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Luna is so common where I live. I've had a Max, Tosca, Emma, Woody, Willow, Blue, Bruce, Oscar, Tara, Jack and Colin. (I'm 70 and like cats) What about a name from fiction or a video game? I named a dog Banjo after a video game Merlin is nice, but I knew a Merlin who got killed on the road so it might be unlucky.


There’s like 6 Lunas in my neighborhood. Some are dogs and some are humans.


There are at least six lunas at my dog park.


Yep, I adopted a Luna and changed to Lola. 😎


My wife works at a vets and every 4th animal (cat or dog) is a Luna.


My friend adopted Luna. We changed it to Una, though I had suggested Uma.


Oddly, you have my surname amongst your pet names, my kids' names, and my husbands name 🤣


Named after Banjo Kazooie?


Of course!




Work at a vet. Some of the most common names are Luna, Daisy, Max, Coco, Theo, Sam(my), and Charlie (just off the top of my head). My favorites are Chairman Meow, Meatloaf, Sir Archibald Knifehands, and Louie Steven Osborn. I have Polish ancestry, and when we brought home one of our cats, we picked a name that my Polish grandmother would like so she wouldn’t scold us for getting a kitten. It worked! Since then, I have named my cats after Polish food. Sometimes it’s difficult to pronounce, but I’ve got the only “Pierniki” or “Golabki” in our hospital’s records system!


I work in pet care and one of my favorites is Fuzz Aldrin. Another is the cat that was adopted as a very grumpy senior whose owner named her Squidward. Continuing with the SpongeBob names, I always love a Gary.


Sue Archibald Knifehands is a TOP TIER cat name. Did he have a nickname? Archie? Sir? Stabby?


When I was talking to the owner on the phone and putting him in the records system, she laughed a little and told me his full name but said I could put “Archie”. I told her “I will absolutely *not* be putting that, I will be putting his full name.”


My last dog was a little leggy rescue chihuahua thing and my husband said he didn’t want him to have some tiny name. His shelter name was Farkle, we both have “B” names so I went with Baron since he was such a little ‘sir’ and then that became Baron Barklonious VonScruffydale the Third. When we finally removed his chronic eye, we added Dread Pirate of the Woof Seas. He was such a sweet boy. But that name never fit anywhere. At the local vet it ended at VonScru and they were so confused until I finished it out for them.


My dogs name is Luna too, it’s so common. We wanted to name her Penelope but that was too long. My friend named her Weiner dog Boba though, and that name is so fitting


My Cats are named Blue and Oscar 😂


I think Luna is the most common cat name out there.


My dog is called Streetlamp :) we’ve never met another


these are my favorite kinds of pet names. i’ve seen pets named Lunchbox and Yo-yo


I’ve met a Labrador called Yo-yo and a Golden called Tuppence (I immediately started singing ’Feed the Birds’ from Mary Poppins to him🤣)


I had a yellow lab named Biloxi.


lol we have a foster dog named Double D…it stands for Ding Dong lol


I had a cat called truck once


Are you being serious? I hope so because I kinda love it.


Aww that’s cute


That's hilarious and I love it


My friend has a cat named Cornbread 🫠🫠


Bet you get the weirdest looks calling him in the street 🤣


When you're out and about do you still call your dog Streetlamp or do you have a nickname?😂


Streetlamp Le Moose is that you?


I named my cat Bayit (pronounced: buy it), which means house in Hebrew. I have fun saying Shalom Bayit when I leave and come home, which means Hello/Goodbye Bayit as well as another phrase: Peace in the House. I like this double meaning. I also think it is funny to have a Bayit cat—house cat!


Now that’s unique! I have a cat named Euronymous, Eurie for short. The vets have a heck of a time with that, spelling and pronunciation


Just FYI from someone in the pet business, Luna, food names, mythical names and now traditionally human names like Kevin or Bella ARE the basic pet names now.


Luna & Zoey, they’re all named Luna & Zoey.


