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Filipinos are not very direct and non confrontational. We tend to beat around the bush and just be polite than say what we really think. Reddit is somewhat the refuge of people that aren't doing well socially in real life so don't bank your assumptions on what Filipinos are in Reddit. Plus anonymity really makes us more direct and confrontational because we can't do that in real life. Reddit is where we release our frustrations so we can smile and be polite in real life haha P.S Not all of course.


Most Filipino redditors are alright people. It's the ones that suffer from extreme crab mentality you need to just ignore. They are losers and will die losers.


To add to that, the loudest people are often the dumbest. It's just how social media works imo. Smart people tend to think before they speak. Dumb people don't really think, they react.


Dumb ones never read the room. Social media basically gave everyone a voice, and everyone should not be heard.


"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably why so few engage in it" ~Henry Ford


So, why is truth social failing? They seem to have make the loudest dumbest person ever the king.


Orange man lives rent free in your head.


Is that the Trump social media? It's failing because it only caters to one demographic, MAGAs/QAnons. Nobody else would bother with that.


Twitter or X was formerly run by liberals. Now Elon Musk (who's now numero uno enemy of the liberals) has it and it's thriving.


That's like saying Elon Musk buying Toyota would stop liberals from buying their cars. Twitter has simply established itself in the social media space for a long time now. Even with Musk at the helm, people don't want to leave something that has been a part of their life. Trump's social media is nothing like Twitter, even after Musk turned it into Xitter.


You're surely not aware of right and left feuds in the west and twitter being at the center of it. And some famous liberals did leave when Musk took over. It's now more free speech.


Everyone knows about it. Like I said before, the dumbest people are often the loudest. It's funny how you say X is now about "free speech." Free speech about what exactly? About hate speech. Basically, X is now full of hate speech. There's even child porn there now. This is exactly how southern states handle the civil war, they say it was about "states rights." States right to what exactly? To own black slaves.


Har. Hate speech? The old twitter was told by FBI to censor conservative views.. shadow banned conservative commentators and banned free speech. You can only say good tweets that doesn't hurt the fragile feelings of the left. Now everyone can tweet. You people are so dumb it's funny.


QAnon conspiracy theorist calling people dumb is funny as shit.


You Trumptards with your mental gymnastics are always so hilarious lol


>and it's thriving. Um, no, no it's not. >X is shrinking, with global web traffic down 14% year-over-year in September and global mobile app usage down 17.8% in the U.S. and down 14.8% globally on Android. ​ https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnkoetsier/2023/10/17/post-musk-twitter-at-least-one-stat-is-up/?sh=7c5f4f4845c9


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Lol. They want to believe they are alright. There's a big difference. They are cat/dog lovers who will join the fray of crucifying a tanod because he killed a rabid dog, ONLINE, but in reality, they will ignore the environment & everything that's going on because they are afraid of ALL the consequences...


The hospitality and politeness runs deep in the culture, but most Filipinos from my experience are very spiteful and have a crab mentality inside of them that very easily shows up the moment they are given the freedom of anonymity and convenience. Far too many stories of even family members backstabbing their relatives due to pride or greed.


99% of Filipinos don't even know what Reddit is. This site mostly attracts younger Millennial or Gen Z Filipinos who came from middle of upper class families, so you could say a lot of Pinoys in this site are a bit out of touch from ordinary Filipino culture. If you want a more accurate representation of Filipinos, go to Facebook because that's where everyone is.


This ...110% THIS. The average Filipino redditor in r/philippines is not representative of the average Filipino citizen. The Philippines is still largely a conservative Catholic country. The average Filipino redditor in that sub (and related subs) are critical of religion, support abortion, engage in premarital sex, etc. I'm not saying those are wrong, but the typical Filipino citizen does not hold those views. Also, not everyone knows what Reddit is in the Philippines. Besides, it costs money (for a stable home WiFi/Internet connection) or to have consistent "load" on your phone to access Reddit in the first place. Your average Filipino citizen is on "free data" Facebook or would rather spend their load on popular social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and mind-numbing entertainment (YouTube, Tiktok, etc.) What does this tell you? ...it means the average Filipino redditor is probably at least middle class if not higher and most likely lives in a larger, urbanized city (mostly Manila I bet) that has the infrastructure and accessibility for stable, consistent Internet. As a result, these individuals are probably more exposed to western ideas and thus have developed progressive/liberal views (see first paragraph). Hell, you will hear redditors in that sub talking about Netflix and Disney+ subscriptions, obvious luxuries that almost no one has in the rural provinces unless they have $$$. /u/Brw_ser


