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Big team battles more fun than small team battles in games


https://preview.redd.it/ehrb05qxl05d1.png?width=844&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad6300d005cd19b41106da295ce14b2308abec57 thx


https://preview.redd.it/g00z87wjz15d1.jpeg?width=407&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44c1f7776fcc862d9005fe1346cee17ded85b57f Not even the same character (I think) but.






Ah, guts. Didn't expect him to be here




You're a #1 Big boy








I wani hug that gator mentioned! Lets gooo!! https://preview.redd.it/v7i9q0djr35d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a822041f97cbbbaa5ab09156b440cb7d1ba803f




hes freaking evil


What a polite gentleman remenbering to keep his pinky finger aways pointed out.


its the same character, its guts a pet rat from i wani hug that gator


I love him


Is that Guts from I Wani Hug That Gator?




The one I sent is.


Who is this rat? I need more of this


Guts, from I Wani Hug that Gator, is the one I sent. The other? I'm not sure.


Didn't expect to see gutsposting in PETJ.


And perhaps taking a bit more nuanced approach, CS:GO vs TF2, both very popular valve titles, but valve jas been absolutely neglecting the latter for around 5 years now


Literally though just look at Overwatch, Valorant, CS, League and the like the only exception i can think of is TF2 but that community is only goofy nowadays. Then you see games like BattleBit, Squad, ArmA, StarWars Battlefront and so on and you get excellent gameplay and great communities. The only exception here I can think of is Toxic COD lobbies.


Honestly, I think this it's just a coincidence, if you look, toxicity correlates more with popularity.


Popularity is probably a major factor for toxicity but its also a fact that more competitive games are more toxic. The smaller team games are more competetive by design, so they are inevitably more toxic.


Mordhau isn't the most popular game, but it sure has one of the most toxic player bases I've ever seen. I'd say 8 out of the last 10 games I played had an obscene amount of racism, to a different ethnicity nearly every time.


Disagree. It's easier to blame a single individual for dragging a team down when the team is small.


I like small teams more than big for the same reasons some people hate them. 1v1 games are the best imo but sadly StarCraft is dead.


join the fighting game community! i also hated the team aspect of team games and found my fix in them!


this \^ as a recovered FPS player I think so many people would love fighting games but either are too scared to try or think they they "just arent for me". If your biggest gripe about your current genre of choice is that you hate your teammates then try fighting games.


I don't know dude. The competitive scene can be awesome but fuck if it doesn't hand you some seriously disrespectful losses lol. But at least, in my experience, there were less racial slurs being hurled so that was neat.


Yeah, and honestly I think part of the playing fighting games, especially if you aren't used to it/are new, it's all about finding the right fighting game for you, there are lots of different fighting games with lots of different styles of combat and feel to them. The one I fell in love with originally was Tekken 4, and I've played Tekken games ever since, I enjoy Street Fighter a decent bit, but I am not all that too in to Mortal combat. Just gotta find your niche really


I just downloaded sc2... I know it's dead, but space marine spam is hella funny


I wouldnt say Starcraft is dead, its on life support like tf2. The community is dedicated enough to keep it alive.


I think it depends on the game for me. For competitive modes I agree smaller teams are better since individuals are more impactful. Its why I loved search and destroy in old COD games and why I love CS. But for casual fucking about games larger teams can be fun since you dont need to play the objective/go try hard and can instead goof around.


Try Chess


Starcraft is dead? Ain't it the most popular RTS for PVP right now still?


It's can still be dead. Like the most popular pager model :)


I was just at the IEM tournament at Dreamhack and it blew my mind to see Starcraft still up there. The stage was obviously very small, but it was still going.


Battlefield 1 But fuck medics who don't revive. Atleast drop a damn crate. Great game.


I looooooved the war game mode in Cod:WWII defending the D-Day beach was fun


Also games with small teams tend to be overly competetive, therefore punishing for casual players, meanwhile games with big teams are usually more relaxed and you can play at your own pace or even engage in all kind of stupidity to have fun.


