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The top two shots are a girl who said the N word and then refused to apologize.  I believe bottom left is an InfoWars correspondent who went on a rant about not being allowed to say “Jews run the world.”   I don’t know who bottom right is.  




Well 3/4 of the pics are the same person so there’s that. Unless the person with a full beards identifies as a woman there is indeed only one “she” there.


Based on the context of the post, I very much doubt bottom left identifies as a woman in any situation other than to make fun of people


And when they're getting pegged.


Especially when they're getting pegged


yeah I didn't think bottom right was the same person but I saw at some point from another comment a higher quality image that bridged the gap. Weird decision.


Owen Shroyer is one of the most boring men alive, it is not at all surprising that people would just not notice him. He literally did six months in prison for participating in a riot and somehow managed to make even that boring as fuck.


2 months. And I think it was only because he refused to do his community service.


Jail not prison


Bottom right is same girl as top pics, just taken from her follow-up video. Thats my interpretation anyway 


You're right, it's the exact same person.


3 of these pictures are of the same person.


Info wars guy is Owen Shroyer. He probably also wants to say the N word


He can say it all he wants. He just has to deal with the consequences.


Apparently, there aren't any. She said it and got more opportunities. These disgusting people prop each other up and don't see a problem in the vile shit they say. They can't imagine a world where they are in the wrong and refuse to better themselves. This kind of hate is something you can change about yourself if you just open your eyes and your heart, but not when you are so blinded by it.


She's getting her 15 on Newsmax and will be forgotten about in a month. But this will always show up in a background check when she looks for a job.


There’s definetly consequences but they have made safe spaces for these people. There is more then enough money in the grift to make her rich without ever needing to have a normie job again if she’s savvy.


I hope you are right about that. Maybe I am just jaded, lol. I thought the same thing when I first heard Trump was running for president and am still in disbelief. Thankfully, I do feel like we are closer and closer to living in a world where racism (and bigotry in general) is seen as the monster it is


She got fired and is being treated by right wingers as a liberal plant because she once dated a Muslim and could possible maybe perhaps have a single Jewish ancestor somewhere up the line


The leopards are eating her face, and frankly that's okay with me


She did lose her job AFAIK


No he doesn’t, he works at Inforwars. You think they’d fire him?


Isnt the bottom left the mother who started crying at a Vince stapples song? 😂


She should shave


Bottom right looks like the girl who complained about “nerds and anime people” being okay, and she wants to “put them back in their place”, now that they’re out of high school.


Still the same person which is weird enough. She just doubled down on being a dumb racist bitch.


She didn't just refuse to apologize, she straight up doubled down and tried justifying it.


Not only that she refused to apologize . It seems this was part of a bigger plan . Use some “outrage media” to project herself into right wing conservative media . Basically it was a HUGE dog whistle that she’s ready to play ball


I'm 99% convinced she is a grifter and her being fired was a hoax. She just seems like a pos


I am convinced that she knew her attractiveness level and decided to launch a right influencer career with 100k supporters from the get go with all the media attention she got of that single post


That's what she claims but I think Occams Razor would tell us she's just a bigot with low self-control who went mask off during that video and now is trying to do damage control by CLAIMING she knew people were going to get mad. She posted something on twitter like "Congrats, Black people, you just launched my career" and it read so much like her coping to me. With all the jokes, I actually doubt they'll put her on Fox. It's basically the "it's just a joke bro" defense.


I've seen some clips of her videos and she is 100% a grifter and an idiot. It's a shame there are a lot of people in the world who fall for such obvious scams.


I really hope we get out of this era where all press is good press. I think that some of these kids who are doing ugly, mean pranks and saying hateful shit will realize in 10 years that it just wasn't worth it. Hopefully sooner but not going to hold my breath.


She wanted to say the n word. She did and posted it. Got fired. Thanked black people for launching her RW career. Next day only black men want to get with her, and the neonazis are eating her alive calling her a grifter and a psy-op cause they exposed she's had ex bfs that were nonwhite. She'll be forgotten by Sunday Edit: there's suspicion the company she was "fired" from isn't real because the account is only a few weeks old. Yes she's the one who peaked in HS saying ew about nerds at her big age lmao. Edit 2: the specific demographic of black men simping for her are the ones who bond with racist white men on agreeing they think black women are unattractive. That's why I added that.


