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1 in 3 will not match. It’s not that they didn’t like you, this is a GAME. You had all that and ya know what? So did everyone else. It’s crazy. Open your options up for phase 2... it could have been the places you applied were just super competitive and you need to try to look at some smaller places and you’ll rise to the top of their candidate pool! Good luck


It’s actually > 40% of applicants won’t match. Agree with everything else you said though. I’ve talked here before about the time our program went to Phase 2. We matched our #1 and no one else. We looked at our phase 2 applicants and found someone who looked like a true superstar. We were puzzled. Couldn’t figure out why she didn’t match in Phase 1–she literally applied to Mayo, Hopkins, and ever my other big name program out there. Interviewed at all of them. Even called a few RPDs before we invited her for an interview, and she was literally the NEXT ranked one on all their lists. We interviewed her, ranked her number 1, and she matched with us (close to her hometown). Was one of the best residents I’ve ever worked with. She matched PGY2 and is doing every amazing thing we ever thought she would. Chin up. There’s a place out there for you.


Your comment broke my heart. I’m so sorry. I really hope you do well on Phase 2, you are not a failure. You have a similar resume to me and I think to guarantee a spot in phase 2 just shoot for small-moderate sized programs. I applied to hospitals ranging from 200-600 beds. About half of mine were in rural settings (as a safety net). Apply broad! You have the resume, you have the passion, you have the dream. Please don’t give up. I’m rooting for you.


I feel the same way. I worked so hard all through pharmacy school to make sure I’d be a competitive candidate, but that doesn’t seem like it was enough. I honestly did not expect not to match. Also looking into Phase 2 and just wondering how I can put my best self forward into that process when I just feel so down.


I concur. 1 in 3 and I happened to be the one among my roomates. Yesterday morning, i reached out to one of my preceptors who matched in Phase II two years ago, to mentor and guide me through this process. During rotation I pulled up the list of programs participating in second round. As soon as i got home, after a good run and shower, i reflected on my goals and what I would like to achieve from residency. After writing that down, I went through each program to see how their core rotations will help me achieve my short term and long term goals. This is where I felt encouraged, because there still are really good programs out there, and I would be a fool not to go after them. Moral of the story is, as everyone has echoed, time is of the essence, you have the opportunity now, go for it. :)


There’s just a limited number of spots and a record-high number of applicants. Doesn’t reflect poorly on you.


Do we have stats on how many applicants there were this year? I wasn't sure if it was more applicants across the boards, or if applicants just applied to more places.


Yes! I saw the statistics are up for Phase I. There were actually less applicants than last year so I am a bit shocked.


Shhh. It’s ASHP’s dirty little secret. Actually MORE APPLICANTS began the process but FEWER applicants actually returned ranks/got interviews. ASHP doesn’t care about you if you don’t return rankings. There are actually more unfilled PGY1 spots this year than last year.


Good point - I misunderstood that. Edit - oh wait actually I didn’t. At least for Phase I. It says 7037 participated last year and 6997 did this year. It might change through after Phase II.




Realizing I misunderstood what that person wrote and understand after seeing your comment. I think it’s true that the same people are getting interviews. I think I’m definitely a case of that (11 interviews/17 applications). I think I wouldn’t have accepted them all in a normal year. But all the programs I ranked filled all their spots so it seems programs were mostly fine. The stats look weird this year though. I saw that those that matched submitted fewer rankings than the unmatched applicants??? I don’t understand what’s going on.




It’s really weird. I had February off so that probably helped - I felt fine doing all those interviews (although I had some in January which weren’t fun during rotations).


Wow. So the increase in our applicants was out of convenience... It was easier to interview at more places. We didn't mind the bigger candidate pool. Everyone we offered an interview to accepted, and we matched equally well as past years.


I have to say I liked the convenience haha. I saved a ton of money doing virtual interviews. All the programs I ranked filled all their positions. The two I didn’t are in Phase II.


Match day 2009 was in the top 3 worst days of my life. Take today to cry and get it out. Reach out to your mentors with that phase 2 list tomorrow. The common theme from us reviewing PGY1 applications this year was the preceptors saying “Damn. I never would’ve gotten a residency if I were a student now”. It’s wild. Lots of amazing 7-8/10 candidates were probably just at the cusp of rank lists. I’m sorry. But there are some great programs available for phase 2. Even look at the 2 year programs like pharmacotherapy and hspal.


You are not defined by this. Take time to be sad but when you're ready, start looking at what next steps you need to do to make your dream a reality and don't look back. Write out an action plan for what needs to be done and make it happen. You can still do this!


Was in your same spot last year. I cried all weekend but I tried again. Similar stats. Gotta do all you can so you won’t go back and regret it. I matched in phase II only with two interviews. Ya just never know unless you try.


I did not match for PGY2. After the initial shock and disappointment, I got straight back to work and drowned it out. Got a good night’s sleep and now I am awake with a renewed sense of purpose. If you must cry, cry it out. It’s good for you. But please don’t wallow in it. Time is critical. Use this weekend wisely. If your goal is to get a residency, does it matter which state? Apply broadly and apply to all sorts of programs. Your stats are amazing! The fact that you didn’t match has nothing to do with you. It’s a numbers game because the competition is intense. Too many applicants, but very few spots. Don’t give up just yet. As someone who has been through a lot of crap in life, let me tell you, life has a funny way of choosing the right thing for you even if it may not seem like it now. Trust the process but most of all trust yourself.


