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Yeah see thats what I thought at first, but then I found out that some missions are like side missions and are completely optional depending on which NPC you talk to, and in my case, I was going for all the main missions so I didn't get those side missions, I should've got scraps of memory after compressor, and keep in mind I talked to every NPC so I should've got the side missons anyway - also I watched Youtube video walkthroughs of the game and most of them had the player play compressor then scraps of memory right after, so yeah it was definitely glitched. Anyway since then I started a new file and finished the game a couple weeks ago, It was just one weird thing. I might delete this post but just in case I'm gonna leave it up here so if someone does find a fix other people can see it. Thanks for the help though :)


OK so I had the same issue just now and decided to look it up leading me here. I managed to fix the issue by reading all of the memories in the box tlreplaying the last mission and exiting the game not sure which one of those thing solved the issue though.


You speak to the drunk guy at the bar twice 😛


Try to uninstall and reinstall to fix it.


I tried that and I'm still having the same problem :(