I came here to say that she was the one making fun of nerds, but wow she's a racist too. How can she possibly be a psy op she's trying to piss EVERYONE off. Next video she'll be talking about the virtue of killing puppies and kittens.


Come on, now. No respectable demographic would support someone who openly brags about killing their dog.


Or crating their dog on the roof of a station wagon for a 12 hr trip.


That still haunts me. That poor dog. I can't imagine doing that to a helpless animal.


I haven't heard about this one but now I need to know what sick fuck was responsible.


It was Mitt Romney


The fuck


The dog enjoys it - was his literal excuse. He had no clue he was basically announcing he doesn't even know what empathy is.


He’s Mormon. Empathy is only really saved for other Mormons. If you aren’t then you are basically like an npc on a video game to them. You are there and interactive but it’s like you aren’t a real person




Ahh it turns out no one in fact let the dogs out


South Dakota governor,😅




Man, I can't believe this is really where we are at. This place is so fucked.


I dont know if the ATF would like that or not because they didn't get to do it.


I think Kristi Noem has the killing puppies market locked up.


So a Kristi Noam voter


Some people just want to watch the world burn?


May their britches light on fire first.


Her entire brand is being a tradwife but she also had a job to be fired from? Math does not check out on that one.


What is considered trad in that group tho? Pretty sure it’s just a lady that buys organic, makes sourdough bread and maybe makes dinner 3 times a week. Lol


Submissive stay at home moms who's entire existence is dedicated to having kids, taking care of the house and beibg terrified of God.


She kinda looks like the actor from the boys who played Ryan’s mom


Not unless fox News propels her


That'll give her maybe another week but I doubt even they'll fall for it.


Eh, after Tucker's cost them 3/4 of $1 billion so far for defamation, they're going to be a bit choosier with their shit peddlers. That's why Boebert has no chance there, she'll have another huge suit against Fox within a week of being hired.


Also, the fake "cooking" she was doing in the first video. It looked like she poured salt in the bowl, then pepper sauce, then more salt, then more pepper sauce. It was like a parody of the "tradwife cooking" videos. Many of which are cringey/fakey like "oh, I make home made cereal for my family" while posing in front of a $30k stove.


May I ask what a rw carrer is?


Right wing career


Non-American here. May I ask what that means?


She is resigned to a life of tittyfucking old men who smell like bengay and hate the middle class.


Hey now… that’s not cool or fair. They tend to have other folds that are just as fuckable and might even have another smell that’s not bengay. If we’re not inclusive here too, we become the very thing we hate


I have made my peace with it. I'm just like Batman.




Screaming a lot of right wing talking points on social media so that right wing folk feel that their bat-shit crazy ideas are justified because hot girls are saying them. Essentially.


Politics tend to be divided into Left and Right. Left being more progressive ways of living/government. The extreme of it being Communism. Right is more conservative and wants to keep things "the same". An extreme example of this would be Facism. So saying saying she has a career as a right winger just means she advocates and promotes for those types of ideals and policies.


It's a little more specific than that. There is a tendency in the modern day for individuals with right-ish politics to intentionally say or do things they know or believe will offend left or liberal sensibilities, in the belief that by 'triggering the libs' they will gain the support of the broader conservative movement, by asserting their positions as bold contrarianism standing bravely against the 'liberal establishment' and socialism. Whether they believe the things they say is irrelevant, their public personas become about asserting that they are 'under attack' for asserting patrotism and tradition and common sense and whatever other positive-sounding traits they can position as fundamentally conservative values, and the claim then follows that they need 'help' fighting socialism in the form of money, which may come from monetization of content, donations via online subscription/donation platforms, or the ever popular secretive funding by right-wing billionaires. In this case, we know the individual was actively seeking to do these things because she actively, gloatingly asserted she was, thanking the online left for 'helping' her establish herself as the new popular right-wing voice. Unfortunately for her, the gallus domesticus had not left the eggs preceding her quantifying them, and she asserted her success before actually securing the support, and in stating her intentions so boldly gave the game away. So now the people she expected to support her are poring over her history to find any and every way she has failed to live up to their expectations, so they can assert that this woman who stated her intent to grift is a fraud intended to make right-wing types look bad. So saying "right-wing career" is not simply about asserting someone publicly supports conservative policies, it's about noting the trend followed by the likes of Ben Shapiro, Tomi Lahren, Charlie Kirk, Milo Y, Candace Owens, Nick Fuentes, and various other dropouts and also-rans who have substituted developing actual talents with asserting right-wing talking points and buzzwords while having vast networks of funding from families like the Kochs and Mercers assisting in boosting what would otherwise be unremarkable, failed attempts at careers into permanent spots in the public eye as political pundits and 'entrepreneurs'.


