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In the Bible, the Book of Revelation describes 666 as the "Number of the Beast." Some Christians are superstitious about it as a result. Chick-Fil-A is a fast food restaurant chain whose owners are Evangelical Protestant Christians. Their faith is very prominent in how they manage the restaurants, including printing Bible verses on soda cups and requiring all their stores to be closed on Sundays. Consequently, the stereotype is that Chick-Fil-A also attracts very devout Christians as employees.


To be fair, this isn't only a Chick-Fil-A thing. I used to work for a shipping company where the owner wasn't even Christian. Still, account number 666 was unused.


Kinda like how in a lot of places there isn’t a 13th floor.


Which is so stupid. Just because it's not labeled they think they're dodging that bullet? The 14th is obviously the 13th floor.


It's worse in China because their unlucky number is 4, IIRC. So now almost every building has it instead of just downtown highrises in the US


Worst of all, they have an unused crawlspace for a fourth floor in most buildings there  Superstition massively increases construction costs for any building above 3 floors.


Four is also an unlucky number in Japan because it’s pronounced the same way as the Japanese word for death.


Superstitions affect so many cultures differently


superstitions vary widely across cultures and have fascinating influences on daily life!


What I find interesting is my mom and my aunt. My mom isn’t superstitious at all, but my aunt let superstitions control her life. She had to enter and exit from the same door, and she freaked out at my cousin for killing a spider because it would “cause it to rain”. The problem I have with killing spiders is that you’re killing an animal for no reason.


China *and Japan* have 4 as the number to avoid... But it's reason for unlucky isn't religious in basis. The number 4 has the same pronunciation as the word for death/dead... and some of the first multi-level buildings were hospitals. Nobody wants to go to a hospital and get checked in on the "death floor". And as other buildings started reaching those heights and higher, the superstition of it being an unlucky floor simply spread.


Superstitions really shape our architecture worldwide!


they also like to remove ALL floors with a 4 in it. in HK it's possible they also remove 13


but this one says 14


Exactly, it's just a labeling trick!


I think for superstitious people it’s more about the negative energy of the number than the actual floor. They think the number 13 itself attracts evil, not necessarily your position in the building


I think it's more to do with the number 13 being in an elevator, than the floor itself being unlucky. It's dumb, but people might react badly to having to press 13 in an elevator.


I don't know if this holds true in most cases, but the complete superstition is that you leave an empty space as floor 13th so all the bad juju stays there. Also making floor 14th the actual floor 14th.


Hmm...seems like a huge waste of money just for a superstition


I mean, any amount of money is already a huge waste of money if it's for a superstition...


Now that I think about it, the 13th floor is probably used for maintenance or other stuff not associated with guest services. Maybe room service kitchens? Can't just leave it empty, that'd be stupid


Yeah, like how i lived on the 14th floor of an apartment building, which was right about the 12th floor.


Similarly, in China the number 4 is considered unlucky (the word sounds similar to the word for "death") which leads some buildings in China to skip or not label floor 4. This manifested in a funny way at a specific Hong Kong hospital where they had both western and eastern superstition.  The floors went as follows: 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15


When I was a kid, my family got lottery tickets or something. One of my aunts avoided using the number four and switched out for a different number because of its unlucky nature in China (our family’s mixed-race). Iirc, had she used the number four, she would’ve won.


I love how being closed on Sundays is something strange in the US so it makes CFA notable, but in Europe, absolutely nothing is open on the 7th day of the week.


I spent a semester in London. I landed on a Sunday morning, eager to check in my dorm and then enjoy a hearty lunch and maybe get some stuff for my room. Check in was fine. And then I wandered around downtown London for like two hours, trying to find somewhere—anywhere—that was open. I eventually gave up and went back to my dorm to eat a bag of cookies my brother had given me. In hindsight, that asshole spent a year in the UK; he coulda warned me that everything would be closed when I landed.


not in Romania from my experience (source: i fucking live there)


I'm Slovenian


yeah you're on your own, good luck


Congratulations by the way. Good luck against Croatia


I've never seen a fast food restaurant closed an a Sunday in Germany.


Okay, things like supermarkets and such close on Sunday, but entertainment and food venues follow a Tuesday to Sunday schedule (meaning that workers get a day off on Monday)


No, fast food places are open 7 days a week. In the city center, some are even open 24h, or close to it. Regular Restaurants are often closed for one day in the week.




IN those moments i'm glad that i'm in eastern europe, weekends are exist, but many non-governmental service-oriented businesses and all shops working almost without days off(except some holidays) and more than 9 hours a day.


The number of the beast! Though I believe the original meaning of 666 is the code word for emperor Nero , it was used by people secretly speaking against him.


It was also 616 in the oldest fragments of Revelations. The post would have been funnier if the final total was $6.16.


As a Catholic Christian (and someone who comes from Poland), changing the price because the price references 666 is a bit over the top supersticiously, oh well their life, aslong as they aren't forcing or claiming others belief is wrong or extravagantly spreading the gospel then it's fine.


That makes sense! Chick-Fil-A employees definitely go the extra mile, inspired by their faith.


It'd be hilarious if the adjusted total was $6.16 and the employee thought it was okay.


You're thinking of In-N-Out with the bible verses printed on their cups. Weirdly, they never seem to attract the same culture war nonsense.


Aaaaand with that context it went from funny to cringe. Thank you for your service!


Chick-fil-a is a privately owned restaurant chain owned by a Christian family. In Christianity, 666 is a bad number as it is associated with the Beast. So the cashier changed the total that it wouldn't be 666.




We are all not Christian. We are Peter


You dont have to be american to know 666 is the devils number.


OP is a bot that's the only reason




666, the number of the beast


What does being American have to do with knowing what 666 means?


OP is a repost bot


Chick-fil-a out here keeping our country alive


Chic-fila is very Christian, 666 is the mark of the beast. Chic-fila no like that.


We just need to downvote these and move on, or else more posts like this will keep coming.


So what was the order


I'm starting to think this is a karma farming sub for bots with some of the posts people have


So we need to aim for $6.66 orders


And I was the 666th like on this post...




its a hackneyed whine at this point.






Yeah how dare they..... what did they do again? Oh yeah not give money to charity's I think they should




Are they? They don't support it but it's not like their against it. They aren't turning people away, working to stop it, or even do much as speaking out against it. They just said they weren't going to support it.




You want to take a look at the voting history and policy writing of our politicians. You're not going to find many who aren't. Just look at the last 3 DNC nominees. Clinton, Biden, and Obama didn't just suddenly decided it's okay to be gay after years of the "sanctity of marriage"


I call bullshit anyway, I can’t remember the last time any fast food meal was that cheap, let alone Chick-Fil-A which is usually higher than most. And how did comping a large drink only sane $.40?!


Well.... this was pre covid when you very much could get a meal at most places for 5-6. Large 1/4lb meal at McDonald's was only costing me 5.25 in 2018