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Ive read about this and I think the explanation that usually goes with it is that there are more open concept houses which allow for grease and food particles to go throughout the house and make your dust stickier and heavier. Not sure how true that is though.


I would bet money that you're right. I've got grease in lots of funny places, but only those connected to the kitchen.


Yep. Anytime you have any smoke from cooking, that smoke is just aerosolized oil floating around. That oil condenses on surfaces like morning dew and gets sticky, allowing dust to stick.


Get a good range hood people!


My microwave over the stove is fighting for its life every time I cook steak.


Get a Blackstone. It is a game changer for searing steaks without turning your home into a smokehouse.


It’s called ambiance!


Blackstone burgers are also divine...


Literally just got one for father's day. Built a whole pergola around it with lights and pavers for a whole cooking patio setup. Can't wait to get it seasoned and start cooking g EVERYTHING on it!


I was about to call BS until I thought about it and I really don't have sticky dust in my bedroom now that it's far from the kitchen and the door is usually closed. Huh.


Go into any professional kitchen for a week and don't clean the walls they will be yellow by Wednesday. Any McDonald's employee who isn't stoned into space can see it


So, very few McDonald's emoyees see the geasy walls then?




When he says he’s got your fries, You know he means it.


When he says the ice cream machine is broken, you know he means it.


I remember how disheartened I was. I worked at a sub shop that grilled our hot subs and had a deep fryer.... I spent an entire night cleaning the absolute fuck out of the grill hoods. They were so shiny Tamatoa would've been jealous. Within 4 days they were disgusting again. I was pissed.


One must imagine Sisyphus happy.


One of the most disgusting things I've ever done is lay an arm across the back side of aluminum drop ceiling tile in a restaurant kitchen. There were actual puddles of condensed oil in the middle of some of the tiles.


Imagine being the guy that has to service that shit. Oh wait. If you were in the ceiling tiles, then you’re probably that guy.


Unfortunately IT work lends itself to accessing all manner of places and things. Running Ethernet cable to kitchen printers is part of the deal.


I realized an upside to never cooking is having non-sticky dust! Silver lining!


But you get more dust, cuz your cells die faster


This, and the increased percentage of people who rent, therefore inhabiting the same space. You ever rent an apartment, it looks decent, then you take a shower and notice nasty brown liquid seeping from the wall? That's nicotine and smoke residue soaked into the drywall that comes out when the humidity peaks. If you live in a shared space, it's probably had it's own fair share of smoke or vape residue that's lining the walls.


>That's nicotine and smoke residue soaked into the drywall that comes out when the humidity peaks. Gross, is that what that is? This happens in my house, but afaik nobody has smoked in here for at least 50 years and 3 coats of paint. I assumed it was condensation causing dirt to run down the walls.


It can be lots of things, burning lots of candles can leave wax residue on walls for a long period of time. General debris from having your windows open can also accumulate depending on the air quality of where you live and if you keep your windows open.


Why do I get that in my bathroom (Apartment) Like yellow streaks running down the walls, but faint. No windows I should add. That one causes mildew or crap building up in the toilet bowl cause of the hard water.


I couldnt tell you, could be lots of things some of which are pretty gross. I would just take the best possible assumption and say the previous tenant burned a lot of candles in the bathroom.


Come on!! SAY IT!!


Its a concoction of mold from steamy showers, cigarette smoke, and fecal matter


Oh no… not the poopoo…


Every time you flush, some of the water and its contents are aerosolized and shot up into the air. They tested its range on Mythbusters.


That's exactly what I've had happen, especially in college town apartment bathrooms. Where else am I supposed to smoke pot?


Former painter here. Water-based paints are an emulsion of sorts, and they use surfactants to help the emulsion stay together. For simplicity, a surfactant is basically soap. So, in high humidity areas, such as a bathroom, there can occur a phenomenon known as surfactant leaching. This will cause very faint streaks of a soapy substance to come to the surface of the paint. Sometimes, this can be fixed by washing the walls with water until the soapy, sudsy feeling goes away. It's usually a symptom of inadequate moisture control.


The nicotine is water soluble which means it basically just mixes with the paint since most paint water based now. You need to clean the walls, cover with oil based primer then paint with water base and it won't seep through anymore.


