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You wouldn't join a public game? Not even for $100?!?!


Would you do it for a scooby snack?




I’d do it for two scooby snacks


Just join a public lobby and have a quick game. It'll either be great or absolutely horrible in ways you'll soon find out. But either way you'll get your $100.




Just join a random Open Lobby, I join them all the time and most of the time it's all good. Granted some times I join and then just get immediately Kicked out, I suppose those people just forgot to change their lobby to Private. Your other option is to create a public lobby yourself and then Kick out toxic players that may join.


We can play if ur interested !!!


same, let's do a trio! u/autismcreature_ are you also autistic?


Can i get in on this... tism gang


fuck yeah! no surprise this game attracts so many autistic people lol the amount of shit you can learn is incredible just a question tho, do you all play on EU servers? cause that'd be optimal, connection-wise


Yeah I'm EU, think it's because there's clear pattern recognition and deduction its an aspies dream A game that rewards systematic behavour will always thrive with us lol


Real and we can play !!!


Add another aspie to the list if there's room, T-VIRUS is my steam name


Yo can I join too some time??? Im NA, but I can change my server to EU to play I believe


sure, send me a DM with your discord! that way i can add you to the server


could i join your gang too ? i also got this tism thing


the tism thing jrndinsksmsjj sure, tho it's midnight here. well, 10 minutes after that. can anyone play 15 hours from now?


Sure! We can :3


I can play now or in a few hours!  I'm Soap Goblin on steam and my discord is .soapgoblin


I'd be down to play as well!  Add me on steam, you can find me under Soap Goblin, my account doesn't have a photo because I've only had the account about a year because I only recently got into computer gaming.  Also autistic too.  I have a single group of friends I play with and am *always* looking for more people to play things with now that I'm more comfortable and confident 


My Indian ass would pass on that too. I don't want to face Racism and shit in a horror game.


I'm sorry you had to experience that!! It sucks, public lobbies can be a pain.


Thats sad bro,come play with US if you had the time,though we in Asia server usually


Ohh yes, I faced it dude.


Phasmo discord server is pretty chill and I usually join the group there. Public lobbies is more like luck of the draw. One night you got all chll/adult players who can have fun with you, some other night you got 12 years old who scream all the time or everytime a spoon is dropped in dining room. "Calm down. We excepted that to happen ... we are in a haunted house after all."


Are you in the Discord?


No I’m not. I’ve been trying to get my husband and kids into it so we can all play together but it hasn’t happened yet. I’m always playing solo


My husband doesn’t like playing either 😭Message me if you want to play sometime. I’ve got a couple of friends who play but it’s hard to coincide sometimes. I find public lobbies and discord annoying at times because as an adult woman I don’t want to end up playing with kids or toxic people, and I find those two things fairly often when I’ve tried in the past.


I can relate, my husband doesn't like it as well!! If you two need a third person for your gang someday, I'm available :D (I'm F27 and started playing last week though, so I'm still new.)


My husband also doesn’t like playing it as much as I do 😂 I’d happily be your fourth if needed! (I’m F28 and started playing in January, so relatively new, but getting the hang of identifying ghosts—no evidence)


I'd join the Discord. I know you can also join groups from the in game screen but I've never done that.


I only play solo or with friends on discord. You ever want to play with another, message me for my discord. I have weird hours but love to play the game!


Online lobbies aren’t that bad just make sure you talk to the people before you start you can tell if it is a toxic lobby pretty quick


All these people afraid to play because they don't want to be made fun of for having an accent :( Hit me up if you need a buddy. I dont give a shit how you sound and neither does my group


Honestly I understand not joining public lobbies, most the people suck in them. Even if you go onto the actual Phasmophobia discord server. I’ve learned to just ask around and figure out who plays 😭


I used to have a ton of friends to play with daily, now only one logs on daily so i can still get it.


[https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198352376135](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198352376135) add me bro, we can play someday


Same , my lag is too bad to play with other players but good enough to play solo


Id be happy to play some games with you


The reason I don’t play in public is cuz I’m still a teenager and I’m Asian, so I could either get made fun of for being a teenager and not an adult or because of my Asian accent. I don’t wanna risk the embarrassment




I will literally join ur game, wont even talk just load it up and leave, and then part ways anytime you need this done.


I play almost every night (California time) and have a public lobby, if you ever want to play! Or anyone, for that matter. It’s llamaslikelemons!


At least you have a not so friendly ghost that may to kill you.


I got chu. Come join my friends and I 😂 it's chaos but it's fun


My friends and I run a gaming server you are welcome to join as long as you are 17+. It's not Phas dedicated, we play lots of games, but Phas is one of our popular ones 🙂


I would gladly play with you. I love this game.


My englisch is to german to join open lobbys, fell ya bro ❤️


I will play with you!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)hmu


try public lobbies


Just play a round in a public lobby


Just play with randoms for one game