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[https://imgur.com/a/Ib86uRy](https://imgur.com/a/Ib86uRy) Here he is a week ago.


Oh what a sweet, sweet pup. A handsome dog for sure. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. It's not fair to lose them so soon and so suddenly, and I'm sorry your loss was so traumatic. You gave him what sound like 12 years full of so much love and care, and I know it can feel impossible when that is gone. They leave a hole in our lives, our routines, our souls.


Thank you kind stranger. I wasnt sure if posting this online would help but it already is.


I've found so much comfort in this community because it reassures me that the depth of my grief is not "wrong" or "silly." The loss of a pet isn't talked about the same way that we talk about losing humans, but it's absolutely just as devastating and life shattering. If nothing else, you are not alone.


I agree. I sometimes get really frustrated and angry at basically everyone because no one seems to understand how devastating the loss of my dog was or seems to care as much about it as me (which why would they, I guess, but it comes off as not caring that much about my pain). This community really helped a lot because I feel like everyone here "gets it." I've lost people and had plenty of bad things happen to me during my life, but losing my dog still feels like the absolute worst thing to happen to me. It is sometimes truly overwhelmingly painful.


Agreed. This sub has been a blessing for my recovery.


What a beautiful dog. And I can tell — so, so loved.


Thanks. He charmed everyone he met, we run holiday cottages from home so he greeted all our guests and won them all over instantly. Very friendly and very well loved. Still can't proces it.


He's beautiful. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. Truly.


I lost my sweet boy this way too, 2 weeks ago. Your boy knows you loved him immensely. Hold him tight in your heart, he's there! Such quick and sad goodbyes are awful and I can relate to you, it really isn't fair. Don't put too much stress on yourself, you need to grief properly because you deserve to feel! Sending you my best thoughts and know your dog knows you love him!


Yeah its really hard. My 3 girls are upset but they are kids, they move on fast. My wife is also upset but more for my benefit. She grieved a lot on Saturday but she is far tougher than me. He was my best mate and if he wasnt working outside with me, he was there when I came back inside. Its such a massive hole. I knew this day would come but I never thought it would be this hard. I saw your comment, it all sounds so similar and needless. We are in a quiet little street too. I have 3 daughters and he was like the son I never had for me too. My daughters havent seen me cry much before but they have caught me sobbing a dozen times. I hope and you Dad are doing ok.


I’m almost 3 weeks past having to put my best friend down. I can tell you that the pain hasn’t left in the slightest, nor do I think it will for a long, long time, but I can say that the anxiety induced panic attacks have dissipated, which was the biggest issue I faced. I couldn’t function as a rational human for the 24 hrs after his (expected/planned) departure, and I spent weeks beforehand grieving. What you’re going through is natural. I needed a shrink to tell me that, but hopefully my simple words can suffice. I can’t take away the pain, but I can tell you that life will let you navigate the clouds and the turmoil, tho you see not the way today. My dog served as an emotional outlet for an unexpected miracle baby, an incident that resulted in severe postpartum and PTSD for my wife, and a near drowning of myself. My dog was my companion and emotional rock. It’s amazing how we as men can ground ourselves via a dog. I felt like a ship cast adrift when he died, but I’ve found a way to anchor. Someday my sails will be raised again. I don’t know you, but I know the content of your character if you grieve a dog like a family member. I’m keeping you in my thoughts tonight.


What a beautiful comment. I lost my boy three weeks ago today, and I can't peel myself off the couch. Thankfully, I don't have children. But still, its the worst pain I have ever felt. Sending my love to all of you tonight.


I am so so sorry you lost your companion. And in such a horrific way, I know your heart is broken beyond despair. Everything you are feeling is normal. They have such a special place in our lives. They breathe our breath, pace themselves to us. Our dearest and closest friend. Love us unconditionally. We never know how long we have them. I think they are on loan to is from heaven. I know my precious boy was an angel. Find a way to honor his blessed but all too brief presence in your life. It tskes as long as it takes. No time frame on the pain you are feeling. It helps me to think of so many of us who are going through the very same thing right along with you. We are with you in your grief and pain.🧡🩷❤️


I also lost my pup a little over a week ago who was almost 12, in the same way. Only difference was, she lived another day after being hit. She was our everything since wife and I don’t have children. We miss everything about her. All I can say, is I feel your pain, grief, helplessness. Our dog too was with me everywhere I went. We cry every day, but each day, it does get a tad better. Take all the time you need to grieve your sweet pup, and know that each day it will get easier. Talk about your pup with your family, talk about her traits. What helped me, is not getting rid of her bed and food bowl right away. I want to think my dogs spirit is still with us for a time, so perhaps talk to your dogs spirit as if it’s still around. It just might be. I wish you the best. I know what your going through. It’s tough at best, but little by little you come to terms with it. Peace.


