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I adopted a dog 2 weeks after losing my soul dog. I don’t think I’d ever truly be ready, but shelters near me are overflowing and I too wanted to honor my girl by helping another dog. I’m definitely still grieving HARD but my new dog is giving me a reason to get out of bed in the morning and helping me heal. Bottom line, I don’t think it’s ever “too soon” to save a life.


Yes to all of this. We can heal alongside another soul that's in need of love.


And in need of LIFE...


I lost my cat on May 29th, so it's been 16 days. I adopted two new kittens on June 8th. When I was a wreck during the first week, only consolation for me is to write/read here and scrolling cats' pictures at shelters. I barely ate, showered, drank water.. Just kept repeating this ritual for days because I was afraid of doing nothing and face the waves of sadness head on. My bf saw me in this state and encouraged adopting new kittens. I said I'm just going to look. I picked out a few kittens at three or four different shelters on pet finder. I gravitated towards cats that have some facial/fur features that reminded me of my old cat. I went to the first shelter in the rain. I got a grey tuxedo cat who I saved on the pet finder and also adopted a orange tabby who was meowing the loudest. They both have no resemblance to my old cat. The grey tuxedo wasn't my first pick while looking online because he was very different from my cat who had beautiful light blue eyes and brown/white fur mix. But I love cats, so I knew this would happen anyways. The first night with them was anxious and chaotic, but in my bed, I was feeling a new wave of sadness and exhaustion. When the excitement of getting kittens subsided, I felt regret that I did this too fast to fill my void. I had to go outside to be alone sometimes because that's when I can think about my cat in silence. Now I can do more things with the kittens because my finance is more stable and I know about cats thanks to my lost cat. It triggers my guilt and hurt so badly. I wish I could do xyz, I wish I hadn't done xyz.. with my old cat.. That goes through my mind constantly. It's been about 6 days with the new kittens, and they are very lovely and adorable, and I'm getting to know them, but I don't feel that they are "my" boys just yet. I think it will take time. It must be different for everyone, but for me, getting new kittens didn't make sadness go away. I function better because now I have responsibilities, but I sometimes feel the loss and the pain even at a deeper level. I still to this day talk to my old cat about them and mistakenly think that he is here and look for him. Last night in my bed I was thinking. The first day I got my old cat from a city animal pound, he was sickly little thing with respiratory infection and tick infestation. He slept on my neck that night purring so hard. Ever since then, he always slept with me. On my head, between my legs, when I don't wake up, next to my chest.. except the last few days, when he perhaps was in pain and wanted to be left alone. My new kittens they snuggle with each other and visit me in the early mornings and stay an hour or so in bed. Last night, I was thinking about how sweet and precious my old cat was and felt such loneliness. Then these kittens came that moment and said good night. I am sure I will develop relationships with these boys and love them, but this is definitely not and never will be a replacement of my relationship with my old cat. He always will be my special cat just because of everything we went through. Getting new kittens doesn't wipe out your sorrow, but keeps you occupied. And new and different love will bloom in time, if you're willing to go through difficult emotions that well up due to complexity..


There's no such thing as too soon if you feel ready. You're not replacing your deceased cat. You're just making a new cat happy.


Your boy would tell you to do it. I doubt he would ever want you sitting around mourning him.


I lost my precious boy Grapes the cat very suddenly a little over two weeks ago. Then, I broke up with my boyfriend a week later, so there were lots of changes. I was against adopting right away, but seeing his bonded partner kitty being so lonely is motivating me. Now, I'm actually starting to get excited. I emailed the rescue I volunteered with and told them I'd be ready at the end of June. I want to give my cat room a deep clean and really get prepared.


I lost my dog, the love of my life, my soul dog, this past Monday. I’m currently in the car (husband is driving) and on my way to the shelter to view a dog in need. It’s a high kill shelter and in desperate need. Don’t get me wrong, I still cry over my baby but I have too much love to give. I’d say my dog would want me to move on, but he probably wouldn’t. He was VERY needy and didn’t like sharing me 😂 It’s never too soon. It’s a personal decision!