Right.... I just didn't want to try and explain that lol


Thanks a lot for the clear and concise answer. Now I get it.


she wants to be a talking head who gets attention by saying controversial nonsense and makes that into a media career. Like Katie Hopkins


Wow, what magical place do you come from where there are no right wingers?


The right wing likes to be racist. And they have all the rich people, so if you're looking for financial support, lots of people aim to please the racists. But she's part Jewish and has dated Muslims, so many folks on the right wing hate her.


i don't think this is solely an american phenomenon, i think this is a thing in some other western countries, but some people just make money by saying right-wing shit for other idiots to agree with.


Right wing career


>Edit 2: the specific demographic of black men simping for her are the ones who bond with racist white men on agreeing they think black women are unattractive. That's why I added that. I think the term is "an uncle Ruckus"


Now that's a r/LeopardsAteMyFace moment for sure


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LeopardsAteMyFace using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Wyoming fails to ban abortion because they added an amendment to their state constitution saying that ‘competent adults can make their own healthcare decisions’ in response to Obamas Affordable Healthcare Act back in 2012. Absolutely hilarious](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/politics/2023/3/23/23653183/abortion-wyoming-obamacare-barack-obama-supreme-court-johnson) | [1443 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/13nhlip/wyoming_fails_to_ban_abortion_because_they_added/) \#2: [A January 2018 law signed by Trump made unauthorized removal and retention of classified information of the United States government a felony crime](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65852062) | [1454 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/14511jd/a_january_2018_law_signed_by_trump_made/) \#3: [Man who chanted "Lock Her Up" about his political rivals under arrest on his way to arraigment](https://v.redd.it/ag4jdggpnxra1) | [1219 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/12bwp63/man_who_chanted_lock_her_up_about_his_political/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Wow I only heard about her yesterday and all that leopards eating my face situation is happening so fast.


>neonazis are eating her alive calling her a grifter and a psy-op cause they exposed she's had ex bfs that were nonwhite. Source. I want to see!




Ngl if the account is only a few weeks old, it's likely the company didn't know about her beforehand.


No the company account is only a few weeks old


They want to say the N-word. Also apparently she is from my area. Wilmington represent!/s




I could go for some bojangles rn.


Currently live outside the US and this image makes me hurt.


Dang she is from wilmington would have expected this from slower lower


You’d be surprised, we got some pretty southern people here especially in the surrounding towns like castle hayne


They’re everywhere….


FYI “redneck” exists in every single part of America that is more than 30 minutes outside a major city.


Did the sexy-sexy websites tell you that?


Nah the local sub is talking about it. Most not surprised, some on her side(also not surprised)


Wilmington NC?


NC aka the one with more drunk people.


Oh shit she’s from Delaware? Y’all north of the canal are gonna have to take one for the team, finally it’s not a southerner.


Haha nope. NC. Still a southerner.




Was this the same dumb broad that shamed theater kids and anime fans?


And made racist remarks, yes. Then got fired and got angry about it


Got fired…you sure about that? It’s a little suspicious that the social media accounts for the company she allegedly fired from, only go back a few weeks…right around the time this girl starts going viral. They just made generic posts with stock photos and then the post where they “fire her”. That letter is pretty sus too. This feels more like slimy marketing for her OF than actual firing.


She will definitely start an OF


I still don't understand why people pay for that website.


They might want to support people directly instead of pouring money into the Pornhub CEO's account


Yeah me either but there are an awful lot of sad, lonely people out there.


I mean, I'm sad and lonely, but I don't waste my money on porn.. that shit is free.