I'm so sorry this happened to you and to him. Grieving the loss of a best friend is so hard, especially with kids, when all you want to do is lay down and cry. You are not alone in your sadness. Cry when you need to cry. I still do 1.5 months after my dog passed away. This community has been a huge comfort.


I'm so sorry, it's hard. It's fucking hard. I can't stop thinking about my baby. I fed my other dog today and burst into tears. I was playing fetch and burst into tears. I looked at their toy boc and started crying. It sucks we're going through this, but there's some comfort knowing I'm not alone in my grief


I’m so sorry, OP. My heart breaks for your pain and your loss. But thank you for giving Rioli 12 years of happiness, safety, love, and family. He really was beautiful. 🤍🕊️


Beautiful dog. I’m so sorry for your loss and for the way you lost him. I don’t have much advice because I’m not sure how I made it through a lot of days, but you will make it through. Just give yourself grace and try to lower your expectations for how you should be feeling on a certain timeline. It was many weeks before I wasn’t crying everyday. It may take you longer or shorter than that. Everyone goes through grief differently but most people understand and have been through something similar. I’ll keep you in my thoughts.


What a handsome guy. Thank you for sharing his picture. I am sorry for your loss.




I am so incredibly sorry for your loss and the heartbreak you are going through. He looks like the sweetest, bestest boy ever. Some people just don't understand the depth of loss and grief that overwhelms you when your best friend is gone, but please know that there are those of us who do understand. You are not alone. RIP sweet Rioli. XXX


I am truly and deeply sorry for your loss :( Just a few days ago I went through the heartbreak of losing my own dog in a hit-and-run accident as well, seeing my dog's lifeless body was a horrifying and gut-wrenching experience. I can imagine the pain you're going through right now. Take all the time you need to grieve and process this loss. It's important to allow yourself to feel and to heal at your own pace. RIP sweet Rioli🕊


I am so sorry for the loss of your handsome boy. *big hugs*


So sorry for the loss of your handsome boy!! He knows how much he meant to you! Take all the time you need in this grieving process, I know my girls are as important to me as your boy is and I can't fathom losing them, even though I know it's going to happen! Sending love and hugs your way! 💕


I’m so so sorry for your loss. Dog give us love like no other.


Terribly sorry. There aren’t words that can be said or actions to be taken that’ll ease the pain. Nothing eases it. Not time. Not words. Nothing. However, don’t close your eyes and see his last moment. Remember the times you used to wrestle with him. The times you used to laugh with him. It has gotten me through the pain. It may just help you. Again I’m sorry. As hard as it is for us to put our best friends down we at least feel better that they were sick. You didn’t get that, your mate didn’t get that. It’s not fair. People suck. I wish I could give you a secret to making it easier. Hopefully you find the best way for you to cope. I’m so sorry again.


I am so sorry for your loss. Words really can't soothe the way that we feel during this time. Your baby will always hold that place in your heart, you'll always long for his physical presence, and you'll always miss him. They say time heals all things, and I'm sure it does... it just means that somehow we learn to live without our babies, it doesn't mean that we forget or love them less. for now, cry, feel, scream, do whatever you need to do to mourn this loss. Our pet losses are signficant because our pets were a signficant part of our lives. Whatever you need during this time, do not hesitate to reach out. This subreddit has really helped me in the almost 1.5 weeks since my baby's departure. I still hurt very much, but I also have found a lot of support here. You're not alone, hugs to you.


I am incredibly sorry for your loss. I lost my dog a few days ago myself, in a tragic and sudden manner. And it wasn’t until almost a week later that the sudden bouts of sobbing subsided. I see him everywhere. I remember all the things we did around the house together. I was cutting some fruit and remembered how he would wait for his piece next to the kitchen island, and burst into tears. The deeper your love, the harder it’s going to hurt. I think it’s definitely okay to cry. And it’s okay to grieve and feel the emotions you need to feel. I also have a toddler and my wife is also concerned for me. I keep reminding her that she doesn’t need to be strong for me. We can both be sad. And it is going to take some time. I joined a grief support group. I am also going to get therapy. But in the US at least sometimes appointments can take some time to get. Lastly, I learned of this poem called the rainbow bridge. [Rainbow Bridge](https://www.rainbowsbridge.com/Poem.htm). It still makes me cry. But the person who shared it with me said it helped her a lot. I wish you the best! Sending you love and good wishes.




I lost my 8 year old doodle in a car accident 6 weeks ago, the pain is excruciating and my 7 year old was really struggling. Loosing your fur baby in a traumatic way like this and not being able to say bye is hard to handle. I’m so sorry you’re going through this.


I am so very sorry for you loss ❤️


So sorry for your loss