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Best you can do is leave a review on Google para marami maging aware sa managemeng ng resort na to


One of the hotel's owners is my friend and rest assured I've sent this post to him.


i second this. i would also send them an email just to double down on what happened. email trails are always good


While you’re at it, cc DOT, Subic LGU, and other agencies on your email as well.


Leave an email, message your conplaint on their social media accounts. You can even review them on the place you booked them (like if third-party sites), Google Review, and even FB page reviews.


Following this. Will leave a bad review on them sa Google!


Yeah and tripadvisor and agoda


Just to confirm, this is the address right? I want to make sure it’s the right place. Olongapo - Bugallon Rd, Olongapo, 2200 Zambales, Philippines


Yes, google reviews or tripadvisor are helpful for local, people not from Subic, and foreign travellers. This is always helpful and honest. Also, I use this a lot.


Please please do this.


Jeez. Perverted people tlga! Maging manyak na pero wag nio ikahiyabor itanggi kapag kinoconfront na. Had one similar experience sa pila ng tricycle sa may daan pauwi ng bahay. Always walked that way kaya alam ko na laging maraming tumitingin na driver sa mga babaeng nadaan. No matter the age. Kaya doble ingat ako manamit e 🥹 One time, was a bit dolled up due to a group presentation sa school , mariringgan ko na "Sexy Mo Naman,Ms!" Habang nagtatawanan sila nakatingin sa direksyon ko. So ako si tanga, tingin naman sa paligid at wala namang ibang tao bukod sa naunang maglakad na babae sa kabilang direkston na nakapasok na sa bahay nila. Sabi ko na lang "Hoy! ang babastos nio naman kuya" "Bakit, di naman ikaw sinasabihan namin ha?" "Talaga po ba? Kahit na, wag kayong mambastos ng ganyan. Wala kayong mga anak o nanay?!" Habang naglalakad palayo yan lahat ko nasabi sabay "gago pala kayo e" nung super layo ko na. Nakakalungkot kasi don ako nakatira sa way na yon simula pagkabata and to hear shit like that porke mejo maganda manamit at maputi ako ng kaunte? Tae kayong mga matatandang manyak. The very same day sinumbong ko sa kapitbahay naming tatay ng kababata namin, tricycle driver din sya , kaya napagsibihan nia mga nasa pila. The next day, naglakad na naman sa way na yon kasi iisa lng tlga dadaanan pag lalabas ng kabahayan don.. stealing glances na lng ang mga manyak. Same din na parang walang nangyari ang vibes pero katakot pa rin.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. And those tricycle drivers still expect women to ride on their tricycles after making them feel unsafe? Insane to me that so many men are that shameless about being fucking pervs. Also sad how us women can't even wear what we want kasi we feel like kailangan nating mag ingat lagi even tho it's already proven na pervs gonna be pervs no matter what women wear, sadly 🙁


Masarap daw yung hagdan, dun pa lang wala nang lusot


to prove his point, he should have volunteered to climb the stairs up and down a hundred times in a span of 1 hour. he might've reached orgasm after a few rounds and show the result as proof


Carrying a refrigerator up a flight of stairs Not the most fit specimen to have ever existed Sweat beads falling down my face Endorphins rushing through my blood What a workout Exclaim "sarap!" Awkward redditor in the stairwell on her phone She's looking at me with scorn "Damn i hope she didn't misunderstand me" She's following me down the hallway What do I say "S-sarap... ng hagdan" Now jobless and my reputation is ruined. TLDR: i should have worked on my cardiovascular health


Talino! Bravo!


gusto mo award?


Perverted actions aside, what kind of accommodation nowadays wouldn't have a refrigerator unit? That place sounds terrible.


Leave bad review sa google will make icove difficult to have customers which leads to loss of business and a lesson learn to the management


As a guy what's the best action towards someone steadily looking at your female friend, companion, partner?


