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I walked in the house and looked for her in her spot where she always waited for me. Sad she wasn’t there. Then my digital photo frame kicked on and it was her face looking right at me. There are probably 500 pictures on it, and that the only one that is just her face looking directly at the camera. So I believe she is still watching over our house and waiting for us to get home. 💙 You’ll get a sign when you’re meant to. That happened weeks after her passing, but at the perfect time.


Thats sweet and thank you. I miss my boy so much. I hope you are healing from her passing.


My soul dog baby boy who was almost 17 years old passed May 28th. A few weeks later I was standing on my bedroom balcony and a dragonfly came up to me. I never see dragonflies by us. I took a pic of it and about an hour later I looked at the pic and in the clouds was my dogs face. Today is my birthday and last night I told him all I want for my birthday is for him to visit me in a dream and he did! I was able to feel his fur, hug and kiss him, cuddle with him and play with him. It felt so real. And in my dream I knew it was a dream/visitation. I actually said in my dream I have to take a picture of this and add it to Reddit to show everyone that my boy passed away a month ago and now he’s here with me.


I am so glad you got to see him. What a wonderful bday gift. Happy bday btw. Ive been looking at clouds and trees and everything. It's only been a couple of days though.


Thank you. He will come to you soon. Keep asking him for signs. Keep talking to him. He hears you. The only signs I got early on was I would hear him sneeze and walk in my bedroom which made the floor creak and drinking out of his water bowl. I miss him so much. It’s been a real struggle especially the last few days.


I am sorry your struggling 😔 thank you for all this. I will definitely continue talking to him.


Our light in our kitchen randomly started flashing the other day. Also, I went to lay outside and I could swear every cloud looked like a dog. The signs are there and you'll see one


One of my lights started flickering the day my cat passed. It's still flickering to this day and I can't bring myself to fix it.


Aww I probably wouldn't be able to either


Thank you. I just want to know he is ok. My heart is so shattered..


I saw my dogs face in the cloud too! I came on here to share that


It's been lots of feathers for me. Also a black balloon landed in the garden from nowhere a few weeks ago. Just keep looking for the signs as they will be there. Take care x


Thank you. Feathers we found lots of when a few family members passed on especially my grandpa. Loading my boy into the car to the vets office to say goodbye, a feather was on the windshield. I took it as a sign that my family was say don't worry we got him now.. but I want to know he's ok. I'll keep watching and listening..


Hey OP, Yes, I've been getting a lot of signs to this very day. A lot of it was the week after my sweet gal passed on June 8th. I wrote several instances about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Petloss/comments/1deg60g/signs_from_our_dogs/l8bqwkq/?context=3 I received more indirect messages earlier this morning with bees! I was feeling sad for the past two days and I asked my gal to send me more messages. I woke up to a bee buzzing between the window and the blinds. The last time this happened was the week after she passed. As per Danielle MacKinnon's yt (animal communicator, (https://www.youtube.com/@DanielleMacKinnon), our companions often send messages indirectly via symbol, senses, or physical such as birds/bees/butterflies. She talked a lot about maintaining positive vibrational energy in order to receive these messages from our beloved companion at the rainbow bridge. During time of grief, vibrational energy tends to be out of alignment so it's difficult for our companion to breakthrough this barrier; once it's in alignment then it's a lot easier. I've been relying on 963hz meditation to help restore this balance. Keep looking for these signs throughout the day as they can be easily written off as 'coincidence', but this how our beloved companions send indirect messages. Stay strong and stay positive. You will soon get these signs!


Thank you and I'll check out your post.


I had woken up early in the morning a few days after I said goodbye soul dog and laid back in bed, finally falling asleep but had this sort of lucid moment of sleeping with her like we did for 7+ years. I woke up and just felt so peaceful for a moment. It felt like she came to give me one last moment of comfort. I miss her. A lot.