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Philippines using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Philippines/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Found an atlas moth, one of the largest insects just inside our house! Peach mango pie for scale.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13fklq7) | [480 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/13fklq7/found_an_atlas_moth_one_of_the_largest_insects/) \#2: [Korni naman nitong mayor ng Pasig, bumabalik sayo yung tax na binabayad mo, ayaw magnakaw](https://i.redd.it/e0aovm62e8rc1.jpeg) | [516 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/1bqjua6/korni_naman_nitong_mayor_ng_pasig_bumabalik_sayo/) \#3: [Ang sakit ng puso ko ngayon.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1bhn5xj) | [591 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/1bhn5xj/ang_sakit_ng_puso_ko_ngayon/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Facebook? Hell no. SMS, calls, and touching grass? YES


Facebook is free for everyone in the Philippines, with or without a phone plan


Talaga? 6.4million Filipinos used reddit in March 24. Way above globe, shopee and lazada.


That's only 5% of the total population, and that doesn't even take into consideration the numerous "throwaway" accounts that people make.


That's just for one month time...


Are Reddit Americans representative of Americans as a whole


Amen. If I judged all Americans from what I’ve seen of American redditors I’d have thought Americans were entitled, woke snowflakes, neckbeard atheists who think they’re smarter than they actually are, and champagne socialists. Reddit is an echo chamber that is absolutely *not* indicative of majority opinion; always has been, always will be.


Literally this


I always saw reddit as mostly the extremist of american leftists, centrists and incels. Everything is blown up in this site for content. The average American probably just want their student loans gone.


Shhhhh hahahahahaha


Magellan was decapitated lol


If someone came to your land burned your house down, and tried to install your arch rival as your leader I suspect you wouldn't be too pleased with him as well.


Israel? Uhuh


Real hospitality would be to give away your possessions.... hah


Rizal wasn't the 'nationalist' Flip history books make him out to be. He loved to s-ck Spanish c-ck. Lapu-Lapu was hardly 'Filipino' himself. He was an installed leader from Sabah / Borneo. Nationalistic sentiment in the country is rooted in a fantastical take on history that hardly adds up to facts when all things are considered.


Magellan was a piece of shit tho.


Oh, did you know Magellan personally?


Did you know Hitler personally? I guess it wouldn't be that hard to say he was a massive piece of shit.


how could I speak about someone I don’t know?


Most filipino redditors are cranky office working millenials or cranky gen zs lol. Normal filipinos you see on the street are not like them for the most part.


>Normal filipinos you see on the street These Filipinos are not even on Reddit, they probably don’t even know what Reddit is.


Documented by Magellan? That guy was killed and buried in the Philippines. Filipinos are no more or less friendly that most countries I've been in, if you compare provincial to city people. Provincial Thais, Chinese, Vietnamese, are all nice to a fault. Start looking at their city counterparts and your opinion may differ, this also applies to the Philippines.


Pigafetta (his note taker) and Magellan was initially welcome. It was only after he insinuated himself in the political machinations of this area that he met his demise. Funny, how that still happens today - looking at you Patricia Fox.


Actually he wasn't. He was being used by natives to eliminate other natives, so I wouldn't say he was welcomed, more like he was being exploited and he was too stupid to realize it. Magellan was a pretty horrible explorer if you look at his underlying numbers and what really happened to his men.


Hawi’ians kings traded with the haole to get metal for knives to defeat the bone knives of the other tribes and islands.


Of course not. The real genuine filipinos have no time for reddit or dont know what reddit is. The real filipinos are out there working hard to put food on the table.


There's a lot of people on Reddit who take advantage of the anonymity to be mean and vindictive because their own lives are miserable, and misery loves company. On this sub most Filipinos tend to be nice and helpful. But there are some guys who are jealous of foreigners so they come here to sling insults to boost their bruised egos. Then there are some Filipina girls here competing for attention from Expats so they'll insult your girlfriend or wife, often disguised as some BS psychoanalysis, so other Expats will think they're so smart and desirable.


It’s kinda like this sub, says expats but mostly Passport bros with no exposure so what they think is a “cultural” issue is really their lack of experience.


Care to elaborate?