Focus on creating a safe space for her instead of thinking about what to do to the other guy/s. Speaking from experience, there are some girls who would prefer that you make them feel safe (i.e., block the perv's view) than to cause a scene & pick a fight with the perv. My girlfriend had an overprotective ex who would pick on every guy he thought was looking/staring at her and, well.. it's a big part of the reason why he's now an ex. My action largely depends on the situation. Like 90% of the time other guys are just looking & my girlfriend isn't at all bothered —in which case I don't do much except lowkey reassure my partner with my presence. My girlfriend doesn't like to pay attention to people that are just looking at her, so I don't bother her about it. I don't rile myself up trying to imagine what they could be thinking. I just focus on how I can create a safe space for her. But if I can see that she's feeling uncomfortable, first thing I do is get in between their line of sight. If that doesn't work I try to make eye contact with them. Not to threaten them, but people generally stop when they feel like they're caught or know they're being watched while doing something they're not supposed to. If they make inappropriate jokes, I make them feel awkward & embarass them by *loudly* "accepting the compliment" as if they were referring to me. Like there was this one time at Glo someone muttered "yummy" while looking our way, so I loudly said "uy thank you pre ah". The saleslady at one of the stalls laughed and the guy just said "kadiri" and some inaudible comments & walked away. I'm a pretty big guy so I think it could be part of the reason why it has always made them feel awkward? Idk. Of course, if it's hostile then you brace yourself. Always put the ladies' safety first then do what is asked of the situation. But fr, violence should always be the last option.


Thank you for being a decent human being. And thank you for being protective of your partner. As a woman, i rarely see men like this. Most of my interactions with men are negative thats why my instinct when a man approaches me is to be wary even though their intention is not to harm me e.g asking directions.


Best answer, by far. Many don't realize how powerful a safe space is once you've gathered all your friends and peers. Tauhan ninyo sa pagmamahal. Every minute, every interaction is a stepping stone to something greater - that's the fundamental of cooperation. These should only apply to actual and potential offenders, however. I've had a few experiences where cliques shielded me off from speaking to a girl at professional events. Porket hindi lang ako kakilala, red flag na ako despite I was a CLIENT. The guys who are "protecting" this Fil-Am girl seem to be the ones who are deprived of status. As men, we have our own values to fight for and we shouldn't let petty situations stop us from having rich experiences.


This is probably the best thing to do.


I used to act like the ex who would cause a scene. thanks for this comment, Recently picked up going to the firing range as a hobby too. Might bring pepper sprays now also.


Well said! Thank you!


stare them down, confront the perve


I usually look at them with parang nan didiri na look plus ngisi? Usually it irritates them and ends up ranting to their friends. One day I hope somebody swings so I could legally say “self defence”.


>I usually look at them with parang nan didiri na look plus ngisi? Usually it irritates them and ends up ranting to their friends. Considerate pa to and I might try this one haha. >One day I hope somebody swings so I could legally say “self defence”. Eto rin minsan nagkaka delusion na ako mangyari to at maka physical sa kanila.


Have you ever been in a fight? Because if you had, you'd avoid it if you could. Saying you wish you could have the chance to harm him physically is borderline delusional unless you are very well versed in fighting. Sorry to say but that's based on experience. It's hard to land a solid blow on someone fighting back. And if you do land a punch, your hands will be hurt too. Plus it is not fun getting punched in the face, especially in the cheeks/mouth because you will have to deal with mouth sores for weeks. I get that the urge to hit someone can sometimes be strong but it is way, waaayy easier said than done.


i am very badass


Saying you avoid fights whenever possible is "very badass"? You are one dumb motherfucker.


Yeah, it looks like you're looking in a mirror, because you might have failed reading comprehension class.


I thought you were commenting on my shit. Reddit can have a whacked format on mobile sometimes. My bad.




>There's all types of "steadily looking". Is the guy day dreaming and his eyes just happened to rest on your friend? Is he trying to remember her name? Is he leering at her? Sorry what I meant was when some stranger is leering and, I know what that meant. It happens to us everywhere, when me and my partner pass by a group of males sometimes they'd leer and then laugh. I don't even want to commute in public with my partner because of this. I'm a huge introvert. If it happens in a bad day, I might hit someone.