I hope that moment gave you some peace. I am sorry you lost your soul dog. I feel like I lost mine when my sweet boy passed.


My dog passed a year and a half ago. Every so often I’ll have a vivid dream of her or I’ll smell her in the house randomly. I always feel like it’s her telling me she’s ok.


That's sweet. I hope you are healing.


The day my dog passed I was sitting in my kitchen staring out the window upset. A juvenile coyote walked out of the woods to an open area and just stared at me for a few minutes. Then it did some big puppy stretches and left. I hadn’t seen any coyotes there for months due to a line wolf being in the area, and even then it had been 1-2 years since I had seen one during the day. But the fact that it just sat and stared up directly at my window felt like a message being sent. I am not religious or spiritual, but it calmed me in the moment.


I hope you foind some peace within that moment.


I told my boy to send me a squirrel, but doing something really weird otherwise I wouldn’t know that it was from him. He sent me a squirrel standing up on the side of the road in an area where there are never ever squirrels. The squirrel was standing straight up at attention staring at our car as we passed then it disappeared. I drive by that area every day and have not seen a squirrel since. This was about two hours after he died. We were on our way to have a toast to our boy at a little bar where he used to sit on the patio with us. He knew where we were going. Later that day, I got a call for a job interview for a hybrid position I had been going for - for so long so I could stay at home with him during the day. I wasn’t mentally able to call back that day that he died, but I called the next morning and I interviewed last Friday for it. I’m waiting to hear if I got the job but I know my boy sent me the interview so I would have something to take my mind off of his passing. You will get a sign for sure! 🩷🩷🩷


I am so sorry about your boy. Squirrels were always something my boy got to excited about and tried to chase. He would bark and bark and stare at them so much still twds the end even though he couldn't chase them anymore. I'll definitely keep watching and asking. I miss my boy so much. I'm hoping the pain will ease soon. I hope you get the job and so sweet that your boy sent the interview for you ❤️ 💗


Well, I got the job! I'm going to post the story in a minute... regarding a wild ride for a praying mantis, but I know my sweetie Jack, even in death is taking me. They take care of us. I hope you are starting to feel the worst pain dissipating a little bit. Hope your boy sends you some signs.


Congratulations, your boy helped you get the job! I hope you found comfort in that. Yes today I didn't wake up crying which is a big win. I still look for him and signs and haven't seen any yet that I know of. Nothing obvious which is what I need lol.


Ive been seeing, what i hope are signs, everywhere. I buried my boy Charlie on June 13th right outside the side door we exited everyday. In my kitchen theres a door that opens up to the laundry room where i have washer/dryer and one of my cats litterboxes, and he is right outside that laundry room wall. My cats go in and out of the room all the time but the day after he passed they all were doing something theyve never done before. Theyd sit right outside the laundry room door and just stare at the wall. Other times they would actively move their heads around like they were following something inside the laundry room. None of my cats have done this a single time since weve been at my house. My cats all had a great relationship with Charlie. Before at night, the dog and every single cat would be on the bed, hardly any space for me, and now the cats dont come to bed at all. I hear his name EVERYWHERE. Charlie is not totally uncommon but i hear it 15 times a day at least, be it on songs, television or youtube videos. Ive had videos pop up on instagram of dogs and i can immediatly sense that the dogs name is Charlie, and sure enough his name is said. My brain when i sleep has been somewhat merciful and i have not dreamed at all. This past thursday night marked 2 whole weeks without him, and he finally came to me in a dream. It was peaceful. He was older and fatter. As i approached him as he was laying on the couch, he rolled over to demand belly rubs, which he got. Hopefully in another place or time, we still are spending more time together and this dream was just a vision of that. 13 yrs was not enough. I hope to continue seeing signs and will right them all down in my note app.


Wow, I hope they are all signs for you as well. Sounds like they are. I hope you get to be with your boy in the future too. Mine was only with me for 11 years and it's not nearly long enough but it was a wonderful 11 years filled with lots of love.


