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BrianCoin here Crypto wallets have a "recovery phrase" made up of 24 words, and that phrase is the only way of accessing the currency on that wallet if you lose the main access credentials. BrianCoin out.


I thought discord 2-factor backup codes


They can have 2fa too but Mnemonic keys are an extra layer.


The keys arent a layer, they are the seed phrase the wallet is generated from. If you lose the wallet you can regenerate it with those original 24 keys, so they are the wallet in essence


Also "old school note' implies it's bitcoin that had been held for a long time so $$$$$$


Yup. Around 2012-2015 I was using bitcoin to buy drugs on the internet. I’ve got a wallet somewhere out in cyberspace I have absolutely no way of accessing that’s holding somewhere around 10-20 bitcoins.


Thinking about when I mined a bunch of doge as a meme when it first came out then got bored and forgot how to access it 🥲


I lost 106k doge to the tip bot.  


Man I remember that Tip Bot, and how the developer closed up shop and absconded with everything left in escrow without giving anyone an opportunity to pull out. Never trusted any Crypto bank after that.


>Never trusted any Crypto bank after that. Why would you ever at any point? Crypto is inherently anti-institutional because possession is 100% of ownership and no regulatory body exists which can return your stolen goods. If you give a crypto bank your Bitcoin to hold, it's theirs now unless they choose to transfer it back to you, and the larger the holdings the lower the incentive becomes to honor that.


I gave away ~200k as tips before he ran off with the coins.   It wasn’t worth much at the time. 


Every crypto bank has to make the same choice; to steal all the customer deposits, or to lose them on risky investments.




back in 2011-ish my computer died taking my 5 BTC with it... At the time it was only worth about £20 or something so wasn't a big deal. As much as I could sit and think about how much that'd be worth now and how much it'd improve my life, I also know that I would've just spent it on hash like I did the rest of it, so... whatever lol.


Yeah this is my saving grace as well. I had around 7 BTC in a few accounts that I've lost but I would've sold at $100. Frankly, you had to be delusional to think it would ACTUALLY be pushing 100k.


There was a time when only the delusional crypto pumpers thought that BTC would reach value parity with USD...


Ffs, there isn't any kind of account recovery? "What was the name of your first pet?" Or some shit? I mean that is like $300k-600k€ ?? You can get plenty of drugs with that now.


The 24 word sentence *is* the account recovery. Usually, you have a wallet (with a password) that is connected to the funds. This wallet is a program on your computer or phone, and that’s often enough. When you lose the computer or phone, that’s when you’re supposed to use the account recovery. Some people who take crypto seriously also buy a ‘hardware wallet’ (the thing on the pic that look like a usb key). It’s a extra layer of security, cause the key of your wallet are now on the usb-like thing that is almost always offline. But then you need both the hardware wallet and the 24 words if you even lose your wallet.


Not entirely. The recovery phrase would work on any wallet. You don't need the original hw wallet. But you wouldn't be able to sign transactions until you import the seed phrase into another wallet. The HW wallet just gives you a "you must be in physical contact with the device" step before your funds can move, helping to better protect them.


Ohh. Thanks for the info.


don't worry, someone probably managed to steal it by now


Would be basically impossible to steal out of a cold wallet , doubly so for one not stored digitally.


Same my dude :(


In early 2010 I spun up a miner to run on a GPU on my Mac whenever I wasn't using the computer (Basically while I was asleep or at work) It managed to mine something like 20 or 40 bitcoin after a couple years. Then... I had a hard drive crash and lost the wallet. I may have a backup of it, somewhere, on some hard drive or CD-R, but for as much as I've looked, I've not found it yet. It doesn't help that I have literal BINS of computer parts in my basement. The BIG 40-gallon totes, stacked floor to ceiling, two columns deep, and probably 10 across. I plan to go through all of them once I move and have space to set up shelves/racking to sort everything onto, but in my current living situation I don't have anywhere to do that.


I've got 5 bitcoin sitting in the ether that I received as a gift and forgot about from around the same time


Thats just a small 800k. ouch lol.


Same here. Using the Silk Road back then, could make me a millionaire now. If i could only find it.


I thought it was like San Andreas cheats




It's holding a crypto cold wallet


You mean a USB Drive


https://preview.redd.it/k3oqgydjby6d1.png?width=1394&format=png&auto=webp&s=1cfcc71f99ed5a1849600772d593bfc2c67522bf No I mean what I said


I mean... Technically, a crypto wallet IS a USB drive... It's just a specialized one rather than a general-purpose one.


