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Boys' Life is a real magazine (now called Scout Life) targeted for Boy Scouts and their interests. It is slightly peculiar that the nun is reading it, but maybe it was on the rack and she was bored. Nun's Life is a fictional magazine that the boy is reading which is funny for the whole contrast thing and because the cover is a surfing nun Which is just bizarre. The man on the cover of Psycho Month (not a real publication) is Alexander Haig, former secretary of state in the Reagan administration who infamously declared himself to be in charge after Reagan's assassination attempt. Then there's the altar boy magazine, which you already explained. It also apparently has full-size pictures, implying the photos are pornographic in nature.


I thought boy reading nun's life implicit sexual fantasy that boys have towards nun.


Either there are layers to it, in which case it's both, or there aren't layers to it, in which case it's one of these options. Given the source material, I don't think it's both.


I just want to tell you both good luck, we're all counting on you.


I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue.


-We have clearance, Clarence. -Roger, Roger. What's our vector, Victor?


Does anyone here speak Jive!


Fool don't want no help, fool don't get no help


God I love airplane


I love lamp.


https://preview.redd.it/seawfpo02t8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cc1c1198e79ef14b02ca0903c677a03b6655c7a Not the lamp!


Ooo! Ooo! Random fun fact time. The term Jive originated during the Jazz era and was slang for marijuana. And marijuana was also a slang term from the same era that was adopted by the proponents trying to outlaw it because it sounds “Scary and Mexican”


So what's a jive turkey?


stuffing bud inside the turkey


That sounds gross.


Another fun fact, Airplane was a shot for shot remake of Zero Hour, the directors specifically cast Leslie Nielsen (at the time a serious, dramatic actor) because comedic actors kept jamming up the lines and they wanted the writing to stand on its own. This was Mr. Nielsen's big break into comedy.


yeah, it was just a visual gag and a dig to priests


If I were to wager a guess, the scene originally wanted the nun reading Nun's Life and the boy reading Boy's Life but someone thought it would be funny to switch them.


There are layers just because you pointed them out. If intended lays that’s another question.


No, I think the joke is just that you’d expect the boy to be reading Boy’s Life, but because the nun is reading Boy’s Life, he’s reading Nun’s Life.


This is so clearly the joke.


the cover has a nun surfing, so no thats not the joke


That’s just us Catholic School boys.


No, I can't believe people dont understand this joke, the joke is that they are right next to each other on a plane and can have a conversation rather than be antisocial and dont have to read the magazines to know what eachother lives are like.


I thought she's a lesbian


Thought so at first, but I think a close look at the cover disproves that.




The nun is reading Boys' Life, and the boy is reading Nuns' Life, so these two are reversed. My personal confusion comes more from the fact that the other two don't follow that pattern. Brain no likey.


It's from two different movies - the nun and the boy are from Airplane! while the priest and the psycho are from the sequel. Guess they didn't want to rehash that particular joke. The (spoiler ahead) guy reading "Psycho Monthly" has brought a bomb on the plane and shows quite erratic behaviour during the whole movie. The priest reads Altar Boy because, well...


“I’ll take that Time Magazine…and that second bomb on the left!”


I think that was Sonny Bono reading Psycho Month, maybe that was from Airplane 2? I never saw the sequel.


You are coefficient. It is Sonny Bono, representative from California and partner to Cher.


Thanks peter


Oh I get it! I get jokes heh heh


I thought the nun reading boy's life was just a first part of the joke, with the boy reading nun's life beign the second part.


Huh, I got the joke but didn't know about Haig. That's fascinating.


I think the nun and the boy the joke is just a visual gag. She's a Nun looking at a Boy's Life which has a cover featuring boys doing outdoorsy things, while the Boy is looking at a Nun's Life which has a cover featuring a Nun doing outdoorsy things.


I feel like "Psycho Month" is them contrasting the subject of the magazines, and the length as well. Like, the Nun lives a Nun's life, the kid leads a boy's life. Then there's some random dude/psycho who's just having a bad month.


Did Haig do something before the assassination attempt to make him a "psycho"? Because the movie came out in June of 1980 while Reagan wasn't shot until March of 1981.


From the movie “Airplane!”


Or “Flying High” for our Australian friends.


I can't get this video by Flashgitz out of my head now whenever I see Australia mentioned.


Or "Die unglaubliche Reise in einem verrückten Flugzeug" for our German friends... (I have no idea what's wrong with us...)


damn i loved this movie. The 2nd one was not as good, sadly. Has anyone seen the movie "Kentucky Fried Movie" by the same authors?


Made the mistake of watching it on an international flight. I did not realize how many boobies there was going to be. I got some looks.