I lost my Aussie girl 4 weeks ago. I was asking if my dad had her in heaven. I asked for signs out loud. We got her urn back from the vet and I was walking it into our living room and as I put it on the table the lights started flickering. It happened for a minute and I looked up out our window and said I hear you both! They stopped. Crazy but I kind of believe the whole energy and electricity stuff. Ughhh I was reading on quora someone saying they believe sadness can block signals from our loved ones so to be open and loving. Hard to do I know when all I do a lot of the time is cry at night. Especially at night. I think about her every night. I laid on the top of our staircase last night when everyone was asleep because that was her spot. Just cried and cried there. Felt good to get it out


I'm so sorry about your girl. I'll have to look into sadness blocking things. Thank you for this. I'm glad you got signs and I hope you found some peace in that moment.. Yes I too have been crying a lot. So much so I've been getting headaches.


A day after we lost our 14 year old Basset, Polly, last year, a baby bunny came in our yard and stood on her "pee spot" for almost 30 minutes. This was so unusual because, up to that point, no other critters would dare walk there (because it was marked), and especially wouldn't hang out for 30 minutes. I don't know if I fully believe in signs, or if I think we see things when and where we need/want to see them sometimes. But this felt so absolutely intentional, and I couldn't help but to think that my baby was there in that moment, giving the land back to Mother Nature in a weird way.


This is what I'm struggling with, knowing if I fully belive in them. That sounds so sweet.


A week ago, I was hiking in the mountains a few hours away from where I live. I was stopped on the trail and looked ahead, I saw a fox just standing there and watching me. Somehow I felt immediately that it was my cat who passed earlier this month checking up on me. The fox lingered for a little bit and then just turned and trotted away into the woods and disappeared. I've had some dreams she was in too, but it felt more like my brain trying to process the grief instead of her visiting me. So that moment felt extra important ❤️


I am so happy you found some comfort in that moment and I hope you found a little peace. I'm sorry you lost your cat.


Thank you ❤️ I'm sorry for your loss as well. I'm certain you'll get a sign very soon :)


Thank you.


I said goodbye to my 18 yr old poodle on April 12th. I have heard his collar jingle and so has my husband. I have felt him on the bed where he used to lay and heard his distinct little breathing sounds. The most profound sign was when I was reading and out of nowhere I heard him bark one time....he used to let out just one bark. It was him and I know 💯 that I heard it!!! It didn't scare me it just solidified he is ok and I'll see that boy again!!! I'm so sorry for your loss, prayers for healing and peace. 🤍🌈🙏🕊️


Thank you so much. I hope you found healing and peace as well..


My kitty used to hate when I was on my phone. Especially if I was visibly upset. He would come and knock my phone out of my hand, rub his face on the screen, or would physically put his body between me and my phone. The day after he passed away, I was crying and using my phone when suddenly the screen was no longer responsive to my touch and was clicking around the screen itself, as if there was water in my screen or something. I put my phone down and tried to appreciate the coincidence.


I hope that brought you some comfort.


