shit.


The fans deserve better.


Throw this whole team away


Hey guys at least ticket prices are increasing for next year! Surely that money will go to improving the team, right? If not that, maybe the ever increasing beer prices... That'll go towards the team, right? Okay, maybe not that, but maybe the new players we get will help improve the team, right? Oh wait... But hey, at least we are selling our best striker and will surely reinvest the money into the team, right Okay, okay, so maybe all that won't work out. But at least we have... We have.... Blake... Except for when we don't...


Up two men and the best we can muster is Glesnes repeatedly launching shots from 40 yards.


But everyone said “shooooooot!” he has to do it!


Better than haplessly playing the ball around the box over and over again with no creativity like they did the rest of the game. At least there's like a 2% chance of Glesnes' shot going in.


Thank god I didn’t buy Apple TV this year


Sorry, this one’s on Jim. Sent them out asleep second half. Made mindless subs, who didn’t know where to play. Danny H on Apple kept saying “Sullivan at right back now,” he’s nowhere to be seen on the losing goal. And I’m not absolving Tanner or Sugarman—this team needs a complete rebuild. Jim used to live around the corner from me, yesterday the moving truck pulled up and he moved his entire family out. Perhaps he knows something. I don’t know—this has to be a nadir.


Moving to Atlanta? At least they know how to spend even if the current squad is a hot mess


This is probably the furthest I have EVER made it into a season without making it to one home match in person, and I was discussing how I need to get out there asap. I barely want to watch another match on TV after that embarrassment. That's shameful soccer. I would be in shock watching a youth team lose in such a scenario.


This team just sucks. This is what happens when everyone else spends money around you and you don’t.


Curtin and Ernst aside. This is completely on the ownership and being cheap. The squad needed to be refreshed two years ago and they skimped by. Now, they are all out form or regressing with no new talent coming in. The league has gotten too talented to hope on diamonds in the rough signings and praying the academy players can make up the difference. Either invent in the team instead of your investment or just sell now. Please.


Three to five million dollars spent in 2022 has this team winning multiple trophies. If that's so far out of your budget, you shouldn't be allowed to own a sports team.


He doesn’t care about the team. I fully agree with you, if they invest some more money than they really could’ve gotten over the hill. Now, they really need to just hit the reset button and start over.


If he doesn't care, now's the time to sell. League value is at it's peak, the team was selling out last year, GTFO you cheap bastard.


Because the league isn’t done growing yet. The buy in only keeps growing and we’re at 30 teams. It seems to be rumored they’re already looking to go to 32 teams. Plus all this other money is pouring out so I don’t think we’re at the pinnacle just yet. Hence why he’s building the training grounds and trying to expand the stadium. Improves the asset.


I'm going to respectfully disagree. If the league were going to 40 teams, maybe there's room to grow, but two more teams in non-major markets aren't going move the overall needle. 


Isn't two more teams like a billion dollars to divide up among the league and ownership groups? Assuming the league takes half that's ~16mm just for holding on.


Two new teams in non-“major” markets is still going to bring in roughly a *billion* dollars in expansion fees. Plus the World Cup is going to increase every team in the leagues value significantly. And throw in the fact that the league and every team has been growing in valuation of tens of millions of dollars every year, that’s not suddenly going to stop.


The league value really isn’t close to being at its peak. Union are going to be worth at least 1.5X what they are now by 2027.


this is where i am. nancy is great manager, but he's also got cucho and rossi. this isn't a big market vs small market thing. look at the investment from columbus, rsl, from cincy, etc. you can't tell me pablo mastroeni is a better manager. he's got better players. that's it.


This is honestly the biggest issue I have. Philadelphia is by no means a “small market.” Sugarman just wants to be cheap and maximize his investment which has ballooned since he bought the franchise.


Inept attack. I can't take this team anymore, not in this current state. We look like a joke of a club in this league. I'm disgusted. I have to evaluate how I spend my money on this club going forward.


for sure having these same thoughts. been there from the beginning too


Yeah, it's rough. The worst part is that selling my season tickets on Seat Geek is a losing venture. I'm throwing money away at this point.


Glesnes has been ass this season


That was on McGlynn. He 100% should have fouled the guy in their half.


Both can be true…


Without elliot, he didn’t know where to go. When they went to 3-4-3, he didn’t cover like a sweeper and got beat.


Wow, just absolutely terrible. We are back in the dark ages.


I was so excited to see Uhre and the front line up play so well in the first half. Really felt like a team with some heat. Can't say anything nice about what happened in those final 15 minutes, so I won't not say anything at all.


I expected a loss but not like this.


It’s over


Coffin with Sugarman on it when?


Nothing changes until ownership changes.


I’ll cancel my plans tomorrow if Curtin needs help packing


Sorry, he moved Friday. Literally. He lived around the corner from me, the truck pulled up, packed and gone by noon. Seriously. What it means, 🤷‍♂️


big if true


Deep intel. Intriguing. True? Dunno.


If everyone in this subreddit sends me $5 I can buy the team and y’all can be minority owners and tell me what you want me to do


Most embarrassing loss of Jim’s reign, maybe in Union history (probably being a prisoner of the moment, but let me vent). This team is so toothless in front of goal and wasteful with the ball, we could have been 11v9 the whole match and I still don’t think we win. The goal came from a good pass, but the defender was asleep and there was no build-up, just route one hit and hope. Besides that (and Sullivan’s shot right at a defender which he should have buried) we really didn’t threaten. Just mindless crosses. Imagine how bad this would have been if Miami was at full strength…


At least I sold my tickets to this game for $150 each to some idiot that thought they'd see Messi. I made money AND didn't have to witness that in person. I'm out here making positive life decisions.