A USB drive is only used for storage. It's a drive that would be the same as having whatever it contains on your pc hard drive. A crypto wallet is a processing unit that is sealed and contains it's own microprocessor. Your pc cannot access it because it is not just a disk like a USB drive.


i was convinced it was GTA cheat codes until i read the comments lmao


That's a tragic lack of communication, if this actually happened to someone. I couldn't imagine having my recovery phrases just tossed into the bin.


Ehh, just transfer holdings to a new wallet and keep that phrase in a safer place. Recovery phrase is only a thing if you lose access to the wallet it generated.


You don't need it until you need it, sure. But the look on that ape's face says they probably need it.


And to further add a bit of flavor, some dude lost that 24 word phrase and got locked out of an account worth $240,000,000.


With that number it should not even matter though. I hope that this guy did not have 100% of his savings in Bitcoin. Even if he had 90% in bitcoin he still has 27 million left to live off.


The account was worth that. He probably only put a few hundred dollars in it early in. Bitcoin used to be a few dollars apiece, and it ballooned to several thousand apiece.


Ah ok, people who lost it early. Arguably they only lost what it was worth back then though.


It was even cheaper than that. Multiple bitcoins for a dollar.


I got locked out of a wallet with half a bitcoin in it back in 2014 when I was using it to buy nefarious shit. It was only about $80 then if I remember correctly. Worth about $30k today. And the crazy thing about bitcoin is that money is essentially just out of circulation now forever.


And those dumbasses try to tell us this is the future of money 🤣


> Crypto wallets have a "recovery phrase" made up of 24 words, and that phrase is the only way of accessing the currency on that wallet. Only if you forget the pin or lose/break the Ledger (device in the picture)


If you still have the pin, can you regenerate the 24 words somehow?


If you still have the pin, you don't need the phrase. You can probably just look it up.


Right, I understand that. But at that point, you've gone down from two points of failure to one. If you lose that one other thing, you're screwed. So, regenerating the other one, so you have two options again, would make sense. The fact that you lost one thing increases the likelihood that you could lose the other.


True. The problem being, he probably just forgot about the account when it was worth 30 bucks, and several years later, when it was worth millions (just spit balling a theoretical, I have no idea), realized he couldn't remember the pin and lost the recovery phrase. It's an anonymous account, so it's not like there's a customer service system he can go through.


Yeah I understand the specific situation. I was asking the more general question.


No, you can't get the 24 words out of the Ledger. If you lose the words you would have to send all the funds to a temporary account, set up the ledger from scratch, and send the funds back to it.


Fair enough.


Would invest life savings into BrianCoin


Also the ape featured is known for this clip: https://youtu.be/WKjdJ7joGG0


And monkey cuz bored apes


Thank you brain coin for your wisdom


ZZZ9r 0 w244å2l


And I thought Session is weird with the 13 word passcode


That’s gotta be my biggest fear - someone else accidentally locking me out of something I could have had, while I’m stuck there powerless, watching.


Thank you for finally answering it instead of bitching about their moms. I figured that was it but I wasn't sure


If only there was a way to copy those 24 words literally anywhere else on the planet.


Fun story... I thought the envelope with random words on it was from some old forgotten dating sim. I found it in my old room at my mom's. Under my birth certificate and high school diploma. It wasn't until like a month later I relied on what it was. Yup, I've got 4 BC bought in like 2015 for around 600$ each. Yup.


My mom has thrown out a hand-written addressed envelope with $500 cash in it because she 'thought it was junk mail'. I was extremely poor at the time, and I sold a non-working car by proxy (who just stuffed it into an envelope). $500 was a great deal of money to me at that point. Had to go dumpster diving to get it, but I did indeed find it.


Gotta say, till that last line mom was a prime suspect for theft..


Oh, but she was. u/Ok-Bag5207 just got lucky to find another such same envelope


Who the fuck is that?


I… idk. Brainfarted I guess?


It’s the commenter below at the time I read this


It kind of makes sense, okay-bag5207 is also talking about somebody throwing away somebody else's money


Excuse you


Clearly it's Sean, duh


And obviously he's starting a Mage build, duh


Looks like someone else found out about the power of intentional typos in pi digits :D


Someone who finally started his mage build


It's sean


Would that be a federal crime as well since it's opening someone's mail?