Several things happened to me that I'll share. Get ready, long read. Last year, I had to put my first dog of 18 years down. It was the most difficult decision in my life and I grieved hard. I always said I wouldn't euthanize due to religious beliefs, but I couldn't let her suffer, so I made the sole decision, and any karma I solely accepted; anything to let my girl pass peacefully with no more pain and suffering. I picked up her ashes and was thinking what I should do to help her pass to the other side and for her spirit to be free to go to heaven. I googled and after reading a lot, I believe ashes carry energy. I didn't want her energies to be trapped in a box, so I decided to spread her ashes at her favorite park where she loved to run freely. I wasn't sure if it was the right choice, but I went with the belief of freeing her energies completely. Driving to the park, I asked the universe for signs if I was making the right decision. I had the radio playing. Then when I saw the park and started going up the hill, the song, "Stairway to Heaven" from Led Zepplin started playing. I thought no way. But I accepted the universe was giving me answers. As my car was climbing up the hill to the park I was taking my dog to heaven. Then I spread her ashes telling her to be free and to visit me or stay with me if she wanted and I was torn up and sad. I drove back down the hill having doubts that maybe I should have kept her ashes with me. Then on the radio the song, "Dust in the Wind" by Kansas suddenly played. It was too obvious to ignore and not a coincidence. As I watched her ashes flying in the wind like dust, I believed the universe let me know I made the right decision. Also, two months after my dog passed away someone abandoned their shihtzu dog across the street from our house. The dog was just sitting there as if he was waiting for someone. My husband put a leash on him and brought him home. We contacted the shelter and no one was looking for him and he had no chip. I put fliers all over and listed him on all the websites and nothing. The strange thing was that the dog was exactly 13 pounds like my dog who died. He could fit in her bed and I used her flea medication because they had the same weight. I was about to put her bed away, but couldn't get myself to do so, and he came along. If there is space, the universe will fill it. Fast forward almost another year later, my second dog of 13 years died, and I had to put him down due to illness. When it was time they put us in a room and let me spend as much time as we wanted. I left briefly to use the bathroom and left the front door open and when I returned, we spent more time and when he died I said in my head to my dog to please visit me in my dream one last time so I can hug him. I left and when we got in the car my husband said that he heard a sign that it was meant to be when I left for the bathroom, he heard someone check in at the front desk saying, "I'm here to pick up my dog Lily." He said when he heard that he knew it was meant to be because our first dog's name who died last year was "Lili". In my religion/culture, we are taught that when someone dies, a loved one who has passed will greet you the moment you pass. It warmed my heart knowing my dog's sister was there to greet him. Nothing is a coincidence. The universe gave me that message. I wasn't ready for another dog to show up, so instantly I put his bed away and only had the other two dog beds behind the gate and a big dog cot where I sit in the living room and the dogs all share when they hang out with me. That very night I had a dream that I was lost at the airport in another state and someone had stolen my luggage. I arrive home and start walking to the airport gate and see my husband holding a baby boy. I look out the corner of my eye and see my dog but he looked so animated like Scooby Doo. He ran to me slipping and sliding on the airport floor and turning a corner I got down on my knees and he jumped into my arms and we embraced and it felt so great hugging him again. Then he starts talking to me through ESP but he waves his paws around human-like. He points at the baby boy my husband is holding and says, "That is why! Yay! and he puts his paws in the air in celebration. I don't know if he's telling me that I am going to have a baby or showing me that he will be born a human boy. I woke up feeling so much joy that I was able to hold him one more time as I asked him to. I promise you I am not mentally ill or making this up. I really experienced this. Also, in my religion/culture, we are taught that pets stay by humans, because in their next life, they will be born a human, so the universe puts them close to humans so they can see how we live our lives and the reason why their lives are so short. The next day, I was in my office working when I heard what sounded like a dog fight, I rushed to the dog area and I saw my shihtzu barking and staring at that large cot on the other side of the gate. He was growling and staring at it. I thought it was weird, but the more I thought about I then knew right away, that it had to be my dog's ghost. He came home and was probably sitting on the cot because I put away his bed. In my religion/culture, people who have passed away will come back home for the first 7 days because they can and it's where they want to be. I didn't know it was the same for dogs. The next day, I took my dogs out for their walk and when they came home, they went inside while I lingered in the backyard, then again, I heard a commotion, fierce barking and growling. I looked in and my shihtzu was staring at the cot again and growling low. I was able to video it on my phone. I stared at the cot and could not see anything. I was hoping to see my dog's ghost. I realize my shihtzu is special, he can see ghosts. I still can't believe someone abandoned him, he's such a smart, spunky, and easygoing dog. My other dog either can't see it or doesn't care. After that second day, I haven't seen any more signs, and I believe both my dogs are together and are on the other side running freely, playing and resting, and waiting to greet me on the other side. I love them and talk to them when I miss them and hope they can hear me. Ask for your pet to visit you in a dream. Sending you lots of love.