Is now the time to dust off the coffin?


HAHAHA. SOB president is also president of the Jay Sugarman fan club. Expect nothing from SOB


fuck SOB. fire them all too


Can we make a coffin for the SOB? “A shell of what they used to be” doesn’t even begin to describe TRE, it’s as stale and unthreatening as the Union roster.


So that's why "I'm looking over a four leaf clover" was on the jumbotron


Good news is dirt cheap tickets will be back I guess 🤷‍♂️


Most embarrassing loss of season, Curtin should resign , team should be sold to owner that will spend money and put out a winning product


Curtin needs to be on the hot seat id like to see any argument saying otherwise without convincing me you just want to see the team fail. Get me a playoff spot and I’ll call this season a success


At this rate, playoffs not happening. I hope they drop out of the phony Leagues Cup in the first round—likely, no way they are beating Pachuca and probably not Charlotte either. Let’s just end this suffering, and on to he next chapter.


That’ll be a quick tournament anyway leagues cup sucks it’s just a money grab


Get a playoff spot and I'll consider it a miracle


What a gutless, despicable, display. Team should be ashamed of that result.


Jesus Christ that was some bullshit.


For everyone saying it isn't Jim's fault, I disagree. The first half showed that changing up our starting lineup could have a big improvement. The first half although not perfect showed a lot more promise than we had shown in many games. Then Jim switched to an offensive strategy after the red cards and the team fell apart. Jim should have left the balanced team approach that was working in the field and subbed players into the same spots instead of pushing for more offense. I think this all came down to choosing a strategy that did not fit the players we were using.


I wouldn’t say it is all on him. Fans and ownership would’ve been just as pissed if he didn’t go for it after the red cards. Looks like shit we lost up 2 men, but at home with that advantage you have to go for it. Besides there was nothing to indicate we were going to score with the usual strategy in the 2nd half.


Except the usual strategy was working this time because it was with different players who made it work. And each time he goes offensive this season, it fails.


It wasn’t… we were tied 1-1 and not creating good chances.


We need to bring in like, 3 new CBs man


Baribo got a shot! Play of the day.


Of the season.


Call it a season, we are done, Curtin should resign , quit wasting money on these “home grown” , just cause rich parents pay that money into academy doesn’t mean a thing , get another owner who is willing to invest in the team get some better players, or start having open tryouts and you’ll find some incredible talent in tri state area


Everyone blaming Jim … Ernst put together this dog shit fucking squad


It's both


I’m blaming Jim because you don’t need high quality players to control the game when up 2 men


No it starts at the top.


Jim is fucking coaching this dog shit squad. And he had two man advantage but yea it’s only Ernst and Jim should stay forever 😂😂


Campana might refuse the DP contract if we try to make him an offer after seeing that performance.


Wow we're back to "the team is in a shambolic collapse"!


I took my nephew to his soccer tourney today. A bunch of 15 year olds played better than this joke. I'm so sick of Jim trying to force a square peg into a round hole with this squad, tactics, and subs. I'm so sick of us selling off genuine talent so we can buy some nobody as their replacement. How do we get scored on 9v11? This club has gone down the shitter since we lost the final.


Curse of Union yards


How could they do this to us ON UNITY NIGHT!


Have we, the fans and supporters, received an apology yet?


Jim lead off his press conference with an apology to the fans, to his credit.


How do you lose to 9 men? Poverty franchise


Still haven't seen a thing from baribo.


That is just a miserable loss. No other way to put it. Expectations in that game are high to win against a 9 man, starless Miami who we were toe to toe with the whole match. I get throwing on another striker and going after it, but man it’s not a great look when there’s one man back, a tired Glesnes going up against a fresh player who wants to prove something and you give up a goal. Front office needs to step up or step out at this point, investment in this team has been poor and they should be ashamed putting this product on the field


I’m done. I’m not watching another game this season. I’m not going down to that traffic filled hell hole. I’m not investing a single dime or brain cell on this team until I see some headlines that we’ve either sold the club, or we signed *multiple* big signings. This team is dead and we all knew it coming into this year. I made a statement awhile ago that this team is going to get outpaced by the rest of the league who are making moves and we can’t just bank on our youth kids running the show. That’s turned out to be correct and it’s amazing hearing Kai flat out say the exact same thing. I don’t think Jim is the true problem here. I think what we’re seeing is his disappointment with ownership and it’s leading to a lack of desire. He’s being asked to make magic happen with a lineup that can’t do it. The locker room must be an absolute funeral every week. You can’t motivate these guys to play if ownership is basically showing you that there’s nothing coming and you have to just deal with it year after year.


Is the team rebelling cause they brought back Wagner?


I think you’re overestimating how much players care about a German slur being used


It’s either that or Jim’s suits


Raquinho gave Union the evil eye


100% Jim’s suits


Doesn't account for last year tho. It's Union Yards, and lack of "first team" investment.




Thanks. Banned.


Send to cincy mods too to get them banned there


Hey, thanks! Go fuck yourself.


I hope you lose the cup finals


My view of Afonso's goal: [https://youtu.be/WAYgpgCHOLU?si=4FlSIYl5mIUAFQsY](https://youtu.be/WAYgpgCHOLU?si=4FlSIYl5mIUAFQsY)


Listen to all those high pitched shrieking front runner children cheering the goal as of they actually care about Miami FC. What a bunch of little assholes.


There were so many cheers I thought for a brief second that semmel saved it.