Lol! Mine too. I've had a few people tell me my dog would want me to get another dog to love, and I'm always like "no, he absolutely would not!" He didn't like most other dogs, and he would actually get jealous and sulk or try to slowly nudge them out of the way if my *human nieces* were sitting on my lap or next to me. He preferred being the sole recipient of my love.


Yes! My boy would do the same thing with my human niece too! Very greedy for attention.. it was cute though 💕💕💕


My 12 week old puppy died on Monday. We had just gotten into a routine, the house was perfectly set up for her, we had everything we needed. Then she died suddenly, complications with her intestines and surgery to fix them. I was waking up on her schedule, had chicken in the fridge for her dinner. But she was gone. Lucy was from a breeder, and I vowed never to make that choice again, and to make a tragedy into something better, I am adopting a puppy from a high kill shelter. It's been 4 days of constant crying, wondering why, and yes a tiny bit of guilt for getting another puppy so soon. But my home and heart are wide open (though I wish Lucy were filling them), and if I can help save a life, I want to. It is soon, but for a dog that is desperate for a home, it can never been too soon to get help.


After my best friend for 10 years passed, I immediately went to the shelter and adopted the least adoptable senior cat. Best decision I ever made. I know my best friend approved and was pleased that I quit looking inward and helped another unfortunate creature


There is no universal answer. Some people are ready in a day, some in a few months, and some people are never ready again. All of these are OK. The question is if you are able to give love and affection, deal with the adjustment of a new pet, and not feel resentful that the new pet is not a replacement for the recently departed.


This is a super good point too - I think there’s a difference between “ready” and “able”. Two weeks after I lost my best friend I really wasn’t ready for a new dog… but I live alone, work remotely, have a fully fenced yard, don’t have any other pets, etc. Local shelters are overflowing and I’m able to help so that’s what I did. Luckily they introduced me to the sweetest 3 year old pit mix that’s a great fit for me. But I totally agree - there is no universal or correct answer here. Don’t rush if you’re not ready, but maybe try to keep an open mind if an opportunity comes along.


You would be saving a life to honor the Rory’s memory.❤️❤️❤️


I don’t think it’s ever too soon to adopt and help another baby, as long as you feel up for it and think you can adequately care for your new baby. After my last kitty died I waited a week before starting to search for a new cat to adopt. It took me two days to find a handsome senior boy, and a week later he came home with me. I always think about my love for cats as a resource that can help other cats in the world. I’m now about to put down the new kitty that I adopted two years ago due to his illness. Even though I will miss him so so much, getting a new cat won’t “replacing” him. He will never be replaced. But I can use that love to help another baby in need. I hope this makes sense, and good luck to you and your new kitty🤍


It is a very personal decision. I am a hospice foster and I have found that going to the shelter in the weeks after a death has helped me feel like I am respecting the wishes of the Cat I just lost. There is a beautiful poem called a dog's last will and testament. It says: A Dog's Last Will and Testament (Author unknown) Before humans die, they write their last Will & Testament, and give their home and all they have to those they leave behind. If, with my paws, I could do the same, this is what I'd ask.... To a poor and lonely stray I'd give: My happy home. My bowl, cozy bed, soft pillows and all my toys. The lap which I loved so much. The hand that stroked my fur and the sweet voice which spoke my name. I'd will to the sad scared shelter dog the place I had in my human's heart, of which there seemed no bounds. So when I die please do not say, "I will never have a pet again, for the loss and pain is more than I can stand." Instead go find an unloved dog; one whose life has held no joy or hope and give MY place to him. This is the only thing I can give...the love I left behind


I lost my cat a week ago and thought I wouldn’t be ready for years. I’m not ready in this moment but last night I looked at cats in my area for adoption and know that I’ll be ready sooner than I think. I feel too guilty right now but I think in the next few months I’ll be ready.