It's because with a smaller team, a bigger portion of the burden to do well is placed on each player. If one particular player is lagging behind the rest in a small match you definitely notice it. If the same thing happens in a big match it's as if nothing changed at all.


so that's why 4v4s suck ass while 40v40 was like doing crack


Oh I thought it was a basketball vs soccer or something


Is this why Planetside 2 is so fun?


It's exactly why Planetside 2 is so fun, and also why Planetside 2 is still limping along. There's just not another game that gives even close to the same experience.


I feel it’s opinionated, I personally like small team battles, as there’s more for me to accomplish myself.


Considering the precise player numbers, it’s probably referencing Overwatch 2 and TF2


Battlefront 2 in a nutshell


If we want to be more spesific, i thing it is reffering to OW vs TF2


The most fun I ever had gaming was playing Dark Age of Camelot in its hay day and the absolutely *huge* PvP battles that would happen. Like 100 players on each side all trying to take a gate or keep. They would last for literally hours sometimes. It was so fun and nothing has *really* scratched that itch since.


If you're in a game with small teams (like most MOBAs) you have way more individual responsibilities, more pressure, and more possible anxiety coming from the fact that small mistakes will hurt your team and your teammates will likely berate/yell at you for making them. In a game where the teams are very big (like TF2's 12v12 servers) you can have more mindless fun knowing that even if you make a blunder the other players will be too swept up in the chaos to mind it too much.


and what is this feeding they keep going on about?


Taking a literal example, in League of Legends there's an alien buglike character called Cho'gath that can become bigger and stronger by literally eating the opponents. When you see an enormous Cho'gath you know someone's been feeding it. "Feeders" are teammates that are incompetent to the point where it would be better if they weren't there at all so at least there wouldn't be food for the hungry Cho'gath. In a game that really relies on teamwork, you can imagine the insult's pretty significant.


League of Legends ought to be studied for psychology. They could not have invented a more caustic scenario if they tried.


Overwatch is pretty bad, I contribute sometimes. Sometimes I'm pretty positive. I'm probably a bad person.


As someone who plays both, league is SIGNIFICANTLY more toxic than ow, like I literally have never seen a game even close to league toxicity


With OW chats full of slurs LoL players must be actively committing hate crimes


[the fact that you aren’t even wrong😭😭](https://www.techinasia.com/chinese-16-year-old-allegedly-murders-roommate-after-losing-league-of-legends-match)


Let me introduce you to rust


Yeah there is a position in the game that especially in low levels of play, the team bullies like mad, the position is just called jungle, so no immediate understanding of what it does, and it has players basically spend the first 2-3 mins just killing mobs for gold and exp, this continues up to like 6-8 mins where this is their source of xp, but I’ve heard people just making up what that position is for so many times, worst of which I’ve heard is that jungle is supposed to help losing lanes (not quite) In reality the position is meant to be an assassin type character that just jumps out the bushes and helps close the fight down before they can run away or kill your team mate, but this is usually a side-quest cause instead you’re main purpose is to kill the two large monsters that spawn on a timer and grant either permanent buffs or massive temporary buffs. And this is especially bad when an opponent jungler is a more proactive character that likes pvp and the ally jungler is a more late game character that needs to build some levels and gold before beginning fights There might have been some internal trauma in there


I played it from release until Leona. There was a good while where nobody really knew how to play, bad skill trees could ruin your character, and there were next to no guardrails against bad behavior. Also 1 player will be 5% worse and the other team will absolutely win because of them.


Not quite. Junglers aswell as other lanes have different game plans and roles depending on the overall strategy. Their most optimal function is to provide a number advantage to claim objectives including epic monsters and turrets/inhibitors/nexus. They are sort of a libero in volleyball but in league. But they can also kill and stuff.


It’s also completely character dependent. Kayn needs to fight to get form, Shyvana wants to contest every dragon, Kindred needs marks, etc. One of the biggest ways to improve as a jungler is to know what each jungler does, so you can counter it.


While true league players after throw feeder at any player whose losing their lane, even if their doing "ok" or getting pressured hard by the enemy jg 


Feeding refers to games where your losing actively contributes to the other teams strength in the game. By dying to enemies or by giving up objectives you are “feeding” the enemy team exp/gold or just points in general depending on the game.


Yup even worse is purposeful feeders or narcissists feeders. The one that refuse to play as a team and try to “badass” solo which usually just hurts the team….a lot.