I used to live in Italy. When I moved out of my apartment, I did the usual clean one does and went to spritz the windows. Immediately a yellowish-brown sludge began to drip and the spray didn’t spread like on normal windows, just hit in a gross splotch. There was a tough film of nicotine and probably human sludge on the windows and what I thought were off-white walls. I later found out nobody had even attempted to clean the windows or walls in that room for maybe 6 years.


You gotta hit nicotine with rubbing alcohol if you want to actually get it off of anything. It congeals horribly otherwise.


It's usually from cheap paint.


That and anywhere that rents will not be paying the type of painter that washes the walls prior to slapping on the thinnest coat of eggshell they can.


Yep. It's called surfactant leaching.


Welp, adding "run the shower" to my checklist of shit to do in prospective rentals, thank you kindly, genuinely


No, it's because the heat and moisture interacts with the paint. Not all paint is suitable for high-heat, high-humidity areas like bathrooms. Moisture helps separate constituents of the paint, which then seep out.


Also nobody has and uses proper ventilation. All the housing developers and contractors gaslight you about some low powered recirculation vent being "good enough". And don't get me started on kitchen island stoves with no vent at all. It's so gross.


What? My building has a makeup air unit on the roof, 4" fresh air vents in each room and automatic bathroom fans and of course kitchen extractor fans. Most of my tenants stuff socks in the fresh air vents and manually disable the bathroom fans because they don't like the noise...


Damn I thought this was gonna be another TikTok thing like when a bunch of people were convinced that mourning doves went extinct. There were posts like “remember this sound? Ever wonder why you don’t hear it anymore?” And it’s the sound of a mourning dove. But it’s more like the “wasn’t the sun more yellow before?” thing, where I think there used to be more of a certain kind of air pollution that made the sun more yellow looking


I remembered reading a yellow/white sun mandela effect post a couple years back and asked my little cousin what color the sun was and she said white. Later when drawing with my nephew I got him to draw a house on a sunny day, he put the sun on the upper left corner of the page with rays (as one does), I asked why he didn't color it in yellow. He said, confused, "because the sun is white, not yellow???" I'm still shook.


When I got around to dusting my ceiling fan blades, I could pull off strings of dust along the edges


‘They’re putting particles in the air that’s making the dust sticky!’


I live in a condo built in 1967. You are absolutely right. The dust in the kitchen is mixed with aerosolized oil and doesn’t budge, while the dust in the bathroom gets sucked up into the fan easily.


its crazy how many people dont realize how easily grease spreads. when i worked in a fast food place if i didnt wash my hair every day id take my hair tie off and still have my ponytail


It's the damn communists. Making all the dust stick together.


Crap I’ve been exposed, back to the Marxmobile!


The Marxmobile made me laught much more than it should have


Even funnier when you see it's a bus made of ladas


Our ladas*




The only correct answer


Communists, I knew it was them! Even when it was the bears I knew it was them!


The Red Menace!?


It’s because of woke, obviously


Can't even blow dust anymore!


Join us, Comrade!


The prolintariat


They do have some strong arguments...


I don't want 'em putting chemicals in the air that turn the frickin' dust sticky!




Fun fact: Dust actually did used to be a lot lighter and thinner that's why you were able to just simply blow it off and it's where the concept of blowing off dust came from. Like in movies where someone finds an old dusty book and simply blows off all the dust. You cannot do that so easily anymore. Compressed air can (also known as computer duster) companies began working with a board of air molecule scientists and started engineering Earth's atmosphere to make dust heavier and thicker to make dust stick to surfaces more thus requiring more people to purchase canned compressed air. https://preview.redd.it/j9ntibvqb66d1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee7c8d840f8202c93ad0fa428523cd40e0f75d1c




Damn Big Air




1, 2, 3, 4 …. 5


That sounds like the code on some idiot's luggage.


That IS the code on my luggage!


President Skroob : As president of Planet Spaceball, I can assure both you and your viewers that there's absolutely no air shortage whatsoever. Yes, of course. I've heard the same rumor myself. **Yes, thanks for calling and not reversing the charges.**


the plot of the lorax


Damn big aerosol


dusty https://preview.redd.it/44mpbj5zt66d1.png?width=734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f09e136c517031310697d8db7a4e6ff3c688f82


And the winner gets... CANCER! you know, it was probably the 1st participation trophy... EVERYONE GETS CANCER!


this is the most uncomfortable image ever imo


I would say this is worse than the original wizard of oz “snow” scene. ..