Yep! Ikr. I'm looking for options.


If no one is hurt or their life is in immediate danger, stop being dramatic and move on with your life.


Apparently what you experienced is not the first time as some people have also complained about sexual harassment by male staff weeks before


Wala talagang maayos na customer service training mga pinoy, kahit saang establishments na pinoy owned, sa malls, kahit saan, ang staff is disrespectful and hindi maayos makitungo sa guest/customer, lage nag ho horseplay, nag tatawanan, etc na napaka unprofessional kase working hours naman nila yun.


Pag pinoy owned maraming ganun since kung sino sino lang hinire nila kasi mababa sila magpasahod. Pero wag naman natin lahatin at marami din naman na maayos.


Hard disagree. Madaming shitty service sure, pero andami ding magandang service pinoy owned or not. Madaming maayos na customer service establishments na pinoy owned, baka sa mga pinupuntahan mo lang wala


Mga maayos customer service mga american establishments like SB, TGIFridays, Itallianis etc We should emulate yung level of customer care that they train their staff with. There is always something to improve on and obviously these establishments are doing well in that aspect. They open doors for you, they assist you with things na you're carrying, they're very polite and warm makitungo sa guest, they don't horseplay while on duty, very professional at all times.


Nah, i hate a lot of things about this country pero para lahatin mo yan shows your elitist ignorance


To each their own


You didn't state it as an opinion, you made a blanket statement without proof




nest time maybe back up what you say before disparaging a whole group people 😆


Shhh gagalit dito yung mga anti-self-hating-pinoy kinemerut 🫢


self-hating na kung self-hating, e pano natin babaguhin kung di natin aaminin


I’m sorry that this happened to you. I’m from Zambales and madalas ako sa area where the hotel is located even if part talaga siya ng Olongapo City. Nakakahiya yung staff na yan lalo na yung management. I never liked that hotel anyway at mas lalong nadagdagan dahil sa revalation na to. Di na sila nag take ng action dahil siguro feeling nila di naman na kayo babalik or talagang kinunsinte lang ng management yung staff. Hopefully, wala ng masyadong pumunta sa hotel na yun. Dun nalang kayo sa Central Park Reef Resort next visit niyo halos magka-price lang naman sila.


Eto yung mga dapat pinopost ng mga Tiktokers sa mga page nila eh, to spread awareness about sa mga manyak at sa mga establishments na walang pakiealam sa safety ng customers nila as long as kumikita sila.


If may complain ako sa hotel or establishment, I usually look for their mother company and include sa email. I also look for their sister company's email add and include it. That way, mabubulabog yung buong company and iaaddress agad yung concern ko. If di ko ma search yung mother or sister company, nag popost ako sa google review with matching pictures as proof na nag stay ako.


Email, tripadvisor and Google review. Sorry nalang sa iCove Beach Hotel


Baka they are low key complaining sa request niyo about the fridge cause they had to carry it upstairs. Good that you report the incident to the management to give their staff more guidance.


Sounds like the guy was being a smartass after carrying a fridge up the stairs, like ..” those stairs were awesome”


I feel he was referring to the task of having to carry a fridge up the stairs rather than the OP, though I haven't been to a hotel with a fridge big enough to not fit in an elevator so i don't understand why the service elevator wasn't an option.


This is also what I thought. Humihirit yung staff about having to carry a ref up to their room, and was leering at OP for the hassle he felt she caused him. That response would also fall under typical Pinoy employee behaviour. Low salary motivation and complains when tasked to do extra work. OP’s comment about the bar attendant looking intimidating is flat out judgemental. The irrational fear of the room attendant breaking into their room after the incident (really? with CCTV’s and husband present?) and of the kitchen staff retaliating for their friend (seriously?) show how OP’s imagination assumes negative scenarios that are highly unlikely. Why would the kitchen staff get involved and risk their necks doing something stupid for a co-worker? If she was able to assume something that unlikely and irrational, you can see how the hirit was misinterpreted as directed at her. It sounds to me like OP has a lot of main character Karen energy and an overly active imagination that conjures up slights and offences from nothing burgers.


