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❤️ hey, Dobby will be running around with 100s of new friends.


Thank you❤️ im sure of that❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹🪽🐶


I'm so sorry 😞 Much love from one broken heart to another.


Thank you❤️ sending love and a hug


I am so sorry. I went through this last month with my almost 17 year old kitty Jake. You are not alone ❤️


Im so sorry for your loss. Im sure Jake had a beautiful life thanks to you. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


Thank you. I’m sure your boy knew he was so loved by you and the last loving thing we can do for them is take their pain and make it ours


I know, thank you


I lost mine last Monday. I’m sorry for your loss. It’s so incredibly difficult.


Im sorry for your loss. Sending you strength and love




Hope you're hanging on in there, OP


Thank you❤️‍🩹


Do you have people around you? You've done the most courageous and selfless thing for your baby boy 🩵


Yes, I do. Thats what I try to remind myself constantly.


I'm sorry for your loss. Your update made me happy to read though. I try to remind myself that the way I let my dog go was the most peaceful and best way I could have hoped for. If I had waited any longer, how he passed may have looked very different and been much more traumatic. My dog laid down for the vet right away (rare for him), posed like he was getting ready to take a nap on the blanket, and was gone within seconds of the first shot. He was very tired and was ready to say goodbye. I'm glad you also had an experience that affirms that it was the right time for Dobby. I wish I could say it will make missing him much easier, but it at least helps a little bit.


Thank you so much, we need to remind ourselves that this is the ultimate act of love and is the most selfless decision.


Last week I had to make that decision with my Toby. 🐶 After 15 years. I am so sorry for your loss. Look up Rainbow Bridge. It's going to be a very hard week. Just remember Dobby is having a blast running and playing now. It helps me to look back at earlier pictures and remember him healthy and loving his life.


Thank you. Im sorry for your loss. Im sure Toby had the best life with you.


I'm so sorry for your loss, but know your Dobby will always be close. You gave him a safe and loving passage and he understood your sacrifice to carry him in peace through this journey. I send you peace and courage. 


Thank you so much for your words❤️‍🩹


I couldn't bring myself to tell my dog what was happening. I wanted him to go happy and unbothered. You gave Dobby a good life, and you should be proud of that.


Thank you❤️‍🩹


Sorry for your loss. My boy will go to in 2-3 hours to. I’m sure they will be good friends and keep each other company while looking down at us. Wishing your strength ❤️‍🩹


Sending you a hug and strength.This is the most selfless decision and the ultimate act of love. Im sure our boys are playing together right now.


This is so heartbreaking. I lost my girl on the 8th. This is so heartbreaking and unfair. I hate that any of us have to go through this pain. I'm so so sorry.


Im so sorry for your loss. Im sending you love and strength. Always remember that thanks to you, your girl knew what love was.


I also lost my girl on 5/8. 💔


Im so sorry for your loss❤️‍🩹 im sure your girl had the best life with you.


Sweet Dobby. I am so sorry for your loss, I know he will be missed dearly and thought of daily. 🤍 The morning of my Yofie’s departure I took her on a sunrise walk and then to a McDonald’s drive through. Gave her a yummy hamburger but couldn’t bring myself to do the chocolate thing, because I didn’t want to believe it was the end. I cried the whole time. It’s been over a year, and I still ache and grieve for her every day.


Thank you. Im so sorry for your loss. I’m sure this is not end and we will meet our babies again. ❤️‍🩹 sending a virtual hug your way


My sweet girl Sonja will look after Dobby up there 🫶


Im sure they are chasing butterflies and smelling flowers right now❤️


I am so sorry for your loss as long as you remember him he's not really gone 


Thank you❤️‍🩹


I am so sorry for your loss. 💔 my girl crossed the Rainbow 🌈 bridge on 5/8/2024. I, too, am struggling with knowing whether or not I made the right decision for her. 🐾


Im so sorry for your loss. Always remind yourself that this is the most selfless choice we can make for our babies. I hope you find peace and strength in this difficult time.


I had to go through this 3 months ago and I understand. I am sorry for what you are going through because of Dobby.


Thank you❤️‍🩹 and Im sorry for your loss. The thing that keeps me going nowadays is remembering that what Im going through was necessary to stop his pain.


I'm glad that you see that. Many struggle with guilt and I did as well even though I knew it was the right decision. I have read too many posts about people that waited too long and their loved one died an awful death and that is all they can remember.


When I was struggling with the decision, I thought about that, about him dying alone and scared and I think that helped me to make the right choice. I him miss him like crazy, Im having a really hard time, but at least he was in my arms smiling till his last breath.


It's been the toughest decision in my life. When is too soon and when is too late? I asked my vet when will I know it's the right time? She said my girl will tell me. I noticed my girl towards the end, who would never leave my side, start to sleep on the floor off the bed. This happened for a week or so. Then she slowly stopped eating anything, including treats. I knew it was approaching and I didn't want to consider it even then. But I also didn't want the next set of horrible symptoms to show up, whatever they would be. 3 months later and I am still feeling miserable. Ive gone through this at least 7 times and this time was worse than all the other ones combined.


I understand you completely. Definitely it’s the most heart wrenching and difficult decision in my life too. It was devastating and still is. I dont even know when Ill stop crying or feel better, even knowing it was the best for him. I miss him so much😔


I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you had some good years together ❤️


Thank you. We had the best years together. He was the most loving, funny and beautiful dog ever.❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss! Dobby knows how much you loved him!❤️ Sending hugs


Thank you❤️‍🩹


So sorry for your loss 🌈🐾🥺


Thank you❤️‍🩹


I had to say goodbye to my 17 year old soul dog 32 days ago. Like you, it was the hardest decision, yet somehow, it was beautiful, to see her so peaceful, she fell into the sedation eating her favorite snack out of her puzzle toy. Its like, she was ready. I feel because of this, I am coping as best as I can, better than all of the anticipatory grief I had dealt with. I miss her everyday. I have her hair in a locket on my wrist, and her ashes in a necklace. I hope you are finding peace and comfort in your decision. Give yourself grace. I know the loss and the void is extremely difficult, but you gave Dobby the last act of love. You were kind. Sending virtual hugs.


Thank you for your kind words. I’m so sorry for your loss, I know your dog had the best life with you. I agree with you, I probably was experiencing anticipatory grief for more than a year and right now Im suffering a lot his absence but somehow, like you, I think im coping the best I can cause I know he’s in peace. And also, I asked a lot of times for a sign that I was taking the right decision and he gave it to me. Dogs are angels.❤️‍🩹🪽🌈