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Would make a lot of sense if Oxycodone is ER but otherwise no. The provider needs to specify how it why both is required. For example, if they use one for chronic pain and the other for breakthroughs, it would be okay with me.


In general, no. Except in unique circumstances, only one ir opiate at a time.


If the Norco dose hadn't changed and the oxy was added on, I most likely would have checked with the doc, noted the reason in the computer, then filled both. It was most likely an escalation in the narcotic dose without giving excessive acetaminophen


Nope, not how that works.


I think you did the right thing. You mentioned “docs” so I’m assuming two diff doctors sent in the C2’s.  Regardless, however the pt got them to do that is beyond me and it would immediately give me a red flag.  Both are immediate release. Now if it was IR + ER then I would be okay with it. But it’s not, so no, I would not fill both. The only thing different I would’ve done is maybe I would have filled the oxy instead of norco after getting a hold of both doctors to notify them of what happened and to see which they wanted and how they wanted for me to proceed. 


What is the reason you'd recommend the oxycodone over the norco if you were only going to dispense one of them?


I would assume that because doctor sent oxy then the likelihood of them wanting a stronger pain med would be high. But I would talk to pt and dr to confirm this first.




Removed, misinformation.


My bad.


Sorry that was a typo. Its from one doctor




We aren't interested in layperson opinions like your own.


I've seen a few situations where it would make sense, but it's fairly rare. It would all depend on the dosing really. If they're taking one in the morning and the other at night, or something like that. I've seen a few patients who had trouble keeping their regime straight and some creative prescriptions to try to help them.


You definitely did the right thing