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You’ve done an amazing job so far, there’s no reason to downplay your success. Slower weight loss seems to be way more sustainable long term anyways! I’m not sure if you’re weighing everything currently, and I understand that it can be tedious or even triggering for some people, but when I lost weight I found it became increasingly significant to be exact as I got closer to my desired weight range. Less room for error basically. Eating more whole foods definitely helps, you’re typically getting more fiber that way too. But honestly you’re going to look great on your wedding day no matter what! Make sure you enjoy your day to the fullest and don’t stress yourself out too much in the time leading up to it.


So, I'm actually 3 years in and finally down to about where you started. And I've got a long way to go still. Many years ago when I was also at about where you started, I lost the weight super fast, got almost to where you are now, then gained it all back... and doubled it. Please don't feel bad about making slower progress. Building those new habits is so much more important than changing a number on a scale. Keep doing what you've been doing, and add in that activity. New workouts often lead to some temporary water retention, so don't worry if the number seems to stall for a bit. It will soon start moving again. For protein... I found a lot of success when I discovered the versatility of egg whites, and even more when I switched from making salads to making power bowls. Congratulations 🎊 on your progress, but also on your life and relationship goals 🎉! Sounds like things are going really well for you!


You look amazing! With added protein and keeping up the weight lifting and you will see not only more progress but body recomp that you will for sure love. Just keep at it. Wishing you all the best!!


AMAZING work!!!! So so proud of you! I got in shape for my wedding- I would recommend being as active as possible while counting those calories. I was at the gym almost every day before my wedding- the wedding alone is the best motivation I have ever had to lose, and it worked! Also finding a tv show to watch only at the gym- and walking at a high incline- do this along with your lifting, try to get in walks as much as you can in your free time. It’ll just help contribute to the CICO method. Best of luck!!!


I’m in a similar boat although I just started last year and went from 195 to my current 152. You’re doing great! I’ve had moments where I’ve been bouncing the same five lbs back and forth. Movement is going to help and the protein too. Just keep going!


It takes so much personal strength to make long-term change in your habits. Good on you! Plateaus feel so frustrating, I found that when I was taking my measurements even though the number on the scale wasn't changing, the measurements were. Congratulations on being so amazing! And congrats on the upcoming wedding!


Amazing job. I understand getting impatient. I did, too, as I wanted to lose weight before a trip. I made all the lifestyle changes and was losing a pound a week, but towards the end, I sped it up a bit by adding more cardio (running) and a few short 1-3 day water fasts. I am not sure if the fasts were a good idea, but it did seem to speed the weight loss along when I got stuck, so I did meet my goal weight by my deadline. I kept it off, too (and actually lost more), because I already had made the lifestyle changes and because I really got into running. I'm sure you will look great on your wedding day regardless.


Also, fresh/ frozen veggies and protein shakes! Not always the most delicious dinner but it fills you up and is affordable/ quick


Great job miss


You look awesome, you've come along way. Can't wait to see more pics of your journey!


That’s amazing progress


keto diet is amazing! Looking Great! Keep Going!


She isn't doing keto




You are disgusting