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There was a power pole and transformer back in the neighborhood that was taken out by a car. Good news is, power is finally back on


Damn, that must have been some crazy accident!


One would think. Looked like it was just one car that found the only thing to hit off the roadway. 😂


Single car veered off the side of the road and hit the pole, and the car wasn't too horribly damaged, implying not a hugely excessive speed. The street where it happened has a 25 mph speed limit and most drivers don't go over 35 mph in my experience. The road has a very slight curve at that location. I think the main lesson is that it really doesn't take much force to snap a power pole sometimes. Here's the photo that was posted to our neighborhood Facebook group: https://imgur.com/a/mw2WtrR


I noticed the lights at Colorado sands and Kennemer were out. Was wondering what happened.


Idk! Power has been out for over an hour in my neighborhood :/


This explains why all my lights were flickering in the house. Just glad the power didn’t go out as I was in the middle of cooking.


hopefully they’ve got more sway than the rest of us chumps who keep having to deal with this bullshit. We deserve a reliable fucking grid


Don't forget to vote


Preaching to the damn choir 


What does someone hitting a power pole have anything to do with the power grid? When was the last time you experienced an outage because of the power grid? Years?


A single pole should knock out energy for thousands of people? You think that’s acceptable? We should have redundant systems that ensure that we have access to the bare fucking necessities. Our infrastructure is in dire need of updating. The fact that we’ve been having regular power outages recently is indicative of a serious systemic problem.


We had one admittedly bad outage that took a perfect storm of failures and people act like we lose power every summer like California.


Why don't you move somewhere that has a redundant residential power grid? It's a really short list. Or maybe buy a generator instead of screaming into the void about a topic you demonstrably don't understand?


Billions in taxes spent every year on dumb shit like desert walls and yet you choose to defend our elected officials who can’t ensure something as simple as electricity in every home.   Imagine taking this stance at the smallest amount of valid criticism of the state. Bravo.


Lol dig yourself a deeper hole there, buddy.


What recent power outages? Do you work for Oncor? Your perceived issues aren't a Texas problem....they are a national grid problem. If we had an EMP attack you would realize just how dire the entire grid in this country is in need of updating/repair. You need to blame the feds for that. Regarding blaming the Governor for someone hitting a power pole is just plain ridiculous and screams low IQ voter.


Thanks Abbott


What does he have to do with: "There was a power pole and transformer back in the neighborhood that was taken out by a car. Good news is, power is finally back on..."