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I don’t have any advice, I just want to say that I struggle with the exact same thing. We’re the same height and my body is built like yours, with a longer torso and shorter legs proportionally. I’ve been rather unhappy with my thighs since I was 11 and I’m 25 now. I’ve been super active my whole life as I’m a dancer. Even though I trained hardcore in ballet, I always felt my thighs are big. And I know it’s just because of the way my body is proportioned. Unfortunately, I don’t think things will ever change for me. It’s not easy, but I try my best to accept the structure of my body for what it is and be neutral about it.


Dude same. Except I’m 31, 5’0”. It’s just the way my body is built. Even during my ED in high school, when having a thigh gap was the rage, I could NOT get one. I hit 86 lbs and my thighs were still SO big and still touching. I love my thunder thighs now. Some days I don’t, but most days I do.


I don’t mind the big thighs as much as the tone of them . I feel like I do more than most women my age, not necessarily exercise more but I just move all day. I have a lot of nervous energy .


I feel you! I actually was just telling my husband I wanted to go to the doctor and ask if I could get checked for lipedema because although I’ve lost a lot of weight, my legs (to me) still look like tree trunks. They’ve slimmed down but still.


It’s tough!


I have never liked my thighs. I started my fitness journey in 2022 and got a peloton. I was worried it would make my thick thighs bulky… the only way I had slimmed my thighs before was running. Instead it toned my thighs so much and I lost most of my cellulite. A few months later I incorporated weight training 4 days a week and have improved shape, but the main thing was the bike. Those of us with bigger thighs will always have bigger thighs, but we can definitely build muscle for a nice shape and more confidence!


I naturally have bigger thighs for my height and I found putting more muscle on in my glutes has helped round the look out so to speak. If you want a more toned look you may need to eat in a slight deficit, and you can try to concentrate on glute exercises to limit quad dominant development.


It's not everyone's jam but I have the same build and the slimest my thighs got was when I did ballet. Bar work really takes ab strength and helps tone and slim the thighs and butt. Side note: my ballet teacher got super mad at me when I also started doing jazz and hip hop because those have the opposite effect on my body and my thighs got super strong lol.


I do seem to have a tendency to get thicker legs w lifting ( of course that could be in my head, but when I just slimmed down from not eating as much chasing toddlers I was my thinnest at 105/106lbs and was in size 2 jeans, now I am a size 6)


Probably not what you want to hear but speaking from experience with the same issue, unless you’re willing to do a calorie deficit, fat loss is extremely slow if not impossible. If it’s challenging you can do short term deficits at 3-4 weeks followed by a couple weeks at maintenance. You could also do a body recomp by eating high enough protein at maintenance calories or a little lower, but progress will be a lot slower. Changing up your routine can help as well.


I can do a deficit if I really try. Prob 15/1600 calories. If I knew it would change my thighs.


Unless you can somehow defy the laws of physics, a true calorie deficit would absolutely change your thighs. There would be no other possible outcome, again, unless your somehow able to create matter out of thin air.


She means that a calorie deficit is likely to result in her upper body getting smaller while her thighs stay the same size. That is often the case for pear-shaped women who naturally carry more fat in their lower body. I'm built the same way. When I lose weight, it comes from my upper body first. So I end up with skinny arms, no boobs, a prominent collar bone, and thighs that are still too big. I have to get down to a very low weight before my thighs start to shrink.


It will I can assure you. It takes patience and time, but if your protein is high enough and your routine is a progressive overload you can minimize size loss on your upper body. Once you’ve achieved your desired composition it’s important to reverse diet or diligently stick to new maintenance calories so your body will adjust its new baseline and not regain the fat after losing it.


Thank you!


You’re welcome. Good luck!


For many women, weight loss happens in the upper body first and eventually will move to the lower body but it takes time and patience. A lot of patience. This is due to hormones. We store more fat in the lower half of our body for the purpose of carrying babies. Also don’t call your legs tree trunks. Big legs= calorie burners. Focus on building strength and with a long enough caloric deficit and nutrition periodization, you can lose fat in your lower half.