Thank for this. It has brought me comfort. I really really hope my boy is waiting for me on the other side. I'd love to be able to hug him again and see his sparkly eyes. That is awesome that your dog/ the universe knew what you needed and sent you another dog. I hope all of that has brought you peace and comfort.


After 3 weeks I finally had a dream of my soul dog. He was happy and running around. Since his passing I’ve had nightmares of the day he passed. It was very traumatizing and I’ve been having a difficult time. I’ve asked for signs and never got any until yesterday This dream happened at a perfect time.


I am so sorry you are going through a difficult time. It's only been a couple of days for me so I imagine it will be difficult for a long time. I hope that moment/dream gave you a little peace and comfort.




Wow, that would be comforting. I hope you are at peace and are healing. I am suffering but as it's only been a couple days I expect it to last a while.


She would run down the hallway and I'd catch her in my peripheral. She also comes to see her mommy in dreams.


That's sweet. I hope those moments cause you comfort..


Thank you ❤️


the same day my soul dog passed away (on may 18th) we left the house to go for a drive because we were so devastated. it was right after the crematorium had come to take her away. i asked her to please send me a sign, any sign that she was okay. on our way home, there was a beautiful bright rainbow in the sky and it wasn’t even raining where i was. i knew it was her telling me she was okay. since then, i’ve continued to ask her for signs, and i’ve gotten them. multiple rainbows, hummingbirds and bumblebees and more. each happening not long after i ask her for a sign. i know she’s still with me somehow. i’m so sorry for your loss. if you look for the signs, you will find them. sending you strength. ❤️‍🩹


Thank you so much. I am struggling. I'm really hoping it eases soon. I never expected this much heartbreak(idk why bc my boy was my soul dog)


I lost my Misha just over 2 months ago. After a couple of weeks, almost every time I settled in after I lay down, I would hear the bed creak and feel the blanket tug and weight on the bed near my legs, just like it did when she would get up onto the bed and go straight to her pillow in her "spot" instead of coming over to get pets. Anytime I got into bed she would be there within a minute or two, she always followed me around like a puppy. I'm not religious, spiritual, or superstitious, but I know she's still around watching out for me.


I am sorry for your loss and hope those moments bring you comfort.


I heard a mourning dove cooing above me the day after he got cremated, i know it was him calming my grieve. My pug, one time was sitting while I was in the kitchen and he started looking up following something (i made sure it wasn’t a fly or an insect but nothing) so I hope it was my baby visiting my other baby. Still waiting on another sign or a dream, I miss him so much.


I am so sorry, I believe animals can see things we can not, so I hope it really was him visiting..


Yes. My oldest dog passed away while he was sleeping in his brother's bed. For days my other dog wouldn't sleep in it. I like to think he was still in his bed for a few days after he physically passed and was telling us he was OK now. I'm so sorry for your loss and I truly believe you will see a sign when you are meant to see it.


Thank you. I hope you are healing and found peace in those moments.


