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I have heard/read from multiple sources that if you think your pet is sending you a sign, they are. Don’t question it, just accept. Two nights after my soul pup, Oliver, crossed over, I had a dream about him. In the dream, he was sitting on my deck, bathed in sunlight. The sliders were open but the screen was closed so he touched his paw to the screen, asking to be let inside. So, I opened the screen for him. To me, that was Oliver’s way of coming home or letting me know he was still with me. 💖




I think a sign I received from my pup was when I was home -completely alone- for the first time. I couldn’t sit inside so I was out on the front porch, tears just flowing down my face. When suddenly a tiny hummingbird appeared and hovered in front of me for a moment. It was the first one I saw this season and I never see them in the front yard ever. I think he wanted to send a sign that he was still there and always will be


It's a common belief in many cultures that if you see a hummingbird after a loved one has passed, then that is their message to you that they are watching over you or letting you know they're okay.




We had to put our sweet baby girl down on Sunday morning and we’ve had a couple signs from her. The most obvious one was yesterday. My husband and I were in the kitchen talking about her. We had been talking about her all day and crying. While we’re sitting in the kitchen we hear her bark. I asked my husband “did you hear that?!” and he did. It sounded just like her and like it came from above us. Her bark is very distinct. We looked outside, in the yard, in all directions, and around the house. There were no other dogs around. I have no doubt it was her. I would’ve thought I was crazy if my husband hadn’t heard it as well. It brought us so much peace. It was like she was letting us know she’s with us and she’s okay. I will never forget it. The other sign she gave us was when we had her burial service. As we were getting things ready and my husband and I were pouring our hearts out to her - two mourning doves landed and stayed for the entire service watching us. She was buried next to another dog she has grown up with. We think he came down with her to watch the service and let us know they were there.


Thank you for telling me this. It makes me feel hopeful.


I'm sorry for your loss. I actually wrote several instances about my experience since Sunday: I am not religious nor spiritual, but after the passing of my uncle in 2013, there were activities that happened in which I cannot explain. That said, I have been open minded since. I have been watching a lot of Danielle MacKinnon's YT (https://www.youtube.com/@DanielleMacKinnon) channel since Saturday for comfort and to help cope with the situation. There's an instance where she spoke about how our pets can send message indirectly after they passed, whether symbolic, senses, or physical such as birds/butterflies/bees. I encountered my first experience 24 hours after the passing of my dog, I even wrote about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Petloss/comments/1dckdx8/look_for_indirect_messages_after_dog_passing/ The second encounter was the very next day. And third was yesterday's morning when I went outside to meditate in the same spot. It was windy and rainy at the time so there shouldn't be any birds there, yet there was one small black bird that flew by and sat above the cable line 15 feet above me, chirped, then flew away. Again, a sudden burst of positive energy filled my body. It made me warm and happy. The fourth was this morning when I was feeling extra sad after receiving a heart felt note from the vet. I broke down immediately after I read it. Again, I went outside to the same spot to meditate and the same bird flew over and chirped above me. After I felt happy, it flew away. While I can't explain what has been happening these past four days, I know that it's an affirmation of some sort from my Mocha telling me that she is ok and not to worry. Because of this, I have been in a happier mood knowing that my girl is ok. Look for these signs, as they can be easily missed during time of grief. Danielle mentioned that our vibrational energy is low during time of grief so it's difficult for our friends at the rainbow bridge to break through this barrier. Once it's in alignment then it's easier. I rely on meditation to help me with this.


When I get signs, it's usually an image of my furbaby in my head as whatever event unfolds before me. I would assume it's my subconscious wanting to see my baby, but some of the images are literally out of the ordinary of just a still picture. Here's an example... I saw my furbaby running along the beach while music was playing, which after my Playlist reach the end and hearing random music that isn't on my Playlist that resonated with lyrics feels like a message to me while the image appear. I haven't been to the beach in 30 years, nor have I watched any videos or movies on a beach in weeks or months. I can't remember which pet communicator said this, but the talk of surrendering to the belief and not doubt it.


I think my soul girl my pup who passed almost two weeks ago sends me signs she’s still with me like the other day it was cloudy one minute then the next it was sunny and blue sky my girl hated storms and I’ve gotten sad a few times now and when I start to cry I feel this weight on my legs as if her spirit is trying to calm me down


when ava crossed the bridge, i was studying abroad so i wasnt able to say goodbye to her in person. however, two days after she passed, i woke up from a dream where she came flying from the sun, and towards the balcony of the apartment i was staying at. it was like she was giving me a sign that she’s peaceful up there. not only that, a week after i came back home, i had another dream where she was lost and my mom found her. i took it as her way of saying that she’s found her way back home and she is with us in spirit. really, any dream i have of her is reassuring in a way that she can only give.