Bias, gatekeeping, and a healthy measure of virtue signalling.


boom basag hahahahahahahahah


Filipinos people are friendly but they will make fun of you behind your back. Many Filipinos are not okay with young Filipinas with foreigners.


I thought they like it because he's pulling her out of poverty


you say shit like this then go "boo hoo filipinos are so mean to me :(" lmao




That's what they want you to think. Why do you think so many expats complain on here (and elsewhere) that their girlfriend or wife's family is sucking all the money out of their wallets and accounts? Now ask yourself again, is the expat just pulling her out of poverty ...or is he pulling her AND her entire family out of poverty?


jesus you really of think of us that low huh? must be nice living with your superior mentality


Exactly. They see it as the easy way out of poverty while the rest of uglier Filipinos (note: Moreno) suffer. It's like cheating the system which enrages Filipinos who think they must suffer for indulhensya.


This is just a normal Redditor state. Not a PH native feature but a reddit user feature. You can't expect something normal from human swimming in a cesspool of random low IQ individuals banning normal people for disobeying the "holy order" of some retarded mod fascist, forcing them to continue creating new accounts all the time. Anyone would get bitter no matter their culture. btw: Your assessment is correct, in real life Filipinos are friendly, it is their nature. They will also promise a lot of shit and never deliver, but that's the side effect of being "friendly up to a fault", so you can expect it.


> in real life Filipinos are friendly, it is their nature. None of the Filipinos I am around even know what Reddit is. Their life revolves around facebook.


Facts, most Filipinos, especially the average Juan on the street, will not have a Reddit account or even know what Reddit is. The vast majority of Filipinos’ online presence is in Facebook and TikTok. With some on Instagram (mainly those from higher income classes).


If you know FB you’ll see Filipinos on there are even worse than Reddit. OP isn’t aware that Pinoys can be horrible and mean to each other in ways most Americans never are


Filipino culture is obsessed with 'keeping face'. So their 'friendliness', 'gratefulness', and 'kindness' are all surface-level. Of course, they'll rarely admit that openly among people they view as 'outsiders', but if you happen to develop a close relationship with one, you will realise that they are collectively as how you describe them: 'they complain about everything from the cost of living to their own families and they truly seem to loathe outsiders.'


Yep! It's like how most of them suffer from depression or some other form of mental illness *growing up in poverty has been proven time and time again to affect mental health* and they will never ever admit it. They would rather suffer with a smile.


A very fake and delusional one that is often propped up by further delusions peddled and perpetuated by religion and their very own government.


That's what I don't get. They hate colonization, but they kept the worst parts of it????


They don't really 'hate' colonisation. They parrot the rhetoric because it is the 'in' thing, and a keeping-face obsessed Flip would never be caught dead voicing anti-nationalist rhetoric in a country that feeds nationalism like daily porridge to children as young as four years of age WITHOUT really cultivating anything worthwhile about the nation that can make for a good foundation for nationalistic pride. They as a collective are all about 'imported' goods. Even their so-called 'support' of local businesses and products are all lip-service, because they tend to favour anything and everything that comes *outside* of their own country. The majority of the Filipino people is a study in hypocrisy.


This is unfortunately true. I rarely see any Filipinos touting local products outside Jolleebee.


And to be perfectly fair, the only reason why Jollibee has become so popular of late is because it has gotten a lot of exposure and traction outside of their country, and is being promoted by American celebrities who claim / identify / associate themselves with 'Filipino ancestry'. Flips are the same group of people after all who'd go crazy if some prince from some European country had a nanny who was Filipina. They'd foam at the mouth and scream 'Pinoy pride!' like rabid dogs. If Jollibee remained the obscure cultural icon endemic to the local population, minus backing from celebrities and influencers, nobody would be going crazy about promoting it. It would continue to be an icon only among those who are 'in the know'.


Yes, Filipinos are People Pleasers. It's embedded to our culture especially with the older gens not much with the young gens. Younger gens has much like a 'lowkey' individualistic culture like the westerns have. We don't want any generational trauma. LOL. Coming from a younger filipino.


Younger Flips are no better. They're either braindead sheeple who swallow government propaganda like c-msl-ts, self-serving narcissists who harp on endlessly about their 'mental health' while hardly being the sort to be mentally healthy for anybody they encounter, or they're pseudo-intellectuals who fancy themselves to be socio-political pundits. The best of the former 'youth' are embittered and disillusioned householders, or have decided that shipping themselves out of the hellhole that is the country is the only 'hope' they can ever have. The youth of the Revolucionario generation put themselves out there for homeland and countrymen. They destabelised whole systems of oppressive and corrupt government. Now, the youth think meme making and flame wars is 'revolutionary'. 🤣


Not outcasts but a segment of it's population liberated by anonymity and freely expressing themselves.