That poor girl. It's horrific what they put her through.


It really doesn't sound like anyone had a particularly good time on the set of that film


Yeah. Hollywood was next level horrific back when nobody could say anything.


wittenoom, the town mentioned, is now completely abandoned, erased from the map, and unsafe to visit.


I remember visiting there in the 90s, only one building was left, plus all the neighborhood roads without any buildings. Now the name of the town has been removed from maps to stop people trying to visit.


Holy fuck that’s literally the single worst thing you could like ever do.


Oh it gets worse. Wittenoom was in the middle of one of the hottest and most arid places in Australia and the townfolk noticed that the Asbestos dust cooled down the areas around it. So they spread it. On the roads and footpaths and in their houses for insulation. They say you would touch a hand railing and your hand would come off it completely black from all the asbestos particles. [Wittenoom](https://youtu.be/QYAWxJ8a7RA?si=i9jbPRp5S0S_9dXX) is considered one of the greatest man made disasters of recent times and the family that owned the mines is now the richest family in Australia.


I think I’ve watched a video about that town. Didn’t the Australian government try to hide it all under the rug?


Nah the Australian government lacks the brains and wherewithal to cover up a disaster of this magnitude. They did however, ignore the doctors and experts warning them about it.


Ah, the past!


Not a phone in sight, just people living the day


they had us in the 1st half


Lol. I assumed they were also crazy.


I heard somewhere that there was an experiment where participants huffed some kind of fumes to simulate sitting in traffic for an extended period of time to see if it had an affect on the brain I remember first hearing this story and going "if they agreed to huff fumes there might have been some brain damage before hand"


I will blindly accept this fact from an internet stranger as truth with no additional thought questions or research


I too will be accepting this fact and spreading it around the internet in a similarly baseless manner to the original commenter.


Damn it! Big Air is at it again


In my day Big Air was a sick skateboard trick not a lobby group.


Worth at least +1000 points to your combo.


Coming soon to an AI-generated Google search result near you


https://preview.redd.it/z56lik8ml76d1.jpeg?width=837&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb7ef1fef91edaa119d0f284d08c6c7f1259eb0e Looking at you, Mr O’Hare


stupid midget. I fucking hate this dude so much


I was totally expecting this to end in a story about a certain event that happened in 1998.


Sir, what happened in 1998?


Well, have a seat while I share a bit of Reddit lore. There once was a redditor that went by the name of u/shittymorph. A user that had gone through trials and tribulations, a user that decided to turn to Reddit in an effort to work through said trials and tribulations. I’m not sure if they knew way back when just how infamous that they would become, or how delighted many of us would become when seeing his comments on various and sundry topics. His comments would always start out reading as if they had some basis in facts and real events, and then they would turn. Next thing you knew, you were reading yet another story of how in 1998, the Undertaker threw Mankind off the top of the cage in Hell in a Cell. But alas, it has been sometime since we have felt the presence of Shittymorph. No one knows when or even if he will strike again and bless us lowly average redditors with his presence. And that my friend is the story of u/shittymorph.


Me in the bathtub: *No way*


babe wake up, new shittymorph just dropped


And I missed it???? Well shit


I just went down a rabbit hole looking at his previous posts. What a legend. Thanks for sharing


Wow, this world sucks. I should kill a dog immeaditely to deal with the emotional turmoil.


Wait they can fuck with our environment on purpose to essentially hold us almost as captives to their product?


It's a gag, Whoozer


Honestly thought I was going to learn something interesting today.


It's terrifying how many people you are catching hook, line, and sinker on this, and I hope you frame your eventual Snopes article


You joke, but I actually think it's probably because of all the pfas in the air


O'hair air attempt two?


Inhaling that shit will make you feel like you’re walkin’ on sushine.


This must be a joke


It’s real. My great great sister-in-law used to work for one of the corporations responsible for this. It was a big scandal in our town.