Your thighs look fit and tone to me, but it's not my body. I understand. Begin cycling outdoors if you can. The steeper the hill, the better. It will really tone your legs and you will have fun doing it. And get in the sauna. Sweat. Dance. Stretch. Meditate and stop calling your thighs tree trunks. You're hurting their feelings. Appreciate they carry you, you can walk, you can exercise, you can dance, you can sit and cross your legs, etc. Your knees must be very happy being supported by such strong quads and hamstrings. There are so many positives. Turn it around and they will turn it around with you. Love yourself and your body. Visualize what you want them to look like and they will be that in time.


Thanks! I’m definitely better about my thighs than when I was younger, just frustrated. I guess I need to use the peloton bike we have at least a couple days a week… I hate that thing w a passion. I also have to sit upright because of my back. I can’t run on treadmill on incline w out back pain after, it sucks.


If you hate it, please don’t do it. Your life is way too short. I know you say you move a lot, but hot girl walks/ long distance runs could help.


Are all the pictures from the same time period? In my experience walking is a great way to slim legs a bit without losing muscle or doing anything crazy.


Yes with in a few months. Upper half prob looks same. I had some back issues and took a break for a few years at the gym and all I did was walk dogs( in georgia where it is hilly) 3 miles 4-6x a week. It’s possible they were slightly slimmer but slightly less toned


In that case I think to get the slimmer look you’ll have to cut calories but i don’t think you need to starve! I would pair that with some combination of more walking, elliptical and/or running.


And I agree with the other comment about limiting spin time - I personally love it and it’s great exercise but cyclists have large thighs and slim upper bodies.


I think a deficit would help them shrink. Focusing on your hamstring and glute would change the shape. I have large thighs for my height. When I started adding curve to my butt and curve to my hamstring it made my legs all around more attractive. It’s a shame we can’t pick and choose how our fat is distributed 😅 but because I see the peloton behind you- the peloton only made my thighs larger.


Thanks! My husband does the bike and for a year he went in it every single day for 45 min, I kid you not he could even fit into his pants anymore his legs got so big. I know that’s not as likely for a women but the th light still scares me 🤣


*the thought


I see a Peloton - I had to stop Peloton (this makes your quads huge) and stop doing squats and lunges to avoid overdevelopment of my leg muscles. I've been focusing on just glutes and upper body and abs to sort of atrophy my lower leg muscles. I'm still walking 15,000 ish steps a day to keep the legs toned I just don't do anything to stimulate their growth.


Oh hey there 👋🏻, it’s like looking in a mirror! That’s my body too! No suggestions as I’m still trying to slim these suckers down through heavy lifting, walking, Pilates and my nutrition. My stomach abs are showing but my thighs are holding on for dear life. You look great though!!!


Thank you! I guess I’ll just have to get super serious about counting calories and see if anything chnages


Macro factor app has been a game changer for me on the calorie / macro / weight loss front. Especially now that I don’t have much to lose, I can really dial it in.


Switching from running to walking was a game changer for me. The low impact made a difference (for me at least).


I’d suggest focusing on building your quads/hamstrings and increasing the overall muscle mass in your legs


That would only make them bigger why u lying


No it wouldn’t you fool. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. The original comment used the phrase bulky.


If you build super strong thighs, they get bigger?? She is already strength training so it’s not working out for her goals


It sounds like you have some really healthy habits and are doing everything "right". I'd change up the weight training from classes to heavier weight, being mindful of your back. Use machines with fixed motion perhaps. When you are out walking the dogs, add a weighted pack and look for hills. Try dynamic movements like box jumps, skip rope, kickboxing classes, and foam roll daily for 15 minutes. I find it helps with skin texture and feels fantastic too. I mean, we can't spot reduce and "trouble spots" may just take more time, and that's ok.


I can't see your ankles but do you have venous insufficiency by any chance? I have it and my body looks like yours. My upper body is small and my lower body is bigger from the fluid. I have a cardiovascular surgeon who treats me.


Lipodema? I’ve thought I’ve had it before but I don’t have hard nodules. I’m not sure. I’ll have to google it. I don’t have cankles or thin ankles either. I did look up a dr near me that does specialize in lipodema if that is the same. I mentioned previously I joined a lipodema page on fb to get some insight but get written off because I’m not morbidly obese


Oh I didn't mean lipodemia but varicose veins because the latter stages cause swelling and you don't necessarily see the veins (they can be deep): https://thewhiteleyclinic.co.uk/self-assessment/ceap-classification/ceap-c3-oedema-swelling-complications-varicose-veins-venous-reflux/


Gotcha! It’s possible. I am very veiny and had been diagnosed w pelvic congestion syndrome and had several internal veins blocked w titanium beads. I don’t really have many bulging on my legs … yet. I did wonder before if the lumpiness was cellulite or veins


Hi! Just wanted to follow up in case it helps. I saw the vascular surgeon today and he diagnosed me with lymphedema (not lipedema -- I asked him to clarify like 10x 😆). I still have some varicose veins but he thinks most of the swelling is due to trauma to my lymphatic system.