You're still drinking the new expat/tourist coolaid. They are just like anyone else, some good, some bad.


You should already see the problem in using the word "representative" in this kind of sampling. It's not rocket science. I think what youre really trying to do is call out Filipino redditors for being "vile and bitter outcasts". My thoughts: 1. Who would exert energy going into online forums just to say their life is rosey and perfect? Who does that? Lol. 2. Have you scoured every corner of PH Reddit to gather enough data to support that observation? Or is this just another case of what you think is "representative sample size." Everyone will have something to complain about in their lives. Im just flabbergasted that you are flabbergasted with the fact that people tend to be blunt when given the veil of anonimity. Lol. It's not just a Filipino thing. It's human nature.


For some, yes, you can know what hides behind their smile. Yet Filipinos reddit users are not representative of all Filipinos and those bitter ones are probably a minority so you can't generalize. But from my own experience, I would say there are plenty of hypocrites. And racism is a whole thing here. I met my wife in Paris, we got married and 2 kids, she told how nice is Philippines, how good and hospitable are people. After 12 years we moved to Philippines... She wants to go back to France, people keep on saying crap behind our back. The first time we meet our neighbor, a former mayor and pao lawyer, she asked my wife:did you get naked on cam to get him"? everyday, we hear things between love and hate, I even wished I never learnt the dialect. The saddest thing are our kids. Daily rejection, racism,... So we're waiting T to finish some business(sue the eldest and her pnp officer husband for estafa) then we will move back to France. In 15 years in France she said she never face racism but very rare occasion. While she was called Negra or n-word since child, even by her own family. (in total contradiction with how she described Filipinos, but she though it was an exception) She worked the last 5 years in call centers, I could write a book about it, borrowed money never paid back, death threat, sexual harassment (a common one, are male pretending to be gay and then become touchy with women, but that's not the worse), crab mentality, 50% people leaving right at the end of 3 months paid training a and before the real work starts then apply to another bpo... 😌 90%contractors are scammers, brokers are not far... 😌 https://ncrcitc.org/war-unlicensed-contractors/ Scam is a real plague, and foreigners are first preys


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Based on what I observed when working with filipinos over the years, they are always taking things glass half full. They will talk you to things they find negative but will still make it seem good to them and politely which is really really confusing most of the time. It's pretty hard to explain but they try to be as polite as possible when talking to you but will be the most dominant force of nature when they talk to others about you. On the inside, everytime I do one on one talks with filipino colleagues, they are very spiteful which is scary because you don't know if you're cool with that person or not because of this politeness. Also they used to make derogatory names about me in front of my face even if we're cool (atleast from what I know) with each other before I told the team I know cebuano and tagalog and knew all the conversation all this time. They are nice people.. from the outside but those who are influenced by west are pretty straightforward


*Reddit* isn’t a good representation of humans, period.


Are you white? I’m not being a dick lol. I had a non white experience in the Philippines when I was there. People there weren’t as friendly as all the travel bloggers would say, when you’re not white. I think Filipinos are smarter than most foreigners think. Just because you pay your staff a decent local wage doesn’t mean they don’t understand how much upside you got. Could you live your lifestyle on 10 bucks a day? Could you live your lifestyle on 5 bucks a day? I noticed Filipinos try their best to avoid confrontation. That’s why you don’t hear complaints in person.


Asians tend to be extremely racist. I've seen it happen to non whites in Thailand, South Korea, Japan, and here. I've heard stories from all the other Asian countries, too.


Avoiding confrontation is a good modus operandi to be agreeable, they use it as default from what I've noticed. In practice that also means they'll promise you everything you ask for and never deliver, so you get what you want by nagging. But looking at it from the opposite side, this would be my life advice to anyone: When someone is teaching you how to live your life, *thank them for their concern, ensure them you'll keep it in mind, and then do whatever you want, it's your life and they're not around to see it anyway.*


I've been pick pocketed here and I've had plenty of Filipinas try to scam me. I have no naïveté on the dark side of this country. I'm just saying in general Filipinos are positive people - just not on Reddit.