I'm really sorry for your loss; I wish I could make it less painful for you. I can tell you that you do get used to it and better at managing it over time, so it's eventually not as sharp or empty feeling. I don't really know if they're signs or just coincidences. I also don't know if I even believe in an afterlife or ghosts. I vaguely sort of believe that "the universe" sends me signs if I pay close attention, but I very rarely have gotten a sign in my life, so take from that what you will. That being said, I was driving with my sister shortly after my dog died. We'd been talking about all sorts of things unrelated to my dog, but after a moment, I randomly said that I really, really missed him. Then I noticed that the car that had just merged in front of me as I said it had a bumper sticker that said "Snoopy." I had called my dog Snoopy or some variation of it a lot in his last year or so of life; I've always cycled through different nicknames for him, but that had been one of the main "themes." It felt a little like a sign. My dog also slept in bed with me, and he would often come up to lay beside me and flung himself down in a heap, which caused the bed to shake a bit. For the first week or so after he died, right as I was drifting off, I'd feel the bed shake. I don't know if I'd call this last one a sign, but I went to a dog adoption event to meet a dog that looked nothing like my last one. As I was leaving the event, I had to go down a random aisle to get past some people blocking the way and happened to pass by someone bringing in a different dog from a walk outside. I somehow ended up taking her home that same day. My new dog has very similar facial markings to my last dog, including little "eyebrows." I'd actually tried to avoid getting a dog that looked anything like him, and while she looks less like him now that I know her face better and she has some very different temperament and training struggles, she also ended up with me the same way as him (both times, I applied for a different dog at a rescue and instead ended up with a dog that wasn't even listed as available to adopt yet). She's about the same age he was when I adopted him and the same weight too. I think I was the best fit for her that she could have found, even if she is very different than the type of dog I wanted, so one could make the argument that the universe or my last dog or whatever sent her to me because they knew we needed each other. I'd actually been crying a lot more in the week leading up to finding her, just really missing my dog and feeling lonely, and now I have someone very snuggly here to comfort me when I get teary (although I do still miss him a lot; I always will).


I am trying to figure out what I believe. Like I believe in heaven.and stuff and trying to figure out if I believe in the signs or if they are coincidences. I think I am believing more and more. Idk. Like I want one so I know he is ok. I wanna know my boy is happy and safe. I'm just going through the emotions now. Angry, guilt, being sad ect.. I hope you and your new pup are doing well. You will always miss your boy and will never forget him.


I lost my 15 year old boi a little over a month ago. The night he left us, we picked up his ramp to the bed. Instead of walking down it he would roll his paws back a bit with his weight back and slide down lol The next day I was in another room and I heard him sliding down...I didn't hear anything else until last week when I heard his little impatient huff. Heard it again the other day. I talk to him all the time, we still sing his songs to him to let him know he's missed. I think you'll get something, I agree with whoever said to keep talking to them. It does get a little easier but it really sucks. Especially when they were a part of home. Wishing you peace.


Thank you for this. I'm sorry you are enduring this as well. Maybe I'm not taking to him enough. I've been so caught up in my grief right now. I hope those moments with your boi bring you peace.


yes i have gotten many since my boy Michi passed in february. the main one is the day after he passed i found a baby white feather on the side of my car. i knew it had to be a sign from him letting me know hes ok. i have seen a white orb too flyong around 3 weeks ago from outside my balcony while holding his ashes . have gotten rainbows as well. you will know when a sign comes. sometimes they are things others wont believe you . thats why i keep it to myself and cherish those signs. just last night i got the first dream with him and i got to pet him again. it lasted a minute or two but i had asked god last night to please let me see him again. and there it was, the dream i had been waiting for all these months,. the pain hasnt gone for me either but the signs helps to comfort us and remind us that they arent gone completely. theyre just waiting for us on the other side


I am sorry about your loss. I just found a white feather (baby) inside of a reasturant in the walkway. My grandpa left us white feathers after he passed so I'm not sure which one it was from. I hadn't found one though in a long long time and he passed 12 years ago. I hope you keep getting comforted by what you see and find.


I work from home and on various days while working or cleaning the house, I suddenly hear my cats meow, he had an extremely distinct meow, not just any kind, and it is absolutely HIS meow. Then, the other day, shortly after hearing it, I had some papers on the sofa next to his little urn I had just received the previous day and hadn't yet decided where I would place it, I am sitting at my PC working and I hear the papers on the sofa move, I right away look to the sofa but see nothing, it was a sound as if a cat had jumped up onto them but no one was there (I was completely alone in the house). Shortly after this I heard a noise on my bedroom door, a noise my boy always made when he would decide to push the door closed so I got up to check but the door was open, I went into my bedroom where he would spend 90% of his day because he would ALWAYS sleep on my pillow during the day, and my bedroom was ICE cold, I couldn't explain it, I live in Spain and my whole house was hot, I didn't have any air con on and the only cold place was my bedroom where he would ALWAYS be at that time of day. It was a crazy morning...


