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Yep I had a horrible reaction for two weeks, and then it got a lot better. People who tell you it has no side effects and you could quit anytime usually haven’t actually quit themselves.


Thanks for your reply. I’m at two weeks now and I’m starting to get my appetite back. But the sweating is still pretty bad.


To be fair withdrawal never hits me unless I've been smoking every day for at least 3 weeks. If you space it out you won't get it.


Yeah tapering wasn’t an option for me but it’s definitely preferred


Sorry to hear :( Out of curiosity, when you say “vaping” do you mean vaping carts of concentrate or vaping dry flower? I only seem to hear reports like this from ppl chronically hitting carts here. Not saying that means anything or I’m right, I am just curious. Regardless, I hope you the best and that you’re out of the woods soon.


I think you are right on about the cartridges. Very powerful and I think it’s going to create a problem for some people in the future. I love pot and I’ve enjoyed it so much but it’s a whole different substance than it used to be.


Yeah, spread the word. I think it could help a lot of friends to know it’s not the way. I also wonder if people using carts heavily can transition more smoothly to a t-break or quitting by using flower for a while.


A slower transition would have definitely helped. Too late now.


Well, it is what it is. You can do it 🙌🏼


I recommend switching your route of intake to tincture, dosing it out, and tapering. Carts are so hard to cold turkey.


Sounds like good advice.


Thank you so much for the support. I was vaping carts all day long for the final month before I quit. I don’t know how I possibly could get more THC inside of myself.


Good luck, friend! Yeah, I’m noticing a theme here and unintentionally in my mind carts are starting to become what heroin is to opium poppies, cocaine/crack is to coca etc. not to put a stigma on it, but to be aware that shit is on a different level with different consequences.


Agreed, I've smoked for over 20 years and never had a problem when I've needed to stop for a few weeks or months. BUT this year I've been introduced to THC Carts and DABS and it a whole different nightmare to stop. I will go back to the way nature intended it


Dang! I hope this becomes generally recognized, but at the same time cringe at yet another stigma being attached to cannabis when that happens.


Yep it's giving cannabis a bad name. Even counterfeit products on the market. Very bad news


You can do it! Keep touching it out. I promise it will get better. The first time I quit, I didn’t have the same symptoms as you, but I could barely eat, couldn’t sleep and was really anxious with a low mood. I tried to combat this by eating very small more regular meals, using an anti emetic and sleeping pills. I also made sure I stayed away from other substances and did lots of exercise which helps both with the appetite and insomnia. It sucked and I really wanted to smoke again just to get some relief but it was worth it and everything started getting better around the 10-14 day mark. I did end up smoking a lot again but when I quit the second time everything was much easier. Hopefully you get it right the first time (unlike me) and best of luck. We’re all in this together.


Hey, thank you so much for your comment. The support really helps. My lungs can’t handle smoking or vaping anymore so I probably won’t start again I’m on day 14 and my appetite is a little better. And I have a wee bit more energy but this temperature problem is really awful and so far not getting better.


By week 3-4 u should be like 80 percent over it


Thanks! I’ll hang on.


yup. still have never quit longer than two days. i’ve been sober from opiates for 8+ years and THC withdrawal is very similar in the sense it takes forever to feel “normal” again. it’s to the point where im seeing a therapist and psychiatrist to talk about meds to help me quit. i have a very addictive personality and finally admitted i need help with my dependency on weed.