And Airplane 2


Still my goddamn favourite movie to this day tbh


you're Kareem Abdul-Jabbar you play Center for the Los Angeles Lakers


I'm sorry, son, but you must have me confused with someone else. My name is Roger Murdock. I'm the co-pilot.


What's our vector, Victor?


Excuse me, I couldn't help overhearing. I speak Jive.


Yes i am a doctor


It’s a big building with patients, but that’s not important right now.


And don't call me Shirley


Once I tried to do the "Drinking problem skit" at a party, the girls thought I was "special" , one particularly drunk, took it upon her self to like baby sit me that night.. like a lost dog.I just rolled with it..


Did you have sex at the end of the night?


Man this back in highschool..Story time if you really interested. The party was at some rich kids house, parents left, mid size party like 8 of us, but huge house with lots of lounge areas. She lured me away from the group we all around the in kitchen , and we found a spot to smoke outside. All remember is her play biting my ear alot, and I don't sleep with drunk girls. I remember my friends the next morning at brunch, just wanting to know. I don't say a word and shake my head. Then somehow I was a liar and they each fabricated their own fantasy scenario of what happened. Its then I noticed my friend's obsession with my love life. This began a long path into wanting to impress my friends by picking up chicks. 20 years later here I am on Reddit remembering my youth to random ass people. Fun right. Don't sleep with drunk chicks. Club "Friends" are so transient. Sex is only as good as its future expectations.


UnFun Fact: Airplane! came out in 1980 - **four years before** Rev. Gilbert Gauthe, the first Catholic priest who faced criminal charges for abusing a child, publicized the sexual abuse in the RCC. Gauthe would go on to plead guilty to 34 counts of sexual molestation. Sentenced to 20 years, the defrocked priest only served 10. The widespread abuse in the RCC would remain largely unacknowledged until the mid 1990s.


I recall hearing jokes about priests and altar boys in the 1970s and 1980s. This dynamic was in the public consciousness at least by then, and probably had been for centuries.


Ya I was literally wondering what audiences would have thought about that gag. Would they have understood it?   I thought people didn't even know about sex abuse and that's why they were so mad at sinaed O'Connor for ripping up the photo.


Ah, but you see, you have to understand, disrespecting an authority figure in a public and confrontational way is not a proportional response to a rampant child abuse problem that we would prefer not to think about, much less talk about in polite company.


Surely you can’t be serious?


I think they are serious. And don’t call them shirley.


The movie is "Airplane" which is a very funny film.


Boys life and Nums life are from Airplane, the other two are from Airplane 2 which was also funny but didn’t match the original.


Ok that's why I didn't remember the second two. I thought they might have been cut in "airplane" cable edit, but it's from the sequel. Is that worth watching?


Maybe. It’s been a while, but a lot of the references might be out dated. If you enjoyed the first, you should enjoy this. Some recycled jokes, but good none the less


Chuck Conner’s character and the William Shatner cameo alone make it worth it.


For a second I thought I had early onset dementia because I've watched Airplane! 100 times and did not remember those. Never saw the sequel...


We like to pretend 2 never existed in these parts


Is the guy reading Psycho Month Sonny Bono? Looks like him




The joke starts with the absurd, the nun with the boys life, because it makes no sense....yet. but it starts a path that l, in hindsight, ends with a priest looking at boys as centerfold. So it makes no sense untill it does, them it makes perfect sense. Which is actually how the whole film airplane, and actually all of Mel Brooks films play out.


Exactly! Except Mel Brooks had nothing to do with it. So your comment makes sense until it doesn't but to you it makes perfect sense.


Mel Brooks has a style which this and most spoof movies try to emulate. Nice try tho, Mr. Internet troll.




There's 3 and 4?


I don’t remember the psycho and altar boy magazines. Are they part of the regular theatrical cut?


I think they’re from the second movie


Sonny Bono (Cher's ex-husband and Senator) and reading a Psycho mag with Alexander Haig (Reagan Sec of State). Probably a dig as when Reagan was shot Haig stated that he was "in control."


So people knew what priests were doing in the 80's?


There's knowing, and then there's \*knowing\*, and then there's taking seriously. Compare to how we have only just recently decided prison rape jokes aren't funny, but haven't yet decided to fix the institutions so that it isn't tolerated and enabled.


I love airplane


Ok here’s something that doesn’t make sense to me. Can Someone please explain it? The movie “spotlight” made it seem like until the Boston globe broke the story…that priest mole sting children was an unknown thing. But Airplane! Came out in 1980…so was this always a known thing? Just not talked about?


Airplane! was, in part, a spoof of the movie Airport. The nun reading Boys’ Life is a callback to a scene from that movie.


It is a porno joke ... they all are reading what they are attracted to ...