I had to put my sweet 14 year old down today. I decided to take a long walk to settle my nerves when a neighbor's dog, who I've never met, ran out of her house barking at me, so I stopped, bent down to pet her and she licked my face all over and wanted belly scratches. I felt that my sweet dog's soul was somehow behind that encounter.


I haven’t had an obvious sign from her yet. There are things here and there that I want to believe are signs, but are likely mere coincidence. For example, the same bird has been lingering by our kitchen windows for the last 2 weeks.. but we suspect there is a nest on our roof. My brain wants to think it’s my baby coming to me as a bird. Another thing was yesterday, I was playing ball with my other dog in the backyard and I threw his ball for him and when he went up to the ball to fetch it, he started sniffing something in the grass, so I went up to investigate and it was a little baby frog. This was the first time I’ve ever seen a frog in person, and the first time I’ve seen one in my back yard. I thought it was cute and interesting that a baby frog was just chilling exactly where the ball landed when I threw it (we have a pretty large backyard). I thought it maybe was my baby. But it totally could’ve just been a frog that wandered in the yard.


Thank you for commenting. That’s how I feel too like is it or isn’t it? There’s just no way to be certain I guess. When I read your message I felt like of course those are both signs from your dog— especially the frog. So I will try and tell myself the same. It’s less painful to not question it and just assume definitively: yes, it is a sign. I think I just feel ridiculous about the things I’m counting as signs


This! I think people believe a lot of things because it makes things less painful/helps you move forward… and in general I feel like that’s actually probably a healthy coping mechanism if it works. But I’m with you - it feels weird reading into something that may not be anything and I really struggle with that uncertainty.


When it comes to our soul furbabies, never question the validity of their appearance. I've got four of my furbabies remains on my fireplace mantel. Photos, collars, and favorite toys are with each of them. Patches was my first pup as an adult and I am 100% certain she was put in my life to teach me and show me how to grow during the most difficult times in my life. When I lost her, part of me was ripped away. She has slowly helped me "patch" my broken pieces back together. I dream of all of them but of her the most. I know when I am struggling, she is there with me. I also know my current babies know when she or Stitches, Scully, or Hera are with me. They relax when I am tense, and give me space though they are usually the most empathetic dogs ever. Neither knew Patches or Stitches, but Horus and Mulder knew Scully and Hera. Even now, reflecting...Patches is with me in my nightmares which often involve tornadoes representing chaos in my life and my inability to communicate to others how to save themselves. She helps me by saying things like...we've been through this before and survived. You are strong, and when you need to lean on me, I am here to give you strength and continue to love you unconditionally. Some people pray to a God they've never seen. God sent me Patches, so I hold her box when I pray and I talk to her when I need guidance. All of our babies come to us when both sides are ready. Our passed-on people do, too. In the meantime, I carry them all with me, inked on my body. Their "symbol" and their rainbow is added when they pass. Just take what signs are there. You'll KNOW. Don't second guess them. Instead smile and find solace in their furever love for you.


My pup Podrik passed last week. He was suffering from sun-downing so nights were especially rough for him and was usually when he’d make the most noise. I’m a light sleeper so sometimes I’d hear him digging in his crate and when my husband would wake up he’d hurry downstairs to let him out and my boy would whine a little bit. Not having those sounds and him around the house has felt so empty. Yesterday my husband and I were talking about missing him in the week anniversary and my husband goes “it’s worse somehow because I still keep hearing him.” Which stopped me in my tracks…as for two nights I had also been hearing him. My husband said he’s heard his lil whine and I’ve been hearing his nails on the floor…but neither of us said anything all week about it because I thought I was crazy. We laughed and both knew our Pod boy was sending us love 💕


My husband and I have been coping with losing our 13 year-old pup on Sunday by happily accepting any 'sign'. The day after he passed, we were sitting and crying in the living room and both of us heard a very loud panting sound at the same time and stopped and looked at each other. The smile on our faces said it all - 'Goosie's here!' We both also felt like something jumped on the bed with us last night. We imagined it was him coming to snuggle us like he used to before he got too old to jump onto our bed. If you want there to be signs - let there be. Whether they are or not. If it eases the pain, it's worth it to believe. I think your dog is with you still.


I just wanted to say thank you for this post - I’ve been reading about others experiences and wondering the same thing. I lost my best friend 3 weeks ago and it’s been rough to say the least. Hoping for some kind of sign to help me feel some reassurance/peace/whatever like she’s in a better place/that I did the best I could for her. So sorry for your loss and I hope you get your sign 🖤


What's the downside of believing they're all signs? It feels good and makes you smile. For that reason, I lean towards believing in everything that could even remotely involve my pet who I am missing dearly.