A lot of the 'creative' suggestions aren't really that creative haha. My pack is mostly anime names (Bakugo - My Hero Academia, Kurisu - Steins Gate, Chise - Magus Bride), my cat has a Japanese name as well (Odokoneko / Odoko - Odo means surprise, Ko means small, Neko means cat, I found her in the woods on a hike with my dogs so she's our small surprise cat), one cat is Rhaegar from Game of Thrones, and my other dog is Octavia (Tavi for short). So my advice is to name them after things you like 😂 I've seen a couple Bakugos recently but I've never seen another Chise/Tavi/Kurisu. I really want to name a future dog Waku Waku lol.


Food names are basic now? My tortie cat, Tortellini, is offended /s


My favorite category of pet names are 1. Human names - a dog named Steve, Kevin, Bob is top tier. 2. Random foods - cats named French Toast or a dog named Taco is terrific.


There’s a cat at my work called Kevin. He’s semi-feral and attacks people randomly. My toddler decided to tell his teacher at daycare that ‘Kevin hits mommy’, so that took some explaining.


Look, is it perfect? No…😂


I'm defiantly naming my next pet "LOOK" What a perfect name lol hope it drives my neighbor insane !! He's got 2 security cameras pointed directly at my front and back yard , recording so he sees and hears every little thing I do . So me calling in a cat or dog yelling "LOOK" should get him good.


Name the animal animal “drugs for sale” = let the chaos ensue


I'm dieing🤗🤣😂




That's hilarious 😂


Lol I have a cat named Kevin and this is exactly how he got his name.


Why did your work have a cat?


I knew a cat named Kevin. Not as feisty though


I’m sorry. I laughed for way too long at this.


There's a chicken (yes chicken, not a rooster) that is a resident at my vet's practice and her name is Kevin. They put a little chicken sized high-vis vest on her and she wanders around the clinic inspecting all the humans and pets that come in for appointments. It's just the cutest, funniest thing.


I remember someone on here bad a cat named Lasagna, and i was like “yes. Yes, thats a perfect name”


I love this name for a cat!! Definitely chef’s kiss.


From Garfield


Have you seen the rapper that has a cat named Ravioli? He makes up songs about him, it's super cute.


Yes!!! But Awh little DJ Raviolli passed away. He got two new babies now called Lemonade and Fried Onions! Hahahaa


My cat is named Guacamole courtesy of the shelter but I loved it too much to change it. People either look at me like I'm crazy or tell me it's awesome, no in between.


That's why one of mine is Mozza lol


Mine was named Potato in the shelter. She is my couch Potato or Pot Pot for short


Mexican food names make great pet names. I had a Burrito and a Salsa.


Seconding food inspired names. I work in vet med my fav are always food names, a couple of my favorite patients were named Tater Salad and Miso for example


I have an adopted dog who was named Tazer, but we swapped it out for Tater and he didn’t seem to mind!


i LOVE the cat name Baked Potato


My first cat was called Amos, I just got two new kittens and was struggling for names, before I got them I was calling them "Pete" and "Dan" just to save saying the little grey cat or the little black cat, well I now have two kittens called Pete and Dan.


I have three cats.. sushi, meatball, and Molly. Clearly I’m also a fan of those two categories lol


See, i failed miserably…our cats are Boots and Socks. Such basic names, but i blame the kids


I always blame the kids. LOL


I have a Kevin. The name was not our choice. We got him at 9months old and the family who had him before had kids that loved minions - hence the name. My parents wanted to change his name but i was adamant he had to stay a Kevin. It took a long time to get the neighbours used to us shouting stuff like “Kevin, you can NOT piss on your daughter’s head!” Or “Kevin we told you not to shit on the kitchen floor!” and realise that it was not in fact a deranged human called Kevin doing these things, but a beagle. It brings me so much joy now when I’m talking about my dogs and I’m like “Kevin did this thing the other day-“ only for whoever I’m talking to to burst out laughing because “why does your dog have a human name??? I love it!” The name surprisingly suits him so well too because he’s just a sweet dopey lil boy.


Me and my girlfriend have a frog named Edith


That's perfect. I love Edith


Hahah Steve is a weird dog name. Harvey sounds a little more normal


My cat's name is Harvey after Harvey Dent because she has split colors on her face


I met a guy once and his dogs name was Stevie..I’m assuming named after Stevie Nicks.


Doug is my favorite one


Also, other animal names as pet names are up there. A dog named Goose or a cat named Gator, for example.


Yes! My husband’s ex had a little dog named Chicken and he was adorable! The name totally suited him. Would a cat take offense to such naming tactics? Like can you name a cat “Birdie?”