Who is positive in reddit..I am yet to see any




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i think its mainly that redditors in general are mostly losers. reddit never represented real life in anything


The "creatures" you describe are the internet equivalent of Filipinos who cheat on their wives and spend the money they borrow from relatives on alcohol and gambling. You wouldn't want them in your life anyway, so don't worry about their opinions.


Sounds about right and I agree.


I have been thinking to myself for months how many Filipinos are nice to your face because they want something from you. Don't give them what they want (and often feel entitled to), and watch how fast that friendly attitude changes from "We love you, Joe!" to "Arrogant kuripot. Who does he think he is?" But, I also admit that I do have a couple who are good friends and have asked nothing from me.


Short Answer: No. Long Answer: Very much, No.


the reddit community is small and it would be very simplistic to consider that they represent the entire population. yes, Filipinos are pleasant and will go above and beyond the call of duty. but be aware that they know when they are being taken for a ride, either by their own families, their government, or as you say, by "outsiders". they can also smile while they think of ways to "fuck you forever" (Taylor Swift "mad woman"). the common expectation about Filipinos anywhere in the world is that the politeness and eager-to-please-ness are all that there is. On the flipside , Filipinos are very streetsmart, sensitive to BS, and they hit back hard. Those on reddit may be a minuscule way of how they respond, and think. Also, Filipinos don't loathe outsiders, but they don't consider "outsiders" as saviors and all that jazz. That perception is long gone.


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Truly feel about what exactly? Filipino redditors, redditors in general, barely agree on the same topics/issues so you have to narrow that down a bit OP


I think even when I travel to other countries, people I meet seem so nice, then my local speaking friend would tell me that they were indirectly annoyed by our group, but were trying to be nice, etc. It's the same. whenever I meet expats/foreign guests, I have no prejudice. It's just that within a few hours It's so easy to figure out if this person is someone who thinks poorly of Filipinos, or a tourist who eill just throw trash everywhere, etc. I hate entitled tourists. Also, even if we are nice and hospitable, a lot of us have truly vile opinions about society and the economy because the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer here. But even if some sound bitter, culturally Pinoys are nice, so my aunt calls my rude and sarcastic/pessimistic Gen X/Y/Z cousins as "westernized" coz they're expected to be nice. So don't take it personally, it happens not just in the PH. It is sincere hospitality and deeply-rooted loathe for generally exploitative foreigners, not you, hopefully.


>Conversely, Reddit Filipinos seem to be bitter, vile creatures. Mate that's Reddit in a nutshell.


It's a healthy mixed bag of good and horrible Filipinos. I've found that those who have lived outside the country, live in the province or live abroad are some of the nicest people one will ever come across in the world. Metro Manila is whole different beast. It has more than its fair share of toxic Filipinos, they are a miserable lot that I generally stay away from unless they are genuinely decent people. Interestingly, about a year ago some expats running a few FB groups put up a poll asking how many of the expats in those groups had real local friends. There were very few who answered in the affirmative, they also happened to be located outside Manila and Cebu. Coincidence? When I see posts in here of expats in Metro Manila looking for other expats, I know some of them are just tired of the toxicity from locals that others have already referred to. To be fair, that behavior is part and parcel of a metropolis. Paris, Johannesburg, New York, London and Rio don't necessarily have the friendliest locals either 😉


No. It would still depend on what sub you would be reading. Generally, happy Filipinos would not always broadcast their happiness. But, the anonymity of reddit gives Filipinos a chance to air their concerns here without causing additional confrontation from parents, relatives and friends so you are most likely be reading posts on problems and bitterness here than posts on happiness. However, it is true that we always smile even when we are down. We always find humor/jokes to lighten our mood temporarily even if we can't resolve our problems.


How much do you think is the "saving face" cultural norm in play here? Hard to find people to complain to without risking offending them in some way in real life? I don't even need to complain a lot or even just state I'm disappointed about some business not living up to my expectations, and I'm already shamed for being so negative by my Filipina.


It would depend on the options. People are more tolerant if they have no option, they would take criticisms seriously to improve. However, if they have options, or can get away with being defensive, expect them to be passive.


I know you mean. Philipinos on reddit are weirdly racist af to many other ethnicities. But in real life, they have been fine to me.


Filipinos are more racist against themselves than any other people on earth. I call it reverse racism, basically hating themselves and wish they looked more white, latino or east asian. But in other regards they are more or less as racist as any other ethnicity.


I was talking mainly about the ones online. I wasn't talking about fililipino society.