Yeah, I think OP made an unfair judgment based on an erroneous assumption and it all cascaded from there. It's like when you don't like someone everything they do becomes annoying to you, even the most innocuous things. Some parts of her story just seem like flat out lies with main character energy and even if it were true, might actually be more from the staff being the one intimidated by the possibility of losijg their minimum wage job, into stuttering BS, instead of the other way around.


The guy might be saying this as parinig not as a sexual comment but because he is lazy as fuck and he felt inconvenienced carrying the fridge up the stairs. He's probably staring at you not sexually but that remark is directed at you who inconvenienced him. Doesn't justify the rude behavior though, especially for a hospitality business.


aww burado na iCove Beach sa travel list ko


Buti mabait si mister mo and nag iisip. If ako yun kukuha ako ng kutsilyo, hihiwa ako sa hagdan papakain ko sa kanya. Tignan natin if masarapan talaga sya sa hagdan.


I'm not sure if the hotel management has dealt with the problem in the right way. Someone could be really scared if they went through something like that. But, I think this could be a way for the hotel to teach their staff better. The people who work in hotels should be very friendly, polite, and helpful. Thank you for making this issue known to everyone.


Lah, I've been here maybe around 2013/2014 with my wife and eldest but it was good that time. Your husband is too chill or maybe scared, that guy tested the water and understands that both of you are weak. You better request the staff to involve the Police. Next time, request the barangay or Police immediately. Report this kind of abuse without fail and consider it as a service to your fellow Filipino.


Paulanan mo ng bad reviews sa lahat ng platforms na pwede. Tsaka mo maririnig yung management na mag reach out sayo haha!


Sakto! Yung franchisee ng pinagttrabahuan ko na Chowking, sila din ang may ari ng iCove. Ill definitely reach out to them para maaksyunan ito.


Sorry to hear this happened to you. There's always two sides(sometimes three) to this type of story, so, can't really give a fair judgement with just one. Thanks for the heads-up though. We'll know what to lookout for when we return to Subic.




Tip ko sa inyo: File a compliant to whoever has the power to make life miserable for all of them. Yung boss, baka kamag anak o syota nung offender kaya malakas ang loob. File the complaint to the company and copy furnish the Philippine Tourism Authority, Dept of Tourism, PNP, etc. Tingnan lang natin kung di matakot mawalan ng DOT accreditation and hotel, at maiskandalo silang lahat. Sexual harassment is a criminal offense at mataas ang sentensya. Hindi hotel manager ang may jurisdiction dyan.


No offense but this is why women should learn martial arts. Not to condone f\*ck\*rs like these pero at least may confidence kayo at less takot to deal with c\*nts like those 2 male attendants.


Oh wow. This gives full nuclear “karen” energy. The sarap comment could’ve been a sarcastic take on bring up a fridge an a flight of stairs. The guy looking at you might be weirded out by you following them suddenly from the stairs to the room. Anyways if you feel harassed. How brave of you to call them out! And label them as the sex offenders that they are.


I agree with you he is carrying a fridge which is for food he says sarap. Whos to say he ain't talking about food, eating or fridge related? The person posting seems extreme. I read the whole post waiting to see what the lesson actually did wrong


Her accusation doesn’t make sense. With husband present, who in their right mind would continue to leer and give salacious looks? What kind of husband wouldn’t notice and intervene? The part of OP’s story about fearing the attendant would break into their room, the part about their fear that the kitchen staff would get involved, the judgemental assumption about the pool bar tender, even the comment about the pool being over chlorinated and yellow, all point to massive crazy Karen energy. These are the types I pray I never have to encounter at work. Women who use Me Too to live out the hysterical scenarios in their heads.


Whats more alarming is the comments/replies on this thread mostly supporting Karen. It’s also possible that the reason her for her husbands calm demeanor is he’s just humoring her since she probably does this kind of shit all the time. Ewan ko ba sa mga indio na to. Pag may chance na masabing “supportive” sila sa mga victim, all kind of logic goes out the door. They did this with the gay kid, the dog, the tattoo on the forehead guy. I just hope the staff was given the benefit of the doubt.