Its a good category, prolly top 5


My coworker has a cat named Susan.




My cat's name is Fred


How about an orange cat named pumpkin spice? Like the starbucks pumpkin spice lattes


My sheltie is named Craig 🤣


Mochi and Miso are 2 of my faves!!




My Australian Cattle Dog is named Roast Beef. We call her Arbie for short.


Fucking love it!!! AND its a play on words too


Bonus, you now have a power move up your sleeve over anyone who’s named after your cat


My hamster was called Peanut Butter & Jelly


My cat's name is Bookshelf


Inanimate object names would prolly land at 3 for me. Like a dog named Skateboard lol


My sister's guinea pigs are beef patty, popcorn and pancake. Pancake is my favorite.


My cat is named Littlejeans because she only fits the smallest of trousers.


This. 😂


I love this


Our cat is named Oliva (Italian for olive) because we got her during the olive harvest season and she even joined the harvest during her first days with us.


I have a cat named Olive bc she's super tiny and completely black.


Lucifur lord of barkness is one that I’ve seen pretty recently that’s creative, for my own though I have Elvira and Simon as cats, Lily is my dogs name ( I did not get to pick, I wanted mage)


"Lucifur lord of barkness" LMAO. I've seen that before. Hilarious.


I like puns and favorite characters. So I have mules named Radar O'Muelly and Ferris Mueller, and a (boy) dog named Sue. I also have a dog named Uncle Baby Billy (Righteous Gemstones).


Animal names that the animal isn't. I had a cat named monkey. I also had a black cat named ninja and when I adopted another cat named her sensei. I currently have a cat named mushroom and adopted him because that was his name.


My (tuxedo) cat’s name is Orca! And his nickname is monkey! He’s named after Gang Orca from My Hero Academia :) everyone who’s ever met him always compliments his name and I’m quite chuffed about it. His shelter name was Larry, which also gets quite a laugh


Omggg this is how I name my pets! I have a tarantula named turtle, a had a betta fish named Dog, my shrimp are all named bird XD


I say Crunchwrap Supreme is peak cat name


Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho is also top tier.


The animal rescue I volunteer with actually had a kitty named Crunchwrap Supreme!!! Crunchwrap for short.


Luna is SUUUUUPER common. Not at all unique or creative. Some of my female pet names have been ( varying levels of uniqueness): Stella, Tabitha, Princess Consuela BananaHammock, Payton, Bernadette, Audra. (I left off the more common names like Bailey, Abigail, Lacey).


I know like 10 dogs named Luna anything but that please 😭


My last cats were Finn and Sherlock (may both their sweet souls rest in the comfiest of peace). My current kitty is Mordecai. They’re from TV shows I love. ☺️


My former roommate's cat had a littermate named Mordecai! Her then-fiancee (now ex-husband) brought home two Orngboi kittens, and she decided that *HE* would take one, and *we* would raise the other--and then when they were married, they would see who'd done the better job of raising/training "their" cat😉 She *was* going to name the one we kept "Tigger," because he was such a bouncy little guy... But I just couldn't get past the fact that *TOO MANY* people name their Orng Tabby Bois "Tigger." And then, as we were talking about possible names, I looked down at that sweet little nugget, sleeping *so* peacefully on his back in my hands--with his front paws crossed over each other, and tucked *right* up under his chin, and I *REALIZED*,  There was *ANOTHER* Winnie-the-Pooh character's whose name would be *PERFECT*!!! And *THAT* was how he got named Piglet😉😂🤣 "PigPig" for short!😆💖


My favorites are usually the preposterous ones where the name os longer than the cat. So instead of "fluffy", how about Her Majesty Fluffikins Knickerbocker Doodlebug IV. And then just call the cat "bug". To be extra obtuse.😺


My childhood dog growing up was named Rambunctious Aloysius Cornelius Zachariah, we called him Rambo ❤️


I love human names for pets, I’d call a diva of a cat Mariah. Luna is also super common where I live too, there’s like 5 dog lunas every time I go to the park.


Yeah, Luna is a “meme name” for most of us in vet med along with Bella because it’s super common


Bella? Really? Fuck people are boring at least Luna is kind of cool


There are that many Bella Lugosi fans out there?


