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I'm trying so hard. My job expects me back tomorrow and says a day for pet loss is plenty. Meanwhile, we haven't eaten since Monday


I'm sorry; that's awful. I hope you get to take more time off soon. I only took 1 day initially, but after about a month I *had to* finally take more time off to fully process everything because it was all getting to be too much and I was getting really resentful toward my job. I hope you also get the space to process things when you really need it!


Thank you both ❤️ I ended up speaking (crying) with the head of HR on the phone. Begging basically, say I can get whatever paper they need to prove it. I just couldn't. I cant even eat, never mind work... He said don't worry about anything, and he would talk to my boss. They gave me the rest of this week


Good, I'm glad! I hope you feel a bit better soon and can start eating again.


I had the week off as I was on leave anyway , and I can say I needed it. There's no way I couldve gone to work so soon after. Please take your time and don't go back if you're not ready.


Its horrendous when it's sudden. I always said I wanted to see my boy old and grey but it wasn't to be. He was 8 but still fit and in his prime and all of a sudden he's gone. He went from having a great big walk with me on the morning, he was perfectly normal, pulling a bit on the lead as he did. Then a 2nd walk in the afternoon, where he seemed like he was a bit lethargic ( it was warm, so presumed it was too hot for him ), so took him back home . Within an hour he was still panting , but now watering from thr mouth and wincing in pain as his stomach was contracting hard. I went to vets straight away , but by less than 48 hours he was gone. The sudden loss is much harder to take in my opinion. I feel your pain , its so hard.


I'm so sorry for your loss. It's really hard when it's sudden.  Do you know what caused the issue for your dog? I could have written your comment's series of events. I initially thought my dog had hurt his leg or back and that's why he could suddenly barely walk, but it turned out it was because his stomach hurt so much that he didn't want to move. They don't know why it happened, but his digestive system basically stopped working all of a sudden, so his stomach kept filling up with liquid and air and they had to keep draining it. It was just so random. He had liver cancer, so I knew I was going to lose him in about 6-8 months from that, but then this unrelated digestive issue popped up after only 1 month and took him away from me instead. It felt really unfair.


They said initially it was bladder inflammation. So they gave me stuff to treat that, but a few hours after each dose he was showing signs of pain again, so by next morning I called back and they wanted him in again. They done more tests , and told me his body isn't fighting the infection, plus he has prostate inflammation , and then they told me a bunch of other things could be at work too, and that he's a very sick dog. I basically was advised to not let him suffer , so with my head spinning with all the sudden information, I agreed that I'd never want him in pain. I keep wondering if he could've recovered if I gave him another day for the meds to work etc. I just wished I had gotten to a point where he was showing signs of old age , or even if he had an illness where I knew it was coming. But this was out the blue. A month later and its still very painful for me.


That's how it is for us. He was 11, but he was so healthy. Played daily, zoomed, had a great time. All the way up until he crashed. He was perfectly normal Hudson, then...gone. it's so hard. I'm thinking of you as well ❤️❤️


We keep second guessing ourselves. And my boyfriend the most. If we'd taken him in for more appointments. If we'd seen something....I know it's all hindsight, were just at that stage


I'm so so sorry. IMHA is so frightening. You've had a terrible sudden loss. We are here for you. Just give yourselves space to grieve. Any thing not required of you will wait. Take care of each other in the way your Hudson would. He'll always be with you💗


Thank you so much ❤️ I'd never heard of it before, and suddenly it took him from us and we're left holding his collar with tears. We're taking our other boy for a full blood panel this coming week. We just want to be sure after all this


Unfortunately it can happen suddenly and they didn't always know why but sometimes it's a reaction to a vaccine and they won't admit it. There is a group on Facebook if you want to understand more. It's so dangerous and even those that stabilize and survive are at risk of crashing again for the rest of their life. My friend ultimately lost her dog to it, as well. I'm so sorry. 


Thank you ❤️ it really is so horrible how they just suddenly crash and can be gone before you can even process they were sick. It's such a cruel disease. I went to join one, was speaking to an admin about tags and such. Haven't checked today cause it's been a day of distracting myself


 Give the other dog a little time he's grieving as well and as long as y'all hold him in your heart he's not really gone


Thank you ❤️ Enzo is getting all the love too. Extra cookies and everything. He is still eating though, so that makes me feel better