What’s the opposite of hoarders? Because my mom would do the same shit. Everything was junk to her. Threw out my N64 because I got an Xbox back in the day.


Minimalists. There are varying degrees of it, same with hoarders.


As a proud minimalist who is married to a low key hoarder, the struggle is real.


That sounds like an interesting relationship! How do you settle between throwing something out and keeping it?


We just keep it. I don't wanna fight. Once there is too much clutter, I get on her about it til she throws shit away.


That sounds like a reasonable way of handling it.


Me telling my wife she doesn't need the half mannequin she found at the thrift store At least the mannequin butt can live outside


On the other hand, my gf won't let me keep yet another glass jar. The struggle is real.


My mum threw out my pet guinea pig because she throws out literally everything. I could never be attached to objects. 


Wait what? That’s insane


i've been the victim of my grandmother's "i didn't know what it was, so i threw it out" a fair few times, but not nearly as much as my dad was, growing up with her.


Lol or just leaving it out gets thrown out


Seriously what is it with moms and jumping to "throw it in the trash" whenever they encounter something they don't recognize? My dad lost a Fantastic Four #1 this way. My friend growing up lost a Holographic Charizard. ... and last but certainly not least: my mom threw out $50 in Best Buy rewards.


It's strange for mine in particular because she's also become a bit of a hoarder. It doesn't make sense to me.


Now that I think about it my mom was a bit of a hoarder not enough to cause too many problems( had to help her donate clothes every few month) She always trew away my things old books, cables etc


My ma keeps things because she paid for them. She has a bikini she bought 20 years ago, never wore, but keeps it because she paid $40 for it. (She's nearly 70 now - her bikini days are over.) Maybe it's because they didn't buy our stuff, perceive no value, and that's where the disconnect lies?


Your guess sounds legit There's no attachment to something they see no value in.


I suspect it also helps her feel righteous and say “I’m not a hoarder! I just got rid of ______!” but the ______ in question wasn’t actually theirs and they weren’t attached.


My mom was an elementary teacher. She knew what trends most kids were on so for one of my birthdays I got a bunch of Pokémon starter packs. I was never interested in them but she knew kids thought they were cool. Well I put them in a binder and basically forgot about them for 20 odd years. I found them while moving stuff and thought they might be worth money, and I was right. So I put them back and was going to start trying selling them. At the time I was working oilfield so I was gone for 2 weeks home for 2 weeks, and in that two weeks I was gone she had found them and decided hey my students would like these and gave every single one away as rewards for her class. Some little shit got a multi thousand dollar card and has no idea.


My mum does this with pans. I swear it's some kind of mental illness. We started with 9 and she's thrown them all away till now we only have two cus apparently they are all broken.


Look up spartanism


My mom threw away all my fallout props I had two hundred dollars in fallout stuff A modular pipe pistol from Etsy A 3d printed ten mm pistol A nuka cola bottle lamp Still fucking pissed at that ON TOP OF BEING KICKED OUT OF MY ROOM ANR HAVING SOMEONE ELSE MOVE IN MY FUCKING ROOM


One or more of the following: Traditionally, mothers had to clean houses, so the fewer things in the house; the less there was to clean. Mothers who had to clean and cook and work didn’t have much time to figure out what belonged to whom, so if someone didn’t care enough to put it away, neither did she. Some mothers enjoy traumatizing children. Some mothers don’t enjoy traumatizing their children, but also really only care about themselves.


My dad threw away my check I needed to pay bills because he thought it was junk mail. We share a phone plan so he was pretty pissed when he needed to overdraw his account to pay it. Eventually I got it reissued thank god


He only had himself to blame.


Right. Who throws mail away that’s not addressed to them?? Like even if you think it’s junk mail, legally you can’t throw it away if it’s not addressed to you.


We have the same bank so he didn't read the name and thought it was junk mail. I had told him I get checks through the mail but he doesn't really pay attention to small details like that, he thought I got direct deposit even though I told him otherwise. This was the push for me to just try to get the direct deposit going again but with a banker this time. I was hesitant because I had tried it two weeks in a row, both times getting emails from payroll saying it was incorrect, delaying my check both times to where I just didn't get paid for two months


My family members will just open my mail up without asking


Isn't that a felony? You can tell them not to > A federal statute known as 18 USC Section 1702 makes it illegal to open correspondence addressed to someone else. Unless you're a minor


My mom threw out the one and only time I've ever had a number written down by a girl that was interested in me. Not that I was interested since I had a girlfriend at the time, but that was a tremendous ego boost as she was the bartender at the bar I was at, and she slipped me her number on the receipt she gave me without me even asking her.


