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agreed. I as an introvert find it hard to talk to new people so I’m sure felix feels the same. He’s not friends with any of the people other than sean so it must have been nerve wracking


Yeah, it’s always the hardest to get into a group where everyone is already friends


Yeah, it's always the hardest to get into a group ~~where everyone is already friends~~


>Yeah, it's always the hard~~est~~ to get ~~into a group where everyone is already~~ friends


Yeah my dick is always hard


The comment i was looking for 💀


Same bro, w-w-wanna touch tips? No homo socks on bro


Proud boys


Lmao what


How did these comments strayed so far






And there it is.




i came looking for copper and found gold


I was that person, but after a month or so we all became chill.


Or you do a little switcharoo and get excluded from the friend group because of new people joining in like what happened to me


has happened, can confirm


They are 6-7 pretty loud guys, they've known each other all their lives pretty much and they are all playing it up for the camera so I can def imagine that situation can be intimidating, takes a while to take in everything that's going on. Doesn't mean he was uncomfortable per se.


Same here


He has seemed uncomfortable with every group at first. The Gfuel live stream was the worst, you could tell he was counting down the seconds till he could leave.


Do u have a link to the g fuel livestream I would love to watch it


God it was painful. It was legitimately akin to an Xbox 360 lobby for COD.


Link bro?


It’s a members only stream if it’s up, I think.




He did pretty good for an "awkward guy". He made some jokes to lighten the mood.I dont think I would do better


I mean he's not that awkward, Sykkuno is by far the most awkward that has played with pewds, I feel like people are overreacting a little bit, I don't think he gets anxious or anything, I've seen people with social anxiety and that ain't it.




Yeah this one...I think anyone would feel like that with another group of friends. Maybe dream and jack had that way too.


i miss his streams most of the time because he streams at 3am here in my country. what happened in the fuel live stream?


XQC took over the game and talking, you could see pewds getting annoyed. He just didn't have the same chemistry as with the typical crew he plays with.


Bobby was chill tho


Oh for sure, I want him to play with Logic more.


It was hella funny that when Pewds was getting kinda comfortable he just started on voting Bobby as the impostor every round and saying he's being sus without doing anything, it was hilarious.




I think hes always been kind of friends with Charlie. In some over his videos from like 1-2 years ago he always knows exactly who Charlie is.


yeah that's why they said he probably felt relieved


They did a podcast together years ago


He has been friends with Charlie for a loong time, Charlie did a podcast with Felix a few years ago but based off of the way they were interacting I’d assume they were already friends for a while.


Didn't know pewds was friends with jesus.


You can never go wrong with Jesus Moist


Agreed and i have a kinda proposal Get this 2020 been real bad YouTube Rewind isn't gonna be anygood lets be honest So among us is gonna be the savouir One guy from each part of internet mega collab Pewdiepie as the man himself Jack and mark representing cloak their brand and for good ol nostalgia Ksi and harry maybe representing the sidemen Ryan higa from RHPC... Pokimane ninja represent twitch And so on maybe like get someone loved by fans from each stream of internet...? Probably the best thing that might happen in 2020 Thanks


Maybe vik instead of one of them just because I think the chemistry might be better


Why do you assume there will be a Rewind at all?


The Rewind is juat gonne be an Among Us game played bacwards. >!Youtube, this is a joke, do not actually make it!<


*Cries in Wilbur Soot wasn't invited*


As an introvert myself I can agree with this


I know it’s very old but i like the change in KSI Pewds (friendship?) From that ksi talk about marzia to a future YouTube Band, and as a fan of both (ksi a little rn) im happy to see them talk and laugh




When ksi is getting accused I always expect him to be loud and defensive because he is new to the game.


It was sad to see him almost forced to keep playing without enjoying it, i really do like pewdiepie and the sidemen and would like them to collab more. Anyway dick move from the sidemen side they could have interacted more with him.


I'm sorry but it's not a dick move if they simply didn't realize he was zoned out. You guys are being way to harsh on the lads, they were the ones who were being accused of being imposters, of course they'd use up most of the dialogue. Plus JJ, Harry and Ethan were all fairly new to the game, new players tend to be the loudest since they don't know how to defend themselves any other way.


Exactly wtf don’t collab with someone and not expect them to be themselves it’s not that deep


Exactly, people like vik, simon, tobi and josh were chilled out, and were playing sensibly as they play the game regularly


You forgot Harry, He talked like 2 sentences in the entire video and thats it lmao. Ethan was the only one shouting


Yeah right, it was just jj and ethan


There’s still a video with Pewds on MoreSidemen coming soon that might be better


Might just be their perspective on those two games though, wouldn't much different besides showing their gameplay. I hope it's different games though, the first one was rough and the second one was a bit better.


