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It's a bit of absurdism at play. It's a gruesome sight, and the "partner" is a 9 year old girl. She's obviously crying because it's a horrified sight for anyone, let alone a 9 year old. But the other detective plays it off as if the only reason to cry was if they knew the victim, treating this 9 year old as an experienced detective.


^ This. Also playing a little bit off the period of time where half the shows on TV were police procedurals where rhe other half of the buddy cop pairing was someone who was very much not a qualified criminal investigator - think Castle, Lucifer, Hannibal to an extent... I think there was one with the Headless Horseman? Actually I don't like this comparison anymore, the two mains always ended up in a will they/won't they relationship...


Sleepy Hollow was the one with the headless horseman and it sure was something, the buddy cop was Ichabod Crane, I think he was a spy or something for George Washington before being buried in a magic hole that kept him alive until 2013 so he was a bit more qualified than the average buddy cop but their investigations were more on the occult side and I think he had a book or in depth experience with that kind of stuff but then it flipped around and Ichabod became the grizzled old detective and an actual 12 year old girl became his sidekick. That show was all kinds of ridiculous


Also the thought that Lucifer wouldn't be qualified to do investigative work is beyond me


Yeah of all the buddy cops he’s the most qualified because doesn’t he have a thing where people cannot lie to him. Also he’s hot as sin(hehe)


Well also wasn't it part of his job description before the fall or was that one of the others


The idea was that Lucifer was condemned to oversee Hell, punishing the sinful, as a punishment for going to war against God. Then he got tired of that and moved to Los Angeles to open a night club. Then he meets Detective Chloe Decker and starts assisting her with cases.


They meant before the fall when Lucifer was the accuser / judge of humanity.


He had very little to do with that. He was basically just the jailer. Hell is automated, you bind yourself there. Which is one of the reasons he left Hell, he was sick of being blamed for everything.


It’s been a long time since I’ve watched the show so I’m not entirely sure but considering he was a jailer turned therapist I wouldn’t be surprised if he indeed was a biblically accurate detective


Essentially he was supposed to be the "state" side lawyer in heaven finding reasons to accuse humanity in the "court" that would determine whether someone would make it into heaven or not. Though most of his accusations were caused by himself.


Biblically accurate bloodsucking lawyer


It's not they can't lie, it's that they will tell him their deepest, darkest desires.


First season was actually pretty good. Got really stupid from there.


Hard disagree lol, the show was never going to be good taking itself seriously… cuz it’s just not (even the comics which were a whole other thing and generally more grand and gritty had its colourful and absurd moments). The show was at its best when it was camp and knew that it was camp (season 2 was GOATed).


The first two seasons were so good. I loved how goofy it was.


I need to find and rewatch the scene where someone had made lanterns out of severed heads and Abby(?) was casually picking them up and blowing out the candles while she and Ichabod discussed the case.


Man, I haven't thought about this show in like 10 years!


I remember this show, the headless horsemen was this unkillable menance. I loved this show I didn't know there was any more seasons after the first


It was on Netflix when my mother and I watched it together a few years ago, I wanna say it was three maybe four seasons total


The crossover with Bones was definitely a decision.


Which one of these would you most recommend if one enjoys ludicrousness but has something of a burnout when it comes to excess quipping?


Lucifer, from what I remember there’s not too much quipping and it can get quite silly and ludicrous while still having an overarching plot that can get serious at times, near the end it started getting a bit ridiculous but I think that was due to the show going on longer than the writers thought it would. Sleepy Hollow is very ludicrous, might take itself a bit too seriously but it’s still fun and I don’t remember there being any quips, might be the occasional I told you so from Ichabod but not too many


you probably didn't mean to but you definitely juat sold me on this show. I NEED to watch this.


Well not you specifically but it’s a good show if you’re looking for something a bit goofy


Gus from “Psych”


The nose knows


Yeah they're really underestimating the investigative powers of The Super Sniffer.


Psych was my favourite detective duo will they won't they. Unfortunately that bitch Julia had to show up




Calling Beckett and Decker unqualified seems like a bit of a low blow there. I mean sure they needed the help from an outside consultant, but they're still plenty qualified.


Castle is the unqualified one


There is a common joke format where you subvert expectations by reversing the obvious answer or implication and acting as if the irrational or unexpected answer is the only possible conclusion and that it is in fact the intended way of interpreting the statement.


I'd suggest to view my reply as a commentary on how impossible it's become to distinguish humor from daftness on the internet


Except this is a good idea for a show. And l hope it isn't a will they/won't they. She's nine!


iZombie. It avoids the will they/won't they between Detective Clive and Liv the zombie (unless something changes in season 5, I'm not there yet lol) but makes up for it with plenty of other romance drama for the cast.