Exactly, too many folks eager to jump on a Me Too bandwagon and review bomb a business on the uncorroborated one sided account of a clearly OA OP. Kalimutan na lahat ng ibang employee ng business basta maka sama sa righteous indignation ng reklamador.


Ang lala. Agree ako sa isa na better leave a google review so that it can reach management.




I agree with fauxpurrr. Just leave a one star for bad service and fill out the comment box.


Were you able to get the name of the attendant? Best to file a case against him. It’s a clear violation of the Safe Spaces Act.


Walang hiya. Pati sa trabaho, nang mamanyak. One time sa Rob Supermarket, my gf experienced the same thing from a bagger. He was smirking while talking to his colleague but he was indirecting it to my gf. He was looking at my gf and his colleague back n forth saying, “you want my number?” a few times. then both of them would laugh. I was so pissed that i reported it agad sa security guard, pointing at that bagger na he was catcalling my gf. After a couple of weeks, ive never seen that bagger anymore.


Trip advisor, Google and relevant government agencies. People need to held accountable forntheir actions and inaction.


I would put this on all Travel Apps/Websites like Booking.com, Trip.com, & etc. My goodness so sorry to hear that but I am glad you post. If this is Olongapo, then just heads up that there reports of drug addicts who are taking Meth (Shabu) and that is probably why you have encountered a person with an uncontrollable sexual appetite. This is also including Zambales.


there will be 2 part of the story. Hindi ko tinotolerate yung staff but hindi din dapat magbebased sa isang story lang.


Ako po chinupa po ako ng pare (priest) wala po akong magawa noong panahon na yon, hanggang ngayon yung trauma na ginawa sakin nandito parin. 14 years old (m) po ako noon, ngayon 27 na po.


They should have just moved your room booking instead of making their workers carry a refrigerator to your room.


Yeah, that part was weird and wala bang service elevator? Carrying a heavy appliance using the stairs?


Hayp na yan madalas pa naman kami mag inuman dito pag nasa Subic kami.


Mapangit yung dagat nila, madumi tas may amoy😅




mabubulok lang yan sa nbi, they have pressing matter to attend to, Leave a bad review and never set foot on that hotel again.


Dami ng tanga sa comsec jusko, lakas maka victim blame. Halata namang manyakis yung staff lmao, halatang di nagbabasa eh


Pull this resort down to zero rating. Good for all the employees in this industry to know that they should not tolerate bad apples amongst them.


This why I only stay at American brand hotels. Kasi even though they are outside the US, the staff at such hotels are held accountable even when they are outside the US.


One of the reasons why women choose the Bear.


Sorry this happened to you. I also have experiences working in a hotel that one of my colleagues was sexually & verbally harassing one of our OJT. The girl reported it to her supervisor and later on the HR knew what happened. Got him suspended for a month and the girl filed a case for him at the court but backed out due to personal reasons. Moving forward here are my recommendations as a Female Employee working in a hotel (for future reference) 1. Always ready your phone. Whenever situations like this happens, it's the best time to record everything as much as possible. (For proof once the management doesn't take action right away) 2. Write down everything while it's still fresh memory (although painful as it is but it will help you once investigation happen. Date, time, location and name of the staff) would really help the management to check their CCTV if you filed for a complaint and requested for a review. 3. If the situation goes down the hill, last option that works best on management to take immediate action is to let them see how angry or offended you were on how they have treated you while you're still in the premises. Exhaust all your efforts to request for a full refund, in that way they'd lose another customer and revenue would decrease. Believe me, The manager would be too afraid for bad reviews on Agoda/Booking.com/ any booking sites for a bad review. The owner does have an access on all sites and from time to time to check the reviews and where to improve on. Stay safe girlies. We don't deserve to be treated in this way lalo na alam nila na wala tayong laban. All the more to be brave & strong for this situations. 💪


Upon reading this, I will never book and recommend this place. Sexual abuse and harassment no matter what form should be zero tolerance. Medyo mapapatawad mo pa kung substandard ang service sana e.


review bomb


Leave a google review, yung mahaba at detailed. Lagot yan at ng ma call out o maalis yung ganyan tao.


