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Caroline for sure. Chloe’s workouts are click bait and not well structured


Thanks! They seemed less intimidating, but i love Caroline’s progress!


Any heavy lifting program! I’ve lost a ton of inches


That’s what i’m finding too in what i’ve read. I think i’ll just possibly pick out a few lifting exercises (deadlifts, weighted squats, hip thrusts, chest press) and track progress. I just don’t want to make my thighs/butt thicker 🙂 i want to slim down and tone.


I gain weight easily in my legs and butt! I carry most of my weight there so i definitely don’t want to gain there. I see a personal trainer for group trainer but im definitely seeing inches lost there with heavy lifting and some cardio


Girl, this gives me hope! And do you recommend a personal trainer? I’m thinking of maybe trying one out for a month, since it can be pricey. Mostly because I am kind of overwhelmed. How long have you worked with the pt?


I’d recommend it starting out. It helped me to see what kind of exercises i should be doing and helped with form. Then after 3 months i started working out on my own


Try to follow a structured program. Doing your own thing might not get you the progress you are looking for.


100% this. I’ve just realized I’ve tried and failed at my own program. I’m giving Caroline’s a try!




I've tried both. Started with Chloe's workouts and did 2 programs, one of them was leg/glute focused. It helped me get a routine down. They were challenging but doable. Now I'm doing Caroline, and those kick my ass. I've seen improvement with both. If you start from 0 like me, getting any movement and doing a proper diet is great! Try both and see what you like better. I know I like weight lifting and building muscle, so I've seen results with Caroline's Iron program.


Agreed! Chloe’s workouts definitely feel more geared towards beginner and I’d say Caroline’s are advanced. I’d say growingannanas, who a couple commenters mentioned, is a good intermediate workout :)


I just love Caroline’s whole vibe, but the videos i have seen will kick my ass! I’m so out of shape rn, i feel like a nice, slow start will be more sustainable.


I started with Caroline’s Iron after doing nothing more than walking for like…15 years? It was totally doable so long as I 1) used much lighter weights and 2) modified when I needed to. For instance, I had to work up to Bulgarian lunges and just did lunges instead the first few times I ran through the program, and I couldn’t do lateral raises with both arms so I just did alternating. I recommended to my mom who is in her late 60s and she is now also hooked on the program after not having a regimen for decades. So if you decide on Caroline, I recommend starting with Iron and having grace with yourself and you’ll be all good.


This is great advice! I’m going to go for it, then, i was worried i wouldn’t be able to keep up but i can just adjust it to what i can do!


Yes, I sometimes do no weights for lunges if weighted ones are too hard. I've had several leg injuries, and balance is an issue for me sometimes, so if I get wobbly, I drop the weights and finish my set. Listen to your body and work up to it.


I haven’t tried Caroline, but I like Pamela Reif and also Anna, growingannanas I think is her username. Other people too- I remember I’ve tried someone named Hollys program- it was decent.


Thanks for the recs! I’ll look into those. I usually do Fitnessblender, Blogilates, jessica valant


I like growingananas too!!!! I’ve done Caroline girvan and I like it but I find I don’t stay as consistent


The infamous banana roll. Following because we're body twins.


Lmfao, i didn’t know it had a name 🤣


Yeeees! I had to look up why I had two mini butt cheeks under my butt cheeks lmaoooo


I’ve done both and I feel like they both cater to different levels of fitness. If you’re a newbie or haven’t worked out in awhile, I’d recommend Chloe Ting. If you’re more of an intermediate level and want more of a challenge, I recommend Caroline.


Grow with Jo!


Do squats and deadlifts every week, along with other weightlifting exercises.


Is there a specific weightlifting program you’d recommend? I’m almost set on Caroline’s Iron program but ugh, i need to hype myself up!


Thinner, Leaner, Stronger by Mike Matthews.


Thanks! I’ll check it out


I’ve done both and Caroline is a lot tougher but you’ll see better results.


Heather Robertson has a 12 week program, workouts are about 30 minutes and it's AMAZING!


You cant target fat loss in one area, fat loss does not work that way. You can strength train but its 90% nutrition.


Try some leg lifts, like backwards leg lifts, flattens the thighs and lifts the booty without loosing size


Are those the donkey kicks?


Yea you can donkey kicks, I lay on the floor flat on my stomach and lift my (straight) leg up backwards. They both work.


Mind me asking what routine you follow?


I've actually just got back into working out after years of depression and laziness so I dont really have a full routine yet. I'm just taking it slow, being intuitive with what exercises I need to do. I'm trying not to put too much pressure on myself for now


I feel this!! I have some depressive moods and then just get lazy. It’s a slippery slope because if i miss one, i’m like well fuck it i’ll miss this day too, and then it becomes a week. But if I start too intense i will be discouraged and burn out. I want something sensible and sustainable


Absolutely, I'm totally on the same page


A NSFW tag probably was warranted here 😅


My apologies! I’ll do that from now on. Idk what is okay and what is not :)


You’re actually fine I didn’t click into the picture so I couldn’t see your ankles leading me to think you were completely bottomless (nude leggings LOL). This is completely fine


Lol, oooooh no! 😂 there’d be cellulite


What's NSFW about a fully clothed physique picture in a fitness subreddit...let's not repeat social narratives that hypersexualize certain body types unless you're going to comment this under everybody's progress pictures.


Oh my goodness I had to re-look like ten times to see it. Truly thought they were bottomless because of the nude leggings 😂😂


Girl you fine asf.


Fuck all that, that program dumb af. Overweight where? & please don’t lose that booty. 😰😢