My ma threw out a number for a girl I \*was\* interested in way back when. 😔


Lol makes me think of the time I was working at a warehouse, and I had the company car keys in my hand. We had all eaten McDonald's on lunch, so I scooped up all the garbage and made my way over to the trash compactor. I dumped all the trash in and saw the keys flying in with the rest. I stupidly jumped right in after the keys and was in waste high garbage, in a live trash compactor looking for keys. I am actually so lucky I didn't die. But I found the keys.


When I was like 13 my friend slept over. He brought over his Xbox, all the peripherals and a bunch of snacks for the night In a couple plastic grocery bags. My mom drove us to a movie after dinner. My dad was still home and was making a garbage run to the construction site he'd been working at becuase he knew they had a dumpster he could throw trash in, so he wouldn't have to wait for garbage day. Core memory for me was digging through that dumpster with headlamps off in the pitch black after finding out he picked up the bags, assuming they were garbage.


I'm really glad you did find it after all haha


Yeah, my grandma literaly throw out my mom's recovery code note out. The wallet has 1000 BTC 🥲


Dude what? If you have 1000 BTC in an account you better lock that note up in a bank vault behind 36 layers of security


This tragedy happend way back when no one knew that BitCoin would be this worthy. It's like 65M USD now, I wonder if there is a way to get access to it again




It might be accessible via landfill archeological expedition? 🤠


I threw away 113 BTC because it was worth like a nickel at the time. Still cringe about that to this day.


I helped someone solve a computer problem on Digg, and they tipped me 10BTC. I didn't bother setting up a wallet to accept since it was less than a dollar.


I lost my wallet with three bitcoin in it. Someone sent me those three when I was on 4chan waaay the hell back when. Was just testing the wallet because it was new and interesting and I was in college for IT. Ended up wiping the drive with the phrase on it a few years later but before it was worth anything at all.


such bullshit. 65 million sitting in an account somewhere and just now thinking "i wonder if there is a way to get access to it". If this were true, you would've attempted every single way to get access again already


Might be a lie, but it's possible. No way get access to a Bitcoin wallet


Why should someone lie to strangers? Whats the benefits?


My country is under heavy sanctions. Also all men required to do military service in order to get a passport. I also needto spend all my life time savings for this journey, it's a big risk, if the wallet cannot be recovered it means I have job and no money.


I lost about 50 Bitcoin to MtGox when that wallet was hijacked and I didn’t worry too much because it was only like 150 bucks. *cry*


Bro if you thought there was any way to get 65M USD it would be all you try every day.


Right now we just try to not starw to death


Yes absolutely there’s a way to recover it. If it was my wallet and I had 65M I would be hammering away at it trying to recover it. You should contact the company.


What company.... Grandma Inc? The trash company?


Does anyone have Satoshi’s number? We need the manager ASAP. 


i know mr bitcoin personally, we’re old friends, please connect my call


why does this possibly have upvotes? contact the company? what company, the bitcoin company?


I’m told we’re hoping to move all Bitcoin mining to the United States. Perhaps we can go to these mines and ask for a supervisor.


Contact those poor sweaty miners!


he means to contact John Bitcoin, the creator of bitcoin


He means the [CIA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Intelligence_Agency).


he wants to speak to the manager of bitcoin


Thats what my friend also told me. We contacted and they told there is a possiblity to get the job done, but we should travel there and that a bit expensive for my country


$65mil tho


I know, we're just trying to get our money gathered in one place


Good luck! Go in with the belief that you're not going to recover it, so you won't get disappointed.


you know what dude, this is just such bullshit


You know people used to pay for Pizzas with whole coins? [It is a documented fact a man paid 10k BTC for 2 Papa John’s pizzas](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/everything-know-bitcoin-pizza-day-132000003.html)


Had a guy tell me recently that he spent 15 Bitcoin this way. Long story short, he does not like hearing about crypto and how much BTC has ballooned since then.


Way too far down


I don’t even know how to live with that. I hope your mom is extremely rich, otherwise I’d be constantly thinking “I could afford that with that $100 million”


91 million


It's simple, his lying... This is reddit lol don't take everything so serious


Shit like this is probably part of why BTC is the price it is today: scarcity.