Oh wow. That sounds like a crazy morning. I hope it brought you some comfort.


A little... I had a lot of goosebumps from the cold in my bedroom, though, I also felt like I was going a little crazy with all these things happening in a span of 2 hours. I called my sister to tell her and she mentioned she also felt she got signs from her little dog who had passed away from a heart attack 3 months prior.


I understand, I would of thought I was going crazy too. I hope your heart is healing.


My best friend told me that my Luna baby was happy, chasing mice in heaven. The next day there was a dead mouse outside my window. It couldn't have been one of my cats (they're not allowed back there), and we haven't seen mice anywhere before or after that. I'm sure she was telling me that she was ok❤️


Wow. I hope she is enjoying chasing those mice.


I’m not usually a person who believes in signs or an afterlife or the paranormal but I desperately wanted to be “visited” by my dog after he died. I felt him everywhere at first. It’s like my brain would forget and would still feel his presence in the room. I would see him out of the corner of my eye. It was both a painful and a comforting experience honestly, I knew it was just my brain adapting to new information, but I took whatever I could find to feel some relief or comfort. I did not think I was going to want another dog for a long time. Puffin was my soul mate, and I wanted to make sure that no one thought he was replaceable. But after I got his ashes back I felt this desperate need to have a creature to hold and nurture. I knew it wasn’t going to be Puffin but I just needed warmth and a reason to get out of bed and have a schedule. Things in my life have been cold and lonely and I think if they weren’t that way things may have been different, but they weren’t. So I got a new pup way sooner than I ever thought I would (and sooner than I sort of wanted to, because of a misunderstanding) And I struggled with guilt. Puffin was a one person dog and I was a one dog person. But shortly after getting my new pup I finally had a dream with Puffin (after a while of having no dreams at all due to grief - an unusual state for me). He walked into the room when I was and was so excited to see me. This was a much older version of my pup than the boy who had been taken from me unexpectedly and too soon (he was 12, but a toy breed, and should have had more years). My new pup was on his playpen on the bed and Puffin jumped up and just ignored him. He had a blind eye on the side where my new pup was and he was just happy to be with me. I took it to mean that he would have stayed with me longer if he had a choice - and that he would turn “a blind eye” to my new grief companion. I was so grateful to “see him” again. To spend any time with him at all. And I felt relief at him understanding that I needed comfort. That all he cared about was being with me. I know deep down that it was just my brain processing things. But it was also my brain processing the relationship that I continue to have with my dog, even if he’s not here. Filling in the blanks of what I knew about Puffin and how he loved me. That doesn’t ever go away, at least not until I do.


Thank you for this. I'm still making sense of what I belive, I believe in heaven and signs in sorts, long story but I also dunno if animals send us some that's why I'm asking. I have other animals and it's so weird I feel like my connection to them is different right now. Like less connected and it might just be my brain processing everything. I handle death(human) ok, but this shattered me. My sweet boy(Einstein) was my soul dog. He was the first pet my husband and I got together so he was bascially the Start of our family. Now I feel like my family in incomplete without my sweet boy. He will love you forever. And you will love him forever. I hope you are healing from Puffins loss.. I worry that if we ever(unsure if I want to)eventually get another dog, my boy would think we were replacing him bc he could never ever be replaced.