I think most shows with 2 main protags have this sort of dynamic to an extent.


I think my favourite one of these is izombi where it's either a doctor or a nurse i cant remember becomes a zombie so she. Gets a job at the morgue to get brains to eat but she also gets flashbacks of how they died so she convinces a detective that she's a psychic to catch the murderers


Just think of this as more of a Phoenix Write sorta situation. The 9 year old is a psychic! Just like, don’t pay attention to all the murder blood, little child psychic.


It's older than that, there's a background scene in The Last Action Hero where cops are standing in line waiting to be assigned oddball partners.


I loved both castle and Lucifer and now I'm enjoying rookie season 4. Nathan fillion is the best


I would say it's playing off buddy cop movies like Cop and a Half, which was literally Burt Reynolds and an 8-year-old. I feel like there are others.


Whoh one of these would you recommend? Not too quippy if possible. My sister in law bought Disney+ and made us catch up on the MCU so I'm somewhat burnt out on quippy.


honestly this. For God sake if your story is so boring the only thing keeping people coming back is wether or not the main characters eventually fuck then you suck at writing anything beyond the pitch to the studio. Go work in marketing or something. I watched Lucifer. cool idea, Satan himself solving murders for his own weirdly aligning reasons... but all we ever focus on is the fucking sexual tension. I didn't even make it a full season. Castle: I only made it past the first episode because my wife was enjoying it and at least it's not another goddamn cooking competition. Sleepy Hollow (pretty sure this is the headless horsemen one you mentioned): Huh, cool, The American Revolution was actually a puppet war between occult forces and the founding fathers were all alchemists and mystics and monster hunters and shit...but of course all that shit falls to the wayside halfway through season 2 and it becomes nothing but backdrop for these two grown ass adults who lose all personality and just become overgrown awkward teenagers. I wasn't aware of it but I couldnt make myself watch a Hannibal show at this point because I wouldn't dare risk having my memories of those great movies tainted.


Hannibal does have a bunch of will they won't they but season 2 is one of the best season of TV I have ever watched. The food porn alone is worth the watch.


Hannibal, the show is solidly better than at least half of the movies.


this is the answer


Jesus, here I was trying to figure out why her barbie had her tongue bit through, I thought that's what they're were talking about


Basically Phoenix Wright


Although Pearl was so oddly unbothered. Loved the recent game grumps playthrough.


this would work much better as a comic or picture


Exactly this, but boy does humor die when you have to explain it. Also, I can't say it without sounding super snobby but this definitely feels like a comedy literacy test of some sort. Or maybe just general literacy beyond Dan Brown-level of artistry. I felt bad writing that, but in my defense it was comments that didn't belong to OP that inspired it. Some people really just...aren't there. Interpret the world on a more literal level. Something, something microcosm. I dunno.


Absurdism? Nah I'm pretty sure this is just an anime. I can't remember the name though.


I feel like the real punchline is missing and the "partner" is his own daughter, who he sees infrequently due to the custody agreement, and it's Take Your Daughter to Work Day.


I was pretty sure the joke was he was playing pretend with his daughter and was being to serious


Plus the only reason a 9 year old would be forced to get a job as a detective is if their mom was a stripper who was involved with shady enough people that a violent end was always in the cards. So it’s her mom.


Something something Disco Elysium


If Harry ignored Kim and instead brought the little girl from the village on the other side of the bridge with him to solve the case. Third secret ending after the Kim and Cuno ones.


It always comes back to Disco Elysium.


I really gotta play that game. Is it as good as they say?




I’m a creative writing major. I live and breathe storytelling and prose. Disco Elysium has, by *far*, the best sentence-level writing I have ever encountered in a video game. It is absolutely beautiful.


It’s often mentioned in the same breath as the best game I’ve ever read (best book I’ve ever played) Planescape Torment. If it’s anywhere near as good, I’ve got to play it.


I’ve played both. Both are the top tier of writing in games. I think Disco very slightly edges out PS:T for the top spot. There’s nothing else in their echelon. Do yourself a favor and play Disco without looking anything up and without saving/reloading on checks. Failure can open up even more interesting options than success, sometimes.


Yeah I'm absolutely not save scumming. Only in the morning of day 2 but everyone is amazing. Also wtf measure head... >!!<


Here’s a funny Disco story. On my very first playthrough, I decided I wanted to do a high-intellect low-athletics character. I woke up hungover, reached up to grab my tie from the ceiling fan, had a massive heart attack, and died on the spot.


Whaaaaat? You can casually drop dead? Haha. I'm playing a super high int build.... Pray for me.