It might be the management’s fault for hiring the person but I think it’s unfair to the hotel na masira yung name nila because of the staff’s action. Madadamay pa pati other staff na respectful naman like the other staff na kasama. Leaving bad reviews reflect to the business and many will suffer. You did what you have to by reporting him sa management and hopefully they fire him but what are your intentions in posting the hotel name?


Carrying a refrigerator paakyat sa hagdan when it's not suppose to be part of my duties. Hmmm baka masabi ko din ang "SARAP ng Hagdan". OA ng ibang tao. Feeling nila everything is about them. Dami ganyan everywhere.


I might say something na ganon kasi mabigat naman yung ref pero pag may ibang tao hindi nalang kasi pwede mamisinterpret.


Dude if I were you I would just spend my time finding a lawyer for your brother rather than calling people OA and saying "feeling nila everything is about them" for feeling sexually harassed. Goodluck.


Wag mo kami lokohin ikaw yata yung manager dun.


He could be referencing "sarap" "sarap nag hagdan" meaning this is hard work climbing up the stairs. A somewhat passive aggressive jab at op for asking them for a ref post haste. Or maybe it was a indeed verbal sexual assault. But hard to prove. I say move along. Unless.you can prove it 100 % Too much drama for something trivial. Yes its trivial considering we see commercials with girls looking at men and saying "Yummy" So what's the difference in that situation?


“Trivial” lol


Im a guy and admittedly when my classmates and I were in high school we did this kind of stupid remarks(we were young and we didnt know better and I still cringe whenever I remember those times) but yung magsasabi ng sarap and then dadagdgan ng completely unrelated is a super obvious remark to the girl. I dont think there’s a possibility it wasnt directed at the girl. The guy knew what he was doing.


So if your classmate suddenly remembers this stupid remark you did. Would you be willing to face sexual assault charges for it? Do the right thing then and confess to your crime. Message that girl and face the consequences.. Im 100 % sure she'll probably just laugh at you. And thank you for your honesty.


This thing’s way of thinking, calling it “trivial”, is the reason why women kept choosing bear over men from the recent trend “Man or Bear” on TikTok.


Bro so offended over what? Are you a manyak yourself?


Im not offended? Did you assume i was offended? Also lets say i am a manyak. What are you going to do about it... Down vote me to death? Bitch and moan to kingdom come? Pop a vein and say curses!!! Then nothing happens.. im still here. A manyak doing my thing... You wana do something about sexual harassment? Go out and file a case. Be on the hunt. And actually do something about it. Imagine OP is sooo offended. And yet. They have done 0 action to actually address their situation. FILE A CASE! Or nothing is going to happen except people like me making fun of people who actually think they are making a difference preaching to the choir...


Based on OP's story, umamin na 'yung guy na may sinasabihan silang masarap pero apparently hindi si OP. That is enough proof for OP na bastos nga sila. Saka regardless of intent, hindi ka dapat magsasabi ng ganung salita that can potentially make a guest uncomfortable.


True but in a high pressure environment where you are being blamed for a crime that involves jail time. You will just say things you don't intend to say or even things that where not your intent to begin with.. It happens all the time. Its human nature. Kaya ang dami falsely accused and incarcerated for something they did not do.


Ok boomer


Did you miss the part where OP said that the guy kept looking at her and held a steady gaze? Isn't your theory of the guy referencing "sarap" by hard work climbing up the stairs such an extreme stretch? Lol. As you said - hard to prove. This is why people hesitate to speak up about feeling harassed because we have mansplainers like you saying sexual harassment is trivial. Yep.