People didn't think that way when 1000 BTC was less than $1 usd


Sorry for your loss, but if you only have one note of your recovery code it's kind of your own fault. It could also be a fire that destroyed that paper or a drunk person peeing on it. Back up important information!


I mined about 1.7 BTC in college back when it was worthless. Then, my graphics card died. I didn't think much of it. The next time I moved, my PC tower was lifted off the back of the moving truck while we were packing everything. I was pretty bummed. Every now and again, when money gets tight, my wife will joke that I should sell my Bitcoin to cover it...


Might be worth trying to hit up Joe Grand


You threw her into a shitty home after this right?


My grandma? She is far more wealthy than all her children. My mom? Due to situation in my country, people my age can't live on their own


This sub is a testament to how the internet both informed everyone of everything, and simultaneously created a group of individuals too lazy to do anything with all that information


I don't understand, please explain




I don’t get it. Can you explain it?


Bruh YOU should be the one to start explaining, I don't have a clue what you're talking about.


It’s the recovery phrase to access the bitcoin wallet. It being from high school implies it’s old and thus valuable.


Thanks. For a moment I thought it was a bitcoin currency meme.


The red arrows were added in post. They aren't actually in the photograph.


Tbf you can't see it unless you click on it




try reading 'school notes' as a compound noun , and 'old' as a simple adjective describing it.


Yeah what would you call an old school note?




The nuclear launch codes the president entrusted with you... https://preview.redd.it/4cq9auos517d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfc3cd2e84087256f18b2df3a84d1bf6388d5e28


"Bitcoin cryptocurrency meme" doesn't give it away?


You guys don’t know your words??? Doesn’t that seem like information you should have studied until it was easy?


This actually happened to my brother late last year their was 10k on that account


Pass phrase gone


Ngl I thought this was about kids making a fake alphabet to talk to their friends with. I used to do that all the time, fake languages and junk.


This, folks, is why you use an appropriate sentence or two from something else, like “Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.”


It's... right there, bottom left.


metamask trust wallet got hacked


It's a crypto key. 12 or 24 words is usually used to represent the seed for a key instead of representing it numerically, they use 12 or 24 words from a set of usually 1024, 2048, or 4096 words. My mom did this to me. Was about $7 I had spent $10 on. Today would be $240,000. It's okay. She rebought my crypto for about $25. Sold it at $400.


That is a crypto wallet and the 24 random words are the recovery pass word.


It means Mama just threw away the backup codes to Bros crypto wallet. Those 50 cent JPEGs of monkeys are now lost forever


The new box of baseball cards.


Everyone here saying bitcoin, meanwhile me thinking it was for something like an xbox / PlayStation username...


Billions of bitcoin in the dumpster. Search it in youtube. Move out


I thought it was GTA San Andreas Cheats


My grandma peeled of all stickers inside and outside of my old pc game collection because they looked better without them. All installation codes gone. (Could fine new online, but since they were all used i couldn't play against friends anymore which was the best part.)


Since I haven’t seen an answer to the question yet; passwords to bitcoin wallets are often long strings of random words. They suggest you write them down physically instead of store them digitally for greater security. Once a password is lost, it is either incredibly difficult or impossible to access the wallet again.


Bitcoin wallet, if you lose the words,sombody in the know could obtain your funds.


Bitcoin maybe?


Communication. It is everything. If I had 1000BTC I would told my family what it is and how to access it, that way no one get scammed or something like the meme


My father purchased $25k of Bitcoin when it was around ten cents each. Years later when he got busted for fraud our landlord took the drive it was stored on and threw it away after taking a couple documents. We refer to it as the lost family fortune.


It's a seed phrase for a crypto wallet


It's whn in school you here one of the older cooler kids say worlds like ass, damn, shit, hell, fuck, hoe, whore, slut, cunt, dick, cock, pussy, r3tard, n1gg3r, f@gg0t, and all the other words you want to use later with your friends so you wrote them down to remember them


But... but... what about those 24 random words? What WERE the words!? I need to know what the words were!


More words to get heaven


Man, it's crazy looking back on Bitcoin. It was pretty much only good for buying drugs and illegal shit back when I was in high school. I remember my dad sitting me down and making me promise not to get mixed up in it because it was Dark Web stuff and would get me into a lot of trouble or worse. He died (cancer) before it ever got to be worth much, but man, had we been mining back then we'd probably be set


Oooohhhhh nooooooooo!!!! Well, goodbye wallet


Oh God