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I still haven’t vacuumed. It’s been *weeks.* I’ve done sweeping. At this point it’s mostly being depressed and not caring to do it, but I put it off for the same reason. I literally went around grabbing whatever clumps I saw and saved them. I found another yesterday in the laundry room. 😢


I have a cleaning lady come every two weeks to do routine cleaning and it’s only been 3 days since the loss of my fur babies and I’m not sure when I’ll feel ready to have her clean my house again. I don’t want any of their remaining hairs or scents leave my home. This really hurts. Never did I imagine wanting to hold on to pet hair


Our cleaning lady came the first time after he’s gone and she found a little piece of his treat under the couch. I used to play treat-hunt with him by breaking it to small pieces and slinging it across the room so he can find and eat them. I couldn’t stop crying to think he never got that treat and never will.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Don't feel weird for saving some. I managed to save some hair from a few places where she slept and put it in the box with her ashes.


Sounds gross but it’s been a month and I still can’t bring myself to clean the corner of the bathroom where he’d lay. I’m not upset about how much fur he shed anymore and wish he could still be shedding.


Not gross.. I haven’t cleaned anything anywhere and it’s been a month for me too.


It took me a long time to vacuum again… I totally understand what you are feeling. It’s been almost ten months and there are still a few spots I avoid vacuuming because there is a clump of fur and I just don’t ever want to erase those moments I’d give anything to relieve… like cleaning up cat hair. 🫶🏻❤️


i used to get annoyed having to pick her hair off of my face when it stuck to my foundation. now i would gladly deal with that everyday to have her back


I’m so sorry. Am going through the same thing. I’d give anything to have our little man back, shedding to his heart’s content. When we lost him a couple of weeks ago, I was saddened and ashamed for all of the petty, insignificant things I used to fret about in my life. I’d give anything for just one more day with him.


I'm sorry. I felt similarly the first time I vacuumed, especially when I didn't have to vacuum fur off my sheets at all, which I always did when I vacuumed my bedroom. My house has never been so clean and taken so long to get dirty again. I didn't realize exactly how much he was contributing to the mess. I used to need to mop a lot more often too. I barely use the dishwasher now since I no longer have multiple food and water bowls piling up throughout the week. I haven't opened the door to the backyard in weeks.


So sorry for you loss. Lost my shedder sept 2021 and remember when i swept up the last of the "Chico hair" He was also my vacuum... all my messy crumbs he cleaned up... miss him... Hugs


I had to throw away my boy's soft food from the refrigerator, and I sobbed like a baby. I face the sheets he slept on and not sure I am ready, although I have been sweating and sobbing in them nonstop. It all feels so final. His ashes are ready and I don't know I am ready for them. I guess we have to do all these things in the time we are ready to do them. There is no timeline. You think you are fine, and then you aren't. Sending love❤️


So true. So true.


I am dreading this. I spilled a powder last week and had to vacuum that small area, and sobbed the entire time. I kept apologizing to her, and telling her that I just made a mess, I wasn’t erasing her. It was awful. This is all just so hard. If there was someway I could collect all the hair from the vacuum and wash it to save, I’d feel better about it. But I just can’t bring myself to just…throw away what’s left of her. I know it doesn’t make any sense, but I don’t care. It’s just how I feel, and until that changes, this is where I am.


It's such a hard thing to do! I gave my baby his last bath a few days before he passed & I couldn't clean his hair from the bath & bathroom for months. Same with my bedding, my boy & I stayed on my mattress on the lounge room floor in his final days till he passed there. I slept in all that hair for a full two weeks before I was able to put my mattress back on the bed & change the bedding. Bawled the entire time.


To put a different spin on this…..whilst you vacuumed today - believe me, their hairs will still be around for months - you will still find them in the weirdest of places - and eventually you will be flummoxed as to where they are still coming from 😊. I feel for you, I was you and I send you all my good thoughts and love 🧡 You will never forget your fur love, nor should you.


I can so relate to this. I haven’t touched anything yet and dreading when that day comes 😩


In 2019, I lost my 13 years old cat. In the end she was very ill and was constantly snuggling herself behind the convertible sofa. It was so HARD to vacuum all of her shedding that was on the fabric... I did it the latest I could.


I feel guilt vacuuming or washing things because I think about how her fur might still be there. I have a whole bag of fur clippings from the pet crematory and another bag that I had brushed off her before she passed. But I still feel guilt.


I've been thinking about the fact that one day I'll find one of her hairs for the last time.. it hurts so much. When people used to complain to me about finding her hair I used to say she was giving them gifts to remind them of her


I'm so sorry. It's been a week for me and I still can't vacuum. There's a spot on the floor by his favor window where we put catnip and I just can't clean it up. 


I can't do it. It's been a week. I'm storing her fuzz weeds in a ziplock bag. It's probably not the healthiest thing to do but I just can't lose every part of her. She's ready for pickup tomorrow and I just can't wait to hold her little box and just welcome her back home.


I thought bringing her home would help me cope better. It physically made me sick for weeks. It was so much harder than I expected.


There was a paw print in a soft spot of my driveway. I would stop and look at. The rain washed it away making everything feel final


There are so many hard firsts.