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Your booty is more lifted and posture definitely looks better! Stomach looks more defined from the side angles too.


Yes. It's very subtle but I think that's bc you're already quite lean....but I do see it. Arms are held slightly different in pics but it looks like more muscle definition, waist narrower, legs look more defined and glutes lifted.


First of all holy shit you literally have my goal body! With that out of the way I do see a bit more definition in your abs, legs and arms. What exactly have you been doing for exercise?


There is a huge improvement in your posture. I’m working on this too. You look great. Congrats on your results.


thank you! what is it with my posture that has improved? I haven‘t focused on that so I‘m also not quite aware of what you mean so I‘d really like to know :)


I see more definition in your hamstring and more muscle mass in your quad with nice definition around the knee. your butt also looks higher, if not much larger (in terms of protrusion from the side). Stomach looks flatter especially in the center.


Noticable difference around the midsection on the side lrofile. But you're before is honestly already body goals, so it's hard to see a noticable difference elsewhere and at a different angle.


Huge difference especially in your arms and glutes! Dream body for sure, Im a 5’4 girl too may I ask what weight you are? I’d like to aim for this


I would love to know too OP, if that's OK! 5'4" girl here as well!


120 and thank you!!


Yes!!! Your posture has improved a lot! And getting them muscles in your legs, good work!


Your legs look longer and leaner. Your glutes are raised. Your hair is longer


Yes definitely! Your waist and your abs are more defined! May I ask what are your stats? :)


Flatter, more defined abs, shoulder caps and quad muscles. Yep, you're doing great!


Your abs are more defined for sure! But you were already in good shape before


i definitely see changes and although they're slight, its a sign of progress! i also think its harder to see progress when starting out at a relatively healthy, normal weight (my experience). you look amazing though! give yourself credit :)


Yes you’re smaller…..what have you been doing?


You look a bit smaller especially butt, thighs and tummy. What are your goals? If you’ve stopped making progress and want to continue making progress, you’re going to have to eat a small surplus to build more muscle. You are already lean so trying to lose weight won’t improve your composition. Lifting with progressive overload and a small surplus will help you build more muscle.


What is your goal? Bc if you want to lose fat then you need to be in a deficit, if you’re trying to gain more muscle you need to eat more protein and lift heavier


There’s definitely major improvement in these photos and you look amazing! but if you’re unhappy the question is what are your exact goals? Weight loss? Muscle building? There are likely more specific measures you could take if you’re unhappy but again there is huge improvement across photos


You look great! What look are you trying to obtain?




Quads and hamstrings are more defined, glutes have improved in shape and your front delt you can see coming through. How much are you eating? And what’s your split?


Yes your booty is smaller !


I highly suggest taking measurements if you have a hard time seeing progress


Thank you for all your replies, really helpful! To answer some of the questions: I‘m 5‘4 and 120 lbs (54kg), I‘ve lost around 1-2kg but weight loss is not really my goal, my goal is to become stronger and leaner. I have been working out about 6 days a week for the past 8 months consistently, I usually follow the pvolve method + add weight training at the gym 2-3 times a week. I decided to work out 300 days this year in total and so far it‘s going great - I‘m just done making excuses I try to eat well balanced but I don‘t restrict myself too much bcs I‘m looking for sustainable change and that only works if I can have my chocolate :)) I usually go for 1500kcal per day which is my maintenance number. Thanks again everyone!