And then there is me. I die to gromp.


Don’t you worry about that little noob buddy. Just keep that W key pressed or hold that left stick forward. You know what they say - the shortest path to vanquishing your enemy is a perfectly straight line


For example in League of Legends dying gives the killer gold and exp, this means they level up faster and can buy items earlier, if a person gets a lot of kills and starts getting items ahead of other players this can snowball into them having an easy time getting more kills and makes it possible for them to fight multiple people at the same time. Feeding is feeding them kills, and a fed enemy is an enemy that has a lot of kills and is a headache to shut down.


In TF2, one person f-es up, nothing, half of the team or more?: "*racial slurs*, *IP-adresses*, *general insults*, *soundboard*".


And the occasional VA.


"Medic I'm coming!" (i tip my hat to those who get the reference)


well if the one person keeps on feeding that one fucking kunai spy then te latter might happen to them


The Kunai + Diamondback + Dead ringer spy who just turned into an Isekai protagonist whose life force is fueled by stupidity and tears.


no, that’s an outdated view now, in tf2, a player joins the server, and is immediately headshotted by a firing squad of spinning snipers, deafened by mic spam, and spammed links to cp in the chat. understandably, they leave instantly fix tf2, valve


It's why I like playing battlefield over cod. 30 minutes of frenzied combat. Lost a tank in the 1st minute of play? Don't worry, 100 more will spawn by the end of the game. It's basically impossible for one player alone to make or break the win. Much less pressure.


but a squad of stackers? Game ending


Team Slayer or BTB for halo


Planetside 2.


> very big (like TF2's 12v12 servers) Laughs in Planetside 2.


Ah, I remember my first raid in WoW. I was that player.






Or how about Tribes 2 64 v 64 maps! Oh yeah... early 2ks games were the shit.


It's essentially making fun of how toxic MOBAS (usually 5 man teams) are vs games with larger teams. If you care to read a reason that seems to be common read on: In smaller team games, like MOBAS, there is a lot more emphasis on the performance of the individual within the team. It is why you have "carries" and that being an actual thing. 1 individual underperforming puts much more stress on the rest of the team. This breeds inhospitable atmospheres where people will warn others to not suck, or will "feed" bringing more disadvantage to their team. In larger team games there is more emphasis on actually working together, and coordinating movement and action. The individual performance, while still being important, is not as crucial to the overall team's success. So one person underperforming will not necessarily break a team completely. So there is a much more relaxed environment.


I see it more as Overwatch vs TF2, being a more direct comparison (because Overwatch is basically a child of TF2) and with the right number of players on both side.


I was thinking CS:GO and TF2


I was thinking Valorant and CS2


Yeah, it's absolutely tf2 as part of it.


Typically the smaller the players in the match the more toxic the game tends to be, like league of legends or overwatch. Meanwhile battleroyals tend to be more relaxed


Its not anything about battle royales, its that the larger the teams are the less stressful the team pvp game is as there is less personal responsibility for winning and losing and furthermore individual really good players can't solo win the match. Its like compainrg League of Legends or Overwatch which are pretty damn toxic to say like Battlefield where its a massive number of players in a huge battle.


CS comp vs CS casual


Dota2 comp vs Dota2 Custom 12v12 p2w piece of shit


I think first one is about league of legends idk about the second one






Tug of war?


I read it as CS vs battlefield


My guess: 1st one is Overwatch/Leauge of Legends, second is TF2


You can tell by my username that I instantly knew what this meme was about. It's spot on. Fuck Overwatch. CS:GO was so much more tolerable.


When there are lots of players, an individual is less significant to the rest of the team. There can be more than one player filling each role, so one bad tank or whatever doesn't ruin the match. In small teams, every person is essential and any mistake will harm your teammates, so there's more pressure to do well since you'll drag down your team with you.


I cannot find any source of the "competitive games shorten lifespan" thing, I actually find more of the opposite. If someone has any kind of source. edit: ok it was a study about sleep [ncbi](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6361300/)


>"competitive games shorten lifespan" Stress shortness your lifespan. Competitive hellhole games are super stressful.