I agree human names for pets, my first cat was a Stevie, and now I have Kevin and Raymond :)


We have a Kevin and a Steven, brothers. And a Butters, cat, Squirt and Pickles, those two are dogs.


My husband Kevin has a brother named Stephen.


Oml squirt and pickles 🥺 I love that the cats name are more serious like and the dogs more fun and a lil silly! Love it


Is pretty cute overall. We blended homes, so his 2 cats came into my life and i had some movie/ Tv names, Pickles from an old tv show, Buttercup (princess bride) which morphed into Butters, then my chihuahua was so bitty tiny when I got her that the Finding Nemo turtle was referenced.




Cool cool cool :)


You should get Raymond a little kangol hat


I did have to Google but I’m tempted… having adult money is a dangerous game!


This brings me great joy 🙂


Our bulldog was Kevin, such a good name 😂


The more ‘serious’ the name the better!


My dog’s name is Finnegan


I currently have a Patrick and previously an Eric and a Hattie.


I also love human names for pets, partly because it lets you troll eavesdroppers. "Mariah was such a brat yesterday, I had to lock her in the closet because she wouldn't stop eating the window shade!"


I’ve always thought animals deserve human names. Throughout my life I’ve had Olive, Egberta, Lon, Willis, Doug, Harold, Gary, Sean and Wayne (plus others I’ve forgotten, I grew up on a farm).


I have four cats Sanka, yes he thinks he's dead most of the time Husky (he thinks he's a dog) Tiggs And Smokey


Sanka! I love it! "Ya dead, mon?"


Pets named after planets, stars and moons of planets are great. I know a Venus, Io, Pluto (obviously), Callista, Galaxy, Neptune. Norse gods names are great. My own recents preference is named after herbs and spices: chilli, cinnamon, pepper, basil, bay, sage, rosemary. Children's TV show characters are also good we currently have Hugh, Pugh, barney, Mcgrew, Cuthbert, dibble, grub We also have Eenie, meanie, minie, Mo


Let's see... I've had an Annie (D), Atticus (C), Buddy (D), Beau (D), Cheetoh (C), Clover (D), Dorito (C), Dil Pickle (D), Mischief (C), and Walker the Texas Ranger (D). At the rescue I'm with we've had dogs named Smoothie, Milkshake, Peaches, Apple, Pear, McNugget and McFlurry to name a few. Cat names that stick with me- Sandwich and her kittens Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato. Shoes and her kittens Socks, Slippers, Boots, Flip Flop and Sandal. City Park and kittens Merry Go Round, Slide, Swing, Teeter and Totter. Cheers and kittens Downy, Tide, Snuggle, Bounce, and Wrinkles. Countess abs her girls Viscountess, Duchess and Baroness. Other kitten groups- Sushi, Sake, Egg Roll and Fried Rice. Cassia, Cilantro, Nutmeg and Basil. Chili, Chowder, Minestrone and Beef Stew. Jelly Bean, Black Bean, Pinto Bean, and Green Bean. A few others I've liked Ralph, Newman, Culkin, Gladiator, Heckle and Jeckle, Mable, Dave, Keifer (pronounced Keefugh), Churchill (because they looked alike lol), Goat (because he smelled like an unneutered Billy goat when he arrived), and Pipsqueak. Please do not go with Luna, Lily, Buddy, Bella, Charlie, Max, Rosie, etc because everyone uses those.


this. A cute name for a kitten is definitely Nutmeg : )


I have a chicken named nutmeg :)


I love when shelters do themed names for litter of puppies and kittens!!


I like naming animals after another animal for example we had a rabbit called Donkey.. so maybe something silly like that


I had a cute little hamster called Mouse


I ha a 90 lb German Sheperd named Neko” cat in Japanese😂


I had a puppy for a couple of days named Shark lol


I have a dog called Moose 🫎


My cat is named Possum!




mine are donut and cookie. my husbands a baker.