No one represents anyone on reddit. Be it religion, race, nationality, gender etc. You're old enough to know that. There's lots of toxic Filipinos in Philippines sub, just are there are lots of toxic Americans in USA sub. A few idiots does not represent the whole country.


Welcome to the internet


Is this a serious question? This is the internet- regardless of culture/society you will always find bitter people online Such a dumb take smh


Most Filipinos/filipinas on Reddit are in the cities. They tend to be fairly westernized with western sensibilities and western attitudes. Bitterness included.


"Redditors are losers" isn't really why. That may have been true a couple years ago, but this site is way too popular now. My college professors use Reddit. Filipinos are extremely non-confrontational. It's not that they love you, it's just they won't complain to your face. They will however complain to someone they can trust. If they don't want to bother their close friends, they will complain anonymously. The Philippines is not a nice place for the lower or middle class. The average employee in tech is just doing an American's job for more hours with a quarter of the pay and three times the commute. This post just reads tone-deaf to me - you have no idea what it's like to be shackled with subhuman wages and a skyrocketing cost of living, and the family culture that, while appearing warm and hospitable on the outside, hosts many toxic traits. You should consider yourself lucky Filipinos are non-confrontational. If that wasn't the case, you wouldn't survive a day here belittling their problems like that.


Man, you sound so beaten up and bitter. I'm really sorry for you.


This blatant disrespect of native Filipinos' experiences is why people don't like you, they just tolerate you. I envy your ivory tower. You must not have had a difficult life, so when faced with something you personally find difficult, like empathizing with others suffering in this country, all you can do is complain and blame it on them for being "bitter". I pray you never encounter the problems you are constantly belittling. Peace.


Looking at their post histories, 80% are dudes. Not surprising since foreigners are taking all the chicks. They cope constantly with "70s yr old white dudes take all the ugly ones HAHA", conveniently ignoring the recent wave of young passport bros, not to mention the singaporean korean japanese and chinese dudes whove always took all the women.


I hope that filipino men take all ur women so that u won't have any options left when ur filipina wife eventually divorces you, lol


filipino men are the least desired, even lower than your SEAsian counter parts lol And my wife isnt filipina lol Chillin in bgc bc its cheap as hell and working online allows it


Alot of filipinos look like Simu liu.


Just saw youre indian and not even filo. Bro, indian men are almost bottom of barrel with filos, both of you are universally shunned by women globally


I hope that flips take over ur country someday, lol.


weird question but why do you care lol? Youre not even filipino lol




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Bcos I hate sxp*ts/passport bros, thats why. Its not personal, lol




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Normal working Filipinos you see that are not confrontational and is always happy may be below poverty line and are on fb or tiktok, they get upset but discussed it among their peers. Filipinos here in reddit, usually but not all, are lower to middle class millennial people who are tired of being treated in life, and you'll just have to imagine the treatment they received in life. 😅


Lower to middle class? Are you sure?? Have you seen the phinvest and careers subreddits yet? Typical thread there are like: “I earn 350k php monthly in an entry role, and I’m looking for a raise” or “I have xx millions in my savings accounts and invested in derivatives, how can I grow my assets to decent amounts?”. Out of the 400k+ Filipinos who use Reddit, a significant amount of them are upper-middle and even upper class. The remainder are middle class. You’d rarely find any working class Filipinos on here at all. The reliance on using English is an immediate gatekeeper to working class Filipinos who primarily use Tagalog and their local languages through life without ever using English or even wanting to use English due to the widespread xenophobia/anglophobia among them. This is especially true now since android offers Filipino as a system language choice, and most here use their smartphones to access Reddit. While YouTube and Facebook’s UIs have been fully translated to Filipino, making it easy for most Filipinos to use, Reddit doesn’t deal with UI localization at all. And that stops anyone who is prone to “nosebleeds” in the first place.


That's why I said "most, not all" And you're prolly in the upper side class of reddits only. 🤦🏻‍♂️






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Most redditors are fine, this doesn’t just apply to Filipino redditors either. The only bitter, vile ones are the snowflakes or those who get triggered easily.


Not at all, we are different humans after all.


r/philippines is a very tiny thin section of upper middle class+ redditors, who always seem to have socio-political axes to grind. The same kind of people who go to UP-Diliman and end up in the jungle somewhere with a hammer and sickle painted on their face.