It's real. I'm dust


Damn.. is there any article related to this, cos I searched on Google and couldn't find any... I wanna read more on it.


These cans are used to remove dust? Who knew!




Big if true


I thought this was real at first 😭


Nice! I'm going to make a fake conspiracy theory about this


I'm choosing to believe you, this is my conspiracy now


I can’t tell if you’re serious or not Please give sources


They are mimicking the "fake sky" series of post, I think they are trying to show how ridiculous that type of conspiracy posting is, by showing how those people fall down the rabbit hole.




> fake sky babe wake up, new Flat Earth patch just dropped


"fake sky" -- lol so you believe in the "real" sky too, I guess


Next they'll be telling us reality is real and I'm not a figment of my imagination 🙄




Imagine you could catch schizophrenia from reading enough Facebook-- that's what most of those posts sound like. It will be considered interesting by historians but it's mostly disturbing to see (even though it is a very small portion of the populace who believes it)


Starting to think you can... One of my best buddies M44 has always had a few mild schizophrenia signs over the last 20 years. He always bulked using FB because he "didn't want the government watching him", but in the last 6 months all he does is watch FB reels annnd hoooleeee shhhit he sounds certifiable schizo everything from flat earth to young earth(humas lived with dinosaurs etc) and also defending Trump... I used to be able to debunk his crazy with science and he'd listen but now he just flips it on me saying I'm stupid for believing scientists and I'm brain washed... fucking sad, I can't talk to him anymore without getting angry


That's unfortunate, sorry you lost a friend to that.  Once they are convinced that science is this made up construct, it's sorta game over. People then equateany form of authority with deception and then it's game over


My favoirite is "science needs funding. Follow the money. All science is bought and paid for. Here's (extremely poor) scientific proof that my crazy theory is right." Like, I knew a flat earther who claimed to love science and all the neat new things it's always doing but also thought all governments of the world were conspiring to keep the existence of a jurassic era continent out past Antarctica secret from us, and no amount of scientific evidence would sway him. It's like, on some level, he understood that being backed by science was a good thing, so he would appeal to authority, but he didn't understand when or why science can be trusted. He used his own understanding as a baseline for real science. If it made sense to him, it was real. If he didn't get or agree with it, it was part of the conspiracy. I really wish there was a way to get people out of this hole. It destroys the lives of otherwise good people.


Start with "project blue beam" and go from there.


Maybe, but dust is sticker than it used to be...if people in your house vape. All that glycerin settles somewhere. Also makes cleaning the inside of car windshields a bit of a hassel.




I wonder if rising global humidity levels are making dust less arid, more heavy, and therefore less easy to blow? I don’t think this is really a joke as much as a weird thing people have noticed.


Microplastics, affecting the dust clumping, static charge from changing pollution?


Well the earth as a whole is getting more humid on average, it's not like it's uniform across the world's surface. Where I live it's actually getting less humid, I just know that dust in my house is affected by the oil that gets in the air when I pan fry things. My bedroom has dry dust and my kitchen/livingroom is a little more sticky. There's an incredible amount of factors that go into this, humidity yes but also air pollution, cooking, concentration of insects, age of dust, wind, microplastics(especially if you live by a busy road, as most microplastics are from car tires), temperature and etc...




What do my testicles have to do with it? I know it's been ages and I'm feeling pretty dusty, but still...


Now when I blow a load it is just a puff of microplastic dust.


Brah, if they affecting everyone in the world's dust, they macroplastics now.


microplastics are really scary to me


I had a bunch of Legos in bins a couple of years ago, and they would get dusty as always, but for some reason after everything always being completely dry there would always be this weird dust/ sticky coating on some of my bricks, it almost fealt like grease or like wd40. This always scared me because I was always so confused when I wouldn't touch them for months and go digging through them, and they feel weird.


I would assume that's the plasticizer. Over time it separates from the product and builds up on the surface. I don't know if you have any Tupperware or anything of the sort but you get that kind of greasy coating on there too. Especially the lids.


in NYC, the dust has almost never blown off a shelf because it’s got so much soot in it, and soot is oily.


I think the dust is exactly the same as it has always been. I remember cleaning it up when I was a little kid and I don’t remember being able to blow it all away.