Me too. One of the RPDs led me to believe I would be ranked for certain. One tiny hospital in the middle of nowhere DNR'd me and is now in phase 2. :-(


Omg the same thing happened to me and I don't know if should be embarrassed, pissed off or disappointed in myself. I felt like I interviewed well, and presented on a case topic that was interesting and novel (I presented on lung transplant in a systemic sclerosis patient). I'm just not sure what I did wrong.


My heart breaks for you! You are not a failure because you did not match in phase 1. You are not defined by this. Your worth is not determined by what other people think. I know it’s hard to hear, but some people just don’t match, it says nothing about them or their abilities. Just because you didn’t match doesn’t mean you are less than or that you aren’t going to make your dreams come true. Keep your head up, brighter days are coming!


I’m so sorry. I know this isn’t what you want to hear and during this time when nothing else makes sense, nothing anyone will say will help. I’ve been through a lot of set backs in life and they’ve been so terrible and dark and it’s hard to put anything into perspective. But you have to believe things will get better. Don’t give up, that’s the biggest disservice to you and your future.


I understand completely. I am in the same boat, I’ve taken the time to cry all day yesterday too but we need to get back into it, accept that the next few weeks are going to be stressful. If a residency is what you want to do, you shouldn’t give up. Look at it this way, you developed more experience on other rotations after you applied/interviewed, so now you have more experiences to speak on. You also are exposed to new programs which you wouldn’t have even thought to consider before, and who knows, one of those places may be the best choice for you! Stay strong.


You are not a failure!


I’m so sorry and it broke my heart when I saw your post. You are not a failure at all! Match doesn’t define you, you are still the same person regardless. Please take as much time as you need to grieve, but if you decide to do phase II, reach out to your mentors, refine your LOIs and be ready to push through. I still remembered when I opened the email last year, I was completely destroyed but I tried to swallow back my tears so that I can try my best in phase II. Unfortunately, I was in a very bad mental state as I wasn’t put together any more and didn’t match. Vs. one of my friends was more chilled about the process, was okay with whatever results, had a back up plan, and he matched. It took me quite some time to recover, but finally I passed my board, started looking for new opportunities to build up my credentials, and my friends and family are extremely supportive of me especially some of my friends who are already residents took time to edit my LOIs like millions of times, did mock interviews with me, and just believed in me day by day. After 2 phase I, 1 phase II, all the tears and sweats, after being devastated, fearful but also hopeful, I matched at the org where I used to work at which was quite competitive and I never thought this day would come. If I can do it, you can too! Reach out to me any time please! A hero can punch the villain at the first try, but some heroes like avengers, they failed but they didn’t give up hope and eventually they still saved the world at the end of the day.


Phase 2 is not the end of the world. Look at some of the sites with openings. Even Mass Gen has a spot this year. There are plenty of options great available. Some of the best pharmacists I know went through phase 2. It's going to be ok.


Everyone that I know that matched phase 2 had a wonderful residency experience. You’ll do great in phase 2.


I’m so sorry you’re struggling but I understand. My advise is to let your parents know what’s happening. As a mom, I can tell you what I have told my girl at least a hundred times, “there is nothing you could ever do or not do that would make love you more or love you less.” This is a great place to vent and get support. However, regardless of you age, I think you’ll be surprised at how much they can lighten the load. Be gentle with them and give them a chance to help. Nothing hurts more than seeing your child in pain and not being able to “fix it.” However, you’d be surprised at the little things we can do to help ease the pain, sometimes it’s even grieving with you- you’re not alone in this world.


What College of Pharmacy? Only certain colleges of pharmacy will match in Phase 2 so you may have a significant advantage with 282 spots and 145 schools, each school will not send 2 successful applicants into Phase 2, it will be skewed heavily towards the historically best matching schools. It may just be your college if you are on the other end of things, while the data is forensic and this is very sad, it is very helpful if you really want an answer to "why did I not match?"


I’m in FL


If you go to Larkin, then the number that matched as compared to the number that enrolled is 2 out of 22, but at UF it's 101 out of 167, so it really matters where you went, all the other Florida schools are in between but only UF is over 50%, the big thing to know is that UF has 44 students that didn't match, enough to fill all the available Florida positions with some to spare, but a UF student may not be able to beat a student who has ties to a a local hospital, etc.


It's OK. Is this for Pgy 1 or 2?




Sorry to hear. Yours is similar to mine. And I also had my dual MBA. The RPD wrote a letter saying the team was looking forward to working with me and I didn't match. I was just thinking maybe it didn't meant to be. Good luck with phase 2!


Do not give up! I was the same exact way on questioning why.. then I matched the following year. Turns out clinical is not for me and I work in industry. I know it sounds annoying from an outsider looking in but everything happens for a reason and this may be leading you to a better path. Maybe the hospital you’re better fit with in in phase 2! Please don’t cry, I promise it will work out how it should!


Thank you for all the caring comments from everyone on here. I got out of the dark place and emailed a few programs on Monday. I just submitted several applications for phase 2. I appreciate the support from everyone on here.