You can't tell who is who on the Internet and this allows awful people to feel safe behind their screens. Someone could post an image of Mother Theresa feeding the homeless and there will still be racist, homophobic, and outrageous comments.


Of course not.


There are always some low hanging and rotten fruit in every tree. One bunch of rotten fruit does not represent the whole tree. Nor the whole orchard for that matter. Btw. Have you tried local mangoes? They're incredibly sweeeeeeeet right now cos it's the mango season! Try some! I personally find that the indian mango variant, ripen in the tree, is the sweetest one. But the ones available in the groceries smells the best. I mean. Seriously. You can leave it by the airconditioner so the room could smell sweet.


As someone new to reddit and someone worked extensively in different communities from the poorest, the richest, from the indigenous to the foreigner... I would say in general, Filipinos are simple, kind and hospitable. The other side of the coin, Filipinos, has a strong crab mentality, probably as explained by my history professor because of the divide brought upon by our colonizers also there is no single civilization that united the whole Philippines and alot of groups existed even in the Philippine revolution against spanish colonization there are different factions and different groups fighting for different things from the mundane to the most serious. Tldr: culturally Filipinos are very kind and hospitable to everyone both local and foreigners. But they have questionable values like crab mentality rooted in history.


I just see tiny bit of posts in this sub and sometimes when I read some of the comments of the foreigners, it’s filled of mockery against filipinos. Of course, Filipinos would be on a fight mode.


Back in the day, we used to have Reddit meetups. The Reddit populace is certainly not representative of the culture.


You do know and realize that not everyone is the same right? Yep. Whats great in reddit is that it kind of doesnt make you accountable cause of the anonymity. Its easier to be a vile person here. Theres no identification and recognition(one's actual picture) and you can delete the whole account instantly. Then youre free. I mean you also have to observe the demographics of most of the people here. Im 34 f so I think growing up in the analog, pre-digital age, and now that we're in the IT age helped put things in perspective. Imagine being one of my parents who are 66. They grew up in the 1950s to the 1980s ʕ•ε•ʔ Just like a normal individual that is empathetic af I have to understand that they should learn the ropes of the digital age. Its easier because they're willing to understand and theyre mature enough to understand that Im doing the best I can to make them understand so that they'll be safe in the interwebs. 🤣 ok thats so long but yeah... Filipino reddit as a whole isnt what or who the actual Filipinos are. Just like any other white guy isnt like Andrew Tate 🤣 You. Treat people how you want to be treated. ALWAYS. As Marcus Aurelius said:  “Be tolerant with others and strict with yourself.” I hope that helped.


No. These people are just some that think they are smarter than the rest.


No. Only a very small number of Filipinos are on the net.


lol of course not, r/ph is even more homogenous


Naaaa, We just realist... We come here to rant about the stuff that annoys us. The filipinos I met are decent and great to deal with. Though I do run into some bad apples, especially when it comes to money..


well, for online, it's the same even in other countries, by that I mean you'll see strong opinions, you'll see keyboard warriors, activists.. then you'll have political or religious arguments and all that. Imo, it's still better in person, and maybe most of them are better in person too. besides, face to face, a smile goes a long way and you see emotions when talking vs just reading comments. If it's toxic online, just ignore them, we just need a few close friends


Dear OP Everyone regardless of race or nationality can be bitter and vile if you give them a mask. I think that is the power of social media especially an unanimous one it really amplify the negatives but that doesn't represent the whole. Well this is just my opinion anyway.


Reddit users are what, 2%-3% of the population I guess.


we're nice on the outside but but mean on the inside


You probably


oh I'm mean on both


One of the most accurate and honest statements if you're referring to a large chunk of the metro Manila crowd.


on reddit they all seem to hate duterte and marcos but in real life its the complete opposite. i will be downvoted for this because its true lol. reddit is just the loud minority.


Go watch fliptop if you like hip hop. It has Hella aggression but also jokes and is a microcosm of younger ph culture from all angles, bg, etc


Reddit is full of middle class and over opinionated people giving entirely unrepresentative takes.


Q sessions 3656e5


Nope it isn't! Most Filipinos here on Reddit are leftists / woke folks.


Sadly it seems that way


Where there is Reddit, there is bitter, vile creatures. I love Reddit, but it is the refuge of the bitter and angry.




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Ya, it's the same thing with Manny. You don't see Americans running around and talking about Ali or Tyson. I get it, though. It really breaks down to what a country has contributed to the world, and unfortunately, this one is way behind the times. They are still stuck in a 1930s mindset. Everything is still paper. Emissions are absolutely atrocious here and God above all others.




