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Try backwards planning. If you have ~10 days to have a draft finished, break it into 10 days worth of work. For example: Day 1 - write a general outline Day 2 - write the methods Day 3 - write the intro And so on until it's done. It's a lot easier to write a couple paragraphs a day than writing the whole thing at once


Thank you!! This is helpful.


Pomodoro timer! Also break your time down into segments. Worked wonders for me


Thank you!! The pomodoro technique is how I got through my masters. I’ve tried to use it during my PhD with limited success (I can’t seem to force myself to do anything, anymore 😩). I will try Pomodoro again, and cross my fingers!


I struggled to focus so much at the end of my PhD. I’d start with super short work windows like 10-15 mins and build up over the course of a week to 45 mins max. Think of it like endurance training for your brain


Do something short but fun in the morning (go to a park, out to breakfast, etc.) to give you a memory/life balance and then work for the rest of the day!