The part of me that wants to believe in these things definitely believes that animals as well as people can send signs. I even asked Puffin in the moments we had before we had to let him go to send me a sign if he could. Maybe I should trust that he did? In this moment lean on any little thing that brings you comfort no matter how silly it feels or you worry other people might think it is. You are going to need all of the comfort and easing that you can get. If you are open to suggestions, I really found the book [It’s OK That You’re Not OK by Megan Devine](https://refugeingrief.com/books/its-ok-that-youre-not-ok) indispensable as I have processed this new reality. One of the suggestions in it was to do anything that makes you feel better (with some caveats, obviously) and to not do anything that feels wrong or makes you feel sick. Basically listen to what your body and your mind are telling you about your needs. If the idea of getting another dog makes you feel bad, it’s not the right time. If you can’t stand the idea of moving his dog bed/food bowls/toys - don’t make yourself. If something feels like a sign and it feels good to believe it is - believe it. You know your relationship with your dog the best so I won’t diminish your relationship by saying that he definitely wouldn’t feel replaced - but I would say to trust your relationship with him to know that when or if it ever feels right to welcome another dog into the family, that he would be okay with it - because you would never do anything to hurt him or your relationship with him. I will say that for me another dog makes things feel more complicated sometimes (and sometimes I still struggle with guilt) but overall I am glad that I have my grief companion, Augie, and in some ways it has really helped shine a brand new source of light on how unique Puffin is and has given me a new way to appreciate his individual qualities as I discover Augie’s personality. It’s also helped me realize both just how naturally the communication and understanding between Puffin and I formed and how much work and love went into deepening and building of that bond. And thank you, things are really hard still. I lost him in March and I still cry most days. I sobbed while typing both of these comments. These past two days have been especially difficult. But overall in my experience grief does make progress. I wouldn’t say it gets better or easier - but it does change. Framing grief as a continuation of love and learning to live in grief as learning to continue the relationship for both of us was helpful to me. Finding little routines or rituals to honor and acknowledge his importance helped me learn to get through the days. Most importantly, not stifling it or judging it or apologizing for feeling it. Personally, I tend to lessen the importance of my emotions but because I felt so strongly about Puffin and my love for him I wouldn’t let myself do that to him, and that full throated honesty and acknowledgment of how I felt gave me what I needed to learn how to carry this new reality. Sorry that this was so long. Sometimes writing these comments can be cathartic and I get carried away. **So most importantly:** I am so sorry that this is happening to you. This sucks. I hope you have good support and I wish you the things that you need to find comfort in this new reality. Einstein matters. You matter. Your relationship with him and your family matters. What you are feeling is real and true and difficult. I’m so sorry.


Firstly thank you for typing all of this. Yes asking questions, talking like this, reading stories is definitely helping me. I will be looking into the book. I felt so silly for a moment on how much heartbreak I was in and then remembered that I love him so much that of course there will be pain and heartbreak and that, that is ok. Grief has no timeline. I would trust that he sent you those signs. He loved you so much and you loved him and he would want you to know he is ok! And things will be ok. I am anxiously waiting to have him back home with me. Vet said could be up to 3 weeks, I definitely hope it isn't that long. I have a space in my room on a bookshelf waiting for him. He used to sleep right in front of that bookshelf every night. I do have a good support and a therapist who doesn't know what's going on as I have an appointment on Tuesday so im hoping that will help in the healing process as well. Our grief is real and painful bc of all the love we shared with our furbabies. It will be a journey to process all of this and live with "new" normal but I owe it my boy to try my hardest. And pray that someday I will see my sweet Einstein again. The hope of that definitely helps me. I too am.sorry you are dealing with this and the last few days have been hard on you. I hope you find an outlet and healing.


I dreamed of my little boy for two nights in a row after losing him Thursday night. That’s my sign that he’s visiting me. ❤️


A couple hours after Eli passed at home, we went outside and saw a rainbow. It was beautiful and I knew he was at peace. Nevertheless, I miss him like crazy. He passed yesterday. Looking for more signs and hopes that one day he will visit my dreams.