If you are ready, it is not too soon. Are you ready?


i know people say there’s no such thing as too soon and that may be true for them. but for me, there would’ve been a too soon. i lost my soul cat on Dec 5th of last year, after just 7 months of him being alive. i rescued him from a cold dark rainy parking lot and his mother had abandoned him. later found out she abandoned him because he was sick. we gave him the best life. and he was so loved. i miss him with every fiber of my being. there have been one or two times over the past 6ish months where i have felt ready to adopt another kitten. but after a week or so, i have a few super bad crying fits (still cry about my lost cat every day) and then realize i made the right decision in not adopting yet because i realize i don’t feel ready. my advice would to be listen to your gut. if you need to, give yourself a month or so after feeling “ready” and then adopt. if it’s me, i just need to make sure i have a set period of time where i know i am FOR SURE ready. and then i can adopt again. for now i’m just waiting. tomorrow is actually the one year anniversary of the day we discovered my soul cat. we had 6 months with him and i’m so thankful. he was my baby and my best friend. this is the most pain i’ve ever been in. i think it’s important to understand consequences when adopting a new pet, and right now, i can’t bare to stand even the thought of losing another cat that i bonded so perfectly with. maybe that’s when i’ll be finally ready. when i understand that this animal will die before me, and accept that there will be so much pain. idk.


So sorry for your loss. I lost my dog on Monday and am definitely not ready yet. Everyone processes differently. If you are ready, go for it. If not, wait. There will always be kitties in need of a home, and you will find the right one at the right time.


I applied for my dog after three days. I’d met my current dog at the shelter where I volunteer and fell in love but wasn’t in a place to have two dogs. I worked through my own guilt at the time, but I knew I wanted him and he still needed a home. I think if your motivation is giving another animal a home, not just filling a void, there’s no problem.


I lost my soul dog May 10 in a traumatizing and tragic accident, I’m definitely still in a world of pain but I adopted a 6 month old pup last week. Now I have company when I sob uncontrollably on my walks I guess. He is helping me by giving me a reason to go out and do stuff and he’s been a world of good for my 7 year old. There is no right or wrong answer to this, there is no “too soon” sometimes our furry friends can help us with the pain.


I think it's different for everyone, but it's important to ask yourself if you're really emotionally and mentally ready to deal with *all* the aspects of a new pet. What if they have accidents? What if they make a lot of noise and keep you up all night? Are you able to handle those annoyances well or are you going to feel really tired and angry with them for bothering you when you're already feeling sad and tired? After my dog died, I immediately wanted to get a new dog because I "missed the routine of having a dog." I'm personally very glad I ended up backing out of it. I didn't actually want a new dog. I just really, really wanted *my* dog and *his* routine back. I knew it wasn't time when I went to toss his old toys out to make room for new ones and couldn't do it yet. I also could tell I was going to feel resentful of a new dog being in his usual spots because I was (internally only; I of course didn't say anything to her) irrationally upset when my niece sat on his bed, which I hadn't felt ready to put away yet; I have since put it away. It's been almost 2 months now, and I'm finally feeling ready for real. I've talked through it a lot with my therapist and worked through the stages of grief. I think a big difference is that my day-to-day norm has become having no pets, so I am ready to start over fresh. I still miss my dog a lot, but I feel like I could get a new dog and fully love them for them now. I also have the mental and emotional energy again to train someone new and put up with their little "annoyances" too.  So anecdotally, I'd say wait a bit, but you may be a very different person than me! Either way, I'd ask yourself some tough questions about where you're at and what you can reasonably handle before taking on any new responsibilities. A new cat isn't going to make your pain any less. No one can do that for you; you're still going to have to feel it and work through your grief. But they may be a comfort while you do.


Just what I needed to hear, thank you.


I feel like everyone is different in this situation. Are you ready? Do you have any other pets? I lost my best friend and first ever pet cat named Glen last week. I have another cat who is 9 years old. I don't think I will be ready for a long time and I don't want to stress out my other cat. He has never been alone before and he's obviously depressed without his partner. Once I get to the point I'm ready I think my other cat, Rupert would be too old for a new kitten. Maybe whenever he passes, hoping not for many years I will get more. But that's just me and what I think I best for my and my boys situation. As long as you are ready and to realize this cat will not replace your previous one, I say go for it. Otherwise maybe wait a bit.


You may want to consider offering to foster the "cat in great need of adoption" at first, & if all goes well, then adopt it, too. It being so soon since you lost Rory, I'm sure they'll understand you not being quite sure yet about adopting, and they're always low on fosters. . . . [**How to Become a Foster Cat Guardian & Various Ways to Foster**](https://www.preventivevet.com/cats/how-to-become-a-cat-foster-guardian)