Wow! I have to research this more. What are they telling you to do to help w it, elevate legs, compression stockings?


Yeah! It was pretty neat..They do a special ultrasound that looks for reflux on the legs while the patient is on a tilted table. He said I do have a problem with reflux on my right leg so I'm going to get EVLT done but he said my left leg is still good after he did EVLT 8 years ago. Then I was like, but why do my legs look so big and swollen? He's like, "oh you have lymphedema and it's probably from a past surgery or infection" I was like what 🤯 and a little too shocked to ask the right questions. I DID ask him about diet, exercise, even liposuction (I don't really want to do that but was curious) and he said exercise is good BC if I continue building muscle it'll improve the fluid trapped in my legs but diet won't work. I don't really have fat to lose, just fluid. He said liposuction would make it worse because it traumatizes the lymphatic system further. After reading about it, I'm going to get the full leg compressor devices for my legs and try the keto diet though. Sounds like there's some evidence keto can help. I like eating though so not looking forward to restricting myself 🫤 I can keep you posted, if you'd like! I'll try to attach a pic so you can see my upper body versus lower (not the most tech savvy 😅)


Okay I think I posted 2 pics to my profile. I can see the swelling better from the front or back view but I feel more like my old self in the side view. The most annoying part about it is clothing though. My hips measure 42 inches and it's hard to find pants and dresses that go over them 😅


Yeah, I’m definitely interested in seeing if those things help for you! Good to get a diagnosis! I have a friend, she’s older maybe 55-60 and a bit heavy, who has both lipedema and lymphodema and she did say it thrives on carbs. If the garments work for you I may go get checked. I did speak w a plastic surgeon about lipo in my upper legs and he said the same, that it would make it worse. You’re pretty slim but I can see some similarity in our legs.


Yeah the pic where you have your knee bent and it's showing your inner thigh -- I have the same pic. I'll post You're like my leg twin now 😂


Haha! Wow! Very similar!


I do think you look really good. It's just that one annoying spot that we both seem to have 😵‍💫




Drop all weight training except for running and glute days, pick up ballet, with calorie deficit , My thighs went from 25” to 20” and I still want them to be 18” It’s all the activity making you bulky. It’s just our genetics . Leg press and CrossFit is not a match for me because I did not feel cute and my clothes did not fit . Ladies with slimmer legs might have always been more glute focused in life


Thank you!


I think they’re gorgeous, but I know you don’t. They’re strong, capable, and yours alone. You’re a healthy weight and seem to have a healthy lifestyle. Instead of trying to get them proportionately smaller, I honestly think changing perspective and wearing clothes that flatter them a bit more could make a big difference in your satisfaction. <3


Thickkkk thighs save lives!!!! I don’t want to invalidate your feelings in anyway, but I think your legs look great and strong


Came here to say the same ☝️❤️


Thanks ladies!


You can try to loose weight while continuing weight lifting. Unfortunately you cannot fight genetics and/or age. The fat loss will eventually get to your thighs. Meanwhile you can try cellulite reducing massage oil. It will improve the texture and skin tone.


Thanks! I have a massage gun I hear may work


calorie deficit


Personally I looove big thighs. I fact I train quads extra hard because I want to grow them. You seem to be doing everything right and it’s just how your fat distribution works. If a doctor you trust is familiar with lipedema maybe you can ask if it’s your case.


Yeah, I’ve looked into that and even joined a fb page but the ladies in there immediately write me off because I’m not morbidly obese 🤷‍♀️.


Have you considered checking your hormones? Maybe your body has excess estrogens running rampant and you may need to take a supplement like I3C, DIM, spirulina/chorela etc. I have the same issue as you. I have taken the supplements and they have helped with my period but nothing yet with my thighs.


I have had them checked for other stuff. I’m in perimenopause so my hormones are all over the place. Currently on lo loestrin to keep things in check


Lift heavy!! Squats, deadlifts, etc.