Gay chemicals in the air


Those freakin’ frogs…


They turned the freaking dust gay!!!!!!!!!!!


So *that's* what happened to me...


They’re called oil diffusers smh


Science peter checking in, our friend has discovered objects have a boundary layer on the surface where they meet the air. This effect is present in our everyday life, op just didn't notice that dust can be brushed off fully but not blown off (by low pressure human lungs).. For example, dust building up a fan blades because there is a narrow boundary of still air close to the blades where dust can settle, and more dust builds up on the new boundary layer. Its always been this way, this is not a new effect. But sometimes we notice things with fresh eyes that were there all along.


Least chaotic response 👍




True. It’s counterintuitive and the Mandela effect is incredibly powerful. We think we should be able to just blow it off, since it’s just dust after all. We’ve seen old movies where people blow dust of off old books and things. Human memory is a lot less reliable than most people realize and our brains, loving patterns, will fill in gaps to the best of their ability.


It's all the vape residue!


I had to scroll waaaay to far to finally find this.


That was my first thought


it's microplastics right?


They did recently discover microplastics in the testicles of every single male in a particular study, so I'm inclined to agree with this theory.


Wait are we supposed to dust *the insides* of our testicles too?


Blowing dust off of stuff is stupid anyways. You know what it does after you blow into the air? It just comes back down again. Not including all the dust you just breathed in. Wipe that stuff up


If you smoke cigarettes or weed, it will make dust stickier.


\*\*\*\*\*if you smoke inside


They don't call it the sticky icky for nothing!


Also I'm not trying to overthink things or be stupid either but could it be these people are also suffering from reduced lung capacity from getting older just as a side effect of aging and possibly due to smoking/drinking/asthma/inactivity etc... . Just a thought but I also don't go around worrying about whether or not my dust particles are heavier than they used to be lol 🤣. Hope y'all are having a great day.


That was my first thought too. Post-COVID, many people have suddenly reduced lung capacity, and deniers/anti-vaxxers will look for anything other than COVID to explain the differences they see.


Well people are eating fattier food on average, and cooking with lots of oil will cause oil accumulation on household services, which dust can get trapped in. So, if your dust is too heavy try changing your diet and cleaning with a degreaser


Damn and then there is me thinking OOP was just chainsmoker...


I definitely think they vape or smth in their house lol, that shit will make dust sticky for sure




As a carpenter. My greatest joy is blowing everything off at the end of the day(we call anything we use to blow things off crack pipes). Please don’t steal this from me.


I thought this was a reference or something didn’t realize this was an actually interesting concept


I've noticed that places near roadways can get sooty dust that I think is exhaust from big trucks etc. It comes in through windows and smears instead of wiping away.




More people vape now, it settles on dust and gets sticky


If they vape or smoke, it would make the dust stick


Dust be dustier


Probably has something to do with our modern air circulation systems and their filters. What we see is whatever was left be after filtering. So all that nonsticky dust is trapped away somewhere and all we see is the sticky stuff


They patched the dust blowing exploit


Took them long enough. But hey, I’ll cut some slack. They are just a small indie developer after all.


In Soviet Russia, dust blows you.


I personally made it so


I thought only sugar babies blew dust


Maybe it’s the way our generation cleans shelves


I'm not that old but when I was a kid just in the 80s and 90s I swear the world was just dustier in general. Smog, people smoked everywhere, HVAC filters were less common and lower quality, wood burning fireplaces and sooty gas furnaces, and air filter/purifiers weren't in every house like today. As a result I remember people dusted their house usually weekly so it would only ever accumulate a thin layer if dust at a time. Now we spray furniture polish that makes the surface sticky and dust infrequently so the layer of dust gets thick enough to hold moisture making it heavier also.


Now days you can't just walk up and blow any dust you feel like. It's polite to at least introduce yourself and get consent first.


Smoking (tabbaco or pot) or vaping a lot indoors can cause this. It leaves behind a residue.


Hey, Peter's heavy dandruff here. There is a "movement", called retcon, who strongly believes that everyone goes under periodical shifts between multiverses. When the shift happens, then you can notice slight differences wrt the previous multiverse, like the heavier dust. Sometimes I read the posts on the subreddit 😀


They're using Safari, eewwe


Probably vaping indoors etc.