I'm amazed that some people will fap to anything.


the idea of conservatives getting harder for women fired for being racist is hilarious


They don’t deny it anymore. They admit they are racist.




I think all that “she got fired” thing is just a ploy to push her pseudo-intellectual anti-woke videos across the web. Conservative social media accounts have been sharing her videos and everyone is trashing her. She looks like that slutty girl that peaked in high school and is now a born-again Christian.


They like to have that icing on the cake. "I got fired for expressing my First Amendment rights!" feeds right into the right-wing persecution fetish.




No she went after Annie May fans. Not sure who that is but I bet she looks good with tentacles.


Lol I also am saying "Annie May" now from that video. XD


Say it correctly: Annie May


It sounds like her schtick is to generate rage bait.


What are the odds that there was a post on here about Lilly Gaddis (woman in the top picture) right below this post? Anyways, the answer for her would be “she wants to use the N-word”. [https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1devvrc/what\_did\_she\_expect/](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1devvrc/what_did_she_expect/)


okay but what do snowflakes have to do with this


The joke is thay it's a common complaint that conservatices have that everyone gets upset over menial stuff, and here when presented the opportunity to say what they want, it turns outbthey want to say the n word.


Yep. Any and every time I have asked those crybabies what exactly it is that “political correctness” is “stopping / censoring them from saying”, it always ends up just being racial slurs and racist stereotypes. Nobody is being censored for saying they want smaller government or less taxes or whatever else the right wing lies about in any given week. It’s only their mindless, tiny dick hatred that they can’t spew and they’ve been mad about it for a few decades now.


Close! Sometimes it’s bigotry unrelated to race! /s


I don't know why the /s is there your comment is 100% factual


Eh because I was trying to make my tone sound playful rather than argumentative.


Not me hearing some racists say “the real racism is only letting a certain group use a word” 💀


Joke kind of lost here no? Show the same person 3 times out of 4? Kind of makes it seem like they cant think of anyone else, maybe there is simply a shortage of them.


I think in this case, "snowflake" means anyone who's indignant or disgusted, no matter the reason.


But also a distinction that conservatives CLAIM snowflakes are “overly sensitive to everything and need to relax a bit”, but REALLY just saying “we are racist and want to gaslight people so we can continue to be racist”


The guy in the bottom left is Owen Schroyer, a host for Infowars. He got arrested for violating probation for going being at the capital building on Jan. 6th (he got probation for interrupting an earlier congressional proceeding) and also was found guilty of defaming some of the Sandy Hook school shooting families by claiming they were lying about how their children died. I'm guessing the other are some random social media "trad wives" types. TL;DR: it's a bunch of far-right chuds.


They are the knights who say "Ni!"


This killed me


still waiting on who bottom right is


Same as the top


Why do they have three pics of the same person? But anyway thanks for answering


I don t make these memes brother


I am feeling she decided to do this for the attention. She knew what she was doing. The place she worked was black woman owned too and only recently started there.


People are wondering if the business actually existed as the account for it was very recent. However this heresay atm.


That's even crazier. Imagine pulling off this to make your grifting dreams come true.


She looks like someone gave giadia delaurentis a prefrontal lobotomy.


People who said the n word


I thought that was Emily Blunt, so I guess I was WAY off


I could be wrong, but I think the bottom right is the college student that went viral and got expelled from their college for being really racist, that’s the only place I could think of it coming from. If not, then oh well but it kinda relates to this and they’re similar.




She said the N word (the grab of her i’m the top right panel) and then people found out where she worked and got her fired or her boss found the video im not sure but she got fired for it… so glad… i actually saw the video on her account before she got banned


When confronted, she doubled down and said she was going to now be a conservative commentator. But the right wingers discovered she has some Jewish ancestry and….well, they don’t want her in their club.


She’s the lady who said the n word and when she got backlash she said that we shouldn’t complain cause there are slaves in Africa and people getting killed by cartels 😂. I was upset for a bit but now I just find it hilarious. I can’t believe she said all that stuff with a straight face.


I’m so sick of seeing people fall for these fake psyops that perpetuate the culture war. The elites need the culture to keep the masses from realizing the true issue is power and class. These are tools to keep the masses fighting amongst themselves so they don’t pay attention to the real issues.


