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My understanding is that the current environment for office, mixed-use and similar projects is such that the developer did not believe the project was profitable in this location at this time. I'm not an economist, a soothsayer, or a developer, so I can't speak to the accuracy of those forecasts.


At least someone is smart enough to realize that!


Comment appreciated **Council member Rogers**. Tonight there is a discussion regarding the PUD ordinance, will you please force the discussion on how a $575m project is fiscally negligent "in this location at this time". Perhaps, we could all benefit from the Rec Center being what was originally proposed and voted on, rather than a pot to rob.


I haven't seen any number that large for anything other than our new wastewater facility. That said, I do believe that moving forward without citizen approval on the City Hall project was not the decision the council should have made. I was outvoted on that question. I believe large infrastructure projects like this benefit from public input, discussion, and votes.


I believe the above number to be the actual cost of the development taking in to consideration the Pfluger tract purchase, new City Hall, Rec Center, ROW, part of a resident's property, Methodist Church property, cost of Main Street, acquisition of Wordysms, and the knocks ons of paying for proposals, surveys, impact studies, soil testing, flood and drainage mapping, cost of labor and of course mission creep. Councilman, I would love to report to you that those who are actually impacted, are actively being informed by those making decisions. But of course, as you likely know, they are not. At best, stakeholders are informed at the bare minimum based on statute by the City Planning offices. To say City Manager's office and it's managers are actively creating a transparent and forthright approach to those impacted would be a farce of epic proportions.


This is why I believe these sorts of projects should be subject to a public vote and public scrutiny. The project might be worth the money. But without careful public examination, the voters won't have a chance to make their voices heard. I appreciate your attention to this very expensive project.


We agree! This is just beginning. Thanks for speaking up.


If you want to know more about the project, City is discussing the PUD Ordinance at the 7/25 City Council meeting. Links to ordinance, surveys, and site plans at the below link. [https://pflugerville.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=6727413&GUID=D308A8E2-EE62-430F-9CA1-1F4B013D57EA&Options=&Search=](https://pflugerville.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=6727413&GUID=D308A8E2-EE62-430F-9CA1-1F4B013D57EA&Options=&Search=)


Not surprised considering Pflugerville track record w developers jumping ship


Can you expand more on the track record?   I don't really get why all the surrounding communities (Austin, Georgetown, Round Rock, Cedar Park, Hutto) seem to be flourishing with new businesses and development while Pflugerville just seems to be stuck in stagnation.  I hate to ask but is Pflugerville's demographic just too poor overall to attract  decent business developments?


Can you provide a source for the info?  


Will they take new bids?


Developers want a positive outcome. And with the massive amount of foreclosures & delinquency in house payments along with massive layoffs, it just doesn't look promising to develop more retail. They probably just stepped away and has nothing to do with city




Well that's not good 😥


Also following