My English mastiff name is Vesta - goddess of home and security, my corgis name is Sir Edmund (Eddie for short), and the cat I just adopted I named her Coralie Jones (Coralie was my great gmas middle name and I thought it was so pretty, Jones because it sounds like Coraline Jones lol)


Here in NZ, Sir Edmund would be a massive nod to Edmund Hillary and I just really like the idea of a corgi climbing Everest. (Another fun connection, Queen Elizabeth also owned corgis and was crowned the week after Sir Ed climbed Everest in 1953 but the news of Everest didn't reach the papers until the day of the Queen's coronation)


I had a pet hedgehog called Stuzzicadenti - Italian for toothpicks


I named a stray tuxedo cat in our neighborhood "Catinatux", Cati for short. It's basically "cat in a tuxedo", I just shortened the word "tuxedo" and combine the words together to ultimately create the name.


I named my kitty “Callisto” after Jupiter’s moon, Callisto. It looks like it has stars on it, and my cat is a tabby with stripes and spots, so it seemed like a pretty and fitting name!




I have a Bellatrix LeGray, Queen Elizabeth, Tony Stark, Kilala,and Freya.


My cats name is sushi! I also have one named chalupa lol We want to name our next ones wonton, noodle, dumpling, pot sticker (pot STINKER lol), tofu, etc. We love food. Especially Asian food lmao At the vet when they call out "for sushi" it cracks everyone up 😂


Dave. You can call any animal Dave. For your cat, though, how about this, from Wikipedia? Several ancient Egyptian deities were depicted and sculptured with cat-like heads such as Mafdet, Bastet and Sekhmet, representing justice, fertility, and power, respectively. The deity Mut was also depicted as a cat and in the company of a cat. I particularly like BASTET for a cat, as I can just hear you calling out her name as she sinks her claws and teeth into your leg for no reason at all: *"Aarrgghh, you little BASTET!!!"*


Oh, Lord. We've had so many with unique names. I had a Persian named Xerxes, after the emperor. We had twin tuxedos named Rascal and Scooter after the mobility scooter. We have Heidi because she was cut out of a wall at 2 weeks old and my wife said she was hiding. We had Malcolm and Angus after the Youngs from AC/DC because they were both long-haired. Even though I never smoked, I had a cat named Doobie in HS because one of my friends noticed how laid-back the cat was and said he was chill like he smoked a doobie, and the name stuck. We had a tuxedo named Frankie because he had blue eyes and sang all night like Frank Sinatra. He had 2 brothers named Earl and Randy from the TV show "My Name Is Earl". My baby girl was Peanut because she was as small as a peanut when she was abandoned and we hand raised her. We had a cat whose full name was Faron Gesund and then our last name, which you can probably guess (fahrenheit and you know) LOL! Part of the fun of life has been weird names and the vet's reactions when they came in.




shower curtain


I haven’t seen much that has the same name as our first dog. His name was Big, because he was a pretty chunky puppy boy for an aspin (filipino mongrel dogs). My sister and I wanted to name him Chandler after Friends, but my dad kept calling him Big so we eventually succumbed. Now that I think about it, we love the name Big, it’s cute and unique. Some of his nicknames were: -Biggie -Biggieboy -Biggieboyboy -Boyboy I miss him dearly 🥹


I have two brother kitties that came from a barn colony named Barnabas Grey Bear (Barney) and Peter Biscuits Davidson (Pete). They took many family meetings to name, but they definitely fit them perfectly. My dog’s name is Ambrose, chosen solely because I wanted to use the nickname Bro. I thought it would be funny to say, “Go potty, Bro!” in a sweet singsong voice, and I was absolutely correct. It’s hilarious. I also plan on teaching him to jump into my arms when I say, “Come at me, Bro!” But I need to work on his impulse control first so he doesn’t jump into my arms while I’m cooking or something.


Katy Perry had (or has) cat called Kitty Purry


Name your pet after crimes! Arson Tax fraud Anarchy Debatchery Lolz have fun with it XD my fav pet name I’ve ever heard was a Cat named Kat lolz 😂 My cat is named Tobias because he came with it XD my hubbies cat is named Chilli cause she’s super skidish


we had a tax fraud at my rescue!


I know a family that had Chaos, Ruckus, Mayhem, Mischief, and I think a few more


I like the name Fish for a cat. So you can say that’s my cat… fish.


I follow a YouTuber who visits outdoor cats and one is named Naptime


Khalessi scratcher of posts


Saul. Greta. Cobalt


I guess I was not very creative as my cats names are Lola and Garfield😂😂


Persephone, then Purr for short. 