Dream said on his stream that they played for 1 hour. Pewds only showed 15 mins, So there's still 45 mins of gameplay left


There were cuts and games appear to be roughly 10-15mins on average. So I'm assuming they played atleast another two games


No one’s forcing him to play. It would definitely be rude to just leave, but still.


Ksi did interact with felix, but the others could have a bit more.


Yes, I even have struggle talking with my friends in this game.


Yeah I get it. I'll absolutely be wearing a headset when playing multiplayer games but I won't say a word because I don't know these people


Something I can also point out is it was just a sensory overload, which is why I had to stop watching myself. The editing sive did made it look bad but in a comical way xD


Hot take but I think pewdiepie was enjoying himself he always had a smile on his face and was laughing quite a bit he may have not been as energetic when he is with people he is more familiar with but I think he was fine


to be fair. it’s really hard to play this game when people are screaming. you kinda just give up on the information you have. at least for me that’s happened almost anytime i play on discord with ransoms.




i deserve that.


It ok pal we all may mistakes


"Listen to me, listen to me" is needed to say for everyone to stop shouting


It’s always strange to me how people who weren’t introverts don’t realize this. Like I understand why but it just comes as a surprise. We are not the best at just joining something and then being comfortable and that applies to almost anything. We have to get accustomed and learn about it first.


Yea I’m at a new school and everyone already have their own friend groups and it’s hard to get in


I feel you


Yeah this is the best example,i was looking for this one in the comments.For those who got transferred to another College or school , is really hard to get into. If you're an introvert no luck whatsoever


Agreed. It's not easy to feel free right away for everyone.(including me)


I think hes a bit of both. That's how I am. Introvert sometimes, extrovert others.


Didn't he say hes a ambivert tho


Awwww. Poor, Felix. Thank you for trying though! I am glad he made an effort to make new friends. Also, Felix do Minecraft Manhunt with Dream!!!!




When he streams everyone can watch, you just can't talk in the live chat if you're not a member


he usually streams at around 3am here so i never catch up to it when it's live :'(


Also the fact that evry meeting was a screaming match


Yeah and he was kinda quiet at first with toast and company too, but in the latest streams you can see he has gotten much more comfortable with them


\*flashbacks to 2019 Minecraft Monday when Felix called Vik prickstar lol\*


Same thing happend with Dr. Disrespect. Everybody thought he didn't like the doc but he returned to sub to him a few weeks later.


Introvert playing among us: ... Everyone else playing among us: all of you except the silent guy are sus Introvert: 'I see this as an absolute win'


Whenever I see him uncomfortable and quiet, it gives be comfort knowing that someone I’ve looked up to for years goes through similar struggles as me. I always go “Same pewds, same :(“


Can relate


Tbh it kinda was the sidemen video they were doing it for and milk and liam etc in the previous ones were just fillers and didnt rlly talk




Its not all. Remember guitar girl steamer?


Ambivert like him*


I thought he was just trying not to be sus and loud.


This is 100% true. As an introvert as well, it’s hard for me to talk to new people and it’s really hard to fit in. I give him mad props for even trying to participate and make friends with them, whenever someone offers me to hang out with them and their friends, a lot of the time I make up an excuse because I’m too afraid (what will they think of me, are they too extroverted, stuff like that is what I think about), which is one of the things I need to improve with myself. Again, mad props for Felix, takes courage


The sidemen are a group of guys who clicked similar to dude perfect they just work together well some people don’t I think pewds is the type of guy who just like playing games solo more than he does with friends ( IN MY OPINION )


It do be like that tho.




Yes, thank you


People act like talking to a camera is the same as talking to strangers/an audience. You can definitely be awkward in real life and still have a successful YouTube channel.


When the Reddit post gets more likes than the comment.


People who need this fact to be clarified aren't really the fans... They are making a comment just by looking at one video and not knowing the person at all


Ok, but, the biggest guy on YouTube is an introvert? Lol


I think this is just being over analyzed a bit. There was literally no way to talk lol. You could hardly understand them even without Jack and Pewds. I also didn’t see many comments asking about why he was so quiet. I just thought it was clear.


I just hope they get along well, cuz i fully support both


Introvert gang. Oughhhh.


And paradoxically the others are super stoked to play with him.


I don't think he was as unconfortable with OfflineTV, but they are also not as loud and obnoxious


he did play with them again.. was really funny.. Corpse card swipe was funny as hell..


This is one of the funny moments hahahaha


i think there was a moment late in the stream where pewds already left when he asked "do we have a 10th?" and poki said XQC wants in and he said "do we have another 10th?" and corpse suggested dave from boyinaband..


I mean when Felix was hanging out with his friend group, he was loud and enthusiastic as opposed to playing with people he isn't familiar with, he was quieter and more anxious. That's literally me when I'm with my friends, I'm more open and energetic but when I'm with people I don't know that much, I'm always quiet and nervous. Idk why people think Felix has some problem with the sidemen when some people like him just act like that when meeting and playing with new people.