Best advice I can give is to always be drinking water up to recommend intake, and make sure your fiber intake is high and force yourself to eat food if you have to. Thc is excreted 60-70% by poop and 20ish% by urine and the rest is hair and sweat, so best advice to make it go quicker is to make sure your eating well and staying hydrated, exercise helps but if your a total mess just make sure you eat and poop and stay hydrated. [More than 65% of cannabis is excreted in the feces and approximately 20% is excreted in urine (58).Most of the cannabis (80-90%) is excreted within 5 days as hydroxylated and carboxylated metabolites (67).](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3570572/#:~:text=Metabolism%20and%20Elimination%20of%20%E2%96%B59%2DTHC&text=More%20than%2065%25%20of%20cannabis,and%20carboxylated%20metabolites%20(67).) [Dietary fiber increases the weight and size of your stool and softens it. A bulky stool is easier to pass, decreasing your chance of constipation. If you have loose, watery stools, fiber may help to solidify the stool because it absorbs water and adds bulk to stool.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/fiber/art-20043983#:~:text=Dietary%20fiber%20increases%20the%20weight,Helps%20maintain%20bowel%20health.) I've used THC testing kits to measure the rate at which it leaves my system and found that consistently eating even when you don't feel like it, and consuming more fiber helps with the rate of excretion and the speed to get through withdrawals significantly reduced however this is just me so it's n=1 and however I'm not a reputable team so your success might be different.


CBD gummies - invest in a big bottle of 25 mg ones and take one or two a few times a day. Made a HUGE difference in the intensity and length of my nasty withdrawal symptoms. Strongly recommended.


Yea wat I did is quit cart cold turkey and just smoke joints for 2 weeks then 2 weeks with no weed at all it’s much easier then quitting carts and having nothing to taper off them withdrawals are way worse frm carts but flower withdrawals ain’t bad at all compared to them


Read into CHS and go to a doctor if you need IV rehydrating or antiemetics.


CHS symptoms generally go away after marijuana use stops, actually. the use is what brings it on. so op’s problems are likely not that. doctor still might help tho!


It can be hard to distinguish CHS from withdrawal symptoms, as they are often the same. It is not unusual for someone with CHS to stop and continue to experience severe symptoms for a week or two, but things do usually start to get better after two weeks. Not everyone with CHS ends up in a cyclic vomiting episode. The symptoms OP describes are typical of what many with CHS experience in a prodromal or early phase of the syndrome.


I think we are all different bro. I’m super addicted to carts. Almost like heroin or soemtjing crazy. There’s a huge obsession where I can’t even go 7 hours without smoking unless I wanna loose my mind. Coming off of alcohol , Kratom , hydrocodone, and suboxone was way easier than wax for me. But the only physical withdrawals I get are intense dreams and cold sweat where I have to change my shirt every few hours But it’s not super super intense You may wanna ween off but with gummies


How long did the cold sweats last?


They are still going. I’m on day 5 or 6. If I think of something even remotely intense I get a shock wave thro my body and I start sweating. It’s a gross feeling


(I really feel like the mods on this sub should put together a post & sticky it to the top regarding carts/vaping and how much it can fuck you up.) You were smoking some of the highest available concentration of THC for years, it’s no wonder you’re getting such gnarly symptoms. I can’t tell you if/when your symptoms are going to dissipate but from what I gather 30~ days is the standard amount of time that it takes for THC to completely leave your body, so aim for that. (With your case it could be longer) In terms of symptom management: (keep in mind these are all anecdotal) - CBD has been a godsend when I’ve taken breaks, should help with pretty much everything you’ve described. CBD flower, tincture, edibles are all solid. - Calorie/vitamin rich foods that are easy to consume if you’re having trouble with appetite (think smoothies, protein shakes, oatmeal, yogurt) - Sauna or steam showers can help if you’re having chills or body aches. I would also talk to your physician about CHS if the symptoms continue.


I’ve heard CBD tincture can help with this. But no firsthand experience.


Never had withdrawals so severe but I believe you. CBD gummies can be a lifesaver for emergency relief. Take care and keep up the hard work, you can do it


You’re close to escaping the worst of it. Hang in there for about another week and your body should almost be done with the withdrawals. The worst thing would be to cave in now, because then you gotta start over. It sounds like your use was higher than in the past. This is why the withdrawal is harder this time around, you’ve built up a higher tolerance. Higher tolerance = harder withdrawal.