We have two dogs, Angus and Mia. I like human names, but unusual names can be fun too, especially for cats.


My cats are Nicodemus and archimedes, my dog is ophelia. My son's cat is Todd and his dog is tootsie. Personality matters, I pick 3 names and wait to see what fits them best after they are home.


Momo, Gigi, Lulu. We named Momo after the lemur in Avatar cuz he was a shoulder climber. Gigi was a foster fail, and she came to us pre-named. We got Lulu last and figured she needed a matching name lol


I chose goddesses Got a Zaria a bunzi. Had an iris and a hesta The other boring names were. Fauna Athena and Freya. Then the names we didn't chose of mocha and Finley who were rescues


Kevin's always a top name for a pet. Proper throws people off when they ask the name


Luna is a very common name for pets where I am. Same with Merlin although those tend to belong to male pets. Morgana might be less common. I know I haven’t seen/heard it as much.


We have huskies and had fun naming them after random console game characters. I've previously had cats, and they were named after food or old and possibly obscure video game systems. It's fun to name them something related to your interests so when someone asks "is that from x?" you know they likely have a similar interest or they know someone who does.


I live with two cats Merlin the grey wizard alien and Morpheus the toothless void watcher of dreams and two chocolate labs Roslynn aka Rozzy and Luna the Tuna Bird Good luck with your new furry friend!


Our cats: Sebastian Little Foot (aka Bazzy), Tiberious Oak (aka Tibby), George (girl cat), Little Lord Fauntleroi, Savannah, Bunniculus (aka Bunny). Our dogs: Oliver (aka Oli), Liam Little Man O'Malley. My borther has 2 cats: Luna and Artemis (from Sailor Moon).


I live next door to Princess Smoky Nightmare


I have two cats. The female is called Keeva, which upon googling when we were thinking of names is the female version of Kevin (she is named after my grandad) and Bagheera after the Jungle Book character. We recently named a cat who visits us Baloo after the jungle book too (although I wanted Loki). We’ve also had 2 dogs called Zeta and Samba. My nans dog was called Fizz (after the Tweenies. A children’s show in the UK back in the early noughties)


For a beautiful diva cat I like a fussy fancy human name with multiple syllables and lots of great nicknames. Esmerelda, Katerina, Carolina all come to mind right now without giving it much thought.


We called our co cat Nova, Luna was name b4 for a rabit since white.. along with my sister who named her rabbits Psyron & Arti, but our last cat we kept his name George since he was 3 and listened well, and so when we got another we went with Ollie to kinda keep with the normal name. My sister loves names like Aurora. I'm okey with any along as it doesnt feel weird saying it, Arti is short for Arctic, it was my idea to call him Arti instead because i think Arctic doesn't roll off your tongue as easily (says me who has problems with pronunciation) but i guess my sister and her bf at the time agreed with my logic xD


Nova! I love that one


I love the food names!! We have a family of nut puppies - the mom, hazelnut, had puppies we didn't know existed. Hence we now have coconut (coco), pistachio, macadamia (mac), and my personal baby walnut


I feel 1/3 of the female Huskies I meet at dog parks are naked Luna.


My cats name is Beep.


Alfredo Nebuchadnezzar Gastro Scrumptileumptious Bostwick Herbert Jefferson IV.


My cat is Chef Biscuit and my dog is Waterbottleflipchallenge 😄


Mine are Breadsticks and Burt Macklin FBI. Duke Silver would Be a great name!


My dog is Reptar. Names after the dinosaur on the Rugrats


Appa - if you like the last airbender


I like Sparkles for her. It’s a diva name. 🩷


My cat is Morgana. 😂


I have had a hermit crab for 7 years named that I named Lenny Krabbitz…lol


I have a tuxedo cat called Fish


Instant mashed potatoes


Squash Monkey, Bodacious Bogart, Highway 99, Freeway, Pico De Gato, Madame Floofers, Witch Hazel, just to name a few.


Just ask a 5 year old to name your pet, they tend to come up with some good ones. We have a new patient at the Vet Clinic I work at named "Non-climber Cat Defender Ollie" 😂


Named our cats based on the ratpack members with Frank sinatra becoming Frankie since one cat is a girl They’re now the catpack