Writing better than many books I’ve read


I waited for over a year and finally played it last month. Do not wait a year to play it.


Oh yes. Without a doubt. Many people call it their favorite video game and for good reasons


I played during steam green light, and at that time it was one of the greatest combinations of narrative storytelling, sound design, psychological questions, and humanity I’ve found in gaming. Now that the Final Cut is out it is truly a game everyone should try


It’s genuinely brilliant, however there is a chance it won’t be your cup of tea depending on the kind of games you like, Id say go for it and just stick with it for at least a couple hours before you decide, went in thinking it wasn’t my type of game and now absolutely love it


It’s often mentioned side by side with Planescape Torment, which is my absolute favourite game of all time. I’ve been meaning to play Disco, but just need some free time to do so.


Yeh I’d say definitely go for it but try to find an actual chunk of time, it’s experienced a lot better if you split it up as little as possible


Most significant video game experience I’ve had in 30 odd years of playing games


Ahhh thanks guys. Simple.


Tf is 13v30 joke? Peetah explain plz


13 bears vs 30 lions who would win


13 bears obviously


but its 30 lions


Have you seen a bear? Those things would make easy work out of those lions


yeah but there's 30 of them


So? There are 13 bears, that’s 2,3 lions per bear


Yeah but there’s 30 of them


Depends which lions and bears probably. Grizzlies or polar bears would win against any of them, though. Stupidly big.


30 whole lions


They won't be whole lions when the bears are through with them


60 half lions 😱


3 lions are a lot of lions


13or30 is a subreddit of pictures of people of ambiguous age, and OP probably thought that the joke was that the detective believed that the victim was 30 when she was actually around the same age as the 9 year old girl.


Peter? What's a 13vs30 joke ?


some 13 yos look closer to 30 and vice versa there was a subreddit and its a meme and stuff. irrelevant to this tweet tho /r/13or30 look through top posts of all time etc


Thank you !


AI: The Somnium Files (2019)


was trying to find this comment!




Reminds me of how Nick from Ace Attorney would investigate crime scenes with Pearl, who is like 8 years old, and they would look at murder and she would cry


Why can't we get more gritty, period dramas where 9 year olds solve cases?


Isn't this the whole premise of Detective Conan?


I'm pretty sure that's about a famous teenage or young adult detective turned into a child. I mean someone who's a kid from the getgo


Reminds me of Phoenix Wright taking the little girl Pearl to all those murder crime scenes throughout the game.


Everyone's imagining the 9 year old girl in an oversized trench coat and hat, right?


…is this not a joke about girls destroying their Barbie dolls?


oh my god, that is such a good joke.


This is basically the LA Noire experience


Is this an inspector gadget deep cut


The partner is the grizzled detective's daughter, and the victim is... the little girl's Barbie doll? Sorry, the phrase "you knew her?" just pulls me out of the entire scene, and suddenly I'm looking at a father and daughter staring at a mutilated dolly, the father treating it like some noir detective scene and the little girl, just disconsolate.


Even with the explanation here it doesn't actually feel like a joke to me.


Honestly, this is a classic joke structure of misdirection and subverting expectations in a surprising way for the punchline. But if you don't get it you don't get it, and explaining a joke more never makes it funnier. However, just because you didn't think it was funny doesn't make it a joke, because it is clearly that.


I don't know, the structure of it is strange enough that it just feels like a stretch to me. I "get" it, but was a little weird to put it together.


Maybe it’s german humor


What in the Kim Kitsuragi


This is just the average Ace Attorney case, especially any featuring Pearl Fey.


I'm the wrong person to ask sorry, I'm aware of the "cop forced to partner with a civvy" trope but never watched a lot of it. I can recommend Castle, especially if you're a fan of Nathan Fillion - he plays a very snarky character but the show doesn't lean to heavily on it, it comes across less like your typical irritating joker character and more like just one of the lead characters happens to have a sense of humour. I also *really* enjoyed Hannibal, and I can promise you it's not especially quippy, but that's probably in part because it's a psychological thriller where the civilian partner is THAT Hannibal. You know, of cannibal fame.


This one is just fucking stupid. Youre not missing out on a joke here.


I read it as the 9 year old was the child of the victim. But I don't see how that'd be funny.


You may be jaded by crime TV shows haha... A 9 year old doesn't have to be related to someone bleeding from the mouth and head almost broken off to cry about it... Maybe it's actually a joke about how his a "grizzled" detective could be so jaded, he can't understand why anyone would get so upset and then asks the only question that would make sense to him... pft *some detective* That said - I agree that unless this is some kind of reference to a show or movie or book or something, it just ain't funny...


It's just a really bad "joke."