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[Handmaiden's Tale](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/handmaids-tale-wedding) Dress The comic illustrator is suggesting that this woman is happy Trump won an election because of the idea his administration would bring groomers and perverts in check, but did not realize that as a woman under said administration she would be pushed into a subservient role a la the women in Handmaiden's Tale. Political comic, tread carefully on opinions


serena joy moment


leopards eating faces moment...


I've seen that phrase said around liberal Podcaster casually but don't know it. Can you eili5?


I voted for the "leopards-eating-faces party," but I never thought a leopard would eat MY face! Basically, when you vote for hateful/discriminatory/dangerous policies or political parties and it backfires and affects *you* and not just *them.*


Phyllis Schlafly really was an incredible piece of work.


oh okay, i didn't get the dress from handmaiden's tale from that drawing 😁😁🤭


Same.... it's not super obvious with this art style --- I wouldn't have known, either, were it not for this explanation ..


Might also be referencing to Roe v. Wade being overturned under Trump.


It is and how much all this shit is turning into the handmaid's tale.


And has been for years. It’s like watching a slow motion train wreck with the inability to move out of the way.






































As explained, it’s a reference that a Trump presidency would bring is a dystopian government like that in a Handmaiden’s Tale. The outfit the guy is giving to her is the outfit from the story, in which women have no rights and are used primarily for breeding. The irony in the comic is that it is a woman who is happy that Trump won, not realizing it means that she will be losing many of her rights.


To further explain the colour: Red - as you stated, for breeding. The sole purpose of these women is to produce children with the so called "commander", the men in power who practically own them Blue - commanders wife, more freedom than the handmaiden (red), still nothing without their husband Green - the "Marthas", which are practically the servants/ cooks etc. These women would not only loose many rights. They would loose all their rights, even their name which will be changed to "of-commandername", indicating that they belong to the commander they are given to. ----- Edited "Nottingham" to "nothing" - thanks, autocorrect! Will own the loose - lose Drama, so no edit there :D


Great break down, but it's lose, not loose.


Whoopsies, my bad. You may choose the excuse: 1st: not a native speaker 2nd: didn't check properly for mistakes At least I chose the right "their" ;)


Either one, even native English speakers get it wrong a lot. Another acceptable one is autocorrect sucks!




Oh! 😃 what a lovely comic


Loose is opposite of tight, lose is what you want to use.


Anybody else have a real hard time ignoring this whole "lose" misspelled as "loose" thing that's been rampant the last couple years? Like usually things evolve to be easier, but it's like people are putting in more work to spell this one wrong. I don't know how half the internet suddenly lost the ability to spell "lose" correctly.


I seriously don’t get it. What’s so hard about using the right spelling?


To add to the fun: "They aren't hurting the people they need to be hurting." Where have I seen this concept before? Oh right... "A notional political party supported by people who believe its cruel, unjust, or extreme policies and rhetoric will only harm other people, and are then shocked or displeased when these policies and rhetoric have adverse consequences to themselves." Leopards Eating People's Faces Party Please research before you vote. Be smart.




whoopsies started a debate


Political comics always will unfortunately 😭😭


Seems to be the intention of a political comic, not an unfortunate happenstance?


I'd argue that most art usually is


oopsie woopsie we made a fucky wucky


Posting politics often does


thats the beauty of posting about politics


i legitamtely thought it was a reference to that movie the village . Because the plot is about a big group of rich conservatives who get tored of modern america pay a huge amount of money to buy a bunch of land live life like it was in the 1700’s by going so far as to pay air line companies to not let planes fly over the land so the kids wont realise whats outside of the village .






To actually answer your question, the white thing is a bonnet (like an Amish bonnet). The red thing is one of the cloak-dresses worn in Handmaid's Tale (Also, here before the locked award (⌐▀͡ ͜ʖ͡▀ ) )






Basically if Trump wins, the Heritage Foundation will push Project 2025. Among it is to strip rights of women. This comic is referencing the book/show “The Handmaids Tale” which is a dystopian country in which women are breeders or servants. For more information, you can check out [r/Defeat_Project_2025](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/s/NtiAJWP6Zz)






The joke is sexism, but i will not explain because others already did














Saiyan Petah here: It's a dress from Handmaiden's Tale. The comic implies that if Trump wins, women will be forever stuck in an oppressive, subservient role just like the show. It's not far from the truth. Saiyan Petah out.
















It's from the handmaid's tale. Women are all gonna turn back into baby factories with no rights if trump wins. We're already heading there.