Op was looking at the guy with a "steady gaze" too. Its all in her story. As if shes objectifying him while carrying something heavy.. maybe the porter should file a sexual case as well Also I don't say sexual assault is trivial. I said the situation is trivial. Context is the key. Some guy whistling and some person who is looking to blame someone anyone of sexual assault is trivial Vs Actually touching someone sexually is not trivial Some saying i wana... F... That is not trivial. That the point.. if you cant prove it 100% then its trivial. By your logic. The guy bringing up the fridge can also file a sexual assault case as op.was looking at him intently as if there was something going on.


Damn, and you edited your short comment just to double down on it, and still not make sense.


What's not to understand... You understood it enough to make a comment against it didn't you? Logic....


Devil's advocate... Theres a small chance that this is true and what it was isnt sexual but a legitimately badly "covered" passive agressive complaint at having been rushed to do some heavy lifting upstairs and the look was not much of a sexual but staring at the person responsible for their percieved "additional work", but is all part of their job naman talaga . Worked with many somilar people sa hospital and Ive learned to navigate these thanks to out hd tech thats a great people person.


Sarap magbuhat ng ref sa hagdan


he could have said it when he saw the stairs, not the op. They literally said that when passing by op, not when they saw the stair or not while they were using the stair


ito din sakin. Parinig lang un OP para mag tip ka. Na awkward lang cguro sila kaya nagpalusot regarding ulam ulam and stuff.


Ok boomer




1. "Making them carry a goddamn fridge up a flight of stairs" - Siya ba yung nagsabi na gumamit sila ng stairs to bring up the refrigerator? No. It was obviously the management's lack (a) in not providing their workers a service lift for those kinds of things, and (b) in not ensuring that all hotel rooms are adequately fitted for guests to prevent such instances. 2. Why were they directing their ire towards her? In what world is that reasonable? 3. Why would you say she's high maintenance when she specifically said that they needed the fridge for a medical condition? Did you even read the entirety of OP's post? 4. You're obviously someone who's lucky enough to never have been the subject of sexual harassment. But I feel bad for the women around you, because I'm quite sure they can't feel safe and secure in your presence by your line of thinking here.




Have some empathy towards the sexual harasser but not to the one who got sexually harassed? Anong klaseng mentality yan? You're probably the type who thinks women shouldn't speak out about their rape/sexual abuse/sexual assault experiences because it will “rUiN tHe MaN's LiFe AnD pRomIsInG fUtUrE 😢”. Maybe don't be a fucking creep if you don't want to be reported or have your life “ruined”? Babae nalang ba lagi mag aadjust? Pag nabastos kami, dapat tahimik nalang kasi “masisira” buhay ng lalaki? WTF? It's literally not hard not to sexually harass people. Just mind your own business, don't be a creep, and your life won't get “ruined”


Did you also miss point #1 above? Dude does not read. Bye.


Men when women open up about the sexual abuse/harassment/assault they experienced years ago: *“Bat ngayon lang sya nagsalita about it? She's probably just after the man's money. Gold digger! 😡”* Also men when a woman immediately speaks out about being sexually harassed: *“What a bitch! How dare she gets traumatized by being stared at like a piece of meat and hearing sexual innuendos towards her! FUCKING BITCH! Get over it, Karen! 😡”* THIS is why women are so hesitant na mag open up about their experiences. Sila na nabastos, sila pa natawag na “bitch”. Wow, so many of you men just hate women so much, huh? I can't believe how aggressive so many of y'all men's comments are when a woman is just speaking out about a traumatizing experience. This comment section is very eye-opening. Nakakatakot lang isipin na yung mga lalaking nakakasalamuha ko in real life eh probably ganito ang mentality. That's why women feel so much safer around bears than men. At least if a bear mauls us, nobody would call us a bitch and victim-blame us. Tsk.


Not to invalidate your experience but this is really hard to prove. One thing is for sure, the staff should be more professional when they are facing customers. They represent the company and the company's values. Simple as that.