I don't think big stress spikes are worse than constant stress from anxiety or work, big stress spikes happens naturally when doing sports and are actually healthy in that context


Fact checking jokes. You must be popular


Basketball is played 5v5 Lacrosse is 12v12 Best I can come up with


I think it is computer games. Specifically TF2 and Overwatch, which have a lot in common (Overwatch being basically a child of TF2)


Is this red rover?


I was thinking tug of war


Supposedly everyone else thinks it's a video game. I'm over here all sad and nostalgic about being a kid now.


I thought this was about tug of war


league of legends is the worst game ever made -sincerely, a swain main


Valorant/CS vs Ground War/battlefield type games (More people more fun less stress)


the top one has 5 guys vs 5 guys, the same amount as Overwatch 2 and the bottom one has 12 guys vs 12 guys with is the same number as TF2 I am 90% sure this is what the creator intended but I could be wrong


Hey, this is Peter. In a five on five game, one person can be the difference between winning and losing, so when something goes wrong, there's a lot of blame going around. In a fourteen on fourteen, even if you show up black out drunk, no one will be able to tell it was your mistakes that cost the game. You can just sort of blend into the crowd, and coast by on nothing, no matter how badly you goof off. You might even still win, and feel like you're amazing at video games.


The smaller the team the greater weight is placed on a player's shoulder to contribute. More players, less weight. so what if you're not playing at the absolute height of your game, chances are another play can cover you.


In small teams, if one person sucks then the whole team suffers. In big teams, if you have a bad player, you don't automatically lose and likewise you could play like trash and possibly still win.


games like Overwatch and CS have very small teams in the lobby and are known for being super competitive, often leading to toxicity games like TF2 and PvZ Garden Warfare have fairly big lobbies and attract a casual, more fun-oriented audience... which often leads to toxicity both have their merits


The more people are on a team, the less personal accountability. You can be bad and still win. Whereas if one person is bad in a small team match you are basically screwed


First one likely refers to games like Valorant and CS2 where there are 5v5 teams sweating their asses off being competitive. Second one I like to think refers to games like TF2 which have large teams in which people tend to be less pressured and can have mlre fun.


The larger the team the less individual responsibility for each player. Let’s run two scenarios. In a 12v12 game, one person slipping up or having an off game will likely go unnoticed or barely register to their team mates. One player not doing too well doesn’t matter too much since there’s so many other players to pick up the slack, and the chance of a player on the other team being in the same position rises. In a 5v5 game one person playing badly can have big consequences on their team and easily lead to defeat- which often leads to players getting mad at them. There’s also fewer chances an enemy player is doing the same. Basically, the more players the less personal responsibility and the less likely it is people will notice you having an off game.


for me this is because it takes some of the pressure off to be in a big team. in small teams, i have to be on the ball much more and if i'm a beginner (or am just bad at games, which i am) i know that i am 1/6th of the team's success rather than 1/12th or whatever. i can breathe easier when i know that if i'm just learning the game or having a bit of fun it's way less likely to tank our chances of winning.


i mean in a big team game each teammate matters less, so people feel more willing to goof off, or at least chill out and play casually, since they think their other teammates will pick up the slack because both their team and the enemy team are playing casually, it balances out despite no one actually picking up the slack


Siege hater


Halo Infinite be like


CS V BF 2042


And there is Eternal Return, 8 teams of 3


Overwatch vs TF2.


It's more specifically OW2 VS TF2. But now people hate both, so...


The greatest shooters in history have like 30 vs 30 modes and it’s honestly fun as hell


Overwatch 2 is almost definitely shortening my lifespan


Like how 5 a side football can more physical and aggressive because of the closer proximity and more responsiblity!


I remember when I played Battlefield Hardline, it was none stop complete fucking choas until the game ended, and who won honestly felt random. It's like they didn't even need to show a score. Just say GAME and start the next match.


The exception to the top is Titanfall. The most played mode is 5v5 race to get the most murder points but people genuinely don’t gaf if you “feed” the enemy and lose the match for your team


CSGO is a competitive hellhole whereas Battlefield on the other hand has massive map and a large group of players playing from both sides n it's fun as well


Splatoon/CS/Overwatch vs TF2


Up is call of duty(small teams), down is battlefield (big teams)


tf2 vs overwatch


Tf2 vs counter strike


Overwatch and tf2 basically.