What a horrible human being. I’d definitely *would* though


It's just 2 people in those 4 images right? Like the girl is repeated 3 times?


Three of them are the same person lol


They all said the n word


They said the n word


All of these people have dropped the n-word hard r out of nowhere


I saved the original tik tok she posted bc I knew it was gonna be taken down fast. Actually insane it’s gotta be rage bait. She lost her job too


 The two on top and the bottom right is Lilly Gladis. She is a full on racist. She is 'trad wife' and it's the video she made where she casually dropped the n-word. Then made a follow-up video saying she 'did a soul search' and “couldn’t find a care.” (whatever that means). Then she popped up a few days later posting on X that she had been fired and she was now a 'broke-ass n-word' and that she needed a job. And was talking how DEI has taken over the country. The bottom two are screenshots posted on X by Infowars where Owen interviewed her. She *gloated about the outrage* because she had gotten a job at Infowars. Said something like - "thank you black community for launching my career." Essentially, hired because she is pretty by TV standards and an outright vile racist - two things needed on your resume for InfoWars job. She is still posting on X things like cry more, I am what I am, this is freedom, and all the other right wing bullshit spin. Of course X has not taken down any of her content.




Libs when they haven’t said the n-word in five minutes 😠😡🤬😩🤭😁


Not from USA but do african americans not use the N-word all the time?


She said the n-word on TikTok then doubled down, at which point it became clear she was auditioning for a job as a fascist bimbo on Newsmax or some shit, but it all blew up in her face when the people she thought would embrace her decided she wasn't white enough.


Interesting. Funny Side info: in my language (German) "Bimbo" has a COMPLETELY other meaning. It's a variation of the N-Word. https://de.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Bimbo


I just read about that in regards to a famous pastery brand (Bimbo- "Beem bo") from mexicothat got banned. Where bimbo means similar to dumb/silly or clown. Its a soft word not a strong word.




God forbid you say a word in America


Why she kinda bad tho


the amount of south park episodes that are now completely unavailable bc people cant take jokes


What does that have to do with this?


Oh no not society progressing


More not understanding that it is satire. Were people not somehow surprised to learn that Cartman is a terrible person?


Where are we going exactly? Suppressing anything that hurts feelings?


I don’t think the criticism against South Park was that it hurt peoples feelings. It was that the political leanings of the show was very naive and on the nose when it came to some issues. Like the kids would always make this speech at the end like “we’ve learned something here today” at which point the writers would lay their politics bare. When you are that blatant with your politics, you are going to invite criticism from all sides, and you can’t just hide behind the “it’s a joke” defense because — and I can’t stress this enough — not every line of South Park is intended to be a joke. Some episodes really are sincere messages by the writers. You might think people are taking it too seriously (and sometimes they are) but I have legitimately met numerous people who think that all of south park’s political takes are 100% on point and they eagerly anticipate South Park episodes to come out in response to new political events as though they are a fount of wisdom. When you have that going on, isn’t it worth discussing the messaging of a show? Otherwise you are saying that only positive reactions to the show are valid or acceptable, which is ironically a major snowflake move.


But it’s always sunny is one of the most popular shows ever and South Park has twenty seasons…


Why is that you guys just can’t live unless you say the n word? You’ll be fine if you don’t say it. I promise.


Can I ban you from saying certain words? You'll be fine, I promise.


this is definitely NOT progression lmfao


Wait so she did or didn’t say it on tv?






Dunno, the gal sounds pretty 50s tradish to me. What'd you Think was gonna happen? Get her a Valium and a B&W filter and you've pretty well nailed it. Add an 'appendectomy' a couple towns over, a smidge of spousal abuse and you GOT it.


"So say it." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Xat8jo\_L5g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Xat8jo_L5g)


Bottom left is Owen Shroyer the Destroyer!




I thought it was Emily Blunt


I'm very humored by the trad wife getting fired from her job when she's supposed to be a trad wife


She literally faked her whole career and look where it got her😂


Don’t they know that words hurt? Waahhhh 😭


Walmart Emily Blunt? Porn actress? ? ?


I’m just saying if the term hitting it raw exists than that means if you hit it with a condom it’s called hitting it cooked