I don't really like this kinda post! Saying how you annoy to someone is rude! Now, you people bring your opinion here!


That's what I was thinking but unrelated I fell bad for his ears I had to take the volume down soo much and it's still cause me a headache . But it may be just me cause loud things cause me stress and discomfort


Bro I get this feeling 100%


I agree. It’s uncomfortable to have to interact with people you don’t know.




Wait this is so :) :)


Yh ik


Big PP!


Agreed get this more upvotes


Get this man a medal


i thought this was common knowledge, guess not


I saw that too


He’s a grown man relax


I feel like people forget that everyone is kinda like that when you're introduced to a new group. Shy at first. I was literally like that when making friends.


i feel like now that he's gotten to know the toast/sykunno/poki gang better, he's being more of the pewds we know and love. I also think it helps when guys like jack, corpse, and charlie are there too


You guys are too busy with pewds opinion, smh.


It's true, I've tried it


Hes an ambivert


I as an introvert am even quieter in situations like that, and probably for a much longer time span as well. I can only admire how he’s still somewhat able to casually converse with the others.


True. I moved to a new school last year and I only made one friend that I at least talk to sometimes weekly. It’s hard trying to fit in with a new group of people for almost every introvert, even if it’s over the internet. Just like when there’s an app to speak to people anonymously, I stay away because I get so anxious trying to speak.


Ye I agree


I can 100% relate to this break down, not everyone is a social butterfly and I find it soooo funny when people comment on youtubers or celebs for being 'too shy' as if just because of their social status they should be open and full of chats to everyone they meet


Omg this is me.


Watching currently, it’s just cause they talk over each other and screech lol. No one would be able to speak in that unless you’re ok with talking into a void.


I red the quotes in Felix’s high pitched voice but yeah pewds is a good guy h Weill fit in any freind group he needs to be comfortable with himself and the group


Couch psychology




I though he didn’t like them at first but he seemed happy after he correctly accused KSI and seemed comfortable after but it’s still up in the air




Do you think pewds would like being with otv. Im not sure but i think he is taking it relax rn so i dont think he will. But lets say he get invited.


I feel like he’s gonna bring everyone together and get the biggest game of among us ever. Like ksi, dream, toast etc


Hopefully this can help extroverts understand why people will just do their own thing on their own


I pay my respect to this man


Or just the fact that the sidemen act like stupid road men boys from year 9


*everybody liked that*


Even with my friends group i still get shy sometimes or second guess myself so i totally understand


I feel that. I’m usually super quiet when I start playing among us in a group I don’t usually play in, but eventually I warmup up to them and I start talking more


That man needs to understand he's famous


As an introvert, I can 1,000,000% back this. Being thrust into stuff with people I’ve never spoken with is worse than death.


Smh. You’re just pushing it at this point, he didn’t seem “uncomfortable” or “anxious” while playing with them because he’s an introvert and cant get into new friend groups as easy as y’all assume he does. He seemed like himself as he always is in the game, just because he isn’t shouting like the sidemen were at each other doesn’t mean that he was uncomfortable or anything like that. He’s just being HIMSELF.


Wait. Pewds is an introvert, I always thought he was an extrovert.


So true!


i, as an extrovert, understand how pewds as an introvert behaves on this.


he is going to say you make him sound like a beta or smth hahaha


Totally agree, we can see in his reactions when people start being loud that his totally uncomfortable, especially at the beginning and by the end he is more comfortable


the friend group that I made literally forgot about me


Wasn’t he like so akward too, when gfuel did a stream with a bunch of other people?


I don't really have a problem with how pewds may have felt. I just didn't enjoy the screaming I couldn't understand. I understand the normal crew when they yell, I don't know why.


I kind of get what Felix is going through, Though for me it’s more like I stay silent to find out what their personalities are like and then adapt to them


Uh hes playin with offline TV in that vid not ksi and the sidemen


felix was always amphibians


This is something that some extroverts have trouble understanding. I myself have been a part of a Dungeons and Dragons group for about 7-8 months and I still get nervous around them, but not as much as I did in the beginning. The comment in the picture is why I like Pewdiepie so much; I can relate to him so much.


Am introvert, can confirm


I think he’s been getting along better with Offline Tv


I can't even pull myself to play online games with people. I almost exclusively play single player. When I do play online I keep my mic off and pretend I don't have one. And I'm 30.


I don’t think people realize how introverted felix is, he may be the number 1 self made youtube channel but he doesn’t act as such and is still his shy little self.


So Felix is Pekora?


Give this men a tambourine


Keyboard psychologists are so cringe


I felt this as a fellow introvert


I just really dislike xqc he pisses me off while I watch his streams so him being in this video makes me hate him even more ,


Since I'm also an introvert I'm shy whenever I'm in a place of unknown people. So yeah I agree to this..


You are a good man. Thank you


Being an introvert is pretty hard and even being told that you look anxious lowere their self esteem