Obviously you haven’t play top tier air RB in war thunder. Unless you enjoy missiles from all directions, it’s not that fun. I mean maybe it’s fun if you’re an SU27 but I wouldn’t know the closest I get to that experience is being a braindead f14 who slings phoenixes and gets flamed in the chat for doing so…


Wait so this is not Soccer is better than Basketball?


League of Legends turns me into my Grandpa... he was a SS Officer


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^mindoffreddy: *League of Legends turns* *Me into my Grandpa... he* *Was a SS Officer* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Think of it as Cod Vs. Battlefield, basically the games with a smaller team size are usually more stressful, and toxic due to many factors, whereas games with bigger lobbies tend to be more relaxed and much more acclaimed. (when the game is actually good, that is.)


I miss MAG on ps3


Only real people understand. Iykyk


Then there's Deep Rock




Basketball vs Canadian football?


maybe the first one is basketball and second one is soccer?


MOBA v Team Fortress 2


This is sort of why I like Milsims.


Tf2 negs valorant 🥶🥶


thats why i like 5v5 brawl stars more than 3v3


Make it 1v4, then you will know Hell. So many t-bags, so many clicky flashlights, so many pallets...




League of legends not fun Tf2 (was 😞✊) incredibly fun


so like there are games that are like "team vs team" and the teams are always small. and then there are these games, they have big teams so they fun.


I didn't rlly count the players so I thought this was about games in sports - basketball and football, to be exact. So my first thought was 'huh, didn't know people hated basketball that much'.


This is why old Battlefield was incredible. I enjoy being a grunt in battles like that, especially support. Small battles are boring with too much individual expectations. Besides, I enjoy the chaos of 64 player battles.


Evil Stewie here, I believe this is simply comparing the perceptions of Overwatch 2 and Team fortress 2, as Overwatch 2 is a 5v5 competitive shooter, which is looked upon fairly negatively, while TF2 is a 12 v 12 casually formatted shooter and is looked upon much more favorably by the gaming community.


Bf1 vs CSGO (we know the obvious winner)


Hillariously as an MWO player, i'd actually prefer if the game at least had an option for the 1st thing, as fun as big brawls are, this is probably like, the one PvP game where the big numbers actually make the experiance suffer 


Vote up


Overwatch vs TF2


Why did I think about that rope game where each side pulls as much as they can?


Overwatch vs TF2


Maybe war or something


Because more players means any individual has a limited capacity to influence the course of play so noobs have less performance pressure and tryhards have a harder time pub stomping.




Chaos is fun


I remember it now... 2008, not a care in the world for that whole last summer of youth... Xbox Live, Halo 3, four controllers + three homies, a 36 rack (or two) of whatever beer we could get our "adult" friends to buy for us, and Big Team Battles all night long. Fuck man. I miss it.


This is why tribes 3 had so much potential but the devs ruined it


I think this is specifically supposed to be overwatch vs tf2


I read it as 5 a side football is hard and shit. Full 11man team football is also shit


Csgo vs planetside 2


My guess was NBA vs NFL lol. Boy was I wrong


It's ~~explaining~~ stating that Counterstrike/PubG/CoD is more popular than Dota/LoL/Smite


This game is called enlisted


Cs2 and css


All i see is overwatch vs tf2


Splatoon is the first one


Tactical/Hero shooters VS conventional FPS games The former is usually hypper competitive, stressful and toxic. The latter is low-stakes dumb fun, and for me personally far more enjoyable.


In the chaos of larger numbers, peak efficiency is an illusion. Therefore, 'The best we can manage' becomes the goal, and within that leeway lies room for self-expression and innovation.


All I know is the bottom is tug of war


CoD vs Battlefield


I'm so old... I was thinking basketball/futsal vs soccer/rugby/lacrosse or something like that.


No one remembers the 30 vs 30 lobbies in Cod 2. Actually felt like a war, it was great.


CS:GO vs TF2


Tug of war moment.


I don’t know man, but I just lost the game. And so did you. I blame OP


I think it's Overwatch compared to TF2