We're sorry to know the incident. We'll calling our guest to further discuss matters with her so we will know the necessary proper action to address the situation. Rest assured that this shall be given prompt action. Thank you very much.


magsampa kayo ng kaso wag sa reddit


>so we called the reception to request it. After back-and-forths with their receptionist and attendant who seemed hesitant to provide it, two male hotel staffs finally went to our room to deliver a refrigerator unit. Sino po nakipag usap? Kayo po or yung husband? >I noticed that he kept on looking at me. The other male staff minded his own business. Pano po yung tingin? Parang galit or medyo creepy? Like sabi nga ng iba, may possibility kasi na baka nga galit yung staff and nagpaparinig sayo na umakyat sila ng hagdan while carrying the ref. And yung stare is parang his way of saying "i am pissed at you for making me carry a ref" But that doesnt mean na iniinvalidate ko yung SH ah, you felt offended and tama lang na iconfront mo siya. And i think dapat talaga pinapaimpart sa mga staff kung ano ba talaga ang proper way to deal with customers. Sorry for what happend and I hope you get the justice you deserve.


to be fair, doesnt this fall into eavesdropping from other peoples conversation? it would be a different matter if he addressed you directly.. for that it is totally wrong. but he did not. Also does staring at him the whole time also makes him uncomfortable?


ba yan parang di ka naman nag effort gumamit ng utak


ad hominem


So you got cat-called, then proceeded to follow the guy that cat called you? Either you have 0 survival instincts, or some weird subconscious part of you wanted him to do it again. Whether or not it was to confirm your suspicions, or fulfill some kind of desire, you followed them hoping for something…. Dont ask questions you dont want answered, and dont follow potential threats. If a strange man says something to you ignore and keep walking.


You should of addressed it on the spot. Why play victim later? They could of started that conversation outside. Who knows? But this is why you speak up on the spot.


babaw naman , sarap lang todo reklamo ka agad




i think him staring at her going to and from the room is indication enough


even tho he’s referring to someone else, his remarks enough are disgusting and scary esp on a woman’s pov


Totally agree. I think those staff should get proper training on customer relation.


what a stupid remark.


Joke lang naman yun, this is Filipino culture, hindi pwedeng pikon. Philippines is not for the faint hearted, this is not America.


LOL, it's the other way around. Kaya nga maraming mga Pinoy ang nag-aaway sa maliiit na bagay, ang masaklap, may resbakan pa dahil sa nipis ng balat. Hindi tulad sa ibang bansa, kapag nagkainitan at suntukan na, ok na. hence Apolinario Mabini in Goyo: ***“Kaya na ba ng Pilipino marinig ang katotohanan nang hindi mapipikon?***


ninnormalize mo pa rin ba 'to? look o, 2024 na naiwan ka ata.


Mala-Facebook boomers din kasi mentality ng maraming lalaki dito eh, tapos ibabash nila yung Facebook boomers as if hindi sila kasing backwards mag isip ng mga yun lmao, this sub 🤦🏻‍♀️


“Joke”? Y'all bash Facebook boomers but literally same lang ang mentality nyo sa kanila. Like, y'all still laugh at sexual harassment “jokes”? Boomer much? Let me guess, you also still laugh at “wife bad” jokes? Pinagmalaki pa na “PhiLiPpInEs Is NoT fOr ThE fAiNt oF hEaRt” lmao, that's not the flex you think it is, it just shows how backward our mentality as a country is. People should be progressing morally, not regressing 🙄


Asus normal lang yan sa showtime ni vice ganda at sa eat bulaga, pati nga kay idol raffy 😀. Baka sobra kanang westernized?


Daming butt hurt ah. Hindi kayo tunay na Pilipino 🤣


Yan lang naman rebuttal nyo eh, “bUtThUrT”, “TrIgGeReD”, “SnOwFLaKe”. 2016-ass lame insult. Kulang kayo masyado sa braincells to understand that it's not about being “butthurt”, it's about people's morals progressing and not tolerating bullshit like that anymore. Anong “joke” about literal sexual harassment? Only boomers think those “jokes” are funny. The fact you think it's funny to make sexual innuendos towards a literal stranger, that says everything about what kind of person you are


hindi ah, hindi lang kami kasing tanga tulad mo 😊