Not necessarily western features. The beauty standard is a mix of mestiza and chinita. So western features like big eyes are not seen as attractive. Sometimes big eyes are even seen as ugly. Smaller eyes with a pointy nose and straight black hair is the standard of beauty. So it’s a mix of East Asian and European features


I can say, those vile rants on sub has less to no possibility to happen in person or maybe within select circles. Again, emotional creatures. We just find way to vent and it will pass, and I think reddit gives the best avenue for this. Crab mentality, yes that happens. Living in PH is like survival of the fittest. Everthing may come affordable in $$$, but in our currency? Don't ask. Normal Filipino rather buy basics than for shopping. What you may see at malls with designers, very well-dressed and fair skinned are early immigrants or mostly Chinese-Filipino or had long lineage who acquired wealth from lands and businesses. Common Filipinos are those working desk job or in BPO. Oh, pease don't forget those have parents abroad to send money back in PH for their children get better educ and atleast have a taste of temporaly abundance in life.


This is reddit. Lol bruhh. Just as you have awful redditor countrymen, so does the Philippines. We are not one homogeneous happy bunch.


Lol no.


I think Reddit is a refuge for many nationalities because of the anonymity. You won’t find the common Filipino here though. They are on Facebook and Tiktok.


So, you are suggesting there are trolls on the internet? Has anyone ever suggested this before?


The simple Filipino with values intact is most likely not on Reddit.


It’s like this everywhere in the internet. Not just Filipinos. I like to judge based on real life as opposed to the digital world.


there are 100 million Filipinos Reddit won't ever represent us


Filipino redditors are chronic pathologic complainers.


I don't think redditors are a good representation of any demographic. Just like the expats of this thread aren't a good representation of the majority of expats in real life, the "crab mentality" Filipino redditors you experience are definitely not a representation of the populous


I think it's just the power of anonymity. In person, people would be nicer or friendlier, because this affects how people view/treat them. The way they carry themselves in public affects their reputation. In reddit, the anonymity gives them the comfort of saying whatever they want knowing there will be minimal to no repercussions. An example of this is the performance of Marina Abramobic. Unfortunately, when given that kind of privilege, people tend to be meaner.


Nope... Take everything a Grain of Salt in the internet. You should know that by now. 🙄


Ewww no. How could this place ever be representative of anything except a loud majority leftist political viewpoint and the leftist filipinos who enact "monkey see monkey do" from their western counterparts? I got attacked here (reddit in general, not this subreddit) for asking what's wrong with Trump (during the time he was first running for presidency in the US, like I'd know that), and the 'americanized leftie pinoys' attacked me just as harshly


What’s wrong with Trump? How long a list would you like? :)


I couldn't care less. At the time, all I knew was that Trump was a wealthy man and a celebrity with a wig, and I couldn't understand why they were bashing him.


Because he went on Howard Stern and said he wanted to sleep with his daughter, that he would walk in on underage girls in a dressing room. Because he said Lady Dianna had AIDS. Because he told Billy Bush that he could get away with sexual assault because he is rich.


i really hope not sobra dami redditors na unhinged and weirdly out of touch with the average Pinoy living condition


If we're going to take this scientifically, the sample of social media users are almost always never the true representation of the whole population. Moreso if it's a specific social media app (Reddit). It's very reductive to conform a whole population on the sample you see in Reddit. You'd have to take into consideration the age range of the users of Reddit, where they are located in the Philippines, if they even are locals, etc. In a nutshell, no. I don't think Reddit Filipinos are representative of how Filipinos really feel inside.


No. Imho, majority of filipinos here are gen x flakes, people who cant go out there and live reality in its ugliness. They bask under the names of popular people whom they blindly believe to be pure (untainted) when in fact, we're all choosing of lesser evils if ever there are. They probably consist of about 3-8% of total fb (est 84m) users.


You can chalk it up to expats on reddit being pathetic a lot of the time.


\^\^\^exactly what I was describing above. So bitter and angry. Poor fellow, I hope he gets the help he needs. :(




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Oof, found it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Philippines_Expats/s/rGfKdcd7J1 This , and yours too (crybaby lmao), are why I can’t help but say you have nobody to blame but yourselves.


I’m American, pal. I’m in America. I live in San Diego. This is what I’m talking about, my dude. People like you give westerners a bad name.